User’s Manual
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Centre d’informations Caere
72, rue Baratte-Cholet 94100 Saint-Maur, France
Please Note In order to use this application, you should know how to work in the Microsoft Windows environment. Please refer to Windows documentation if you have questions about how to use menu commands, dialog boxes, scroll bars, edit boxes, and so on.
OmniForm Version 4.0 for Windows 95, 98 and NT
Copyright© 1999 by Caere Corporation. All rights reserved. CAERE, Logical Form Recognition, and OmniForm are registered trademarks of Caere Corporation.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Such designations appearing in this manual have been printed in initial caps.
Getting Online Help..............................................................................................................2
Help menu.......................................................................................................................3
OmniForm Tutorials ......................................................................................................3
Context-Sensitive Help..................................................................................................4
Product Support ....................................................................................................................4
Chapter 1 Installation and Setup
System Requirements ...........................................................................................................8
Installing OmniForm and OmniForm Filler......................................................................8
Registering OmniForm .........................................................................................................9
Starting OmniForm .............................................................................................................10
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 Form Usage
Using Form Assistant..........................................................................................................14
Opening Form Assistant .............................................................................................14
Form Assistant Options...............................................................................................15
Form Usage Options ...........................................................................................................16
Choosing a Form Usage Option.................................................................................16
Where to Select Form Usage Options........................................................................17
Changing Form Usage.................................................................................................18
International Settings ..........................................................................................................19
To Select a Language for Your Form:........................................................................19
How OmniForm Uses Language Selections.............................................................20
Allow Multiple Languages
Chapter 3 OmniForm Procedures
Scanning a Paper Form.......................................................................................................26
Importing an Image File .....................................................................................................30
Proofing a Form...................................................................................................................32
The Proofing Toolbar ...................................................................................................33
Filling a Form.......................................................................................................................34
Option ........................................................................22
Printing a Form....................................................................................................................34
Before you Print Your Form .......................................................................................34
Importing an Existing Electronic Form.....................................................................36
Printing Your Form as a Macro..................................................................................37
Searching a Form.................................................................................................................38
Creating a New Form .........................................................................................................39
Opening a Form...................................................................................................................39
Mailing a Form ....................................................................................................................40
Adding a Routing Slip.................................................................................................43
Saving a Form ......................................................................................................................43
Publishing a Form to the Web...........................................................................................49
The Web Toolbar ..........................................................................................................52
OmniForm Internet Filler............................................................................................52
Chapter 4 Designing a Form
The Design Process .............................................................................................................56
The Design View Window.................................................................................................57
The Design View Toolbars.................................................................................................58
Customizing Toolbars .................................................................................................58
The Design Toolbar......................................................................................................61
The Font/Text Toolbar................................................................................................62
The Drawing Toolbar ..................................................................................................62
The Arrange Toolbar ...................................................................................................63
Creating Objects on a Form ...............................................................................................64
General Creation Guidelines......................................................................................64
Creating a Text Object .................................................................................................65
Creating a Line Object .................................................................................................65
Creating an Oval Object..............................................................................................65
Creating a Rectangle Object........................................................................................66
Adding Graphics to Your Form.................................................................................66
Creating a Fill Text Object ..........................................................................................69
Creating a Comb Object ..............................................................................................70
Creating a Check Box Object ......................................................................................70
Creating a Circle Text Object......................................................................................71
Creating a Table Object ...............................................................................................71
Creating a Fill Graphic Object....................................................................................72
Defining Objects on a Form ...............................................................................................72
Defining a Graphic Object ..........................................................................................73
Defining a Fill Text Object ..........................................................................................73
Defining a Comb Object..............................................................................................78
Defining a Comb Element Object ..............................................................................80
Defining a Check Box Object......................................................................................81
