Nokia 30 User Manual

Copyright © Nokia Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Issue 1.0
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................3
1. DOCUMENT SCOPE..................................................................................................... 3
2. PRODUCT CONCEPT AND USAGE ............................................................................. 3
2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2 USER CONTROL MODE......................................................................................... 3
3. SECURITY.....................................................................................................................4
4. GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................... 5
4.1 SECURITY SETTING .............................................................................................. 5
4.1.1 MESSAGE IDENTIFIER....................................................................................... 5
4.1.2 AUTHORIZATION NUMBER................................................................................ 5
4.1.3 PASSWORD ........................................................................................................ 6
4.2 INPUT MODE AND INITIAL OUTPUT STATE......................................................... 6
4.3 SMS CENTER NUMBER......................................................................................... 8
4.4 CONNECTING A DEVICE OR A MACHINE ............................................................ 8
5. INPUT/OUTPUT PIN DESCRIPTIONS .......................................................................... 9
6. COMMAND SYNTAX................................................................................................... 10
7. COMMAND TEMPLATES............................................................................................ 11
7.1 COMMAND LIST ................................................................................................... 11
7.2 DETAILED COMMAND INFORMATION AND RESPONSES ................................ 12
7.2.1 CHANGE_PWORD ............................................................................................ 12
7.2.2 READING INPUTS............................................................................................. 13
7.2.3 SUBSCRIBING INPUT EVENTS........................................................................ 13
7.2.4 READING OUTPUTS......................................................................................... 16
7.2.5 WRITING OUTPUTS.......................................................................................... 16
7.2.6 CONTROLLING POWER SUPPLY TO THE DEVICE........................................ 18
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ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AT Attention
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CSD Circuit Switched Data
GSM Group Special Mobile, Global System for Mobile communications
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
I/O Input/output
M2M Machine-to-Machine, Man-to-Machine, Machine-to-Man
SM Short Message, text message
SMS Short Message Service
SW Software


1. Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal Product Guide
2. Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal Technical Specification
3. M2M System Connector Electrical Specification for Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal


This document describes how the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal can be used in User control mode. The ways of controlling the terminal in this operation mode is described as well as how this can be done in a more secure way.
For more detailed information about the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal, other Nokia M2M products and application development for M2M, please visit Forum Nokia and M2M links at



Nokia 30 is a GSM Connectivity Terminal for EGSM 900/GSM 1800 networks. It includes a GSM transceiver with built-in data capabilities, a SIM card reader, an internal antenna, an external antenna connector, and an M2M system connector.
The Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal has three different operation modes:

§ User control mode

§ AT command mode and
§ M2M system mode
In AT command mode the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal is used as a GSM data modem using AT commands. In M2M system mode the Nokia 30 is used as a part of Nokia M2M Platform using CORBA messaging.
In the user control mode the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal is controlled with e.g. a mobile handset. Text message (short message service = SM) templates that are sent from the mobile to the Nokia 30 instruct the terminal, which in turn controls a device or machine, attached to it through the M2M system connector.
The Nokia 30 processes the SM and sends a response back to the command originator. Finally, a received and recognized command will be deleted by the service. Unrecognised commands would be stored to terminal or SIM as normal messages.
The control or monitoring is through general-purpose inputs and outputs of the M2M System Connector. Thus, there are three general-purpose inputs and five general-purpose outputs on the M2M system connector of the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal. The inputs can be used in either digital (on/off) or analog (continuous signal) mode. The outputs can be used in digital mode only (set something on/off).


There are three levels of access control for User control mode: message identifier, password and authorization number. A message identifier has to be used i.e. the terminal has to be named in order to be able to use the User control mode of the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal. The identifier initiates every text message template aimed to control the Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal and the application attached to it.
The identifier is entered with the Nokia 30 Configurator software when the terminal is used for the first time.
A user specified password could be used to further secure the communication between the handset and the terminal. The password is entered whenever a text message template is sent to the Nokia 30. The password is activated and/or changed with the Nokia 30 Configurator software or a text message (SM).
Access can be secured by specifying from which phone number the requests for control are allowed, thus determining an authorization number. The number specification is done with Nokia 30 Configurator software. Only one number can be specified as authorization number.
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