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Wii Operations Manual
Channels and Settings
To protect your health and safety, and for correct
use of the Wii system, please read and follow the
instructions in the Wii Operations Manual - System
When the Wii console power is turned on, the first screen you will see is the
Wii Menu. From this screen, you can do several activities:
• Play a Game Disc.
• Use one of the built-in software programs (Channels)
included with the Wii console.
• Change Wii console settings.
• Interact with the Wii Message Board.
To select any of these activities, simply point at one with the Wii Remote and press
the A Button.
Wii Settings and Data Management
Change console settings or organize the
contents of an SD Card or Nintendo
GameCube Memory Card (see page 38).
Wii Channels
Play a Wii or Nintendo GameCube Game Disc, start one of the built-in
software programs included with the Wii console, or start other software
programs downloaded to your console from the Wii Shop Channel.
Current Date
Wii Message Board
Open the Wii Message Board
(see page 28).
Wii Channels
These are the current Channels available:
Disc Channel
Play Wii and Nintendo GameCube games.
Mii™ Channel
Create characters that can be used in Mii-compatible software programs.
Photo Channel
View digital photos and videos from SD Cards.
Wii Shop Channel (Internet connection required)
Use Wii Points to download Virtual Console games or purchase
goods (when available) offered on the Wii Shop Channel.
Forecast Channel (Internet connection required)
Check the weather conditions in different locations.
News Channel (Internet connection required)
View news from around the world.
Wii Menu
Di sc Cha nne l
Disc Channel
On the Disc Channel, you c an play y our Wii an d Nintendo
Ga m eCube Ga m e Discs.
Disc Channel
Wii Menu
Playing a Wii or Nintendo GameCube
Game Disc
Before Inserting a Game Disc
• Make sure that your TV and any audio equipment that is connected to your Wii
console is turned on.
• Choose the correct input setting for your TV (see page 18 in the Wii Operations
Manual - System Setup).
Inserting a Game Disc
Insert your Game Disc into the Disc Slot on the front of the Wii console. The console
will turn on automatically and the Wii Menu will appear.
To select an on-screen option, simply point at
it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.
Wii Disc
Nintendo GameCube Disc
Starting the Game
1. Select the Disc Channel on the Wii Menu.
2. Select Start on the game’s Channel Preview screen to begin the game.
• Review the instruction booklet for the game you are playing for specific game
control information.
Channel Preview screen
When You’re Done Playing
1. Press the Eject Button to remove the Game Disc.
2. Turn the power off by pressing the Power Button on the front of the console,
or by pressing the Power Button on the Wii Remote.
Power Button
Eject Button
• If your console is placed vertically, the disc label will face to the right.
• If your console is placed horizontally, the disc label will face upward.
Dolby, Pro Logic and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Disc Channel
Mi i™ C han nel
Mii Channel
Put y o urself into you r Wii conso l e by mak i ng a Mii. . . or m a ny
Mi i s! Yo u can se e Miis in your game s , carr y them in y our Wii
Rem o te, and let t hem hang out with f riends' M iis, whether
th e y're across the stree t or aroun d the worl d !
Mii Channel
Wii Menu
Making Your First Mii
Selecting the Mii Channel from the Wii Menu
Use the Wii Remote (Player #1, if using more than one remote) to select the Mii Channel, then
select START to begin creating your first Mii.
Creating Your Mii
First select Male or Female. You'll then see a starter face that you can change, along with a style
menu. Go through the following steps to make your Mii.
Select a gender.
To select an on-screen option, simply point at
it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.
Change your Mii's face shape, hair color,
and skin tone.
Fine-tune your Mii's face. Change its eyes,
brows, nose, and mouth, and even add
glasses and accessories.
Finally, tailor your Mii's proportions
however you like.
You've designed your first Mii! After you give it a few personal profile
details like a Nickname (see page 10), you're completely finished!
Design an endless
variety of Miis!
What Are Miis For?
• You can choose one of your Miis to be "you" in Mii-compatible games.
• You can store up to 100 Miis in your Mii Plaza (see page 11).
• You can carry Miis in your Wii Remote to exchange them with Miis in friends' Wii
consoles (see page 12). Yours will then appear in their games. And vice versa!
• You can also exchange Miis with friends around the world via WiiConnect24™ and
the Mii Parade (see page 13).
Mii Channel
Mi i C han nel
Mii Channel
Creating More Miis
Selecting the Mii Channel from the Wii Menu
Use the Wii Remote to select the Mii Channel, then
select Start to enter Mii Plaza (see page 11).
Select the New Mii icon on the left side of the screen:
Select Male or Female. Then if you've created a Mii
previously, you'll see two Mii start-up options: "Start
from scratch" or "Choose a look-alike."
Starting from Scratch
If you select "Start from scratch," you'll instantly be given a basic starter face, then you'll fine-tune all of its features,
just as you did with your first Mii.