Defining a Circle Text Object .....................................................................................82
Defining a Table Object...............................................................................................83
Defining a Table Cell ...................................................................................................84
Defining a Fill Graphic Object....................................................................................84
Setting Serial Numbers................................................................................................85
Changing Object Appearance on a Form.........................................................................86
Adding Color to a Form .....................................................................................................92
Adjusting Colors..................................................................................................................94
Editing a Form .....................................................................................................................95
Selecting an Object .......................................................................................................95
Moving an Object .........................................................................................................96
Resizing an Object........................................................................................................96
Deleting an Object ........................................................................................................97
Formatting Text ............................................................................................................97
Merging Text.................................................................................................................99
Formatting a Table .......................................................................................................99
Breaking a Table Apart..............................................................................................100
Aligning Objects on a Form......................................................................................101
Sending Objects Front or Back .................................................................................102
Changing Tab Order on a Form...............................................................................103
Placing Objects in Table Cells...................................................................................106
Converting an Object to Another Type of Object ..................................................107
Chapter 5 Advanced Features
Setting up a Form for Automated Data Entry...............................................................110
Creating a New AutoFill List ...................................................................................110
Create or Use an AutoFill List From Another Source...........................................113
Automatically Fill Fields on a Form........................................................................119
Creating an AutoFill List and Automatically Fill Fields ......................................126
Replacing Data Entered in a Field With New Data...............................................131
Creating AutoFills for Tables ...................................................................................132
Setting Attributes for a Form...........................................................................................134
Setting Up a Shared Form .........................................................................................134
Setting Summary Information..................................................................................135
Setting Submission Information...............................................................................136
Adding Security to Your Forms ......................................................................................137
Creating a User Database..........................................................................................137
Creating Signature Fields..........................................................................................140
Filling/Signing Signature Fields..............................................................................141
Verifying Signature Fields ........................................................................................142
Adding Hyperlinks to Your Forms.................................................................................143
Using the Scrapbook .........................................................................................................144
What Is the Scrapbook? .............................................................................................144
Inserting OLE Objects in a Form .....................................................................................148
Linking and Embedding ...........................................................................................148
How to Insert OLE Objects .......................................................................................149
Creating a New OLE Object .....................................................................................150
Creating an OLE Object From a File........................................................................151
Pasting a Linked OLE Object....................................................................................151
Setting Up Linking Options......................................................................................152
Using the
Chapter 6 Filling a Form
The Fill View Window......................................................................................................158
The Fill Toolbar ..........................................................................................................159
Moving Through Fields....................................................................................................160
Filling Fields.......................................................................................................................161
Type Ahead.................................................................................................................161
Shrink Text to Fit Fields ............................................................................................162
Fill Text ........................................................................................................................162
Check Box....................................................................................................................162
Circle Text ...................................................................................................................163
Fill Graphic .................................................................................................................164
List Fields ....................................................................................................................167
Fields Defined by a Calculation ...............................................................................167
Field Validation ..........................................................................................................168
Spell Checking ...................................................................................................................168
To Check the
Spell Checking Multiple Languages .......................................................................169
Dictionaries for Spell Checking ...............................................................................169
Spell Checking Your Form........................................................................................170
Saving in Fill View ............................................................................................................171
Commands ....................................................................................153
Current Form
Language Selection: ...................................................168
Chapter 7 Managing an
OmniForm Database
What Is a Database? ..........................................................................................................174
Managing Database Records ...........................................................................................175
Creating New Records ..............................................................................................175
Duplicating Records ..................................................................................................177
