Oki Microline 4410 User Manual

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Okidata assumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its control. Okidata also cannot guarantee that changes in software and equipment made by other manufacturers and referred to in this guide will not affect the applicability of the information in it. Mention of software products manufactured by other companies does not necessarily constitute endorsement by Okidata.
© 2000 by Okidata. All rights reserved. Second edition January, 2000. Written and produced by the Okidata Training & Publications Department. Please address
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Training & Publications Department Okidata, Division of Oki America, Inc. 2000 Bishops Gate Blvd. Mount Laurel, NJ 08054-4620
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Year 2000 Compliance
All products currently sold by Okidata are Year 2000 Compliant. Each product contains information technology that accurately processes date and time data between the years 1999 and 2000. These products, when used in combination with products purchased from other manufacturers, whose products properly exchange date and time information, will accurately process the date and time. All future products are committed to meeting the same Year 2000 compliance.
OKI and OKIDATA are registered trademarks/marques déposées/marcas registradas Oki Electric Industry Company , Ltd.
ENERGY STAR is a trademark of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Epson is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Ethernet is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. Microsoft and Windows are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Oki Data has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
Conventions Used in this Users Guide
Note: Notes are set in regular type and contain general information.
Caution! Cautions are set in bold italics and contain information regarding actions
which could potentially cause personal injury or damage to the printer.
Important Information
Important! Important information is set in italics.
1: Front Panel.................................................................................................................... 8
Print Mode: Indicator Lights.......................................................................................... 8
Print Mode: Control Panel Buttons ................................................................................ 9
Menu Mode: Control Panel Buttons ............................................................................ 10
Menu Mode: Configuring Your Printer........................................................................ 11
Entering/Exiting the Menu Mode.............................................................................. 11
Changing the Menu Settings ..................................................................................... 11
Saving Configurations............................................................................................... 11
Switching Back and Forth between Configurations.................................................. 12
Resetting the Menu.................................................................................................... 12
Printing a List of Menu Items ................................................................................... 12
Summary of Menu Settings....................................................................................... 13
Explanation of Menu Settings...................................................................................... 17
2: Maintenance................................................................................................................ 22
Replacing the Ribbon................................................................................................... 22
Clearing Paper Jams..................................................................................................... 25
Front Feed Jams ........................................................................................................ 25
Rear Feed Jams.......................................................................................................... 27
Replacing the Power Fuse............................................................................................ 28
Cleaning the Housing................................................................................................... 29
Cleaning the Interior.................................................................................................. 29
Cleaning the Exterior ................................................................................................ 30
3: Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 31
General Troubleshooting.............................................................................................. 31
Error Messages............................................................................................................. 34
4: Service Information.................................................................................................... 38
Getting Service & Support........................................................................................... 38
Your Dealer ............................................................................................................... 38
Okidata Information System Automated Attendant .................................................. 38
Okidata Customer Support Professionals) ................................................................ 39
Okidata Service Locations ........................................................................................ 40
Purchasing Replacement Parts & Accessories .......................................................... 41
Accessories................................................................................................................ 42
OkiLAN Model 6100e Ethernet Network Interface Card ..................................... 42
OKI Adapter Card.................................................................................................. 42
Replacement Parts ..................................................................................................... 42
A: Specifications.............................................................................................................. 44
General Specifications ................................................................................................. 44
Font Specifications....................................................................................................... 45
Paper Specifications..................................................................................................... 46
Front Feed ................................................................................................................. 46
Rear Feed................................................................................................................... 47
Physical Specifications ................................................................................................ 47
Environmental Specifications ...................................................................................... 47
Electrical Specifications............................................................................................... 48
Memory........................................................................................................................ 48
B: Interfacing ..................................................................................................................49
Parallel Interface .......................................................................................................... 49
Parallel Interface Pin Assignments............................................................................ 49
Serial Interface ............................................................................................................. 51
Serial Interface Pin Assignments............................................................................... 51
Commonly Used Serial Cable Configurations .......................................................... 52
Serial Interface Test ................................................................................................... 53
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT Interface.................................................................................. 54
Pin Assignments ........................................................................................................ 54
Print Server Parallel Output Pin Assignments........................................................... 55
C: Command Summary ................................................................................................. 56
Epson FX Command Summary ................................................................................... 56
IBM Proprinter III Command Summary...................................................................... 69
Okidata Microline Standard Command Summary....................................................... 79
Bar Code Commands ................................................................................................... 91
Select Bar Code Type and Size Command ................................................................ 91
Print Bar Code Data Command................................................................................. 93
Postnet Bar Code Command ..................................................................................... 93
Custom Font Commands: Epson & IBM..................................................................... 94
Epson FX Custom Font Command ........................................................................... 94
IBM Proprinter III Custom Fonts Command ............................................................ 96
Select Menu Item 1 Command..................................................................................... 98
Select Menu Item 2 Command................................................................................... 105
D: Hex Dump Mode.......................................................................................................111
Running a Hexadecimal Dump ...................................................................................111
E: Character Sets.......................................................................................................... 112
Lower ASCII Character Sets...................................................................................... 112
Upper ASCII Character Sets ...................................................................................... 116
Epson International Character Substitutions.............................................................. 120
IBM International Character Substitutions ................................................................ 120
Microline Standard International Character Substitutions ......................................... 121
Code Page Character Sets .......................................................................................... 122
IBM Multilingual Code Page Sets ............................................................................. 126
Multilingual 858 Code Page Character Set................................................................ 128
ISO 8859-15 Code Page Character Set ...................................................................... 128
Epson BRASCII Character Set .................................................................................. 128
Epson Abicomp Character Set ................................................................................... 128
OKI Block Graphics Character Set ............................................................................ 129
Bar Codes................................................................................................................... 130
UPC A ..................................................................................................................... 130
UPC E...................................................................................................................... 130
EAN 8...................................................................................................................... 130
EAN 13.................................................................................................................... 130
Code 39 ................................................................................................................... 130
Code 128 ................................................................................................................. 130
Interleaved 2 of 5..................................................................................................... 130
Postnet ..................................................................................................................... 130
FCC / IC / CE................................................................................................................ 131
FCC Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................ 131
Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement..... 132
Industry Canada Radio Interference Statement.......................................................... 132
European Union Council of the European Communities Statement
of Electromagnetic Conformance............................................................................. 132
Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 133
Limited Warranty ....................................................................................................... 133
On-Site Repair......................................................................................................... 133
Index .............................................................................................................................. 135