Choosing a Look-alike
Select "Choose a look-alike" if you want to get a Mii designed very quickly. You'll be shown a wide variety of starter
faces that show a spectrum of Mii looks.
When you find a face you like, select "Use this face" to move onto the Feature Edit screen, where you can fine-tune the
face if you prefer.
If you find one that's close but not quite right, select it and you'll see many variations on the face. You can use this
method repeatedly to get closer and closer to the exact face that you want (as shown to the right). Select "Use this face"
when you see the exact Mii face you want.
Mii Channel
Modifying a Mii
Changing Mii Features
Use the style menu when changing your Mii's face and body. As you select categories from the top Feature menu, you'll see the Feature style menu below fill with variations
that you can choose for your Mii's look.
Feature Edit screen
Edit Mii profile
See page 10.
Change body type
See page 10.
Spin your Mii
Select your Mii to see it whirl
around and show you what it
looks like from all sides.
Stop modifying
When you quit styling your
Mii, you can choose whether
to save your changes, and
then you'll go to the Mii Plaza,
where you'll see your Mii
walking around (see page 11).
Feature style menu
Scroll buttons will appear if
there are more
options available:
Feature adjustment menu
Change facial features
Select feature type to see variations
appear below.
Change color
You can select a color for many
Move feature up or down
Make feature larger
or smaller
Rotate feature
Change feature spacing
You can tighten and broaden the
spaces between dual features such
as eyes and brows.
Right/Left Part
This option will appear when
modifying the hairstyle.
Mii Channel
Mi i C han nel
Changing Mii Features (continued)
Select the Body Type choice from the Feature Edit screen.
You can then adjust the height and weight of your Mii using
two sliders.
Creating a Profile For Your Mii
Select the Edit Mii Profile choice from the Feature Edit screen.
You can then give your Mii personal details. Select a detail
you want to edit, then enter the information.
Seeing Your Miis in Mii Plaza
Miis that you create walk around in Mii Plaza. You can go to Mii Plaza to check out your Miis, edit and create Miis, prepare Miis for going to other Wii consoles, and do other useful
things with your home Mii crowd. Up to 100 Miis can stay in Mii Plaza, and they'll all appear in any Mii-compatible games you play on your Wii console.
Return to Wii Menu
Go to Mii Parade
See page 13.
Mii Channel
Edit a Mii
Drag and release a Mii over this
icon to send it to Feature Edit.
Store a Mii in a Wii Remote
See page 12.
Send a Mii to a Wii Friend
Create a new Mii
(requires an Internet connection)
Erase a Mii
Drag and release a Mii over this
“Grab” a slider and move the Wii Remote to
change the setting.
icon to delete it.
Arrange your Miis
See page 12.
Consult Help
Profile settings
• Selecting some of the options will bring up a virtual keyboard to enter letters or
numbers (see page 64 for information on using the keyboard).
• Make the Mii one of your Favorites if you want to give this Mii preference for
showing up in Mii-compatible games.
• Turn a Mii's Mingle setting on if you want it to appear in the Mii Parade found on
other Wii consoles (see page 13). Turn the Mii's Mingle off if you want to restrict it to
your own home Wii console only.
• Hold down the B Button and move the cursor to move the screen view.
• Press the + or – Buttons to zoom in and out on the screen.
• Select a Mii to display your Mii’s label and change its
Favorite status:
Get information on Mii Channel controls.
• Grab and move a Mii by selecting it with the Wii Remote and
holding down the A and B Buttons. You can then drop it into
menu options by dragging it onto the corresponding icon, then
releasing the buttons.
NOTE: A Mii that's dragged onto the Erase icon can't be recovered.
Mii Channel
Mii Channel
Mi i C han nel
Storing a Mii in Your Wii Remote
Select the Wii Remote icon from the Mii Plaza.
If you store a Mii on your Wii Remote, you can take it to a friend's
house and give a copy of your Mii to another Wii console. Your Mii
can then be used in your friend's Mii-compatible games or put in
your friend's Mii Parade. (You can also use your Wii Remote to grab
Miis from your friend's Wii system and later add it to your Mii Parade
or your Mii-compatible game.)
Choose a Wii Remote
If more than one Wii Remote is in
use with the console, you can
choose which Wii Remote to save
the Mii to.
Move Mii to Wii Remote
Each Wii Remote can hold up to ten
Miis. To copy a Mii to the Wii
Remote, grab and drag the Mii to
an open spot. Select Save & Quit
when you're finished.
Arranging Miis in the Mii Plaza
Select the Organize icon from the Portrait Plaza screen.
This will bring up new icons that let you organize your Miis by
different categories:
Lists the number of Miis in the Mii Plaza.
Causes the Miis to scatter.
Arrange the Miis alphabetically.
Arrange by Favorite status.
Arrange by Favorite Color.
Arrange by gender.
