All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from Ocean Optics, Inc.
This manual is sold a s part of an order and subject to th e cond ition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or
otherwise circula ted without the prior consen t of Ocean Optics, Inc. in any form of binding or cover other th an that in which it is published.
All products and services herein are the trademarks, service marks, register ed trademarks or registered service mar ks of their respective owners.
Limit of Liability
Ocean Optics has made every effort to ensure that this manual as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The
information provided is on an “as is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to
any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this manual.
Table of Contents
About This Manual ............................................................................................................... v
Document Purpose and Intended Audience ..................................................................................... v
What’s New in this Document ................................................................................................................... v
Document Summary ......................................................................................................................... v
Product-Related Documentation ...................................................................................................... v
File Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Window Menu ................................................................................................................................... 37
Help Menu ............................................................................................................................ 41
Sine (sine)......................................................................................................................................... 91
Index ....................................................................................................... 97
iv 000-20000-300-02-201312
About This Manual
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This document provides you with an installation and configuration instructions to get your system up and
running. In addition, user interface for OceanView is provided.
What’s New in this Document
This version of the OceanView Spectrometer Operating Software Installation and Operation Manual
updates the manual to support Release 1.3.4.
Document Summary
Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installation
Chapter 3: User Interface
Chapter 4: Wizards
Chapter 5: Schematic View
Provides an overview of the OceanView operating software.
Contains instructions for installing and configuring the
OceanView software.
Describes how to operate OceanView with the user interface
provided. Descripti ons inc lu de views pos sib le, an d the
controls and menus available.
Provides procedures for using the OceanView wizards to
capture your project data.
Contains instructions for using the OceanView schematic
view. A full description for each of the schematic view icons is
Product-Related Documentation
• ADC1000-USB Operating Instructions
• Apex 785 Raman Spectrometer Installation and Op eration Manual
• External Triggering Options Instructions
• External Triggering Options for Spectrometers with Firmware 3.0 and Above
• HR2000 and HR2000CG-UV-NIR Series High-Resolution Fiber Optic Spectrometers Installation
and Operation Manual
• HR2000+ High-speed Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
000-20000-310-02-201312 v
About This Manual
• HR4000 and HR4000CG-UV-NIR Series High-resolution Fiber Optic Spectrometers Installation
and Operation Manual
• ISS-UV-VIS Integrated Sampling System Installation and Operation Instructions
• Jaz Installation and Operation Manual
• LS-450 Blue LED Pulsed Light Source Installation and Operation Manual
• Maya2000, Maya2000Pro, and Maya2000 Pro Vis-NIR Spectrometers Installation and Operation
• NIR Near Infrared Fiber Optic Spectrometers Installation and Operation Manual
• NIRQuest Near Infrared Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• QE65000 Scientific-grade Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• QE65Pro Scientific-grade Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• QE Pro Scientific-grade Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• Red Tide USB650 Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• STS Spectrometer Getting Started
• Ventana High Sensitivity Spectrometers Installation and Operation Manual
• USB2000 Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• USB2000+ Fiber Optic Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• USB4000 Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual
• USB-AOUT Analog Output Module Installation and Operation Instructions
You can access documentation for Ocean Optics products by visiting our website at
. Select Technical → Operating Instructions, then choose the appropriate
document from the available drop-down lists. Or, use the Search by Model Number field at the bottom
of the web page.
You can also access operating instructions for Ocean Optics products on the Software and Technical Resources CD included with the system.
Engineering-level documentation is located on our website at Technical → Engineering Docs.
vi 000-20000-300-02-201312
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Ocean Optics has taken Java-based spectroscopy software to the next level with OceanView. This next
logical step in the evolution of spectrometer software provides good stability, persistence of user settings,
a broad scope of device features, and consistent file saving and loading procedures.
OceanView operates on 32- and 64-bit Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. The software
can control any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer.
USB Spectrometer and Device Control
OceanView easily manages multiple USB spectrometers – each with different acquisition parameters – in
multiple windows, and provides graphical and numeric representation of spectra from each spectrometer.
Using OceanView, you can combine data from multiple sources for applications that include
upwelling/downwelling measurements, dual-beam referencing and process monitoring.