Print Mode: Indicator Lights

Power Light:
On/off: printer on/off.
Alarm Light:
On: printer error such as paper out, paper jam, etc.
Blinking: printer error such as ROM/RAM error, spacing error, etc.

1: Front Panel

Status Light:
On: printer is ready to receive data
Blinking: printer in Print Suppress mode

Print Mode: Control Panel Buttons

Press: switches printer on/off line.
With SHIFT, hold to reset printer.
With SHIFT and printer off-line, press to initialize printer.
For use in Menu Mode.
MENU Button:
Press to enter Menu mode.
STORE Button:
No function during printing
CONFIG Button:
With printer off-line and no data being sent: press to switch between
menu configurations CFG1 and CFG2.
See Section 1 for information on how to set CFG1 and CFG2.
SHIFT Button:
Press and hold to engage alternate (lower) button functions.
PATH/TOF Button:
With printer off-line:
Press to switch paper paths.
Hold to set current paper position as Top of Form.
FF/LOAD/Micro Feed Up Button:
Press to move paper to next Top of Form.
If paper is parked, press to feed paper into print position.
With SHIFT, press for fine line feeds (1/144-inch increments).
LF/Micro Feed Down Button:
Press to execute line feed.
With SHIFT, press for reverse fine line feeds
(1/144-inch increment).
PARK Button:
Press to park continuous form currently in paper path.
TEAR Button:
Press to move form up to tear position

Menu Mode: Control Panel Buttons

MENU Button:
Press to exit Menu mode.
With SHIFT, press to print out a listing of current Menu settings.
STORE Button:
Press to save the new
GROUP Button:
Press to page through available groups in the menu.
With SHIFT, press to page backwards through available groups.
OPTION Button:
Press to pages through available setting values for the selected item.
With SHIFT, press to page backwards through
available setting values.
ITEM Button:
Press to page through available items for the selected group.
With SHIFT, press to page backwards through available items.

Menu Mode: Configuring Your Printer

Entering/Exiting the Menu Mode

To enter or exit the menu mode, press MENU.

Changing the Menu Settings

To change menu settings:
MENU to place the printer in the menu mode. GROUP until the group in which you wish to make a change appears on the
second line of the display.
ITEM until the item which you wish to change appears on the display. OPTION until the value you wish to set for that item appears on the second line
of the display.
STORE to save the setting.
An asterisk (*) will appear next to the value on the display.
6.Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each item you wish to change in the menu.
MENU to exit the menu mode.
For example, to change to 12 cpi pitch:
MENU. GROUP until Font appears on the display. ITEM until Pitch appears on the display.
OPTION until 12 CPI appears on the display. STORE.
An asterisk (*) appears next to 12 CPI.

