1. In this document, signals ending with “_N” are “active low” (eg. CS_N). Note that in the H.100/H110 specification, active low is indicated with a
preceding forward slash (eg. /CS).
D_[7:0]Microprocessor Data Bus. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 8 mA, 5V tolerant)
A_ [7:0]Microprocessor Address Bus. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 5V tolerant)
ALE (AS)Intel Bus Mode - Address Latch Enable. Motorola Bus Mode - Address Strobe. The Microprocessor Address Bus A[9:0] is latched
CS_NChip Select. This active low signal selects the ML53612 for a microprocessor read or write operation. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 5V
RD_N (STRB_N)Intel Bus Mode - Microprocessor Bus Read. Motorola Bus Mode - Microprocessor Bus Strobe. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 5V tolerant)
WR_N (R/W_N)Intel Bus Mode - Microprocessor Bus Write. Motorola Bus Mode - Microprocessor Bus Read/Write signal.
RESETReset. This active high input signal initializes the microprocessor interface, configuration, and routing registers. (Input, TTL
I_N (M)Microprocessor Bus Mode. When this input is low, Intel Bus Mode is selected. When this input is high, Motorola Bus Mode is
CT_D_DISABLECT_D Global disable. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 8 mA, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
L_NETREF_[1:0]Local Network Reference [1:0] Input. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
L_SI_[1:0]Local bus Serial Input Data Input. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
MC_TXDMessage Channel Transmit Data Input. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
APLL_CLKREFAnalog PLL Clock Reference Input. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
APLL_VDDO+3.3 Volt Analog PLL I/O Power Supply
APLL_VDDC+3.3 Volt Analog PLL Core Power Supply
APLL_PCAnalog PLL Phase Comparator Analog Output
APLL_VCOAnalog PLL VCO Analog Input
APLL_VSSCAnalog PLL Core Ground
APLL_VSSOAnalog PLL I/O Ground
APLL_TEST Analog PLL Test Enable Input. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
TESTTest Select. This input enables the pin continuity test. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
TMSTest Access Port Mode Select. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
TCKTest Access Port Clock. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
TRST_NTest Access Port Reset. (active low). (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
TDITest Access Port Data Input. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 5V tolerant)
INTInterrupt Output. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 50 k Pull Up, 8 mA, 5V tolerant)
CT_D_[31:0]CT Bus Serial Data Streams. (I/O, PCI, 5V tolerant)
CT_FRAME_A_N CT Bus "A" Frame Sync. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 24 mA, 5V tolerant)
CT_C8_A CT Bus "A" 8 MHz Clock. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 24 mA, 5V tolerant)
CT_NETREF_1CT Bus Network Reference 1. (I/O, PCI, 5V tolerant)
CT_NETREF_2CT Bus Network Reference 2. (I/O, PCI, 5V tolerant)
CT_FRAME_B_N CT Bus "B" Frame Sync. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 24 mA, 5V tolerant)
CT_C8_BCT Bus "B" 8 MHz Clock. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 24 mA, 5V tolerant)
CT_MCCT Bus Message Channel. (I/O, TTL Schmitt, 24 mA, 5V tolerant)
internally on the falling edge of this signal. (Input, TTL Schmitt, 5V tolerant)
The local bus consists of up to two serial input ports and two serial output ports, totalling 128 possible
local bus connections to the CT Bus. The input and output ports can be configured independently as two
2 Mbps streams, one 4 Mbps stream, or one-half of an 8 Mbps stream. The chip includes two independent, configurable local clock and frame synchronization signals. The local clocks have configurable
polarity and frequency that can be set to 2 MHz, 4 MHz, 8 MHz, or 16 MHz regardless of local stream
data rate. The local frame syncs also have a configurable polarity and can be set to use one of three framing formats (early, straddle, or late).
