The symbols below are used on th e equipment and throughout this
document to draw the user’s att ention to important operational and
safety information.
Read this manual carefully prior to
installation and operation of the
All safety related instructions that appear in the manual must be
observed to ensure pe rsonal safety and to prevent damag e to either
the instrument or the sys tem. If the device is used in a manner not
specified in this manual, its safety features may be impaired.
Electric shock hazard
This flow rate indicator provides indication, totalization,
retransmission, alarm and RS4 85 communication features (optional
RTU Modbus slave). It reads most flow signals available in the
market, such as pulse, magneti c pickup and 4-20 mA. The pulse
input allows connecting sensors with outputs such as reed-switch,
NPN, PNP and tension. Both for pul se input and 4-20 mA in put, unit
is selectable and a scal e factor is s et to turn the input signal i nto the
unit of choice. It provi des an isolated pulse output for totalized flow
retransmission and a 4-20 mA output for immediate flow
retransmission. Alarms are set off through 2 to 4 relays, depending
on the equipment model.
AC models provide a 24 Vdc / 50 mA output.
The flow rate indicator allows for two basic input types:
• Instantaneous flo w input through a 4-20 mA signal. In t his case,
flow totalization is obtained by integrating instantaneous flow rate.
• Totalized flow input through a pulse signal. In this case,
instantaneous flow rate is obtained by deriving totalized flow rate.
Pulse signals may c o me fr om sensors/transmit te rs wi t h NPN , P NP, dry
contact (reed switch) and tension signal output, or even magnetic
pickup outputs.
When the input is set to 4-20 mA, you should establish on screens
which flow values are equivalent to 4-20 mA.
When the 4-20 mA input is not used as flow input, it may be used
alternatively as auxiliary input. This way it i s possibl e to measure the
pressure of a pipeline, for instance.
The pulse flow input may be scaled, both for instantaneous and
totalized flow rates (independentl y), through ‘ K’ multipl ication factors:
Both flow time base and uni t must be defined on scr een
To do so, there are six char acters, the first fi ve of which are us ed to
set the unit and the las t one (to the right) is used to set the ti me b as e
on which the flow rate is measured. Available time bases are ‘s’
(seconds), ‘m’ (minutes), ‘h’ (hours) and ‘d’ (days).
With pulse flow input, totalizati on wi ll cont inue ev en if the input rate is
below the minimum rate required. Instantaneous flow rate i ndication
will be zero whenever there is a time lapse of 10 secon ds without
input variation. In this cas e, whenever the re is a total ization i ncrease
(more input pulses), the ins tantaneous flow value will be s hown for
the nest 10 seconds.
The instantaneous K factor (
allow the user to view the instantaneous and totalized flow in different
The instantaneous K factor will be available only i n case the s elected
flow input type is different from 4-20 mA. When the input type is 4-20
mA, the configured ra nge limits already provide the parameters for
the indication.
Instantaneous flow is directly related to the time base set in
In case user erroneously configures parameters
with value “0” (zero), this will be assigned value “0.00001”.
Example 1:
Chosen meter gives us an information of (pulses per volume) 50
pulses per liter. User wants to v iew the i nstantan eous flo w in li ters (l)
and the totalized flow in cubic meters (m³).
In order to do that, parameter
so indicating the instantaneous flow in liters. Parameter
be set a value of “50000”, so indicating the totalized flow in m³.
Instantaneous flow will be vi ewed ba sed on the selected time base in
which means 1 liter/second, and the selected time base is m
(minute), the instantaneous flow indication will be 60 (liters/minute).
Example 2:
Chosen sensor gives us an inf ormation in 4-20 mA that corresponds
to a flow between 0 and 100 liters per minute. Us er wants to v iew the
totalized flow in cubic meters (m³).
On this case, parameter
and parameters
“100”. This way, we pass to the equipment the infor mation that 4 mA
relates to 0 liters per minute and 20 mA relates to 100 liters per
minute. In case sensor output is 12 mA, flow will be displayed as 50
This way, the totalized flow will be converted and displayed in m³
(cubic meters).