Saving Configurations

You can establish two user-defined groups of menu settings—CFG1 and CFG2—then switch back and forth between them.
When you first start up your printer, both CFG1 and CFG2 are set to the same settings as the factory settings. You will see CFG1 (Configuration 1) at the end of the second line of the printer display.
If you enter the menu and change settings, the new settings will automatically be stored under the configuration—CFG1 or CFG2—which appears on the second line of the display when you make the changes.
You can change either CFG1 or CFG2 back to the factory settings at any time: see “Resetting the Menu” below.
Note: The following menu items cannot be set separately for CFG1 and CFG2:
Registration 1 through Registration 7 in the Set-Up group.

Switching Back and Forth between Configurations

To switch from CFG 1 to CFG 2, or vice versa:
ON-LINE/RESET to place the printer off-line. CONFIG.
The CFG designation on the second line of the display changes.
ON-LINE/RESET to place the printer back on-line.
The new CFG designation appears on the second line of the display.

Resetting the Menu

You can reset the menu to the original factory settings, or engage one of the user-set values—CFG1 or CFG2—as the default.
To switch to a particular set of values, turn the printer off then:
To engage: Press and hold while turning printer on:
Factory Settings
CFG1 Settings as default GROUP + ITEM CFG2 Settings as default ITEM + OPTION

Printing a List of Menu Items

To print out a listing of the current menu settings:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
ON-LINE/RESET to place the printer off-line. MENU to enter the menu. SHIFT and MENU at the same time.
The menu prints.
4. Press
ON-LINE/RESET to exit the menu and place the printer back on-line.

Summary of Menu Settings

Note: Factory settings are indicated by bold italics.
Group Item Settings
Printer Control Emulation Mode IBM-PPR, EPS-FX, OKI-ML Font Print Mode Utility, NLQ Courier, NLQ Gothic, HSD
Pitch 10 CPI, 12 CPI, 15 CPI, 17.1 CPI, 20 CPI Prop. Spacing No, Yes Style Normal, Italics Size Single, Double
Symbol Sets Character Set Set I (IBM/Epson), Set II (IBM/Epson),
Standard (ML), Line Graphics (ML), Block Graphics (ML)
Language Set American, French, German, British, Danish I,
Swedish, Italian, Spanish I, Japanese, Norwegian, Danish II, Spanish II, Latin American, French Canadian, Dutch, Publisher
Zero Character Slashed, Unslashed Code Page USA, Canada French, Multilingual, Portugal,
Norway, BRASCII, Abicomp, Multilingual 858, ISO 8859/15
Rear Feed Line Spacing 6 LPI, 8 LPI
Form T ear-Off Off, 500ms, 1 sec, 2 sec Skip Over Perf. No, Yes Page Width 13.6", 8" Page Length 11", 11-2/3", 12", 14", 17", 3", 3.5", 4", 5", 5.5",
6", 7", 8", 8.5"
Group Item Settings
Front Feed Line Spacing 6 LPI, 8 LPI
Form Tear-Off Off, 500ms, 1 sec, 2 sec Skip Over Perf. No, Yes Page Width 13.6", 8" Page Length 11", 11-2/3", 12", 14", 17", 3", 3.5", 4", 5", 5.5",
6", 7", 8", 8.5"
Set-Up Graphics Bi-directional, Uni-directional
# Graphic Bits 8, 7 [ML emulation only]
Rcv. Buffer 1 Line, 16K, 28K, 56K (No DLL) Ppr Out Override No, Yes Registration 1 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Registration 2 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Registration 3 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Registration 4 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Registration 5 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Registration 6 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Group Item Settings
Set-Up (cont.) Registration 7 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right,
0.10 mm Right, 0.05 mm Right, 0, 0.05 mm Left, 0.10 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm Left.
Data W ord Size 8, 7 [ML emulation only]
Op. Panel Function Full Operation, Limit Operation Reset Inhibit No, Yes Print Suppress No, Yes Auto LF No, Yes Auto CR No, Yes
[ML emulation only] Print DEL Code No, Yes
[ML emulation only] SI Pitch (10) 15 CPI, 17.1 CPI
[IBM emulation only] SI Pitch (12) 12 CPI, 20 CPI
[IBM emulation only] Time Out Print Valid, Invalid Auto Select No, Yes ESC SI Pitch 17.1 CPI, 20 CPI
[IBM emulation only] Intr Chr Sub St Combined, Code Page Only
[Epson emulation only] Host Interface Auto Interface, Parallel, Serial,
OKI HSP (print server installed), Opt. Card (optional card installed)
I/F Time Out 15 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min,
5 min Default Path Current Path, Rear Path, Front Path Auto Path Invalid, Valid Impact Mode Normal, Quiet, Hi-Impact Copy
Group Item Settings
Set-Up (cont.) LF Speed Fast, Slow
Width Control Invalid, Mode 1, Mode 2
Parallel I/F I-Prime Invalid, Buffer Print, Buffer Clear
Pin 18 +5V, Open Auto Feed XT Valid, Invalid
[Epson emulation only] Bi-Direction Enable, Disable
Serial I/F Parity None, Odd, Even
# Serial Bits 8 Bits, 7 Bits Protocol Ready/Busy, X-ON/X-OFF Diagnostic T est No, Y es Busy Line SSD-, SSD+, DTR, RTS Baud Rate 9600 BPS, 4800 BPS, 2400 BPS, 1200 BPS,
600 BPS, 300 BPS, 19200 BPS, 38400 BPS DSR Signal Valid, Invalid DTR Signal Rdy on Pwr Up, Ready on Select Busy Time 200 ms, 1 sec

