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Please Note
To use this program, you should know how to work in the Macintosh environment. Please refer to your
Macintosh documentation if you have questions about how to use menu commands, dialog boxes,
scroll bars, and so on.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed
as trademarks. Such designations appearing in this manual have been printed in initial caps.
World Wide Web..................................................................................................................10-13
Product Support Information.............................................................................................10-13
Information We Need From You.......................................................................................10-13
Chapter 1
OmniForm is the easy way to convert your paper forms to electronic
forms. Use OmniForm to edit, design, and fill forms, manage
information databases, and print or fax mail forms among other
This chapter gives an overview of the form creation and information
management capabilities OmniForm provides, as well as an explanation
of how to use the documentation.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• OmniForm Features
• Using the Documentation
Introduction 1-1
OmniForm Features
OmniForm Features
OmniForm, an easy-to-use environment for working with forms, is
more than just form-recognition software. OmniForm includes the
following features:
Form Input
OmniForm uses Logical Form Recognition™ to convert your scanned
paper forms or imported image files into electronic, editable forms.
Fill View
Use OmniForm’s
Information entered can easily be searched and sorted.
Design View
Use OmniForm’s
forms. A variety of toolbars make formatting easy and convenient. Use
the Scrap Album to store or copy form objects.
OmniForm Database
All information you enter into a form is stored as a part of an OmniForm
database. You can create, duplicate, sort, and search records, and import
and export database information.
Field Validation
You can set up OmniForm to
OmniForm displays a prompt if you enter incorrect information.
Field Calculations
OmniForm’s built-in operators and functions let you define calculations
that display the correct value as you fill the appropriate field(s) in a
form. This automates data entry and reduces the possibility of errors.
Fill View
Design View
to fill a form with the information you need.
to design your own forms or edit existing
a fillable field automatically.
Form Printing and Faxing
You can print or fax forms from OmniForm. You have a choice of
printing or faxing just the form, just the data entered in a form, or both
the form and its information.
1-2 Introduction
Using the Documentation
This section explains the various instructional and formatting
conventions used in this manual.
Online Help
OmniForm has both online help and context-sensitive help. Use the
commands in the Help menu to find information on OmniForm topics
and on using Help itself.
Click the Help button in the OmniForm standard toolbar to turn your
cursor into a question mark icon. Click any command, button, or portion
of the window to open context-sensitive help for that topic.
Two formatting conventions are used throughout the manual.
Italicized Text
• Labeled buttons, menu commands, dialog box text, and any text
in an onscreen form are italicized; for example, “Choose
the File menu.”
Menu titles, icon names, dialog box names, and unlabeled
buttons are not italicized.
Using the Documentation
• A new term may be italicized the first time it is used; for example,
“This is a
• Variable entries are italicized; for example, “The entry n must be
between 4 and 18.”
Courier font
• The Courier font indicates text that you are supposed to enter; for
example, “Type Sample1 in the
• The Courier font is also used to distinguish file locations and file
and folder names from the rest of the text; for example, “Locate
the Sample form in the OmniForm folder.”
fill text
File Name
text box and click
Introduction 1-3
Using the Documentation
Two symbols are used in this manual to highlight text.
This symbol means
This symbol means
It introduces a tip or an item of note.
It introduces cautionary text.
1-4 Introduction
Chapter 2
Installation and Setup
This chapter describes how to install OmniForm and begin using it. It
contains the following sections:
• System Requirements
• Registering OmniForm
• Installing OmniForm
• Starting OmniForm
Installation and Setup 2-1
System Requirements
System Requirements
To install and run OmniForm, you need the following setup:
• Macintosh 68040 or higher processor, a Power Macintosh, or a
Macintosh compatible of either of these versions.
• System 7.1 or higher.
• Free system memory of at least 12MB RAM.
• Minimum of 10MB of free hard disk space.
• CD-ROM drive and internal hard disk.
Additional, but optional requirements include:
• A monitor capable of displaying 256, thousands, or millions of
• If you plan to scan forms, you need a scanner with a Pixel
Translations ISIS scanner driver.
Registering OmniForm
Registering your copy of OmniForm entitles you to technical support,
notification of special offers and upgrades, and the lowest price offered
on the next OmniForm upgrade.