Moving Through a Database ....................................................................................178
Searching Records for Information .........................................................................179
Sorting Records ..........................................................................................................183
Recalculating Records ...............................................................................................184
Deleting Records ........................................................................................................186
Refreshing Records ....................................................................................................187
Saving Records ...........................................................................................................187
Exporting Information...............................................................................................188
Using OmniForm Data Files.....................................................................................192
Importing Information ..............................................................................................193
Protecting Your Database.................................................................................................197
Protecting Data ...........................................................................................................197
Protecting the Form ...................................................................................................198
OmniForm Filler.........................................................................................................199
Chapter 8 Using Calculations
Calculation Overview.......................................................................................................202
Creating a Calculation ...............................................................................................202
Using the
Calculation Guidelines ..............................................................................................207
Usage Conventions ....................................................................................................209
Operators ............................................................................................................................209
Operator Buttons........................................................................................................210
Operators — Quick Reference..................................................................................211
Functions ............................................................................................................................212
Functions — Quick Reference ..................................................................................213
Functions Sorted by Type .........................................................................................216
Chapter 9 Technical Information
General Troubleshooting Solutions ................................................................................218
Solutions to Try First .................................................................................................218
OmniForm Setup Issues ...................................................................................................219
Memory and Installation...........................................................................................219
Installing OmniForm 4.0 over Older Versions.......................................................219
Uninstalling OmniForm ...................................................................................................219
Scanning and Recognition................................................................................................220
System Hang During Scan ........................................................................................220
System Hang During Auto Form Design ...............................................................220
Scanner Compatibility ...............................................................................................221
Operation ............................................................................................................................221
OmniForm Limits.......................................................................................................221
Low Memory ..............................................................................................................222
Low Disk Space ..........................................................................................................223
Right Mouse Button Functions.................................................................................223
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Automation Support .............................223
Improving Performance ...................................................................................................224
Document Quality......................................................................................................224
Scanning Angle...........................................................................................................224
Scanner Glass Clarity.................................................................................................224
Paper Transparency ...................................................................................................225
OmniForm Compatibility.................................................................................................225
Command ...........................................................................207
Welcome to OmniForm, and thank you for using our software! OmniForm is the easiest way to convert your paper forms to electronic forms. Use OmniForm to edit, design, and fill forms, manage information databases, and print and mail forms among other functions. The following documentation has been provided to help you learn about OmniForm.
This User’s Manual
This manual introduces you to the basics of using OmniForm. It includes installation and setup instructions, an introduction to OmniForm, ways to help you design and fill in forms, how to manage databases and use calculations, and technical information.
OmniForm Online Help
OmniForm’s online help contains information on features, settings, and procedures. The online help conforms to Windows online help conventions and has been designed for quick and easy information retrieval. Please see page 2 for information on using the online help.
Readme File
The Please read it before using OmniForm. To open this text file, click in the Windows taskbar and choose
Scanner Setup Notes
Scanner Setup Notes
The and related issues. To open this PDF file, click Start in the Windows taskbar and choose
file contains last-minute information about the software.
OmniForm Readme
contains information about supported scanners
Scanner Setup Notes
after OmniForm has been installed.
Caere ApplicationsCaere
after OmniForm has been installed.
Getting Online Help
Using This Manual
This manual is written with the assumption that you know how to work in the Windows environment. Please refer to your Windows documentation if you have questions about how to use dialog boxes, menu commands, scroll bars, drag and drop functionality, shortcut menus, and so on.
The following conventions are used in this manual.
Convention Purpose
Italicized text
Note symbol Introduces a tip or an item of
Warning symbol Introduces important
• Emphasizes menu commands, dialog box options, and labeled buttons
For example: “Choose
• Emphasizes new terms the first time they are used
• Emphasizes important words in a sentence
in the File
Getting Online Help
In addition to using this manual, you can use OmniForm’s online help topics to learn about features and procedures. Online help is available after you install OmniForm.
OmniForm’s online help follows the conventions of Microsoft Windows 95 Help. Choose information on using Help.
How to Use Help
in OmniForm’s Help menu to get
Help menu
Use the commands in the Help menu to find information about OmniForm topics.
Getting Online Help
OmniForm Help is the first command in the Help menu. Use it to get contents and index listings for all Help topics.
OmniForm Help
Getting Started
get Microsoft Windows Help topics that explain how to use and customize Help. Select support services for OmniForm. Select to obtain tips to help you use OmniForm. Select information about your version of OmniForm.
OmniForm Tutorials
OmniForm has four online tutorials to step you through the basics. If you have never used OmniForm before or you need to review some of the procedures, please go through these tutorials.