When the instantaneous flow type is selected as 4-20 mA, the time
base selected in
having just unit display purposes. The indication conversion from
“liters per minute” to “liters per hour” should be adj usted directly on
input limits
In case user wanted instantaneous flow indicated in cubic meters per
hour (m³/h) with the same meter, the values “0” and “6” should h ave
been selected in input limits
value means 100 l/min conve rted to m³/h.
be changed to “1” because input is already in m³.
. In case the example meter output is 50 pulses per second,
should have a value of 0.001 (1 liter = 0.001 m³).
) and the total K factor (
should be set a value of “50”,
have no influence over the indicated val ues,
sholud be selected as 4-20 mA
should b e configured as “0” and
, where the second
parameter should
N1500FT Flow Indicator
1n LL
1n xl
Alarm Event
Alarm Event
Alarm Event
Alarm Event
When the flow rate is read through a 4-20 mA input, it is possibl e to
apply a customized linearizati on composed of 30 input points and 30
output points. Whenever the re adi ng fal ls between two i nput poi nts, it
will be normalized to the range defined by the res pecti v e points i n the
output range.
The input range considered as an input to the li nearization table is
the range defined by the user in the
parameters (it is
not the current in mA). In case us er wants to enter the v alues directly
in mA to convert to the desired viewing uni t, parameter
be set as 4 (mA) and parameter
as 20 (mA), using as many
decimal places as needed to the desired precisi on. It will be possible
then to enter values between 4-20 (mA) as input points for the
customized linearization.
The search for framing the valu e read is done while the lis t of input
points is incrementally decl ared. The search is terminated i f the next
point in the list is l ower than the current one. If the input value is
lower than the first val ue in the list of input points, li nearization will
return the first output value. Similarly, if the input value is greater
than the highest value in the list of input points, linearization will
return the highest value in the output list.
IMPORTANT: At least t wo pairs of input-output points are required
for adequate customized linearization.
Flow rate retransmission c an be done vi a 4-20 mA output a nd pulse
The 4-20 mA output may be used regardless of the type of flow i nput.
To use it, just set the retransmission range to
associating the flow rates to 4-20 mA.
In the case of retransmission via pulse output, one must choose
between volumetric pulse output and frequency pulse output. The
former may be used regardless of th e type of i nput, while the l atter i s
available only for pulse inputs.
In the volumetric mode, a pulse of configurable length is generated
every time the totalizer accumulates a preset volume. For example,
for a period of 1 second and volume of 10 liters, a 1-second pulse will
be generated for every 10 liters totalized. The counting to the output
pulse will be reset every time the user resets the totalizer or
whenever a feeding process is finished.
Note: In case the feeding process is running and the totalizer is reset
by the user, the process will remain running normally, but the output
pulse will not be synchronized with this process anymore, which can
lead to a missing pulse informed at the end of the feeding process.
As it is always reset at the end of the process, output pulse counter
will synchronize again for a new feeding process.
In the frequency mode, the pulse output will divide the input
frequency by a programmable constant whose val ue is equal to or
higher than 2.
IMPORTANT: Maximum output frequency has hardware limitation.
See Specifications. Check the “Specifications”.
The indicator’s basic versi on has 2 alarm outputs , with the option of
up to 4 alarms. Whenever an alarm is on, a corresponding light signal will be displayed on the front panel.
• Minimum Value – Lo
It sets off when the reading is below the value determined by the
alarm Setpoint.
• Maximum Value – Ki
It sets off when the reading is abov e the value determined by the
alarm Setpoint.
• Feeder Function –
It activates the output relay when it is s tarted by pressing or
via the auxiliary digital input (according to setup) and deactivates
when the reading reaches the value determined by the alarm setpoint
or when the key or digital input is pressed/closed again,
putting the process on hol d. In case of pressing the key or
digital input more than 3 seconds, process is reset and stays waiti ng
to be started.
Further details in the “Feeder” section.
The indicator allows setting up an Alarm Timer , where users can set
the alarm to go off with a delay, to go off in only one pulse or to go off
in sequential pulses.
Figures in Table 1 show these functions. There, times T1 and T2
may vary from 0 to 32000 seconds and are defined while
programming the indicator. For regular (no timers) operation of
alarms, simply set T1 and T2 to 0 (zero).
He alarm light signals will be displayed whenever there is alarm
condition, regardless of the c urrent status of the outpu t relay, which
may be temporarily out of power because of the timer function.
