Omron CJ1W-MCH71 Operation Manual

Cat. No. W435-E1-05
Programmable Controller SYSMAC CS/CJ-series CS1W-MCH71 CJ1W-MCH71
Motion Control Unit
Operation Manual
Revised June 2008


r f
OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or dam­age to property.
!DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
!WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
!Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury, or property damage.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means “word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation “PLC” means Programmable Controller. “PC” is used, however, in some Program­ming Device displays to mean Programmable Controller.
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of information.
OMRON, 2004
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, o by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission o OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is con­stantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
Note Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient opera-
tion of the product.
1,2,3... 1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.


We are flattered that you have purchased OMRON SYSMAC CS/CJ-series advanced Motion Control Unit.
Motion control Unit CS1W-MCH71/CJ1W-MCH71 (the abbreviation “MC Unit” is in this mean) is a high performance CPU unit of the programmable controller SYSMAC CS/CJ-series that has been produced by OMRON's advanced technology for control and abundant experience.
This instruction manual describes MC Unit's specifications and procedures for operation. Please read each section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the
section and relate sections before attempting any of the procedures or operation given.

MC Units

Unit Versions A “unit version” has been introduced to manage MC Units according to differ-
ences in functionality accompanying Unit upgrades.
Notation of Unit Versions on Products
MC Unit
The unit version is given to the right of the lot number on the nameplate of the applicable MC Units, as shown below.
Product nameplate
Lot No. 031001 0000 Ver.3.1
Unit version Example for unit version 3.1
The unit version of the MC Units begins at version 2.0.
Identifying Unit Versions A unit version label is provided with the Advanced Motion Control Unit. This
label can be attached to the front of the Motion Control Unit to differentiate between Motion Control Units of different Unit versions.
Attach the unit version label here.
Confirming Unit Versions with Support Software
Ver. 3.1
The unit version 2.1 or later can be confirmed in Unit Manufacturing Informa- tion of CX-Programmer version 4.0 or higher. Unit version 2.0 cannot be con­firmed in Unit Manufacturing Information. Use the CX-Motion-MCH Support Tool for Motion Control Units to confirm the unit version.
Example: Confirming Unit Version 2.1 or Later Using CX-Programmer Version 4.0 or Higher
1. In the I/O Table Window, right-click the Motion Control Unit and select Unit Manufacturing Information.
2. The following Unit Manufacturing Information Dialog Box will be displayed.
3. Unit version 3.1 will be displayed in the Unit Manufacturing Information Di­alog Box.
Example: Confirming Unit Version 3.0 Using CX-Motion-MCH Support Tool
Use the CX-Motion-MCH Support Tool for Motion Control Units to confirm the unit version, as shown in the following table.
Method for confirming the internal system software version
Corresponds to the unit version Internal system software version
The system software version in the Motion Con­trol Unit can be checked in the Unit information from the online menus.
Unit Ver. 2.0: Unit Ver. 2.1: Unit Ver. 3.0: Unit Ver. 3.1
Functions Supported by CJ1W-MCH71 Units Version 2.1 or Later
Unit version Unit Ver. 2.0 Unit Ver. 2.1 Unit Ver. 3.0 Unit Ver. 3.1
Internal system software version 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.09
MC Unit model CJ1W-MCH71
Functions Reading unit version function Not supported Supported Supported Supported
Expanded allocations in Custom I/O Area
Data tracing Not supported Not supported
Debugging Not supported Not supported
Zones Not supported Not supported
Signed master axis MOVELINK com­mand
Indirect writing of position data Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
Setting the number of parallel branches for each task
Present position preset to establish origin
Status of program start bit Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
Servo OFF for deceleration stop signal Not supported Not supported
Re-execution of WAIT command Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
Main power status Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
Servo Driver status Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
Increased precision of CAMBOX com­mand
Improved restarting after restoration --- --- --- Supported
Expanded bank switching for interpo­lation acceleration/deceleration times
Internal overrides --- --- --- Supported
Connecting to SMARTSTEP Junior Servo Drivers
Improved backup and restore func­tions
Program and CAM data read protec­tion
Applicable Support Tool CX-Motion-MCH
Not supported Supported Supported Supported
Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
Not supported Not supported
Not supported Not supported
Not supported Not supported Supported Supported
--- --- --- Supported
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
• Functions for unit version 3.0 indicated by “*1” can be used with CX­Motion-MCH version 2.0 or higher.
