Read: Active control SP (main SP, from ramp and soak or
from remote SP).
Write: to main SP
Range: from spll to spkl.
Read: Process Variable.
Write: Not allowed.
Range: Minimum value is the one configured in spll and
the maximum value is the one configured in spkl.
Decimal point position depends on dppo value.
In case of temperature reading, the value read is always
multiplied by 10, independently of dppo value.
Read: Output Power in automatic or manual mode.
Write: Not allowed. See address 28.
Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0%).
Read/Write: Selected input type for remote SP.
Range: 0 to 3
Read: Current value shown on display.
Write: Current value shown on display.
Range: -1999 to 9999. The range depends on the
displayed parameter.
Read: Current screen number.
Write: not allowed. Range: 0000h to 060Ch
Prompt number format: XXYYh, where:
XXmenu cycle number (check item 4 -
YYprompt number (index).
Read: Status bits. See table 2. Write: not allowed.
Read values: See table 2
Read: The firmware version of controller.
Write: not allowed.
Read values: If V1.00, the read value will be 100.
Read: controller identification number. Write: not allowed.
Values: 32 – N120 Controller
37 – N125
Other values: special instruments.
Read: Status bits. Write: not allowed.
Read values: See table 2.
Read: Status bits. Write: not allowed.
Read values: See table 2.
Integral Rate (in repetitions/min)
Range: 0 to 9999 (0.00 to 99.99)
Derivative Time (in seconds).
Range: 0 to 3000 (0.0 to 300.0)
Proportional Band (in percentage)
Range: 0 to 5000 (0.0 to 500.0)
Read/Write: Time base for the ramp and soak programs.
Range: 0 – 1 (seconds/minutes)
Cycle Time (PWM, in seconds)
Range: 5 to 1000 (0.5 to 100.0)
Read/Write: Mains frequency.
Range: 0 – 1 (60/50Hz)
On/Off Control Hysteresis (in selected type engineering
Range: 0 to spkl - spll
Read/Write: PV digital filter gain.
Range: 0 – 20
Output Low Limit (minimum output power)
Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0%).
Output High Limit (minimum output power)
Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0%).
Communication Manual – V1.1x
The optional serial interface RS485 allows to address up to 247 controllers in a network
communicating remotely with a host computer or master controller.
RS485 Interface
Compatible line signals with RS485 standard
3 wire connection from master to up to 31 slaves indicators in a multidrop bus. It is
possible address 247 nodes with multiple outputs converters.
Maximum communication distance: 1000 meters
The RS485 signals are:
D1 = D: Bidirectional data line.
D0 =
C = GND: Optional connection which left communication better.
General Characteristics
Optically isolated serial interface
Programmable baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or
115200 bps.
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None, Even or Odd.
Stop Bits: 1
Communication Protocol
The MOSBUS RTU slave is implemented, available in most SCADA softwares in the
All configurable parameters can be accessed (for reading or writing) through the
Registers Table. Broadcast commands are supported as well (address 0).
The available Modbus commands are:
03 - Read Holding Register
05 - Force Single Coil (Force Digital Output state)
06 - Preset Single Register
16 - Preset Multiple Registers (Block write to multiple holding registers)
The registers are arranged in a table in such a way that several registers can be read in
the same request.
Bidirectional inverted data line.
Two parameters must be configured in the device for serial communication:
bavd: Baud rate. All devices with same baud rate.
addr: Device communication address. Each device must have an exclusive address.
prty: Paraty.
Equivalent to the registers referenced as 4XXXX.
The holding registers are basically a list of the internal indicator parameters. All registers
above address 12 can be read or written. The registers up to this address in more are
read only. Please verify each case. Each table parameter is a 16 bits two complement
signed word.
Serial Number High (Upper display).
Range: 0 to 9999. Read only.
Serial Number Low (Lower display).
Range: 0 to 9999. Read only.
Control Setpoint (Prompt Setpoint).
Range: from spll to spkl.