To transfer data to and from the local bus, the ML53612 allows the user to select a minimum delay or constant delay buffer mode on a per channel basis. In the minimum delay mode, the input-output buffer
transfer occurs on the next 2 Mbps time-slot boundary, reducing any potential channel delay for classic
voice processing applications. In the constant delay mode, the buffer transfer occurs at the frame boundary for bundling and proper switching of wide-band data, for data sent on the ISDN H channel.
The ML53612 provides access to all 4096 CT Bus time-slots. The upper 16 data lines run at 8 Mbps, while
the lower 16 data lines can be configured, in groups of four, to run at 8 Mbps, 4 Mbps, or 2 Mbps for compatibility with SCbus and MVIP-90 devices.
The chip uses an internal analog phase locked loop (PLL) as a rate multiplier to produce a 131.072 MHz
internal clock locked to a variety of reference frequencies. This high frequency internal clock provides
fine grained correction steps (7.6 nS) for the master and slave digital PLLs. The main CT Bus network reference signal can be configured to run at 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, or 2048 MHz. The timing for the CT Bus can
be configured to be derived from the local clock and frame sync signals to allow multiple chips to be connected to the CT Bus without overloading the reference clock line.
The ML53612 incorporates internal master digital PLL circuitry that is designed to meet the jitter attenuation, holdover and Maximum Time Interval Error (MTIE) requirements of the AT&T 62411 Stratum 3, 4
and 4E. This enables the ML53612 to be well suited for developers of digital telephone network interfaces, where reliable clock synchronization is critical. Because the circuitry is internal, board designers do
not have to add expensive or custom circuitry to support these types of environments.
The ML53612 also includes an 8-channel stream-to-stream switch to connect one CT Bus data stream to
another at the same or different data rates. This type of connection makes it possible for CT Bus compatible devices (such as SCbus and MVIP-90) to efficiently exchange data even though they operate at different rates. This stream switch enables switching between any of the 32 CT Bus data streams operating at
2, 4, or 8 Mbps. Depending upon the data stream rates, the stream switch provides a minimum of 256 and
a maximum of 1024 unidirectional time-slot connections. Stream switches in other ML53612 devices,
within a system, may be used simultaneously to increase switching capability.
4.3 Test Access Port
The ML53612 supports IEEE 1-149.1 Boundary Scan. For Normal operation, the TRST_N pin should be
driven low.
4.4 Pin Continuity Test
For normal operation, the TEST pin is driven low. When the TEST pin is high, all pins except VDD, VSS,
NC, APLL_PC, APLL_VCO, TMS, TCK, TRST_N, TDI, TDO, TEST are sequentially "NAND’ed" with
ALE and output on TDO. This test allows each input pin to be toggled and a corresponding output to be
observed on the TDO pin to verify the proper connection of the ML53612 to a printed circuit board.
4.5 Analog PLL Test
For normal operation, the APLL_TEST pin is driven low.
4.6 Microprocessor Interface
Both Intel and Motorola microprocessor bus interfaces are supported. Drive I_N (M) low for Intel mode
and high for Motorola mode. Multiplexed addresses are latched on the falling edge of ALE (AS). If multiplexed address is not used, drive ALE (AS) high. Multiplexed address and data must be connected to
both A_ and D_ pins.
The analog PLL is used to create an internal 131.072 MHz clock locked to one of several reference frequencies. The analog PLL reference signal is input on the APLL_CLKREF pin and should be a stable
clock typically
25 ppm. An external loop filter is required (see
Figure 3
0.01 µF
19 kΩ
Figure 3. Analog PLL Loop Filter
4.8 Slave PLL
The slave PLL is used to generate all of the internal timing for the ML53612. Even when the ML53612 is
enabled as master, the slave PLL is still in operation. The slave PLL is a fast tracking digital PLL operating at 131.072 MHz.