• Functions for unit version 3.1 indicated by “*2” can be used with CX­Motion-MCH version 2.1 or higher.
CJ1W-MCH71 Unit Versions and Manufacturing Dates/Lot Numbers
Classification Type Model Manufacturing dates
Up to early
CPU Bus Unit MC Unit CJ1W-MCH71 Unit version 2.0 Unit version 2.1
From middle of
(Lot No.: 041117 and later)
From early
Unit version 3.0 (Lot No.: 050615 and later)
June 2005
From early
Unit version 3.1 (Lot No.: 070615 and later)
Functions Supported by CS1W-MCH71 Units Version 2.0 or Later
Unit version Pre-Ver. 2.0 Unit Ver. 2.0 Unit Ver. 3.0 Unit Ver. 3.1
Internal system software version 1.00 to 1.04 1.05 1.08 1.09
MC Unit model CS1W-MCH71
Functions Jogging --- Supported Supported Supported
Communications levels --- Supported Supported Supported
Communications cycle and unit cycle --- Supported Supported Supported
LATCH command processing time --- Supported Supported Supported
Latch status refresh time --- Suppor ted Supported Supported
Using interpolation commands during pass operation
Acceleration/deceleration time during pass operation
Deceleration time during pass operation --- Supported Supported Supported
Torque to position control switching --- Supported Supported Supported
Expanded allocations in Custom I/O Area
Digital input values changed to improve noise immunity
Faster unit cycle and communications cycle times
Signed master axis MOVELINK command --- --- Supported Supported
Indirect writing of position data --- --- Supported Supported
Status of program start bit --- --- Supported Supported
Re-execution of WAIT command --- --- Supported Supported
Main power status --- --- Supported Supported
Servo Driver status --- --- Supported Supported
Increased precision of CAMBOX command --- --- Supported Supported
Data tracing --- ---
Debugging --- ---
Zones --- ---
Setting the number of parallel branches for each task
Present position preset to establish origin --- ---
Servo OFF for deceleration stop signal --- ---
Improved restarting after restoration --- --- --- Supported
Expanded bank switching for interpolation acceleration/deceleration times
Internal overrides --- --- --- Supported
Connecting to SMARTSTEP Junior Servo Drivers
Improved backup and restore functions --- --- ---
Program and CAM data read protection --- --- ---
Applicable Support Tool CX-Motion-MCH
--- Supported Supported Supported
--- Supported Supported Supported
--- ---
--- --- Supported Supported
--- --- Supported Supported
--- ---
--- --- --- Supported
--- --- ---
• Functions for unit version 3.0 indicated by “*1” can be used with CX­Motion-MCH version 2.0 or higher.
• Functions for unit version 3.1 indicated by “*2” can be used with CX­Motion-MCH version 2.1 or higher.
CS1W-MCH71 Unit Versions and Manufacturing Dates/Lot Numbers
Classification Type Model Manufacturing dates
From early
June 2004
CPU Bus Unit MC Unit CS1W-MCH71 Pre-Ver. 2.0 Unit version 2.0
From July 2004 From
(Lot No.: 040715 and later)
Unit version 3.0 (Lot No.: 070313 and later)
From early
Unit version 3.1 (Lot No.: 070615 and later)

Guide to Version Upgrades

Guide to CJ1W-MCH71 Version Upgrade
Function Upgrades from Unit Version 3.0 to 3.1
Restarting after Restoration
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
After data has been restored from the CPU Unit's flash memory, the Unit must be restarted by cycling the CPU Unit's power supply.
After data has been restored from the CPU Unit's flash memory, the Unit is restarted using a bit between A50100 and A50115 in the Auxiliary Area of the CPU Unit. For details, refer to 7-1 Overview.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Expanded Bank Switching for Interpolation Acceleration/Deceleration Times
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
The acceleration time and deceler­ation time used for interpolation operations cannot be set sepa­rately.
The acceleration time and deceleration time used for interpolation operations can be set sep­arately.
P00004, bit 13: Bank switching method selection
0: Select the same bank for acceleration and
deceleration (same as for version 3.0).
1: Select different banks for the acceleration
time and deceleration time.
Parameters P00M11 to P00M15 are used to set acceleration times, and P00M16 to P00M20 are used to set deceleration times. For details, refer to 6-1 Basic Information.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Internal Overrides
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
There is a function for changing the axis feed rate from a ladder program, but not from a motion program.
The feed rate when the following commands are executed can be changed from a motion pro­gram.