Please complete and send in the registration card included in your
OmniForm package.
See “Caere Product Support” on page 10-13 for information on technical
2-2 Installation and Setup
Installing OmniForm
This section describes how to install OmniForm.
CD-ROM extensions must be loaded to use the CD-ROM drive.
1With all extensions off (see the previous paragraph), insert the
OmniForm CD in your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2Double-click to open the CD if it does not open automatically.
3Double-click the Installer icon.
4Follow installation instructions.
5Enter the serial number found on the CD-ROM case when
6Restart your computer.
Installing OmniForm
Installation and Setup 2-3
Starting OmniForm
Starting OmniForm
This section describes how to launch OmniForm.
Before you install OmniForm,
running correctly with your computer system using the manufacturer’s
scanning utility or imaging software.
To start OmniForm:
1Double-click the OmniForm icon in the OmniForm folder on
your hard drive.
Form Assistant appears. It contains six options. Each is a basic
OmniForm procedure.
please test your scanner
to make sure it is
2Select an option and click
See Chapter 5, OmniForm Procedures, for detailed information on the
basic OmniForm procedures.
2-4 Installation and Setup
Form Assistant and want to go directly to OmniForm.
to close Form Assistant if you do not want to use
Chapter 3
These tutorials guide you through some of the main features of
OmniForm. There are four sections in this chapter:
• Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
• Tutorial 2 — Edit Text and Add a Graphic
• Tutorial 3 — Design Your Own Form
• Tutorial 4 — The OmniForm Database
Perform these exercises in order if you are new to OmniForm. Each new
exercise builds upon skills learned in the previous one. Choose the
tutorial you want to practice if you already know the basics of scanning,
designing, and using forms.
The tutorials cross-reference sections in this manual for additional
information on each subject. Read the other chapters in the manual to
learn about OmniForm features not discussed here.
Tutorials 3-1
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
You will load the Sample form in this exercise in one of three ways:
• Scan in the Sample form with a scanner if you have one. The form
is supplied inside this manual.
• Fax the Sample form to your computer’s fax modem if you have
no scanner, use your fax software to save it as a PICT or TIFF file,
and open it in OmniForm. The form is inside this manual.
• Locate and open the Sample file if you have no scanner and no
fax modem. It was placed in your OmniForm:SampleForms
folder during installation.
Decide which method you want to use. You can try all three methods
eventually if you own both a scanner and a fax modem.
After you have loaded the form into OmniForm, you will practice
various features of the program.
Launch OmniForm
Double-click the OmniForm icon in the OmniForm folder.
The Form Assistant dialog box appears.
If you accidentally close the Form Assistant dialog box, choose Form
Assistant in the File menu to reopen it.
3-2 Tutorials
• See the next section if you have a scanner and want to scan the
• See “Fax the Sample Form” on page 3-6 if you have a fax machine
and a fax modem and want to fax the form to your computer.
• See “Import an Image File” on page 3-6 if you do not have a
scanner or a fax modem, or if you want to use this method
instead of the other two methods.
Scan the Sample Form
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
Scan in a form
and then click
2Select a source for the form in the next window.
and click
Tutorials 3-3
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
in the next window if this option is not selected.
The Sample form is a letter-sized page.
The next window offers two form usage options.
6Select the second option.
3-4 Tutorials
You will just fill the form in this exercise, not work on its
The next window prompts you to place a page in your scanner.
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
8Make sure the page is aligned correctly in your scanner, and
OmniForm scans the form. The OmniForm window displays
scanning, designing, and straightening progress.
The Sample form opens as Untitled 1 in Fill View. It should
look the same as the original copy of the form.
9Click the Save button or choose
in the File menu.
The Save As dialog box appears.
10 Type Sample1 in the
Save document as
text box and click
Proceed to the section “Filling in the Form” on page 3-10 to begin
using OmniForm’s tools.
Tutorials 3-5
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
Fax the Sample Form
To fax the Sample form, you need the following:
• a fax modem connected to your computer
• fax software that is compatible with your fax modem
• access to a regular fax machine
To fax the form:
1Make sure your fax modem is turned on and that your fax
software is set up to receive a call.