OceanView can be used with the following Ocean Optics spectrometers when they are interfacing to a
computer through their USB port:
• Apex 785 Raman Spectrometer
• HR2000 High-resolution Spectrometer
• HR2000+High-resolution Spectrometer
• HR4000 High-resolution Spectrometer
• Jaz System
• Maya 2000 and Maya2000-Pro Spectrometers
• NIR-512 Near-IR Spectrometer
• NIR256-2.1 and NIR256-2.5 Near-IR Spectrometers
• NIRQuest512, 512-2.2 and 512-2.5 Near-IR Spectrometers
• NIRQuest256-2.1 and 256-2.5 Near-IR Spectrometers
• QE65000 Scientific-grade Spectrometer
• QE65 Pro Scientific-grade Spectrometer
• QE Pro Spectrometer
000-20000-310-02-201312 1
1: Introduction
• STS Micro Spectrometers
• Torus Spectrometer
• USB650 Spectrometer
• USB2000 Spectrometer
• USB2000+ Spectrometer
• USB2000-FLG Spectrometer
• USB4000 Spectrometer
• Ventana High Sensitivity Spectrometers
OceanView also supports the following USB devices:
• ADC1000-USB A/D Converter
• USB-AOUT Analog Output Module
• Customizable user-interface that allows you to choose what data you want to display and which
data view customization) and reloading them again later.
• Ability to perform specialized calculations on spectral and other measurement data, including:
- Derivatives and integrals of spectral data
- Spectral arithmetic
- Ratiometric on the same spectrum or between 2 different spectra
- Interpolation, subsetting and concatenation of a spectrum
• Support of the following experiments/processing modes:
- Quick View (formerly Scope Mode)
- Quick View Minus Background
- Absorbance
- Reflection
- Fluorescence
- Transmission
- Raman
2 000-20000-300-02-201312
2: Introduction
- Quick View Fluorescence
- Relative Irradiance
- Absolute Irradiance
- Color
- Photometry
- Concentration
- Energy, Power, Photons
- Strip Charts
- Spectral Math/Arithmetic
- Spectral Splicing
- Color
- Photometry
- Peak metrics
• Schematic view for processing spectral data on the fly and for customizing your experiment (data
Spectroscopic Functions
OceanView allows you to perform the three basic spectroscopic experiments – abso rban ce, ref lectan ce
and emission, as well as absolute irradiance and Raman. Signal-processing functions such as electrical
dark-signal correction, stray light correction, boxcar pixel smoothing and signal averaging are also
included. Scope mode, the spectrometer operating mode in which raw data (signal) is acquired by the
detector, allows you to establish these signal-conditioning parameters. The basic concept for the software
is that real-time display of data allows users to evaluate the effectiveness of their experimental setups and
data processing selections, make changes to these parameters, instantly see the effects and save the data.
Most spectrometer-system operating software does not allow such signal-conditioning flexibility.
With OceanView, you can perform time-acquisition experiments for kinetics applications. As part of the
time-acquisition function (strip charts), you can monitor and report single wavelengths, and you can
average between wavelengths and find the integral between two wavelengths. In addition, you can
perform reference monitoring in a variety of ways: single wavelength (1 or 2 channels), integrated
intensity (starting and ending wavelengths for 1 or 2 channels) and wavelength-by-wavelength (2
OceanView gives you complete control of setting the parameters for all system functions such as
acquiring data, designing the graph display, and using spectra overlays. OceanView has the benefit of
providing various software-controlled triggering options for external events such as laser firing or light
source pulsing.
Other advanced features give you several data-collection options. You can independently store and
retrieve dark, reference, sample and processed spectra. All data can be saved to disk using
autoincremented filenames. You can save data as ASCII files. One feature prints the spectra and another
copies spectral data into other software such as Excel and Word.
000-20000-310-02-201312 3
1: Introduction
Getting Updates
OceanView software features one year of free web-based, automatic upgrades when you buy the software.
OceanView alerts you when updates are available with a pop-up in the lower right corner of your screen.
You can also get updates using the menu item Help | Check for Updates.
4 000-20000-300-02-201312
Chapter 2
The following sections will guide you in installing OceanView on a Windows, Macintosh or Linux
operating system.