Commands for which an override can be speci­fied from the motion program:
MOVE Rapid feed rate DATUM Origin return feed rate MOVEI Rapid feed rate, external position-
MOVET Rapid feed rate The actual speed is as follows: Actual speed = Axis feed rate x (Axis override +
Internal override) For details, refer to 6-1 Basic Information.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
ing rate
Connecting to SMART STEP Junior Servo Drivers
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
Cannot be connected. Can be connected.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Backup and Restore Functions
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
The origin compensation value when an absolute encoder is used is backed up using the CPU Unit's easy backup function.
Origin compensation values can be backed up even with CX-Motion-MCH version 2.1. For details, refer to Section 11 Backup and Restore in the CX-Motion-MCH Operation Manual (Cat. No. W448).
Program and CAM Data Read Protection
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
There is no program and CAM data read protection.
The CX-Motion-MCH version 2.1 read protection function (password setting), can be used to pre­vent third-parties from reading program and CAM data. For details, refer to Section 12 Read
Protection in the CX-Motion-MCH Operation Manual (Cat. No. W448).
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Improved Functions from Unit Ver. 2.1 Compared to Unit Ver. 3.0
Data Tracing
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
Data tracing is not supported. A data tracing function is provided that can
simultaneously collect a maximum of 32 data items. This function does not affect previous functionality. Previously reserved parameters and variables are used to set and reference data trace conditions and status.
For details, refer to 9-6 Data Tracing.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
Breakpoints cannot be set. Debugging is supported using breakpoints that
are set using the Support Tool, and debugging is supported for direct operation.
These functions do not affect previous function­ality, but the following bit has been added to the Unit status to indicate that debugging is being executed from the Support Tool.
• CIO n+15, bit 09: Operating mode (Reserved in
previous unit versions.) 0: Normal mode 1: Support Tool mode (debugging)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
Zones are not supported. A maximum of 32 zone bits are available.
Zone bit: A bit that turns ON when any variable is within the set range, and turns OFF when the variable is outside of the range.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00011 (Reserved in previ-
ous unit versions.)
• Setting: 0 to 32
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1 to 32: Use zone bits 1 to 32.
Parameters and variables that were previously reserved are used to set zone upper and lower limits.
For details, refer to 9-7 Zones.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Signed Master Axis MOVELINK Command
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
The main axis input sign is ignored and data is read as an absolute travel distance.
The main axis input sign is evaluated and the data is read as a signed travel distance.
This function enables the main axis to use the feedback speed of an axis traveling at low speed.
Current version (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Indirect Writing of Position Data
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
Position data can be indirectly read but cannot be indirectly writ­ten.
Current version (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Position data can be both read and written indi­rectly.
Example: Indirect Writing
@PL0000 = 1234;
“1234” will be assigned as the contents of the address set in PL0000.
This function does not affect previous functional­ity.
Setting the Number of Parallel Branches for Each Task
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
The number of branches and the number of commands that can be executed are the same for each task.
The number of branches and the number of instructions that can be executed can be set individually for each task, enabling fine adjust­ment of the Unit cycle.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit 11 (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
Previously reserved parameters are used to set the number of parallel branches individually for each task.
Current version (Unit Ver. 3.0)
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1: Individually set the number of branches and
the number of commands that can executed in each task.
Present Position Preset to Establish Origin
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
The origin is not established when the present position is set to the preset value.
The origin is established when the present posi­tion is set to the preset value.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit 12 (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1: Origin established for preset.
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Program Start Bit Status
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
An operation completed bit alone cannot be used to detect the end of programs with processing times that are shorter than the Unit cycle time.
The start bit ON/OFF status in the CPU Unit is output to the task status bit.
Example for Axis 1:
• n+17 bit 06: start bit (Reserved in previous unit
0: Start bit from CPU Unit OFF 1: Start bit from CPU Unit ON
The end of the relevant program can be detected if this bit is ON and the operation com­pleted bit is ON.
Servo OFF for Deceleration Stop Signal
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
When the deceleration stop signal for the Unit turns ON, all axes are decelerated to a stop.
When the deceleration stop signal for the Unit turns ON, the servo can be turned OFF for all axes. The operation for servo OFF is set in the Servo Driver parameters.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit 10 (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1: Servo OFF
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Re-execution of WAIT Command
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
If the program is stopped while WAIT command execution is in effect (i.e., when the deceleration stop bit is ON) and then re-started by setting the Start Mode to 1, the program is started from the next block after the WAIT command.
