4.1 Automatic mode:
These mode can be selected from the Remote Control by acting on the relative key as well as by pressing the
switch on the display card (in the latter case, only if the appliance was formerly in standby mode). In this program
the appliance working mode is selected automatically depending on the room temperature value monitored:
• T°room < 17°C (heating) IDU maximum speed enabled;
• 17°C ≤ T°room < 19°C (heating) IDU medium speed enabled;;
• 19°C ≤ T°room < 21°C (heating) IDU minimum speed enabled;
• 21°C ≤ T°room ≤ 23°C (ventilation only) IDU minimum speed enabled;
• 23°C < T°room ≤ 25°C (cooling) IDU minimum speed enabled;
• 25°C < T°room ≤ 27°C (cooling) IDU medium speed enabled;
• T°room > 27°C (cooling) IDU maximum speed enabled;
4.2 Cooling mode:
In this mode, the air conditioner dehumidifies and cools the room. Before carrying out the operation, set the
required temperature and choose the fan speed (refer to the related paragraphs). After having activated this run
mode, the compressor will start running after 3 minutes at the most and the unit will begin to emit cold air; if the
temperature is below the set temperature the compressor doesn’t start. Only at first start-up from power off, if
T°room is higher than T°set, T°room is forced by IDU board to 45°C in order to force the compressor to the
maximum frequency for 1 minute. When time ends, the compressor continues to work in according to procedure
described below (frequency is recalculated every 3 minutes):
• T°room ≥ T°set +3°C MAXIMUM frequency;
• T°set +3°C > T°room. ≥ T°set +1°C MODULATED frequency;
• T°set -1°C ≤ T°room. ≤ T°set +1°C MINIMUM frequency;
• T°room ≤ T°set-1°C compressor OFF;
The IDU FAN motor works at selected speed (MIN, MED or MAX depending on Remote Control setting). In case
automatic speed mode is enabled, IDU FAN speed works in this way (in case T°room changes instead, the automatic
speed waits at least 3 min. working at the same speed before changing):
• T°room. ≤ T°set+1°C MINIMUM speed;
• T°set +1°C < T°room. ≤ T°set +3°C MEDIUM speed;
• T°room. > T°set+3°C MAXIMUM speed;
4.3 Heating mode (heating pump only):
First set the desired temperature and fan speed. After three minutes the compressor should start and the air
conditioner starts heating the room. The start of the compressor can be checked through the lighting of the green
LED located on the console. It’s only available for models with heat pump (HP). This operation must be preceded by
the setting of desired temperature and fan speed selection. Only at first start-up from power off, if T°set deviates
± 1°C from the value measured in, the temperature of the room is forced to 5°C in order to force the compressor
frequency for a maximum interval of 1 minute. When time ends, the compressor continues to work in according to
procedure described below where T°camb. corresponds to environment temperature correction on the location of
the high/low unit (see cap.6):