The slave PLL can be configured to lock to one of the following sources:
• CT_C8_A and CT_FRAME_A
• CT_C8_B and CT_FRAME_B
• C2 and FR_COMP
• L_CLK_0 and L_FS_0
• L_CLK_1 and L_FS_1
4.9 Master PLL
The master PLL is used to generate timing for the CT Bus. The master PLL is a digital PLL operating at
131.072 MHz. When operating as primary master the PLL can lock to one of two local network references, or one of two CT Bus network references. These reference signals may be 8 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 1.544
MHz or 2.048 MHz. When operating as secondary master the PLL locks to the primary CT Bus master.
The master PLL can be configured to automatically switch from secondary to primary in the event of a
CT Bus timing error.
The master PLL can be configured to drive either the CT Bus "A" or "B" signals as well as all of the compatibility clocks defined in the H.100/H.110 Specifications.
When operating as the primary master, the PLL provides jitter attenuation with a cut-off frequency of
1.25 Hz and a roll-off of 20dB per decade. When operating as the secondary master, the PLL is fast tracking.
When operating as the primary master, the PLL has a lock range of ±488 ppm (minus the tolerance of
APLL_CLKREF source). The maximum lock time is 3s. Holdover stability is 0.06 ppm, resulting in a
frame slip rate of 42/day, assuming no drift in APLL_CLKREF source, exceeding the AT&T 62411 Stra-
tum 3 requirement of 255/day. During normal operation new holdover values are updated at 128ms
To make an MTIE compliant reference switch, enable "Condition Master PLL reference", select the "Master PLL Reference", and configure the "Master PLL Mode " to normal.The master PLL will be locked to
the selected reference.
The following sequence will produce an MTIE-compliant reference switch:
1. Change the "Master PLL Mode" from Normal to Holdover. The master PLL can also be configured to
make this change automatically in the event of a master PLL error.
2. Change the "Master PLL Reference Select" to the new reference, or change the reference source of
3. Change the "Master PLL Mode" back to Normal.
MTIE Specifications
MTIE during rearrangement100 ns1 µs
Phase change slope81 ns / 1.326 ms81 ns / 1.326 ms
AT&T 62411 Stratum 3 and 4E
4.10 Reference Master
CT_NETREF_1 and CT_NETREF_2 can be independently configured to output a reference signal to the
CT Bus selected from one of two local network reference inputs. The local network references can be
passed through or divided by 192, 193, or 256.
4.11 Local Clock and Frame Sync
Two sets of local clock and frame sync are provided. A variety of clock frequencies, polarities, and framing formats may be selected to allow "glue less" local port interfacing. Each set of local clock and frame
sync may be configured separately. The frequency selection is independent of the local stream rate.
4.12 Local Streams
The local streams consist of up to two serial input ports and two serial output ports. The local streams
can be configured to operate as two 2 Mbps streams, one 4 Mbps stream, or one-half of an 8 Mbps stream.
Note: When 8 Mbps stream rate is selected, time-slots 127:64 are not used.
4.13 CT Bus Streams
Connection to all 32 CT Bus streams is supported without restriction. The upper 16 streams run at 8
Mbps while the lower 16 may be configured, in groups of four, to operate at 8 Mbps, 4 Mbps, or 2 Mbps.
The user may disable all CT_D output streams in the event of a bus timing error. When enabled, an error
on the slave PLL reference source causes the CT_D streams to be tri-stated until an entire frame time
without errors has passed. The CT_D_DISABLE signal is provided to link multiple ML53612 devices.
4.15 Diagnostic Mode
Diagnostic mode tri-states all CT Bus signals while internally looping-back CT Bus outputs to inputs.
This mode allows a printed circuit board containing the ML53612 to be thoroughly tested without
causing CT Bus errors.
4.16 Interrupts
The ML53612 supports the following interrupt sources:
• CT Bus A Error
• CT Bus B Error
CT Bus A (CT Bus B) error is detected when CT_C8_A (CT_C8_B) rising edge does not occur within
35 ns of the expected time, relative to the previous period (see
Figure 4
) or when CT_FRAME_A_N
(CT_FRAME_B_N) low does not occur when expected. (See ECTF H.100/H.110 Specifications for
details on CT_C8_(A/B) and CT_FRAME_(A/B)_N signal timing.)