Main Power Status
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
The main power status (ON/OFF) is written to a system variable.
Servo Driver Status
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
The Servo Driver warning and alarm codes are stored in the error log.
The Servo status (torque limit, limit inputs, etc.) is output to system variables (SW021C and SW021D for axis 1.)
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
If the program is stopped while WAIT command execution is in effect (i.e., when the deceleration stop bit is ON) and then re-started by setting the Start Mode to 1, the WAIT command is re-exe­cuted.
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
The main power status (ON/OFF) is written to both a system variable and a status bit for each axis.
Example for Axis 1:
• x+32 bit 12: Main power ON bit (reserved in
previous unit versions)
0: Main power OFF 1: Main power ON
The servo can be effectively locked from the CPU Unit after confirming that this bit is ON.
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
In addition to the functionality supported in previ­ous unit versions, Servo Driver warning codes, alarm codes, and status (torque limit, limit inputs, etc.) are also output to the following out­put variables that were reserved in previous unit versions.
OW0210: Axis 1 Warning code/alarm code OW0211: Axis 1 Status
(same as SW021C)
OW0212: Axis 1 Status
(same as SW021D) to OW026D: Axis 32 Warning code/alarm code OW026E: Axis 32 Status
(Same as SW07EC) OW026F: Axis 32 Status
(Same as SW07ED)
Compliance with RoHS Directive
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
Lead was included in the cream solder used to mount chip components, in the flow solder used in assembly, and in thread solder.
Solder type Main components
Cream solder Tin and lead
Flow solder Tin and lead
Thread solder Tin and lead
There is no mark indicating compliance with the RoHS Directive.
Current version (Unit Ver. 3.0)
As shown below, lead is not used. There is no change in specifications (including outer appearance) resulting from this change.
Solder type Main components
Cream solder (1) Tin, silver, indium, and
Flow solder (1) Tin and copper
Thread solder Tin, silver, and copper
Note: Either 1 or 2 shown above is used.
Increased Precision of CAMBOX Command
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 2.1 and earlier)
If the slave axis CAM table is switched during continuous master axis travel, part of the slave axis travel is eliminated when the CAM table is switched.
Example: :
CAMBOX [J01]1 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 1 CAMBOX [J01]2 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 2 CAMBOX [J01]3 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 3 :
Slave axis displacement
The slave axis will travel the set amount, even if the slave axis CAM table is switched during continuous master axis travel.
Example: :
CAMBOX [J01]1 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 1 CAMBOX [J01]2 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 2 CAMBOX [J01]3 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 3 :
Slave axis displacement
(2) Tin, silver, and copper
(2) Tin, silver, and copper
The RoHS compliance mark is displayed.
Current (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Master axis phase
Cam 1 Cam 3Cam 2
Slave axis speed
Master axis
This amount of travel is eliminated.
Cam 1 Cam 3Cam 2
Slave axis speed
Master axis phase
Master axis phase
Functions Added in Version Upgrade
The following table provides a comparison between the functions provided in the upgrade to unit version 2.1 or later of CJ1W-MCH71 SYSMAC CJ-series Motion Control Units from the previous unit version 2.0.
Reading Unit Versions
Previous version (Unit Ver. 2.0) Present version (Unit Ver. 2.1)
The MC Unit's unit version code could not be read by accessing the Unit Manufac- turing Information in CX-Programmer Ver.4.0.
The MC Unit's unit version code can be read by accessing the Unit Manufacturing Information in CX-Programmer Ver.4.0.
Expanded Allocations in Custom I/O Area
Previous version (Unit Ver. 2.0) Present version (Unit Ver. 2.1)
Only the I/O variable area determined in advance could be allocated to the Cus­tom I/O Area.
In addition to the I/O variable area, sys­tem variables, global general variables, position data, and task variables for user­specified addresses can be allocated in the Custom I/O Area.
Expanded Custom I/O Area Allocations
Ladder program
The CPU Unit can control MC Units with the following three different methods of data I/O.
1. Data exchange with allocated bit area words.
2. Data exchange with allocated DM Area words.
3. Data exchange with allocated Custom Area words.
CPU Unit
Allocated Bit
Area words
Allocated DM
Area words
Custom Bit Area words
Custom Data
Area words
I/O Refresh
When the power is
ON or restarting
Area range setting
MC Unit version 2.1 or higher
Motion program
Startup, Stop
Command analysis
General input
General output
Set the Custom
Area range to use
The function for exchanging data in the Custom I/O Area has been enhanced with MC Units with unit version 2.1, as shown in the following table.