Explanation of Menu Settings

The items in the table below are arranged in alphabetical order.
Item Description Emulations Group(s)
# Graphic Bits Choose the graphics your system uses: ML only Set-Up
7 or 8 dots in each column printed.
# Serial Bits Change to 7 Bits if your system uses a All Serial I/F
7-bit data format.
Auto CR If you want the printer to automatically add IBM only Set-Up
a carriage return when a Line Feed is received at the end of a line, change the setting to Yes.
Auto Feed XT If your system uses pin 14 of the parallel Epson only Parallel I/F
interface to control automatic line feed, change the setting to Valid.
Auto LF If your printout is consistently double All Set-Up
spaced, select No; if it overprints, select Yes.
Auto Path Invalid = paper path controlled by software; All Set-Up
Valid = paper path controlled by printer; paper automatically switches to the alternate path when current paper runs out.
Auto Select If you always use the same Top of Form All Set-Up
position, change the setting to Valid.
Baud Rate Sets the data transmission speed for the All Serial I/F
serial interface.
Bi-Direction Change to disable if you wish to All Parallel I/F
disengage bi-directional communication at the parallel interface.
Busy Line If the Ready/Busy protocol (factory setting) All Serial I/F
is selected, use this to select which line your system monitors for a busy signal.
Busy Time Sets the length of the busy signal when the All Serial I/F
Ready/Busy protocol (factory setting) is
engaged. Character Set Determines the character set the printer uses. All Symbol Sets Code Page Sets the Code Page set the printer uses: All Symbol Sets
which selections appear depends on the
emulation selected.
Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Data Word Size If your computer system uses seven bits ML only Set-Up
to make up each unit of data, change this
setting to 7. Default Path Change to Rear Path or Front Path if you All Set-Up
wish the printer to use that paper path
as its default. Diagnostic Test Change to Yes if you want to perform a All Serial I/F
diagnostic test of the serial interface
(see Appendix B: Interfacing). DSR Signal Used with Ready/Busy protocol (factory All Serial I/F
setting) to determine the way your system
handles the DSR (Data Set Ready) signal. DTR Signal Change to Ready on Select if the DTR All Serial I/F
(Data Terminal Ready) signal is required
when the printer is selected; leave as
Ready on Power Up if the DTR signal is
required when the printer is turned on. Emulation Mode Sets the printer emulation. Not Printer
applicable Control
ESC SI Pitch Sets the character pitch used when the IBM only Set-Up
ESC SI command is received by the
printer . Form Tear-Off Select 500 ms, 1 second, or 2 seconds to All Rear Feed,
turn the Form Tear-Off feature on and to Front Feed
set the time interval for the printer to wait
before advancing the paper to the tear-off
position. Graphics Change to uni-directional printing to All Set-Up
improve alignment between print lines
when printing graphics. This will slow
down the printing. Alternately, you can
leave Bi-directional enabled and optimize
graphics printing by adjusting the print
registration setting in the Set-Up group.
Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Host Interface If you wish to select a dedicated interface All Set-Up
rather than having the printer automatically
detect the interface being used, select
parallel, serial, OKI HSP (appears only if
the print server is installed), or Opt. Card
(appears only if optional card is installed). I/F Time Out Sets the length of time the printer will All Set-Up
wait for additional data to be received
at the interface. Impact Mode Change to Quiet for minimum sound; All Set-Up
change to Hi-Impact Copy for forms
thicker than 7-part carbonless. Intr Chr Sub St International Character Sub Set: change Epson only Set-Up
to Code page Only if you wish the
printer to ignore the Language Set. I-Prime Determines what the printer will do All Parallel I/F
when it receives the I-Prime signal from
the software: Buffer Print prints out the
buffer contents before resetting; Buffer