• In the first tutorial, and fill a Sample form (included in the OmniForm package) by using the Form Assistant.
• In the second tutorial, import the Sample form into OmniForm again and learn to use the basic buttons and menu commands, verify and correct OCR, and modify the form.
• In the third tutorial, and learn how to create objects, define calculations, customize the form, set the tab order, and add a graphic.
to obtain OmniForm’s main Help topics. Select
to begin OmniForm’s tutorials. Select
Product Support
to find out how to get product
Tip of the Day... (
About OmniForm
Load and Fill a Form
Edit and Design a Form
Design Your Own Form
, you will scan (or import)
, you will scan or
, you will create a form
How to Use Help
if a form is open)
to get
Welcome 3
• In the fourth tutorial,
The OmniForm Database
, you will use the form that you created in the third tutorial and learn some basics about OmniForm’s database as well as how to create and manipulate database records.
Product Support
Context-Sensitive Help
You can get on-the spot information about a particular OmniForm command, toolbar button, or dialog box option in the following ways:
• Click the Help button in the OmniForm design/fill toolbar to turn your cursor into a question mark icon. Click any command, button, or portion of the window to open context-sensitive help for that topic.
• Click the question-mark button in the upper-right corner of a dialog box and then click an item in the dialog box to get a pop­up explanation for that item.
Product Support
For the fastest and easiest way to get help, please look for solutions in this manual or in the online Help. See “General Troubleshooting Solutions” on page 218 for troubleshooting tips.
If you need additional help, please use the following resources:
• Some dialog boxes have a information about that dialog box.
• Caere’s World Wide Web site
Go to Caere’s World Wide Web site for common questions and answers, updates, patches, troubleshooting procedures, and product information. Caere’s Web site address:
Alternatively, you can go directly to Caere’s product support Web site:
button. Click
to get
• OmniForm Readme file
• Scanner Setup Notes
Read the the software. This is available after installing OmniForm. To open the file, click
Programs Readme
Read the scanners and related issues. This document has been provided to you as an electronic document in PDF format. To open this document, click
Programs Notes
OmniForm Readme
in the Windows taskbar and choose
Caere Applications Caere Documents OmniForm
Scanner Setup Notes
in the Windows taskbar and choose
Caere ApplicationsCaere Documents
file for last-minute information about
document to learn about supported
Scanner Setup
Product Support
• Caere Product Support document
Read the
Caere Product Support
document to get a list of support telephone numbers, including ones for international product support. This document has been provided to you as an electronic document in PDF format. To open this document, click
in the Windows taskbar and choose
Caere Documents Product Support
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 or greater installed if you want to read the
Caere Product Support
PDF documents. To install the Reader, click taskbar and choose
Acrobat Reader.
Caere Applications Caere Documents
Scanner Setup Notes
in the Windows
Welcome 5
Product Support
Chapter 1
Installation and Setup
This chapter describes how to install OmniForm and begin using it. For technical and troubleshooting information, please see Chapter 9,
“Technical Information.” This chapter contains the following sections:
System Requirements
Installing OmniForm and OmniForm Filler
Registering OmniForm
•Starting OmniForm
System Requirements
System Requirements
To install and run OmniForm, you need the following setup:
Computer with an 80486 or higher processor
VGA or SVGA monitor (24-bit display adapter recommended for color forms)
Windows-compatible mouse
•CD-ROM drive
A minimum of 25MB hard disk space for OmniForm and up to a maximum of 45MB
A minimum of 10MB hard disk space for OmniForm Filler and up to a maximum of 20MB
A compatible scanner if you plan to scan documents Please see
OmniForm CD-ROM, for a list of tested scanners
Total system memory of at least 16MB RAM (32MB recommended) for Windows 95 or 98, and Windows NT 4.0.
Scanner Setup Notes
, which are included on your
OmniForm 4.0 for Windows 95 or 98 and Windows NT 4.0 is a 32-bit application and will not run on earlier versions of Windows.