For details on previous specifications, refer to SECTION 7 PC Interface Area.
No. Classification MC Unit Variable Area Area size
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
1 General I/O A IW0B00 to IW0B9F or OW0B00 to
2 General I/O B IW0BA0 to IW0C3F or OW0BA0 to
3 General I/O C IW0C40 to IW0CDF or OW0C40 to
4 General I/O D IW0CE0 to IW0D7F or OW0CE0
to OW0D7F
5 General I/O E IW0D80 to IW0E1F or OW0D80 to
6 General I/O F IW0E20 to IW0EBF or OW0E20 to
7 General I/O G IW0EC0 to IW0F5F or OW0EC0 to
8 General I/O H IW0F60 to IW0FFF or OW0F60 to
The variable area and addresses can be allocated for the following variables.
•System variables
• Global general variables
• Input variables
• Output variables
• Position data
•Task variable
Present version
(Unit Ver. 2.1)
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
0 to 160 words
Guide to CS1W-MCH71 Version Upgrade
Function Upgrades from Unit Version 3.0 to 3.1
Restarting after Restoration
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
After data has been restored from the CPU Unit's flash memory, the Unit must be restarted by cycling the CPU Unit's power supply.
After data has been restored from the CPU Unit's flash memory, the Unit is restarted using a bit between A50100 and A50115 in the Auxiliary Area of the CPU Unit. For details, refer to 7-1 Overview.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Expanded Bank Switching for Interpolation Acceleration/Deceleration Times
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
The acceleration time and deceler­ation time used for interpolation operations cannot be set sepa­rately.
The acceleration time and deceleration time used for interpolation operations can be set sep­arately.
P00004, bit 13: Bank switching method selection
0: Select the same bank for acceleration and
deceleration (same as for version 3.0).
1: Select different banks for the acceleration
time and deceleration time.
Parameters P00M11 to P00M15 are used to set acceleration times, and P00M16 to P00M20 are used to set deceleration times. For details, refer to 6-1 Basic Information.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Internal Overrides
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
There is a function for changing the axis feed rate from a ladder program, but not from a motion program.
The feed rate when the following commands are executed can be changed from a motion pro­gram.
Commands for which an override can be speci­fied from the motion program:
MOVE Rapid feed rate DATUM Origin return feed rate MOVEI Rapid feed rate, external position-
MOVET Rapid feed rate The actual speed is as follows: Actual speed = Axis feed rate x (Axis override +
Internal override) For details, refer to 6-1 Basic Information.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
ing rate
Connecting to SMART STEP Junior Servo Drivers
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
Cannot be connected. Can be connected.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Backup and Restore Functions
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
The origin compensation value when an absolute encoder is used is backed up using the CPU Unit's easy backup function.
Origin compensation values can be backed up even with CX-Motion-MCH version 2.1. For details, refer to Section 11 Backup and Restore in the CX-Motion-MCH Operation Manual (Cat. No. W448).
Program and CAM Data Read Protection
Previous versions
(Unit Ver. 3.0 and earlier)
There is no program and CAM data read protection.
The CX-Motion-MCH version 2.1 read protection function (password setting), can be used to pre­vent third-parties from reading program and CAM data. For details, refer to Section 12 Read
Protection in the CX-Motion-MCH Operation Manual (Cat. No. W448).
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.1)
Function Upgrades from Unit Version 2.0 to 3.0
Expanded Allocations in Custom I/O Area
Previous version (Unit Ver. 2.0) Present version (Unit Ver. 3.0)
Only the I/O variable area determined in advance could be allocated to the Cus­tom I/O Area.
In addition to the I/O variables, system variables, global general variables, posi­tion data, and task variables for user­specified addresses can be allocated to the Custom I/O Area.
Digital Input Values Changed to Improve Noise Resistance
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Rated input voltage: 24 VDC ±10% Rated input current: 4.06 to 4.48 mA
ON voltage: 9.5 V min. OFF voltage: 4.5 V max.
Rated input voltage: 24 VDC ±10% Rated input current: 4.02 to 4.52 mA
ON voltage: 14 V min. OFF voltage: 6V max.