Do NOT connect the spectrometer to the computer until you install the OceanView
software. Follow the instructions below to properly connect and configure your
OceanView Minimum System Requirement s
Monitor resolution: 1024 X 768 or higher
RAM: 1.5 GB or higher
Processor: Intel Core II Duo @ 1.4 GHz or better
Intel Core Duo @ 2.0 GHz or better
AMD Athlon Neo X2 @ 1.6 GHz or better
Intel Atom @ 2.13 GHz or better
AMD Athlon 64 x2 @ 1.7 GHz or better
HD Space: 300 MB free space
Most processors produced in 2010 and later should work well with OceanView.
Download OceanView from the link you received in your e-mail. If you have purchased a CD, download
the file appropriate for your computer system from the CD.
Installation instructions are included below for installing OceanView on each of the following operating
• Microsoft Windows – XP, Vista, 7, 8; 32-bit and 64-bit
• Apple Macintosh – OSX 10.5 or higher on Intel processor
000-20000-310-02-201312 5
2: Installation
• Linux – Any version released for an x86 or amd64 platform since 2010
Example: CentOS(Version 5.5), and Ubuntu (version 10.4LTS)
Installing on a Windows Platform
Total download is approximately 64 MB (32-bit) or 71 MB (64-bit).
► Procedure
1. Close all other applications running on the computer.
2. Start Internet Explorer.
3. Navigate to the link you received to the OceanView software in your email and click on the
OceanView software appropriate for your Windows operating system.
4. Save the software to the desired location. The default installation directory is \Program
Files\Ocean Optics\OceanView.
5. The installer wizard guides you through the installation process. The OceanView icon location is
Start | Programs | Ocean Optics | OceanView | OceanView and the current user’s desktop.
Device Driver Issues with Window s 64-Bit
Hardware device driver installation is seamless on Microsoft Windows 32-bit operating systems when
you connect your spectrometer to your computer. However, 64-bit Windows systems require a bit more
care when connecting your spectrometer for the first time.
If your spectrometer is not recognized by OceanView running on a 64-bit computer, you need to
manually install the spectrometer drivers using the procedure below.
Windows 64-bit Driver Installation Process
Use the following procedure when connecting your spectrometer to a Windows 64-bit system. Steps may
vary slightly depending on the version of Windows.
► Procedure
1. Open the Control Panel and click Device Manager.
2. Under Other devices, right-click on the Ocean Optics spectrometer and choose update driver
software. The following screen app ea rs:
6 000-20000-300-02-201312
2: Installation
3. Choose Browse my computer for driver software.
4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Ocean Optics\OceanView\SystemFiles and click OK. Then click
5. When the following pop-up screen appears, choose Install this driver software anyway.
6. When the driver installation is successful, the software will recognize your spectrometer.
Installing on a Macintosh Platform
You must be logged on as an administrative user to install OceanView on your Mac. Total download is
approximately 35 MB.
000-20000-310-02-201312 7
2: Installation
Newer versions of MacOSX do not ship with Java so you may need to manually install a recent
Java release before installing OceanView. Instructions to download a recent Java release for
different versions of OSX can be found at:
There is also a direct link for the Java for OSX 10.7.3 and newer at:
► Procedure
1. Navigate to the link you received to the OceanView software and download the installer
2. Double-click the OceanViewSetup_Mac.dmg file to mount the disk image. A new OceanView
icon resembling a disk drive appears on your desktop. The new icon should open automatically (if
it doesn’t, double-click it).
3. Drag the icon to the Applications folder icon to install. OceanView can then be
launched from the Applications folder. If desired, double-click the Applications folder and drag
the OceanView icon from Applications to the Dock to be able to launch it more conveniently.
4. When the installation is complete, drag the OceanView drive icon to the trash can.
Installing on a Linux Platform
Total download is approximately 75 MB (32-bit) or 67 MB (64-bit).
► Procedure
1. Navigate to the link you received to the OceanView software in your email and download the
appropriate Linux OceanView installer.
The example below is for a 64 bit installer downloaded to the desktop. Change 64 to 32 and the
file location as needed for your installation.