Refer to your fax documentation for information.
2Place the Sample form in the fax machine.
3Set faxing resolution to
OmniForm may have trouble recognizing documents faxed at a
lower resolution. Check your fax machine’s manual if you need
more information about its settings.
4Dial your fax modem’s number and fax the Sample form as you
normally would.
5Once received, use your fax software to open the Sample form
and save it as a PICT or TIFF file.
Again, refer to your fax software manual if you do not know
how to do this.
6See the next section, “Import an Image File” for instructions on
how to convert your fax file into an electronic form in
Import an Image File
OmniForm can recognize PICT or TIFF image files. An image is an
electronic picture of text and/or graphics. This could be a form created
in another program or one received as a fax file. See the previous section,
“Fax the Sample Form” if you want to create a fax file to import.
You will import an image file in this exercise. You can import a fax file
if you have one, or import the Sample form that was placed in your
OmniForm:SampleForms folder during installation.
3-6 Tutorials
Load the Image File in OmniForm
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
Scan in a form
Fax or Image
in Form Assistant and then click
in the next window and then click
in the next window.
The Select dialog box appears.
Tutorials 3-7
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
TIFF Files
in the
List Files of type
pop-up menu if you
want to import the Sample file. Locate and select the Sample
file in the OmniForm:SampleForms folder.
• Locate and select your fax file if you created one in the
previous exercise.
• Click
The file name appears in the
to return to Form Assistant.
text box.
The next window offers two form usage options.
5Select the second option.
You will just fill the form in this exercise, not work on its
3-8 Tutorials
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
The OmniForm window displays scanning, designing, and
straightening progress.
The Sample form opens as Untitled1 in Fill View.
7Click the Save button or choose
in the File menu.
The Save As dialog box appears.
8Type Sample 1 in the
Save document as
text box and click
The next section shows you how to begin using OmniForm’s tools.
Tutorials 3-9
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
Filling in the Form
Standard toolbar
in Fill View
The Sample1 form opens in Fill View.
Status text
Hold the cursor over any
button in the toolbar to
see its function.
Fill View Overview
The standard toolbar appears below the menus. The buttons correspond
to various menu commands.
1Place your cursor over one of the buttons and hold it there
without clicking.
A ToolTip describes the button’s function.
Corresponding status text simultaneously appears in the status
bar at the bottom of the window.
3-10 Tutorials
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
2Click the Highlight button in the toolbar or choose
OmniForm highlights all recognized fields in yellow. This
makes it easy to see which fields you can fill.
3Click the button again to turn field highlighting back on.
4Click the Zoom button and select a page view in the pop-up
Alternatively, choose
in the cascading menu.
Fill in the Fields
1Click the field after
place the cursor there.
This is a
2Type your name in the fill text field.
3Continue to press the Tab key to move to and fill in the
You can press Shift-Tab to move to a previous field.
4Tab to or click in the
This is a
also comb fields.
Highlight Fill
in the View menu to turn off field highlighting.
in the View menu and select a view
on the form or press the Tab key to
field. The word
fields (or click to place the cursor there).
field. This is a field that is subdivided into
fill text
The next fields,
Zip Code
Phone Number
on the form is
Fax Number,
5Type five numbers in the
Zip Code
You do not have to click in each box in the field. OmniForm
moves the cursor automatically for you.
6Tab to or click in the
Phone Number
comb field and type a phone
Tutorials 3-11
Tutorial 1 — Load and Fill a Form
7Fill in the
The next item is a
Fax Number
comb field.
. A table contains
and each cell
contains a field. The cells in the table are all fill text fields. The
headers in the table are text and cannot be changed in Fill View.
• Click in the field under
• Press the Tab key to move to the field under
and type some text.
and type
a number.
• Press the Tab key to move to the field under
and type
another number.
8Move down the page and click in the square next to the words
Check here to receive our next magazine.
An “X” appears in the box. This is a
check box
9Click the word
next to the words
Ye s
Would you like to receive
more information?
Nothing happens. This should be a
circle text
field but there was
no circle on the form to indicate this to OmniForm during form
OmniForm provides tools to compensate for missing information on
forms. The next section describes how to create the circle text field.
3-12 Tutorials
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