Delay 0 1 to 32000
Pulse 1 to 32000 0
Oscillator 1 to 32000 1 to 32000
0 0
Table 1 - Alarm timer functions
Hysteresis defines the difference between the value measured when
the alarm is triggered and the value at which it is deactivated.
The initial block opti on pr ev e nts the al ar m fro m goin g off i n c ase the re
is alarm condition at the time the indicator is being energized. The
alarm may be trigger ed only after a non-alarm condit ion is follow ed by
an alarm condition. This function is not valid for alarms programmed as
Open Sensor.
The alarms can be programmed to operate with four different
functions, described below. They may also be turned
Alarms use only the instantaneous flow rate reading. Totalization
readings cannot be used as input for alarms. T he auxiliary 4-20 mA
input (when it is not being used f or flow rate measurement) may b e
The flow indicator continuously rec ords the minimum and maximum
values of instantaneous f low rate. These values can be viewed on
the first screen of the main cycle by pushing and ,
respectively. The key can be set to zero maximum and
minimum values.
used only as input for the open sensor alarm.
• Open Sensor –
The open sensor alarm operates whenever the input sensor is badly
connected or broken. Valid only for 4-20 mA inputs.
N1500FT Flow Indicator
Similarly to a digital input, the key can be set to zero the
totalizer, freeze the main screen, zero minimum and maximum
readings or control the feeder function.
The feeder function is used t o control the volume of fluids based on
its flow rate. It is typicall y used for storage applic ations, where the re
is a start signal that triggers a relay and the flow rate begins to be
measured. When reaching a gi ven setpoint, this relay is deactivated
to stop flow.
Its use depends on correct configuration of the related alarm.
During the feeder process, it is not possible to change the alarm
setpoint. Process should be reset first to allow it.
Functions of key and/or digital input, when assigned to the
feeder function:
• When the key or digital input is activated, the feeder
process is started, activating all relays related to the feeder alarm;
• In case the key or digital input i s act ivated onc e agai n, the
process i s frozen and all relays related to the feeder alarm are
• To restart the feeder process, key or digital input must be
activated for 3 seconds, until the process is restarted, ze roing all
existing feeder indication. This can be done with the process
stopped or running;
• At the end of the feeder process, when alarm setpont is reached,
process values are frozen and all rel ated relays are deactivated.
To restart a new process , just activate the key or digital
input for all counters to be reset and process will start running;
• In case of a power shorta ge, if the feeder batch reset parameter
powers up again the proces s will restore from where it s topped.
This means that, if it was in the middle of a f eeder process, all
relays assigned to the feeder alarm will be activated. If the
process was stopped, all counte rs will keep their values an d the
process will remain stopped until it is activated either by the
) is configured as no, whenever the equipment
key or the digital input.
All the inside can be removed without the need to undo the el ectrical
connections. Disposition of si gnal s in the rear panel of t he indi cat or is
shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 – Rear panel connect ions
Fig. 2 – Power supply terninals
It is important that these connections are well made, with signal or
sensor wires securely attached to rear panel terminals. Check the
“Specifications” section for the range of the input signals.
The images below show connections for different input types:
In the hardware cycle, outputs can be set manually. This can be
extremely useful for tests and simulations. After exiting the cycle,
outputs go back to their regular status.
DC power supply models provide a 24 Vdc output for field transmitters.
The indicator must be installed on a panel. T o do so, remov e the two
plastic clamps, introduce the devi ce in the panel cutout and put the
clamps back from the rear side of the indicator.
• Input signal conducers should be disposed in the system
separately from output conducers and power conducers,
preferably in grounded electrodes.
• Instruments should be powered through a dedicated network.
• For control and monitoring applicati ons it is vital to consider what
might happen if any part of the system fai ls. The alarm internal
relay does not ensure total protection.
• It is recommended to use RC FILTERS (47 Ω and 100 nF, series)
in contactor coils, solenoid coils, etc.
Fig. 3 – Auxiliary digital input
Fig. 5 -Flow pulse input –
NPN signals
Fig. 7 - Flow pulse input – Dry
contact signals
Fig. 4 - Flow pulse input –
Voltage signals
Fig. 6 - Flow pulse input –
PNP signals
Fig. 8 – Coil Signal connection
(magnetic pickup)
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