2. Start a terminal window and enter the following commands:
You are prompted for your password, which allows you to execute the setup as root. Contact your
system administrator if you do not have the password. If the sudo command does not work (it
may not be set up for your user account), then enter the following:
(enter password for ro o t)
8 000-20000-300-02-201312
2: Installation
The Linux version of OceanView requires some libraries that may not be installed by default,
depending on the Linux distribution. The following are libraries are required and are not provided
as part of OceanView:
- libstdc++ ver sion 6 or new er
- libXp version 6 or newer
- libusb version 0.1.10 or newer (should be provided in a libusb package or can be
downloaded from
3. It may be necessary to modify SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) restrictions before
OceanView will run. It is possible to remove SELinux auditing by running 'setenforce Permissive'
as root or by customizing your SELinux policies. The OceanView installer does not modify
system security settings.
The default installation directory is /usr/local/OceanOptics/OceanView.
A symbolic link is put in /usr/bin so that you can enter OceanView on any command line to start
the program.
The OceanView icon location varies by installation, but will be under either Applications or
Other under the Application Launcher menu.
Retrieving from a CD
If you purchased a CD for OceanView, use this procedure to retrieve the installation files.
1. Insert the CD that you received containing your OceanView software into your computer.
2. Select the OceanView software for your computer’s operating platform via the CD interface.
Then follow the prompts in the ins ta lla ti o n wiz a rd .
Browse to the appropriate OceanView set-up file for your computer and double-click it to sta rt th e
software installation. Set-up files are as follows:
• Windows 32-bit: OceanViewSetup_Windows32.exe
• Windows 64-bit: OceanViewSetup_Windows64.exe
• Mac: OceanViewSetup_Mac.dmg
• Linux 32-bit: OceanViewSetup_Linux32.bin
• Linux 64-bit: OceanViewSetup_Linux64.bin
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2: Installation
Product Activation
You can activate your OceanView software conveniently online by selecting Help --> Licensing and
entering the product key in the OceanView Licensing dialog box that you received when you purchased
the software.
If you do not have an Internet connection, click Offline Registration to display the Product Activation
wizard. Using this wizard, you can then save an activation request file and send it to Ocean Optics via an
Internet-connected device. Ocean Optics will then reply with your Activation Request file that you must
apply using Step 3 of the Product Activation wizard.
The OceanView Licensing dialog box also allows you to deactivate your software license.
Starting Your 10 Day Free Trial
All data and projects saved during your 10 day free trial will be available when the software is activated
using a valid product key. Contact
to purchase OceanView licenses.
► Procedure
1. Double-click the OceanView icon on your Desktop to start the software.
2. Click the Cancel button in the OceanView Product Activation dialog box that opens to start your
10 day free trial with a fully functional version of OceanView.
Using Your Product Key to Activate Your Software
An Internet connection is required to activate your software using a valid product key. If an
Internet connection is not available, contact
► Procedure
1. Double-click the OceanView icon () on your Desktop to start the software.
2. Click Next in the OceanView Product Activation dialog box to enter your product key.
3. Copy the product key from the email you received and paste it into the product key box.
4. Click the Register Software button to validate your product key.
for the offline activation
5. Click Finish to complete the software registration.
If you see the message below, check your Internet connection and click the Register Software button
again. If the computer is connected to the Internet and you still cannot register your software, contact
10 000-20000-300-02-201312
for assistance.
2: Installation
Deactivating Your Product Key for Software Installation on
Another Computer
With the exception of multi-license packs, your product key is only valid for use on two computers at a
time. A deactivation option is available in OceanView if you want to deactivate your product key on one
computer so you can use it on another computer.
1. Go to Help | Licensing.
2. Click Deactivate. The following warning will appear:
3. Click Yes to deactivate the license. OceanView closes and the license will be available for use on
another computer.
Connecting Your Spectrometer
Once you have installed OceanView, you can install your spectrometer. Most Ocean Optics spectrometers
connect to your computer using a USB cable. However, refer to your spectrometer manual for specific
spectrometer installation instructions (see Product-Related Documentation
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2: Installation
12 000-20000-300-02-201312
Chapter 3
User Interface
Launching OceanView
Once you have installed your software and connected your spectrometer, you are ready to display your
measurement data using OceanView. Launching OceanView differs, depending on your operating system
and where you have placed your OceanView program files.