(Any sensors that were previous used can still be used.)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Parameter Added for Faster Unit Cycle and Communications Cycle Time
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Unit cycle [us] = (115.0 × Number of axes) + (165 × Number of motion tasks × Number of parallel branches) + (0.3 × Number of general allocation words) +
Communications cycle [us] = ((Number of allocated Units + Number of retries) ×
133.3+26.2) × 1.1
Unit cycle [us] = (85 × Number of axes) + (120 × Number of motion tasks × Number of parallel branches) + (0.3 × number of general allocation words) + 200
Communications cycle [us] = ((Number of allocated Unit + Number of retries) ×
102.7 + 19.2) × 1.1 Use the following parameter to switch the
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit: 09 (previously reserved) 0: Initial value. Performance is the
1: Selects faster performance.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
same as before.
Signed Master Axis MOVELINK Command
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
The main axis input sign is ignored and data is read as an absolute travel distance.
The main axis input sign is evaluated and the data is read as a signed travel distance.
This function enables the main axis to use the feedback speed of an axis traveling at low speed.
Indirect Writing of Position Data
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Position data can be indirectly read but cannot be indirectly writ­ten.
Position data can be both read and written indi­rectly.
Example: Indirect Writing
@PL0000 = 1234;
“1234” will be assigned as the contents of the address set in PL0000.
This function does not affect previous functional­ity.
Program Start Bit Status
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
An operation completed bit alone cannot be used to detect the end of programs with processing times that are shorter than the Unit cycle time.
The start bit ON/OFF status in the CPU Unit is output to the task status bit.
Example for Axis 1:
• n+17 bit 06: start bit (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
0: Start bit from CPU Unit OFF 1: Start bit from CPU Unit ON
The end of the relevant program can be detected if this bit is ON and the operation com­pleted bit is ON.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Re-execution of WAIT Command
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
If the program is stopped while WAIT command execution is in effect (i.e., when the deceleration stop bit is ON) and then re-started by setting the Start Mode to 1, the program is started from the next block after the WAIT command.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
If the program is stopped while WAIT command execution is in effect (i.e., when the deceleration stop bit is ON) and then re-started by setting the Start Mode to 1, the WAIT command is re-exe­cuted.
Main Power Status
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
The main power status (ON/OFF) is written to a system variable.
Servo Driver Status
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
The Servo Driver warning and alarm codes are stored in the error log.
The Servo status (torque limit, limit inputs, etc.) is output to system variables (SW021C and SW021D for axis 1.)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
The main power status (ON/OFF) is written to both a system variable and a status bit for each axis.
Example for Axis 1:
• x+32 bit 12: Main power ON bit (reserved in previous unit versions)
0: Main power OFF 1: Main power ON
The servo can be effectively locked from the CPU Unit after confirming that this bit is ON.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
In addition to the functionality supported in previ­ous unit versions, Servo Driver warning codes, alarm codes, and status (torque limit, limit inputs, etc.) are also output to the following out­put variables that were reserved in previous unit versions.
OW0210: Axis 1 Warning code/alarm code OW0211: Axis 1 Status
(same as SW021C)
OW0212: Axis 1 Status
(same as SW021D) to OW026D: Axis 32 Warning code/alarm code OW026E: Axis 32 Status
(Same as SW07EC) OW026F: Axis 32 Status
(Same as SW07ED)
Compliance with RoHS Directive
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Lead was included in the cream solder used to mount chip components, in the flow solder used in assembly, and in thread solder.
Solder type Main components
Cream solder Tin and lead
Flow solder Tin and lead
Thread solder Tin and lead
As shown below, lead is not used. There is no change in specifications (including outer appearance) resulting from this change.
Solder type Main components
Cream solder (1) Tin, silver, indium, and
Flow solder (1) Tin and copper
Thread solder Tin, silver, and copper
Note: Either 1 or 2 shown above is used.
There is no mark indicating compliance with the RoHS Directive.
Increased Precision of CAMBOX Command
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
If the slave axis CAM table is switched during continuous master axis travel, part of the slave axis travel is eliminated when the CAM table is switched.
Example: :
CAMBOX [J01]1 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 1 CAMBOX [J01]2 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 2 CAMBOX [J01]3 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 3 :
Slave axis displacement
The slave axis will travel the set amount, even if the slave axis CAM table is switched during continuous master axis travel.
Example: :
CAMBOX [J01]1 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 1 CAMBOX [J01]2 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 2 CAMBOX [J01]3 [J02]10000 K10000 Q8 B0;Cam 3 :
Slave axis displacement
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
(2) Tin, silver, and copper
(2) Tin, silver, and copper
The RoHS compliance mark is displayed.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Master axis phase
Cam 1 Cam 3Cam 2
Slave axis speed
Master axis
This amount of travel is eliminated.
