Nokia 30 Service Manual 07 tme3 trouble

Programmes After Market Services
TME-3 Series Transceivers

Disassembly and T roubleshooting

Issue 3 10/03 Nokia Corporation.
Disassembly and Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation
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Table of Contents
Page No
Introduction to troubleshooting...................................................................................... 5
Disassembly of TME-3.................................................................................................. 6
RF Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 9
Introduction to RF troubleshooting .............................................................................9
Component notes:...................................................................................................... 9
Component handling:................................................................................................ 9
Measurement notes:................................................................................................... 9
RF Key component placement ...................................................................................10
RF Measurement points .............................................................................................11
GSM900 & GSM1800 Transmitter ...........................................................................12
General instructions for Transmitter (Tx) troubleshooting..................................... 12
Transmitter troubleshooting diagrams ..................................................................14
Oscilloscope screen shots of transmitter signals..................................................... 17
GSM900 & GSM1800 Receiver ................................................................................20
General instructions for Rx troubleshooting........................................................... 20
LNA gainstep checking GSM900 & GSM1800 ...................................................24
Synthesizer .................................................................................................................25
General instructions for synthesizer troubleshooting.............................................. 25
Pictures of synthesizer signals................................................................................. 27
Baseband Troubleshooting........................................................................................... 30
Troubleshooting steps ................................................................................................30
Terminal is dead (1) ...................................................................................................31
Terminal is dead (2) ...................................................................................................32
Flashing fault (1) ........................................................................................................33
Flashing fault (2) ........................................................................................................34
Terminal jammed (1) .................................................................................................35
Terminal jammed (2) .................................................................................................36
SIM card fault ............................................................................................................37
Signal diagrams .........................................................................................................38
13 MHz clock.......................................................................................................... 38
26 MHz signal......................................................................................................... 38
Sleep clock signal.................................................................................................... 39
1 MHZ Cbus clock signal........................................................................................ 39
Timing diagram .........................................................................................................40
Flash 1 signal........................................................................................................... 41
Flash 2 signal........................................................................................................... 42
Flash 3 signal........................................................................................................... 42
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Disassembly and Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation
Table of Figures
Page No
Fig 1 SIM card cover removal .............................................................................................6
Fig 2 Screw removal............................................................................................................6
Fig 3 Remove the B-cover...................................................................................................7
Fig 4 B-cover removed ........................................................................................................8
Fig 5 RL7 module component placement 1.........................................................................10
Fig 6 Measurement points, PA 1/2 ......................................................................................11
Fig 7 Measurement points, PA 2/2 ......................................................................................11
Fig 8 Tx troubleshooting......................................................................................................14
Fig 9 Hagar Troubleshooting diagram.................................................................................15
Fig 10 PA&Ant troubleshooting diagram............................................................................16
Fig 11 TXI_0, Tx on, Random data, Burst mode................................................................17
Fig 12 TXQ_0, Tx on, Random data, Burst mode...............................................................17
Fig 13 900/1800 antsw tx contr, Tx on, burst mode............................................................18
Fig 14 900/1800 PA bias, Tx on, burst mode......................................................................18
Fig 15 900/1800 PA ctrl, Tx on, burst mode, high power level ..........................................19
Fig 16 Tx out signal, 900 band, burst mode, channel 37.....................................................19
Fig 17 Receiver signal .........................................................................................................21
Fig 18 Troubleshooting diagram for GSM900 receiver ......................................................22
Fig 19 Troubleshooting diagram for GSM1800 receiver ....................................................23
Fig 20 Synthesizer troubleshooting diagram.......................................................................26
Fig 21 26MHz XO out.........................................................................................................27
Fig 22 13 MHz clock ...........................................................................................................27
Fig 23 4GHz VCO ctrl.........................................................................................................28
Fig 24 4GHz VCO ctrl ........................................................................................................28
Fig 25 4GHz VCO output, 1800 band, RX on, continuous mode.......................................29
Fig 26 Dead terminal, 1 ......................................................................................................31
Fig 27 Dead terminal ...........................................................................................................32
Fig 28 Flashing fault 1.........................................................................................................33
Fig 29 Flashing fault 2 ........................................................................................................34
Fig 30 Terminal jammed (1)................................................................................................35
Fig 31 Terminal jammed (2)................................................................................................36
Fig 32 SIM card fault ..........................................................................................................37
Fig 33 13 MHz clock ...........................................................................................................38
Fig 34 26 MHz signal ..........................................................................................................38
Fig 35 Sleep clock signal.....................................................................................................39
Fig 36 1 MHZ Cbus clock signal.........................................................................................39
Fig 37 Timing diagram ........................................................................................................40
Fig 38 Flash 1 signal............................................................................................................41
Fig 39 Flash 2 signal............................................................................................................42
Fig 40 Flash 3 signal............................................................................................................42
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Introduction to troubleshooting

The first thing to do is carry out a through visual check of the module. Ensure in particu­lar that:
a) there are not any mechanical damages b) soldered joints are OK
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Disassembly and Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation

Disassembly of TME-3

1. Remove the lens.
Figure 1: Lens removal
2. Turn the device upside down and remove the two screws.
Figure 2: Screw removal l
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3. Remove the B cover.
Figure 3: Remove the B-cover.
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Disassembly and Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation
4. Remove the data module from the A-cover
Figure 4: B-cover removed
NOTE: The screws require Torx6 screwdriver tip. Thecorrect tightening torque is 25Ncm.
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RF Troubleshooting

Introduction to RF troubleshooting

The RF-section of the RL7 module is build around one RF-ASIC (HAGAR, N600). For easier troubleshooting, the instructions are divided into three sections: transmitter, receiver and synthesizer.
Component notes:
Apart from key components described in this document here are several discrete compo­nents (resistors, inductors and capacitors), the troubleshooting of which is done by checking whether the soldering of each component is OK.
Capacitors can be checked for short cir cuits and resistors for value by means of an ohm­meter, but be aware that in-circuit measurements must be evaluated carefully.
Before replacing HAGAR, please check following: are the supply voltages and serial com­munication signals (coming from baseband to HAGAR) correct?
Please note that the grounding of the PA module is directly below the PA-module so it is difficult to check or change.
Component handling:
Most RF semiconductors are static discharge sensitive! ESD protection must be taken
care of during repair (use ground straps and ESD soldering irons). HAGAR and PA are moisture sensitive components; parts must be pre-baked prior to sol-
Measurement notes:
Measurements must be done using spectrum analyzer with high-frequency high-imped­ance passive probe (LO-/reference frequencies and RF power levels) and oscilloscope with a 10:1 probe (DC-voltages and low frequency signals)
Please be aware that all measured voltages or RF levels in this document are rough fig­ures. Especially RF levels vary due to different measuring equipment or different ground­ing of the used probe. When using RF probe usually a good way is to use metallic tweezers to connect probe ground to PWB ground as close to measurement point as pos­sible.
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Disassembly and Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation

RF Key component placement

Figure 5: RL7 module component placement 1
External antenna connector/switch
Internal antenna pad
Dual PA Dual coupler
(under frame)
Antenna switch Dual RX 1st SAW PCN LNA EGSM LNA
NOTE! You can remove (cut) the frame above the power amplifier, ex. PA exchange
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RF Measurement points

PA environment
Figure 6: Measurement points, PA 1/2
EGSM PA ctrl
EGSM PA bias
PC N PA ctrl
PCN antsw tx ctrl
EGSM ant sw tx ctrl
PCN PA bias
HAGAR environment below:
Figure 7: Measurement points, PA 2/2
VrefRF0 1
EGSM bal out
VR 6
PCN RX 1st SAW out EGSM RX 1st SAW out V500, RFin
LNA_P V500, RFout LNA_G V550, RFin LNAB_G
V550 , RFout LNAB_P
VrefRF02 RX _I_ in RX _Q_ in
PCN bal out
26MHz out
AFC PC N LNA out VR 4 PCN mod out
4GHz out VR 2 EGSM mod ou t
VCO ctrl
TX_I_out TX_Q_out VR 1a13MHz clk
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Disassembly and Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation

GSM900 & GSM1800 Transmitter

General instructions for Transmitter (Tx) troubleshooting
Connect the test jig to the PC with the DAU-9S cable or to the FPS-8 Flash Prommer with a XCS-4 modular cable.
Make sure that you have the PKD-1 dongle connected to the PCs parallel port. Connect DC power supply to module test jig with a suitable cable.
Attention: When repairing or tuning transmitter use external DC supply with at least 3A current capability. Set the DC supply voltage to 13.5V.
Connect a RF- test cable (K-1888) to the external antenna connector and to measure­ment equipment or at least 10dB attenuator, otherwise the PA may be damaged.
Normally Spectrum analyzer is used as measurement equipment. Another way is connect RF-cable to the module test jig (MJS-46) RF connector to and to measurement equip­ment or at least 10dB attenuator.
NOTE: Normally a Spectrum analyzer maximum input power is +30dBm. A 10dB attenua­tor on Spectrum analyzer input must be used to prevent damage
Set the module in the test jig and start Phoenix service software. Initialize connection to phone. (use FBUS driver when using DAU9S and COMBOX driver
when using FPS-8). Select product from the menu.
File -> Choose product -> TME-3 From toolbar set operating mode to "Local" Activate RF controls window from the menu
Maintenance -> Testing -> RF Controls From the RF controls window
- Select band "GSM900" or "GSM 1800" (Default = "GSM900")
- Set Active unit to "Tx" (Default = "Rx")
- Set Operation mode to "Burst" (Default = "Burst")
- Set Tx data type to "Random" (Default = "All1")
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PAMS Technical Documentation Disassembly and Troubleshooting
- Set Rx/Tx channel to 37 on GSM900 band or 700 on GSM1800 band (Defaults)
- Set Tx PA mode to "Free" (Default)
- Set power level to 5 (Default = 19) on GSM900 or to 0 (Default = 15) on GSM1800
For transmitter schematics refer to the A3 size diagr ams at the end of the manual.
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Transmitter troubleshooting diagrams
Figure 8: Tx troubleshooting
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