For PCs running Microsoft Windows, the default location is Start | Programs | Ocean Optics |
OceanView | OceanView.
For Mac computers, the default location is the Applications folder.
Welcome Screen
When you start OceanView, a Welcome screen appears asking what you would like to do.
Select from the following tasks:
•Run a Wizard -- Asks you to select your data source (spectrometer), and then allows you to choose
the type of spectral analysis you want to perform. See Chapter 4: Wizards
•Load Project – Loads a previously saved project.
000-20000-310-02-201312 13
for more information.
3: User interface
•Restore Previous Session -- Reloads the Schematic and view window configurations as they were
when the software was closed.
•Quick View -- Displays the spectrum in Quick View mode showing raw, unprocessed data
(previously referred to as Scope mode).
You can skip this window in the future by unchecking Show on startup at the bottom of the screen.
Click OK once the selection is made on this window.
Click Cancel to skip the selections on this window and open a Quick View spectrum window.
Run a Wizard
► Procedure
1. Select Run a Wizard and click OK to open the Wizard selection dialog box.
2. Click Spectroscopy to open the Select Spectroscopy Wizard dialog box.
3. Select the processed mode you want to enter and click Next. The wizard will take you through all
the necessary steps to optimize your acquisition and enter the desired processing mode.
The wizards can also be accessed by clicking the Create a new spectroscopy application button ( )
or by selecting the File | Create a new spectroscopy application menu item. See Chapter 4: Wizards
more information on using OceanView wizards.
Load Project
With the new persistence functionality and ability to save and reload projects, you can quickly enter a
processed mode by reloading a previously saved method.
14 000-20000-300-02-201312
3: User Interface
► Procedure
1. Select Load Project to view the list of previously saved projects.
Select the project you want to load and click OK. Your project will reload and even warn you if
you are reloading Reference or Background data that should be updated to ensure accurate
To load a project, you must have the same spectrometer(s) that were used to create the
project connected to the computer before you can load the project. The project will not
load if the spectrometers used to create it are not connected to the computer.
You can also load a project by clicking the Open Project button () or by selecting the File | Open Project menu item.
Save projects by clicking the Save project button () or selecting the File | Save Project menu item.
Restore Previous Session
Select Restore Previous S essio n and cl ick OK to open the software just as you left it when you last
closed it. The settings and customization from the previous session will reload. If the previous session
included Reference and Dark data, you will be warned that you are reloading data that should be updated
to ensure accurate measurements.
To restore a previous session, you must have the same spectrometer(s) that were
connected when you last closed OceanView attached to the computer before you can
reload the session. The session will not load if the spectrometers used to create it are not
connected to the computer.
Quick View
Select Quick View to display spectra for all the attached devices in a raw, unprocessed data view useful
for setting acquisitions parameters and troubleshooting. This mode was previously referred to as Scope
mode in Ocean Optics’ SpectraSuite and OOIBase32 software.
To display a Quick View spectrum for all the attached devices, do one of the following:
• Select the Quick View option from the Welcome Screen and click OK.
• Click the x in the upper right corner of the Welcome Screen.
Remove the checkmark from the Show on startup option in the Welcome Screen and the
software will also start in Quick View.
000-20000-310-02-201312 15
3: User interface
OceanView offers two different ways to view your measurement data: Graph View and Schematic View.
Graph View
The Graph view shows the spectrum graph as well as offering Graph Layer Options, Strip Charts,
Spectral Splicing, and Peak finding.
16 000-20000-300-02-201312
3: User Interface
Schematic View
The Schematic View presents data from your device(s) in a diagram format. The Schem atic View
provides you with all of the functionality of the Window view, plus the following enhanced capabilities:
• Algorithm nodes – allow for math functions such as ratios, adding multiple spectra, and adding a
constant to spectra.
• Set a subrange – ability to focus on a specific subset of the spectrum
• Interpolate spectral data – evenly space data from two or more spectra to analyze them
• Retrieve device properties such as serial number, firmware version, wavelength and total number
of pixels
• Send a single value (such as TEC temperature, integral, average over a specific wavelength range)
from the device to the Scalar view to analyze the value over time
• Preview spectra in graphs at every step in your process
000-20000-310-02-201312 17
3: User interface
• Easily add new Graph and Table Views
See Chapter 5: Schematic View
for more information.