Cam 1 Cam 3Cam 2
Slave axis speed
Master axis phase
Master axis phase
The following functions can be used with CX-Motion-MCH version 2.0 or higher (available from August
Data Tracing
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Data tracing is not supported. A data tracing function is provided that can
simultaneously collect a maximum of 32 data items. This function does not affect previous functionality. Previously reserved parameters and variables are used to set and reference data trace conditions and status.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Breakpoints cannot be set. Debugging is supported using breakpoints that
are set using the Support Tool, and debugging is supported for direct operation.
These functions do not affect previous function­ality, but the following bit has been added to the Unit status to indicate that debugging is being executed from the Support Tool.
• CIO n+15, bit 09: Operating mode (Reserved in
previous unit versions.) 0: Normal mode 1: Support Tool mode (debugging)
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
Zones are not supported. A maximum of 32 zone bits are available.
Zone bit: A bit that turns ON when any variable is within the set range, and turns OFF when the variable is outside of the range.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00011 (Reserved in previ-
ous unit versions.)
• Setting: 0 to 32
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1 to 32: Use zone bits 1 to 32.
Parameters and variables that were previously reserved are used to set zone upper and lower limits.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Setting the Number of Parallel Branches for Each Task
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
The number of branches and the number of commands that can be executed are the same for each task.
The number of branches and the number of instructions that can be executed can be set individually for each task, enabling fine adjust­ment of the Unit cycle.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit 11 (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1: Individually set the number of branches and
the number of commands that can executed in each task.
Previously reserved parameters are used to set the number of parallel branches individually for each task.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Present Position Preset to Establish Origin
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
The origin is not established when the present position is set to the preset value.
The origin is established when the present posi­tion is set to the preset value.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit 12 (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1: Origin established for preset.
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Servo OFF for Deceleration Stop Signal
Previous version
(Unit Ver. 2.0)
When the deceleration stop signal for the Unit turns ON, all axes are decelerated to a stop.
When the deceleration stop signal for the Unit turns ON, the servo can be turned OFF for all axes. The operation for servo OFF is set in the Servo Driver parameters.
The previous function and the new function can be switched using the following parameter.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit 10 (Reserved in previous unit versions.)
0: Default. Same as previous function. 1: Servo OFF
Current version
(Unit Ver. 3.0)
Function Improvements for Unit Version 2.0
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0)
The JOG feed direction is set or reversed as follows:
• Use the JOG/STEP Direction Bit to specify the feed direction.
• Turn ON the JOG Bit.
• To reverse the feed direction, turn OFF the JOG Bit.
• After the axis is stopped, reverse the JOG/STEP Direction Bit.
• Turn ON the JOG Bit. The feed direction will be reversed.
Communications Levels
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
The MC Unit supported communications on up to three levels.
As shown below, a setting for reverse operation has been added.
• Use the JOG/STEP Direction Bit to spec­ify the feed direction.
• Turn ON the JOG Bit.
• The feed direction is reversed by revers­ing the JOG/STEP Direction Bit even while the JOG Bit still ON.
Use the following parameter to switch the previous function and the new one.
• Parameter number: P00004
• Bit: 05 (previously reserved)
0: Initial value. Same as previous func-
1: Selects new function.
The MC Unit supports communications on up to eight levels, according to the eight levels supported by the CPU Unit. The CPU Unit supports eight levels with unit version 2.0 or later.
Communications Cycle and Unit Cycle
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
The MC Unit communications cycle and unit cycle times are as follows:
Communications cycle: 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms Unit cycle: 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms, 8 ms
• Supporting a communications cycle of
• Use the following parameter to switch the
LATCH Command Processing Time
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
The time from when the LATCH com­mand is executed until the external latch signal is detected is as follows:
• When latch signals are received at any position: 105 to 232 ms
• When only latch signals in a specified position range are received: 105 to 232 ms
As shown below, performance is improved in cases where latch signals are received at any position.
• When latch signals are received at any
• When only latch signals in a specified
3 ms enable more precise performance. Communications cycle: 1 ms, 2 ms, 3ms, 4 ms Unit cycle: 1 ms, 2 ms, 3 ms, 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms
previous function and the new one. Parameter number: P00004 Bit: 03 (previously reserved)
0: Initial value. Same as previous func-
1: Enables use of 3 ms.
position: 3 to 24 ms
position range are received: 105 to 232 ms
Latch Status Refresh Time
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
After a LATCH command is executed, the time from when the latch signal is input until it is reflected in the system variable (the variable showing latch completion) is
14.5 to 85.5 ms.