Installing OmniForm and OmniForm Filler
This section describes how to install OmniForm and OmniForm Filler on Windows 95 or 98 and on Windows NT 4.0. If you have an older version of OmniForm, you might want to uninstall it before you install the latest version.
Close all applications — including screen savers, virus checkers, and mail applications — before installing OmniForm.
To install OmniForm and OmniForm Filler:
1 Start Windows. 2 Insert OmniForm’s CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
The Setup program should start automatically. If it does not,
click The Control Panel appears.
in the Taskbar and choose
Control Panel
8 Chapter 1
Registering OmniForm
3 Select 4 Follow all the instructions in the dialog boxes that appear.
During installation, you will be prompted to enter a serial number. You can find the serial number on the label of the CD­ROM.
OmniForm installs by default to the location c:\Program Files\Caere\OmniForm. You can select another location if you wish.
5 To install OmniForm Filler, repeat the preceding instructions,
but select instead of
Registering OmniForm
Register your copy of OmniForm with Caere Corporation to receive notification of special offers and the best prices on product upgrades. Some versions of OmniForm will only launch 25 times if you do not register it.
Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box appears.
and then
The OmniForm install screen appears.
OmniForm 4.0
OmniForm Filler
OmniForm 4.0
in the
when the install screen appears
If you purchased your product directly from Caere or if you were previously registered, you may not need to register again. If your version of OmniForm does not display a need to register.
To register OmniForm:
1 Click the 2 Click 3 Fill out the information requested on the screen and then click
Installation and Setup 9
Register Now
menu to open the Register dialog box.
menu, then you do not
Starting OmniForm
4 Follow the instructions on the screen.
OmniForm will decide on the best method of registration according to your country and computer system. It may try using modem, FTP, or HTTP (Internet) connections to transmit your registration information directly. Or, it may prompt you to call a phone number or print out and mail in your registration information.
After registration is complete, you will be given a registration number. Be sure to write that number down and keep it handy in case you need to use it for reinstallation. If you reinstall OmniForm using your registration number on the same computer, you will not have to go through the entire registration process again to reregister it.
To reregister OmniForm after reinstallation:
1Click the 2Click
Starting OmniForm
This section describes how to launch OmniForm after it is installed.
Install your scanner and test it in Windows OmniForm. Consult your scanner documentation or the scanner manufacturer to resolve any scanner problems that may occur.
To start OmniForm:
in the taskbar and choose
menu to open the Register dialog box.
using it with
OmniForm 4.0
10 Chapter 1
Starting OmniForm
The Form Assistant dialog box appears. It contains six options. Each is a basic OmniForm procedure.
2 Select an option and click
Proceed to Chapter 3, “OmniForm Procedures,” for detailed information on the basic OmniForm procedures. Or, if you are new to OmniForm try the online tutorials. Click
Getting Started
in the Help menu to access the tutorials.
to close Form Assistant if you do not want to choose
a particular option.
Installation and Setup 11
Starting OmniForm
12 Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Form Usage
This chapter describes basic OmniForm concepts you should know before scanning, importing or designing a new form. It includes the following sections:
• Using Form Assistant
• Form Usage Options
• International Settings
Using Form Assistant
Using Form Assistant
Form Assistant is a dialog box that appears when launching OmniForm. If you are new to OmniForm, you might prefer to use the Form Assistant, which makes decision-making easy when processing a form. Later, you might choose to use the commands in the design toolbar or menu. See Chapter 3, “OmniForm Procedures,” for more information about using the commands.
This section contains the following topics:
• Opening Form Assistant
• Form Assistant Options
Opening Form Assistant
There are several ways to open Form Assistant.
• Form Assistant opens automatically the first time you open
OmniForm. Click
OmniForm 4.0
• If Form Assistant is not open, you can either click the Form
Assistant button in the design toolbar at the top of the window, or choose
in the Taskbar and choose
Form Assistant...
in the File menu.