Clear dumps the buffer contents
immediately . Invalid causes the printer
to ignore the I-Prime command. Language Set Replaces certain standard symbols with All Symbol Sets
special characters used in foreign
languages. LF Speed Change to Slow if you wish to reduce the All Set-Up
speed with which the printer executes the
line feed command when using thicker
forms. Line Spacing Change to 8 lines per inch to get more All Rear Feed,
lines per page. Front Feed Op. Panel Operator Panel Function: Change to All Set-Up
Function Limited Operation to deactivate the
STORE and CONFIG buttons. This
prevents these from being changed from
the control panel when several people
are using the printer. Page Length Sets the length of the continuous forms All Rear Feed,
you are using. Front Feed
Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Page Width Change to 8" if you are using 9-inch All Rear Feed,
continuous forms. For continuous forms Front Feed less than 9 inches wide, the page width must be set using software.
Caution! If the page width is set narrower than the continuous forms being used, the printhead will print directly on the platen: this can damage the printhead.
Parity Sets the type of parity your system uses. All Serial I/F Pin 18 Sets the signal on pin 18 of the parallel All Parallel I/F
interface to +5 volts or to open.
Pitch Sets the character width in characters All Font
per inch.
Ppr Out Override Paper Out Override: Senses when less All Set-Up
than 1" (25 mm) of paper remains and stops printing. Change to Yes to override the sensor. Caution!! This can cause loss
of data and damage the printhead!
Print DEL Code Change to Yes if you wish to print the DEL ML only Set-Up
code (decimal 27) as a solid box.
Print Mode Sets the typeface used: Utility, NLQ All Font
(Near letter Quality) Courier, NLQ (Near Letter Quality) Gothic, or HSD (High Speed Draft).
Print Suppress If you wish to enable the print suppress All Set-Up
command, change the setting to Yes. If you select Yes, the printer will ignore all data after it receives the print suppress command.
Prop. Spacing Change to yes if you wish to engage All Font
proportionally spaced printing.
Protocol Switch to X-ON/X-OFF if that is the All Serial I/F
serial interface protocol you are using.
Rcv . Buffer Sets the size of the receive buffer. All Set-Up
Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Registration 1 Change the setting as required to obtain the All Set-Up through best registration for bi-directional printing. Registration 7 Each time you press OPTION, the next
setting appears on the display and the
printer prints a sample showing the
alignment for that setting. Press STORE to
select the setting with the best alignment
(asterisk appears next to the setting)
before exiting the menu. Reset Inhibit Change to Yes to prevent your software All Set-Up
from resetting your printer’s settings. SI Pitch (10) Sets the pitch to be engaged when the IBM only Set-Up
printer control panel is set for 10 cpi and
the SI command is received. SI Pitch (12) Sets the pitch to be engaged when the IBM only Set-Up
printer control panel is set for 12 cpi and
the SI command is received. Size Change to Double for double width and All Font
height printing. Skip Over Perf. Change to Yes if you want the printer to All Rear Feed,
go to the next page when it comes within Front Feed
1" (25 mm) of the bottom of the page.
Keep it set to No if your software has its
own page formatting controls. Style Change to italics if you want the printed All Font
characters to be slanted. Time Out Print If your software spends a long time pro- All Set-Up
cessing between portions of data it feeds
to the printer, change the setting to Invalid
to keep your printer from printing the
received data while it is waiting for more. Width Control Used to limit printhead travel. Select All Set-Up
Mode 1 to wrap print lines which exceed
the width of the paper. Select Mode 2 to
cut off the end of print lines which exceed
the width of the paper. Zero Character If you do not want the printer to use a slash All Symbol Sets
to distinguish a zero from the capital letter
O, change the setting to Unslashed.

