Research-and-Manufacture Company
1. control for minimum voltage threshold, Umin (%);
7. green LED signal that the mains voltage is present, ON;
2. control for maximum voltage threshold, Umax (%);
8. green LED signal that load is energized, Load;
starter (MS) power contacts monitoring, Fault;
4. control of trip delay setting for Umin, Tmin (sec);
10. MS power contacts monitoring terminals;
5. control of trip delay setting for the mains voltage faults,
Toff (sec);
6. control for automatic reset delay setting, Ton (sec);
3. control for peak phase imbalance threshold, PI (%); 9. red LEDs signal for the mains voltage fault/ magnetic
13. terminals for the mode selection: line/phase voltage

- 2 -
Rated phase/line voltage, V …………………………………………………………………
Mains frequency, Hz ………………………………………………………………………...
Adjustable range for Umin, % of nominal value …………………………………………..
Adjustable range for Umax, % of nominal value …………………………………….……
Adjustable range for phase imbalance, % …………………………………………………
Adjustable range for Tmin, sec ……………………………………………………………..
Adjustable range for Toff, sec ……………………………………………………………….
Adjustable range for Ton, sec ………………………………………………………………
Minimum trip delay when threshold settings are reached, sec ………………………….
Reset/energization delay when the relay energizes, sec, not more than ………………
Voltage hysteresis, V ………………………………………………………………………..
Accuracy of trip threshold for voltage, V, not more than …………………………………
Phase imbalance accurac y, %, not more than ……………………………………………
Safe operating voltage, % of rated value ………………………………………………….
Power required (under load), VA, not more than …………………………………………
Maximum switched current of output contacts, A …………………………………………
under load 1A, no less than, operations ………………………………………….
terminal block ………………………………………………………………….…….
Operating temperature range, °C …………………………………………………….…….
Storage temperature, °C …………………………………………………………………….
Weight, no more than, kg ……………………………………………………………………
Case dimensions 4 modules of S-type
Mounting position as desired
A RNPP-301 voltage control relay is desi gned for:
1. monitoring of the tolerable RMS phase/line voltage level (at the option of user) with independent setting
adjustments for the mini mum/maximum voltage thresholds;
2. monitoring of the correct phase sequence and phase “non-coincidence” (the phases are supposed to be
coinciding when a load is ener gized not from two different phases but instead from one and the same phase);
3. monitoring of three phase lines for voltage presence and the mains voltage symmetry with adjustable phase
imbalance setting;
4. monitoring of the magnet ic starter power contacts status at no-load and under load;
5. the load (415V/50Hz) de-energization with user-set trip delay (Toff) through the opening the magnetic starter
coil power circuit (A.C and D.C. electric circuit switching) when fault conditions occur;
6. the mains voltage quality monitoring after the relay had tripped and did reset automatically with the user-set
reset delay (Ton) upon the voltage parameters regenerat io n;
7. all fault conditions (not switching of the magnetic starter power contacts is included) are displayed by special
LEDs indicating the specif ic cause of the occurring voltage fault in the m ai ns .
• under load 5A, no less than, operations ………………………………………….
• apparatus …………………………………………………………………………….
100 000
1 mln.
The RNPP-301 relay (hereafter "the relay") is a digital microprocessor device that provides a high degree of
reliability and accuracy. The relay doesn't require any auxiliary power supply because it is self-powered by the
three-phase voltage to be monitored. This permits the relay to keep operate capability even when only one phase is
present (in the three-phase systems with neutral). Two modes of the mains voltage monitoring can be selected at
the user's option:
The phase voltage monitoring mode
To enable phase voltage monitoring mode it's necessary to remove jumper in between terminals 8-9 and
connect neutral wire to terminal 7. This mode of operation is recommended fot the situations when for the
machinery the neutral shift is very critical (within the range of user preset values) and when phase imbalance is a
matter of a great concern.
The line voltage monitoring mode
To go into this mode of operation one needs to apply the jumper strap between terminals 8-9; in this case to
connect the neutral is not necessary. This mode of operation is recommended when the neutral drift value and
phase voltage imbalance is not important as well as for isolated neutral three-phase sys tems. The relay wi ll trip
when line voltage imbalance between phases occurs.
neutral to the terminal 7 not removing the jumper strap between terminals 8-9. In 3-Phase systems without neutral the
To keep the relay operative an d informative when only one phase is present it's advisable to connect the