The performance has been improved as follows:7.5 to 37.5 ms
Using Interpolation Commands during Pass Operation
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
To execute pass operation from a stopped axis, two interpolation com­mands are required for the initial opera­tion.
: PASSMODE; MOVEL [J01]100 F10000; MOVEL [J02]400 F10000; WHILE #MW0000==0; INC MOVEL [J02]100 F1000; WEND;
To execute pass operation from a stopped axis, only one interpolation command is required.
: PASSMODE; WHILE #MW0000==0; INC MOVEL [J02]100 F1000; WEND;
Acceleration/Deceleration Times during Pass Operation
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
Changing the acceleration/ deceleration times during pass operation was complex at any time. It was necessary to use the PARALLEL command to execute parallel processing.
• The acceleration/deceleration times can be changed during pass operation.
• As shown below, switching is made easy by using a newly added parameter.
MOVEL [J01]1000 F1000 #W0A00 = 2;
MOVEL [J01]5000 F1000
• The following ten newly added parameters use part of the task parameter area that was previously reserved. Setting range: 0 to 60,000 (ms)
Number Name
P00M11 Interpolation feed acceleration/
deceleration time, Bank 1
P00M20 Interpolation feed acceleration/
deceleration time, Bank 10
The time set in bank 2
is used for passing to the next position.
Deceleration Time during Pass Operation
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
The interpolation feed deceleration time is used to decelerate to a stop during pass operation.
Example: Pass Mode Selection, P00M06 = 0
Interpolation feed acceleration time Ta = P0MM02
Interpolation feed deceleration time Td = P00M03
PASSMODE; INC MOVEL [J01]1000 F100000; INC MOVEL [J01]1000 F100000; END;
Ta Ta Td
• The interpolation time used during pass operation (the interpolation feed accel­eration time or the interpolation feed deceleration time) is used to decelerate to a stop during pass operation. Example: Pass Mode Selection, P00M06 = 0 Interpolation feed acceleration time Ta = P0MM02 Interpolation feed deceleration time Td = P00M03 Program
• To stop at the interpolation feed deceler­ation speed as previously, add STOP­MODE before the final interpolation command as shown below.
PASSMODE; INC MOVEL [J01]1000 F100000; INC MOVEL [J01]1000 F100000; END;
PASSMODE; INC MOVEL [J01]1000 F100000; STOPMODE; INC MOVEL [J01]1000 F100000; END;
Ta Ta Td
Torque to Position Control Switching
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
Switching from torque control to position control using the TORQUR command is executed when the axis feedback speed reaches 0.
Speed to Position Control Switching
Previous versions Current version (Unit Ver. 2.0 or later)
Switching from speed control to position control using the SPEEDR command is executed when the axis feedback speed reaches 0.
• Switching from torque control to position control using the TORQUR command is executed by switching to position control when the axis feedback speed reaches the speed specified in a parameter (specified by a percentage of the rated speed).
• The following newly added parameter uses part of the axis parameter area that was previously reserved.
Number Name
P3AA09 Position control switching
speed Setting range: 0 to 32,767
• Switching from speed control to position control using the SPEEDR command is executed when the axis feedback speed reaches the speed specified in a param­eter (specified by a percentage of the rated speed).
• The following newly added parameter uses part of the axis parameter area that was previously reserved.
Number Name
P3AA09 Position control switching
speed Setting range: 0 to 32,767
PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xli
1 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlii
2 General Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlii
3 Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xliii
4 Application Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xliv
5 Operating Environment Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlv
6 Conformance to EC Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlvi
Features and System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1-1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-2 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1-3 Basic Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1-4 Control System Configuration and Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1-5 Performance Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
1-6 Command List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1-7 Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Basic Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2-1 Basic Operation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2-2 Overview of CX-Motion-MCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Installation and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3-1 Nomenclature and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3-2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3-3 External I/O Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3-5 Connecting MECHATROLINK Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
MC Unit Internal Data Configuration and Setting . . . . . . . 55
4-1 Data Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4-2 System Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4-3 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4-4 Position Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4-5 System Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4-6 I/O Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
4-7 Present Position Preset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
4-8 Servo Parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4-9 CAM Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
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