Setpoint Low limit.
Range: minimum value depends on the input type selected
in type (see Table 1) to spkl.
Setpoint High limit.
Range: minimum value is spll and maximum depends on
the input type selected in type (see Table 1).
Offset value of PV(Process value).
Range: from spll to spkl.
PV decimal point position
Range: 0 to 3
00.000; 100.00; 2000.0; 30000
Alarm 1 Setpoint.
Range: From spll to spkl for non differential; and
spkl - spll for differential alarm.
Alarm 2 Setpoint. Range: same as in spa1.
Alarm 3 Setpoint. Range: same as in spa1.
Alarm 4 Setpoint. Range: same as in spa1.
Alarm 1 Function. Range: 0 to 8
0 off
3 rs
4 lo
5 ki
6 dif
7 difl;
8 difk;
Alarm 1 Hysteresis. Range: 0 to 9999 (0.00 to 99.99%)
Alarm 2 Hysteresis. Range: same as in kya1.
Alarm 3 Hysteresis. Range: same as in kya1.
Alarm 4 Hysteresis. Range: same as in kya1.
PV input type:
0 = J
1 = K
2 = T
3 = N
4 = R
5 = S
6 = B
7 = E
8 = Pt100
9 = 0-20 mA
10 = 4-20 mA
11 = 0-50 mV
12 = 0-5 V
13 = 0-10 V
Communication slave address. Range: 1 to 247
Communication Baud-Rate:
01200;12400;24800;39600; 419200;
538400; 657600; 7115200;
Control Mode. Range: 0manual; 1automatic.
Enable control. Range: 0no; 1yes.
Control action. Range: 0direct; 1reverse.
Auto tune enable:
0= off;1= Fast; 2= Full; 3= Self; 4= rSLF; 5= tGHt;
Alarm power-up inhibit. Range: 0no; 1yes.
Key press remote action. Range: 0 to 9
1: tecla P
2: tecla
4: tecla
8: tecla B
9: teclas P e B
Alarm 1 Time 1. Range: 0 to 6500s.
Refer to operation manual for more details.
Alarm 1 Time 2 (in seconds).
Range: same as in a1t1.
Alarm 2 Time 1 (in seconds).
Range: same as in a1t1.
Alarm 2 Time 2 (in seconds).
Range: same as in a1t1.
Soft-Start time (in seconds).
Range: 0 to 9999
Temperature unit. Range: 0 to 1.
0C; 1F.
Bias. Range: -100 to +100%.
Ramp and Soak segment being executed (read only).
Range: 0 to 9.
Ramp and Soak segment to be viewed or edited.
Range: 1 to 20.
Ramp and Soak segment to be executed.
Range: 0 to 20.
Indicates the remaining time of the Ramp and Soak
Square root of a linear input.
Range: 0->Disable;1->Enable.
Enter the low input value currently applied in the PV input
for calibration purposes.
Enter the high input value currently applied in the PV input
for calibration purposes.
Enter the low input value currently applied in the remote
setpoint input for calibration purposes.
Enter the high input value currently applied in the remote
setpoint input for calibration purposes.
Enables the top display blinking as a function of the
selected alarm:
0-> Disable
1-> Enable to alarm 1
2-> Enable to alarm 2
3-> Enable to alarm 1 and 2
Restores original default calibration.
Range: 0 to 1; 0-> do not restore; 1-> restore calibration
Serial communication parity.
0-> no parity; 1 - > even parity; 2 - >odd parity;
Digital input function:
0 – Off
1 – mAN
2 – RUN
3 – kprg
4 - Pr 1
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: 0 to 15. Check table 6 of the instruction manual.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 1.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 2.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 3.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 4.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 5.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 6.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1 for Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 7.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 8.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 9.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 4 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 5 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 6 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 7 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 8 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 9 Event of R&S Program 10.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 1 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1 of Program 1.
Segment 2 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.
Segment 3 Event of R&S Program 11.
Range: same as in pe1.