Online Help
OceanView has extensive context sensitive help. Click the Help button in any dialog box for more details.
Tooltips are also available by hovering over a button or window for more information. Help is also
available using the Help option in the top menu.
Main Window Controls
Different types of acquisitions are available for different devices including Spectrometer, I²C,
SPI, Board Temperature, Thermo-Electric Cooling and Analog In. The controls available in the
Acquisition Parameters Controls vary based on the type of acquisition is selected.
The Main Window controls at the top of the OceanView screen allow you to perform the following tasks:
• Creating a New Spectroscopy Application
18 000-20000-300-02-201312
3: User Interface
• Opening a Project
• Saving a Project
• Removing a Project
• Using the Device Manager
Creating a New Spectroscopy Application
Click to choose the application to build. This function is also available from the File Me nu .
• Select Spectroscopy Wizard
• Color
• Photometry
• Concentration
• Energy, Power, Photons
Opening a Project
Click to navigate to and open a previously stored project. You can also type the shortcut Ctrl + O.
This function is also available from the File Menu
Saving a Project
Click to save a project in a location that you specify.
Removing a Project
Click to delete a previously stored project. You can also type the shortcut Ctrl + X. This function is
also available from the File Menu
Using the Device Manager
Click to display the Device Manager dialog box.
000-20000-310-02-201312 19
3: User interface
Use this dialog box to perform the following functions:
• Connect/disconnect the dev ice from Ocean View
• Add another device to OceanView
• Rescan for devices
• Simulate a device
• Automatically connect to the device when it is attached to the network
Acquisition Parameter Controls
Acquisition parameters allow you to establish signal-conditioning settings for your processed data. By
using the graph real-time display of data you can evaluate the effectiveness of your experimental setups
and data processing selections, make changes to these parameters, instantly see the effects and save the
data. The options available can change based on device.
The Acquisition Control Panel is accessed in the Graph View window by clicking the Acquisition
Controls button ().
The Acquisition Control Panel can also be accessed in the Schematic window by clicking the Acquisition
Controls node ().
When you click the Acquisition Controls button in the Graph or Schematic View, the Main Controls tab
of the Acquisition Parameters Controls opens.
20 000-20000-300-02-201312
3: User Interface
Add additional acquisition controls to the Main Controls tab by clicking the Add/Remove Controls tab
and checking the boxes next to the desired feature. When checked, the controls for these features will
show up on the Main Controls tab. Unchecking a feature does not disable the feature. It only hides the
controls on the Main Controls tab. The spectrometer type will determine which controls are available in
the Add/Remove Controls tab. The Spectrometer feature is already checked and grayed out. This
feature places certain necessary spectrometer controls on the Main Controls tab and cannot be removed.
If a control is shown in the Main Controls tab, by selecting it in the Add/Remove Controls tab,
that setting will be pushed to the device before every update. If multiple acquisitions have visible
controls for the same feature on the same device, the device will alternate between them, possibly
resulting in rapid changes of state (e.g., lamp control).
000-20000-310-02-201312 21
3: User interface
Main Controls Tab
Controls at the top of the window determine whether the acquisition should request data continuously
(with an optional delay between updates), stop acquiring (pause), or take single measurements. The rest of
the controls are described below:
Control Function
Integration Time
Specifies the integration time of the spectrometer, which is analogous to the shutter
speed of a camera. The higher the integration time, the longer the detector monitors
the incoming photons. If your Quick View intensity is too low, increase this value. If
the intensity is too high, decrease this value.
Adjust the integration time so that the greatest amount of light that you anticipate for
your application causes a signal of about 85% of spectrometer’s capability (for
example, 3500 for spectrometers with a total of 4096 counts, 14000 counts for
spectrometers with a total of 16384 counts, 50000 for spectrometers with a total of
65535 counts). The horizontal blue line is set at 85%. While watching the graph
trace, adjust the integration time until the signal intensity level is appropriate for the
Clicking Automatic sets the integration time to 85% of the spectrometer’s dynamic
22 000-20000-300-02-201312
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