Caere Applications
The Form Assistant dialog box contains six options for basic OmniForm procedures as described in the next section. You can also select or deselect the option Form Assistant dialog box appears on startup.
Show on StartUp
, which determines whether the
14 Chapter 2
Form Assistant Options
This section gives a brief description of each option in Form Assistant. Through a series of dialog boxes, Form Assistant easily steps you through the process of converting your form into an electronic form.
Scan a Form or Image File
Using Form Assistant
Scan a form or image file
to scan a paper form or import an image
file and to determine how you will work with the form in OmniForm.
Fill in a Form
Fill in a form
to fill the currently open form or to open a form and
fill it. See Chapter 6, “Filling a Form,” for more information.
Print a Form
Print a form
to print the currently open form or to open a form and
print it.
Search a Form for Information
Search a form for information
to search the currently open form for
information or to open a form and search it.
Work on a Form’s Design
Work on a form’s design
to redesign the currently open form or to open a form in design view. See Chapter 4, “Designing a Form,” for more information.
Create a New, Blank Form
Form Usage 15
Create a new, blank form
to open a blank page in design view.
Form Usage Options
Form Usage Options
Form usage affects the way you can use a form once it is in OmniForm. This section contains the following topics:
• Choosing a Form Usage Option
• Where to Select Form Usage Options
• Changing Form Usage
Decide how you will use a form in OmniForm it: as a
form, as an
as described below.
Choosing a Form Usage Option
The following table provides the three usage options — designed, original, and nondesigned form — and recommendations for your choice.
Choose Designed Form when you want:
full control over a form’s design
to edit all form elements in design view
Choose Original Form when you want:
partial control over a form’s design
to maintain a form’s original look
form, or as a
you scan or import
Choose Nondesigned Form when you want:
to input a form of such poor quality that it would cause recogni­tion problems
to draw new fillable objects on the form in design view
form image
to create new objects in design view
to fill fields in fill view to fill fields in fill view
See Chapter 4, “Designing a Form,” for information on importing graphics, creating objects, and using other design techniques.
See Chapter 6, “Filling a Form,” for information on filling fields in fill view.
16 Chapter 2
to create new fillable objects on the form in design view
print or mail the form only
Where to Select Form Usage Options
Different form usage options are available depending on whether you open Form Assistant or choose
Form Assistant
You can choose to scan in or import either a designed form or an original form in Form Assistant.
Scan Form...
Form Usage Options
in the File menu.
Designed form option
Original form option
Select this option for a designed form. Deselect it for a nondesigned form.
This dialog box is one of several in Form Assistant and appears during the scanning or import process. See “Form Assistant Options” on page 15 for more information.
Scan Form Dialog Box
You can choose to scan in or import either a designed form or a nondesigned form in the Scan Form dialog box after choosing
in the File menu.
Form Usage 17
Form Usage Options
Changing Form Usage
Form Usage...
in the View menu to change the way you can use a
form. For example:
•If you have an
form but decide to change the design, then
you would change the form to a designed form.
•If you have a
form that you have edited but want to mail the original form to someone, then you would change the form to an original form.
There is no original view for a form that you design yourself in OmniForm.
To change form usage:
1 Choose
Form Usage...
in the View menu.
The Form Usage dialog box appears.
2 Select a form usage option.
• Select
Use Designed Form
to view the form as it was designed by OmniForm on import along with any changes you have made to the form’s design.
You can edit all text and fields, and add graphics to the form.
• Select
Use Original Form
to view the form as it looked
originally, before you scanned or imported it to OmniForm. You can create, resize, move, delete, define, or change the
appearance of fillable fields with this option. Changes you make to text, graphics, and nonfillable objects are not visible until you select
Use Designed Form.
Your form changes to reflect the selected option.
18 Chapter 2
International Settings
You can change the form usage from a form. However, the form will be blank except for any fillable objects you may have added.