2: Maintenance

Replacing the Ribbon

Remove the Old Ribbon
1.Turn the printer off, then press on the area(s) marked PUSH and open the printhead access cover.
Caution! The printhead may be extremely HOT!
2.Move the printhead to the ribbon loading area (1).
3.Unthread the ribbon from the printhead, then remove and discard the cartridge.
Prepare the New Ribbon
1.Open the new ribbon cartridge and swing out the ribbon arms at either end of the ribbon cartridge until they snap into place.
2.Push in on the white plastic ribbon restraint at the right end of the cartridge.
3.Pull out the red shipping restraint.
Install the New Ribbon
1.Install the ribbon cartridge in the printer: place the ribbon arms over the metal tabs at either end, then press down on the cartridge.
2.Feed the ribbon over the back of the printhead, threading it into the black guides (1) on either side of the printhead.
Caution! Be careful not to twist the ribbon: this can cause jams.
3.Turn the blue knob counter clockwise (in the direction of the molded arrows) to take up any slack in the ribbon, then close the printhead access cover.
Caution! Do NOT turn the knob clockwise: this can cause the ribbon to jam!

Clearing Paper Jams

Front Feed Jams

To clear a front feed paper jam:
1.Press PARK to retract the paper from the paper path.
2.Turn the printer off.
3.Pull the front access door out and lift it up into the open position.
4.Open the tractor pin covers and remove the jammed paper. Be careful to remove any ripped pieces.
5.Tear off two or three forms to ensure a clean, unwrinkled form, then reload the continuous forms on the pins and close the tractor pin covers.
6.Close the front access door and turn the printer on.
7.Press FF/LOAD to load the paper into the print path.
If the paper continues to jam...
If you continue to experience paper jams, there are probably some inaccessible pieces stuck in the paper path. To correct this:
1.Press the
PARK button to retract the paper from the paper path.
2.Open the front access door.
3.Fold some continuous forms paper over three times to form a thick “sheet,” then load the sheet on the tractors, and press
FF/LOAD. The sheet will feed into the printer,
pulling any loose pieces through the path and out into the printhead area.
4.Remove the pieces, then press
FF/LOAD and remove the thick paper.
5.Reload your regular continuous forms and close the front access door.

Rear Feed Jams

To clear a rear feed paper jam:
1.Press PARK to retract the paper from the paper path.
2.Turn the printer off.
3.Push on the rear-feed access cover tabs and swing the cover back.
4.Open the tractor covers and remove the jammed paper. Be careful to remove any ripped pieces.
5.Tear off two or three forms to ensure a clean, unwrinkled form, then reload the continuous forms on the pins and close the tractor covers.
6.Close the rear-feed access cover and turn the printer on.
FF/LOAD to load the paper into the printing path.
If the paper continues to jam...
If you continue to experience paper jams, there are probably some inaccessible pieces stuck in the paper path. To correct this:
1.Press the
2.Open the rear-feed access cover.
3.Fold some continuous forms paper over three times to form a thick “sheet,” then load the sheet on the tractors, and press pulling any loose pieces through the path and out into the printhead area.
4.Remove the pieces, then press
5.Reload your regular continuous forms and close the rear-feed access cover.
6. Press
PARK button to retract the paper from the paper path.
FF/LOAD. The sheet will feed into the printer,
FF/LOAD and remove the thick paper.

Replacing the Power Fuse

To replace the power fuse:
1.Turn the printer off and unplug it from the outlet.
2.Turn the fuse housing (1) to the left and remove it from the printer.
3.Replace the fuse and reinstall the fuse housing in the printer.
4.Plug the printer back in and turn it on.

Cleaning the Housing

You should clean the housing every few months (or after about 300 hours of operation).
Caution! Never use solvents or strong detergents on the cabinet: they could damage
the housing.

Cleaning the Interior

2.Turn the printer off.
3.Press on the area(s) marked PUSH and open the printhead access cover.
PARK to remove the paper from the print path.
4.Use a clean, dry cloth to dust around inside the printer. Remove any loose bits of paper.
5.Close the printhead access cover.
6.Pull out the front access cover and lift it into the open position.
7.Vacuum out any paper dust and loose bits of paper, then close the cover.
8.Open the rear-feed access cover and vacuum out any paper dust and loose bits of paper, then close the cover.
9.Turn the printer back on and press FF/LOAD to load paper back into the print path.

Cleaning the Exterior

Use a damp cloth with a mild detergent to wipe the printer’s external housing clean.
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