Research-and-Manufacture Company

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Recommended fuse for equipment protection, А
PT100, PT1000, KTY83, KTY 84, PTC
Connectable transducers, pcs.
Wire length of sensor ( depending on method of hardwire), m:
2 wired up to 5
3 wired up to100
Amount of output relay, pcs.
Date-hold time, years, not less then
Temperature measureme nt error, °С
Temperature measureme nt range, °С
Degree of protection: - body
- terminal block
Power input (power load), VA, no more than
Operation temperature r ange, °С
Montage to standard 35 m m mo unt in g frame
* note – PTC transducers can be connected as serial connection (1, 3, 6 pc.)
Commutation life of the output contacts:
- under 10А 24V DC, times, not less than
Service manual is intended for getting acquaints with hardw are, operation principals, modes o f func t i oning and
sitting rules of digital temperature relay TR-100 ( hereinafter TR-100).
TR-100 is designed for take measurement and control of temperature of device by 4 sensors which are may
connected by two or three wire connection scheme. Temperatures will be indicated on digital display. It is possible
to use alarm signals when some of parameters come out of user adjusted ranges. TR-100 can be use for protection
• Motors and generators;
• Tree-phase dry-type transfor mers w ith additional thermal sensors of core or environment.
TR-100 equipped for universal adapter and therefore it can use power supply from 24 to 260V without reference
to polarity.
In the capacity of thermal sensors, TR-100 is able to use next ty pes of tr ansducers:
• PT100 – Platinum tran sducer with rated resistance is 100 Ohms (0 °C);
• PT1000 – Platinum tr ansducer with rated resistance is 100 0 O hms (0 °C);
• KTY83 – Silicon transducer with rated resistance is 1000 Oh m s (25 ° C);
• KTY84 – Silicon transducer with rated resistance is 1000 Ohms (100 °C);
• PTC (1, 3, 6 cascade) cold r esist ance of transducer is 20-250 Ohms;
1.2.1 Main technical characteristic are in the Tab le 1, which is given below.
Table 1
Characteristic of output contacts
- under 10A 250V AC, times, not less than
100 mil.

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1.2.2 Appearance and dimensions are given at picture below.
1 – Indication of tripping is ON; 2 – Indicator for ON state of alarm relay or for programmed mode is ON;
3 – Indicator for failure of device and switching on of bug relay; 4 – Indicator for turning on of ventilation relay;
5 – Indicator for switching on and actual connection with RS-485; 6 – Indicator for number of current display channel;
7 – Digital display; 8 – Test indication button; 9 – Button for entering in the view mode or programming mode;
10 – Use to confirm adjusted sittings and to exit from programming mode; 11 – Up button; 12 – Down button.
Picture 1 – Appearance and dimensions
Indicators (4, 5, 6) image corresponded to itself parameters (ON / OFF),
( , , , , , ,
2.1 TR-100 START-UP
2.1.1 Safety
Table 3).
All connection must be completed only BEFORE TR-100 gets power supply.
2.1.2 Connection TR-100 mus t be according to picture 2.
Note: All measurement t r ansmission cables from temperature sensors should be corresponded wit h next
• Made of shielded twisted-pair cable (triplet);
• Cable cross must be at least 0, 5m m²;
• Hard connection to device clamps;
• Connection route must be separated from high voltage cables a nd from cables make inductive load;
All cables must be in equa l len gt h.
2.1.3 Turn the power supply on and adjust, if it necessary, modes of operation in according to Table 3.
• W hen temperature of one of four sensors exceeds the alarm threshold temperature value (parameter
see Table 3), then with user defined time the Alarm relay will close its output contact and the appropriate
indication will be shown on the front panel of the device.
• The same sequence of events will happen in case tr ipping t hreshold temperature value will be detected
): tripping relay will close it’s contacts and appropriate indication will appear on the front panel.

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Picture 2 – Electrical connections of ТR-100
• Turn Off for Alarm and Tripping detected faults will happen after the temperature detected by all sensors will
become lower than
- (for Alarm fault) and - (for tripping Fault). Both these relay will return to
it’s initial cold state with simu ltaneous front panel indication turn Off.
2.2.1 Control and Operation
In initial state TR-100 indicates temperatures of sensors which are ON, in turns with 4 sec interval (if parameter
is adjusted as 2).
Equipment control is carr ied out as follows:
• To changing between channels press buttons;
• To check all LED ind ic ators press
• To entering in view m ode press
• To entering in adjusting of parameter mode press and hold
• TR-100 display
(for 1 sec.) and return to initial state, unless any button has pressed for 20 seconds.
button for 7 seconds. Viewing of param et er s .
To viewing of parameters, press once, LED indicator “FAULT” (pic.1 pt.3) will ON and first parameter
of Table 3 will appear on the digital display.
Use buttons for scrolling. To enter in menu item, press button, to return to previous item, press
once again. If any buttons are in inaction for more than 20 seconds, TR-100 will return to initial mode. In viewing
mode, changing of para m et er s is i m possible. Changing of parameters.
To changing of parameters, press and hold
• If password has set, type it. Changing of current value digit due
button. To confirm password press button. Cancel of password - if any buttons are inaction for more
button for 7 seconds, and:
buttons, changeover to next item
than 20 seconds, TR-100 w ill return to initial mode.