• SCbus Error
SCbus error is detected when SCLK does not transition at close to the expected frequency (C_[25:24]
determines the expected frequency) or FR_COMP_N low does not occur when expected. (See ECTF
H.100/H.110 Specifications for details on SCLK, SCLKx2, and FR_COMP_N signal timing.)
• MVIP Error
MVIP error is detected when C2 does not transition at close to 2 MHz, or FR_COMP_N low does not
occur when expected. (See ECTF H.100/H.110 Specifications for details on C2 and FR_COMP_N signal timing).
• Master PLL Out of Lock Error
Master PLL error is detected when the master PLL is not locked to the selected Reference defined by
• Frame Boundary
Frame Boundary interrupt is not an error condition, and occurs when the internal state machine
crosses a frame boundary.
GPIO interrupt occurs when one or more of the GPIO inputs match the programmed latch polarity,
defined by C_[167:136].
The interrupts are both globally and individually maskable, and are signaled to the processor via the INT
pin (pin 10). The INT pin can be configured to operate as either push-pull or open drain, and its polarity
(active high or active low) is also selectable.
All of these interrupt latches have an individual enable/clear register and an individual interrupt mask
register associated with them.
Four general purpose input/output ports are provided. The ports may be individually configured to a
variety of modes and can also be used as interrupt sources. Possible uses of the GPIO ports would be controlling H.100/H.110 termination switches or implementing the SCbus CLKFAIL signal.
4.18 Message Channel
The ML53612 provides a complete interface between the CT_MC CT Bus signal and a local HDLC controller. This includes generation of MC_CLK as well as buffering of MC_TXD and MC_RXD.
4.19 Law/Linear Conversion & Gain
Law/Linear conversion and/or gain are selected independently per time-slot.
The following conversions are supported:
• A to µ
• µ to A
• A to Linear
• µ to Linear
• Linear to µ
• Linear to A
A to µ and µ to A conversions are G.711 compliant (when "No gain" is selected).
Gain may be selected over a range of ± 31 dB in 1dB steps.
When conversion or gain is selected there will be an additional 1 frame (125 ms) delay through the
device. To minimize delay, channels that do not require conversion or gain may by-pass the conversion
and gain circuitry.
This bit is set ("1") when a Command that requires synchronization with the ML53612's internal state machine has been initiated, and cleared ("0")
when the command has been completed.
For Commands that do not require synchronization this bit is always clear ("0").
The following commands require synchronization:
• Routing Memory Write command
• In-Direct Parallel Access Read or Write command
Read (D_1) (Write Only)
Setting this bit ("1") initiates a synchronized read of the register pointed to by the Address Register. When the Busy bit is clear ("0"), the contents of
the register to be read are available by reading the Data Register. It is NOT necessary to clear ("0") this bit after it has been set ("1").
Note: For "Reads" that do not require synchronization (all "Reads" except In-Direct Parallel Access Read) it is
not necessary to set this bit. The Data Registers can be read immediately after writing the Address Register.
Write (D_2) (Write Only)
Setting this bit ("1") initiates a write of the register pointed to by the Address Register. It is NOT necessary to clear ("0") this bit after it has been set ("1").
Terminate (D_3) (Write Only)
Setting this bit ("1") terminates a command that requires synchronization with the ML53612's internal state machine. The command in process is
completed asynchronously and the Busy bit is cleared. It is NOT necessary to clear ("0") this bit after it has been set ("1").
Reset (D_7) (Read/Write)
Setting this bit ("1") resets the ML53612 and initializes the Configuration and Routing Registers. This command is analogous to the function of the
RESET pin. Clearing this bit ("0") returns the ML53612 to normal operation, ready to be configured.