International Settings
OmniForm supports different language and cultural conventions. You can choose from 45 different dialog box. A locale — as defined for OmniForm usage — is a combination of a language and a region. The language you select for a particular region affects how your form displays currency, numbers, and dates.
To Select a Language for Your Form:
1 If you are in fill view, click the Design button in the design
toolbar or choose 2 Choose 3 Click the
Two options are
in the Tools menu.
Current Form
in the
in the View menu.
New Forms.
form to a designed
tab in the Options
4 Click
Current Form.
for the currently open form. If you have the International
English, French, or German versions of OmniForm or if you
have multiple dictionaries, a dictionary in this language will
also be used during a spell check.
drop-down list displays the language being used
Form Usage 19
International Settings
You can only change the language for this option if you open the Options dialog box in design view.
5 Select a language for the current form.
New Forms.
drop-down list displays the default language that
will be used for the next form you open, scan, or import. The language selected for a new form will also become the
Current Form
selection when that form opens in OmniForm. 7 Select a language for new forms. 8Click
How OmniForm Uses Language Selections
Current Form
• The formatting of currency, number, and date entries in the
currently open form.
• Which dictionary is used for spell checking.
• The international symbol that appears in the status bar when a
form is currently open.
New Form
• The formatting of currency, number, and date entries in new forms
you create by scanning or importing, or by choosing File menu.
language selection affects:
language selection affects:
in the
• The international symbol that appears in the status bar when a
form is not open.
Control Panel Selections
Selections made in the
Regional Settings
the Only the
List Separator
tab do not affect selections made in
control panel.
option in these control panels affects how data is
displayed in OmniForm.
The Options Dialog Box Readouts
Below the
selection, OmniForm displays readouts: the international symbol for the selected language (which appears in the status bar); and currency, number, and date conventions specific to that language.
20 Chapter 2
International Settings
The readouts show:
• How OmniForm expects data to be entered in fill view.
• How OmniForm will format data in fill view if it is not entered correctly. (Formatting takes place after you move the cursor out of a field.) See the next section for formatting examples.
Formatting Examples
If you select
German (Austrian)
as the
Current Form
language, the
numbers 123456 entered in an appropriately defined currency field would display as öS 1.234,56.
If you select
German (Liechtenstein)
as the
Current Form
language, the
numbers would display as CHF 1’234.56.
If you select
English (United States)
as the
Current Form
language, the date
2/5/96 entered in an appropriately defined date field would display as February 5, 1996.
If you select
German (Standard)
as the
Current Form
language, the date
would display as 2. Mai 1996.
Euro Currency Symbol
Select the
Use euro currency symbol
to format currency fields with the euro currency symbol. You can use this feature if your system supports the euro currency symbol, that is, it can be entered via the keyboard, displayed on your screen, and printed.
Form Usage 21
International Settings
The Scan Form Dialog Box
New Form
language selection appears in the Options dialog box,
which is selected from the Scan Form dialog box.
You cannot change the New Forms language if you select
this option. Click Options... to view the
current language for your form or to change the language selection.
• Click
change the language for your new form. You cannot change the
to Current Form
associated with the current form. A form can have only one language.
•If you select changes to reflect the
The Object Definition Dialog Box Options
Current Form
language selection affects available formatting options for fillable objects defined as Definition dialog box. For example, the long-date format for English (United States) is MMMM dd, yyyy. The long-date format for German (Standard) is d.MMMM yyyy.
Allow Multiple Languages
How it Works
You can select first clicking
Allow Multiple Languages
tab) for multiple-language forms. OmniForm then recognizes all characters in all languages that it supports. The setting does not affect the language(s) selected for your form in the Options dialog box and vice versa.
to view the language of your current form and to
New Form
language selection if
Add Page(s)
is checked because a language is already
Add Page(s) to Current Form
Current Form
language if it is different.
Number, Date, or Currency
, the
in the Scan Form dialog box (by
in this dialog box and then selecting the
22 Chapter 2
+ 218 hidden pages