Checking Out Visitors in Mii Parade
Any of your friends' Miis that are set to Mingle will enter your Wii system first via the Mii Parade. You can see if any have arrived by selecting the Mii Parade icon
in the Mii Plaza.
Each incoming Mii will stay in the Mii Parade until you transfer it to your Mii Plaza, where only then will it start showing up in your Mii-compatible games.
Likewise, friends will first see any Mingle-approved Miis in their own Mii Parades and must transfer them to their Mii Plaza to see them appear in their own games.
Go to Mii Plaza
Send Mii to Mii Plaza
Grab and drop a Mii on this icon to move it
from the Mii Parade to the Mii Plaza, which
allows it to appear in your Mii-compatible
games and lets you perform most Mii Plaza
functions on it. (You can't edit your
friends' Miis.)
Erase a Mii
About Mingling
Your Miis will enter friends' Mii Parades only if your Miis' individual Mingle settings are turned on. There are then two ways to send those Miis to their consoles. You can transfer
Miis via your Wii Remote (see page 12), or you can let them travel on their own via WiiConnect24 (see page 59).
Change Travel Setting
Your Mii Parade will accept incoming Miis only
if you turn on this Travel option (see About
Mingling below).
Mii Speed
Select to adjust the speed at which the Miis
Mii Number
Lists the number of Miis on the screen and the
total number of Miis.
NOTE: Miis will travel to other Wii consoles via WiiConnect24 only if you've registered your friends in your Wii address book (requires an Internet connection), and if you
and your friends have Travel options turned on.
Mii Channel
Ph oto Ch ann el
Photo Channel
On the Phot o Channel, you can view and play w ith any p hotos
Viewing Your Photos and Videos
an d videos y ou've sav e d onto a n SD Card.
Photo Channel
Wii Menu
Using the Photo Channel
You can do any of the following things using the Photo Channel:
• View your photos as a slide show.
• Draw on your photos.
• Save your photos to the Wii System Memory in the console using the
Wii Message Board (see page 28).
• Send your pictures to anyone on your list of Wii Friends.
To select an on-screen option, simply point at
it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.
Selecting Your Photo Source
1. Using the Wii Remote, select the Photo Channel on the Wii Menu.
2. Select either Digital Camera/Cell Phone or View Wii Message Board photos
to view your photo album.
NOTE: Photos will appear on the Wii Message Board (see page 28) only if you have
posted them there in a previous Photo Channel session.
This on-screen menu will disappear temporarily if you move the cursor off the screen
or stop moving the cursor for a moment.
Decrease size of
photo views
Increase size of
photo views
Scroll forward and
backward through
list of photos
• Your photos will appear on the TV screen in the order they were taken. If this data
is not available with the photo, the date that you update the photo in the Photo
Channel will be used.
• Videos will appear as the first frame from the file, with a film
icon in one corner.
• If the photo or video is in a format that is not supported by the
Photo Channel, it will appear as a question mark icon.
See page 22 for supported formats.
• If you have a large number of photos, or if they are very large in size,
it may take a moment to open them all.
• The Photo Channel can display a maximum of approximately 1,000 photos.
If your SD Card has more than 1,000 photos, remove the card from the Wii
console and remove or reorganize your photos in your camera, cell phone,
or computer.
Inserting an SD Card
Insert an SD Card into the SD Card Slot on the front of
the console.
NOTE: You can also use miniSD Cards and microSD
Cards if you have an SD Card adapter, which can be
found at most retail stores that sell SD Cards. See
page 22 for more information on SD Cards.
View photos from the Wii
Message Board
View photos from an SD
Return to Photo
Channel start screen
View your photos
in a slide show
(see page 17)
Photo Channel
Ph oto Ch ann el
Photo Channel
Viewing a Photo Full Screen
Use the Wii Remote to select the photo you would like to view full screen.
A new on-screen menu will appear with additional choices.
Scroll forward and backward
through list of photos
Return to list
of photos
Post photo to
Message Board
See page 21.
Play with
your photos
See page 18.
View a slide show
of your photos
See page 17.
Rotate photo
90º clockwise
Zoom in or out
If part of the photo is off-screen, a scroll panel will appear:
Move the cursor over an arrow and press the A Button to change the area of
the photo that is viewed.
Scroll left
Scroll up
Scroll right
Scroll down
Viewing Photos in a Slide Show
Select the slide show option using the Wii Remote. The photos will automatically
be displayed in the order they appear on the screen.
Press the A Button during a slide show to open an on-screen menu with
additional choices.
Resume slide
Adjust settings
End slide show
Resume slide show
Choose display order
Choose your photos randomly or in the order in which they were taken.
Change transition effects between photos
Change music played during slide show
Select from the songs included in the Photo Channel, or use any MP3-format
music saved on your SD Card.
Song Menu screen
Photo Channel
Ph oto Ch ann el
Having Fun With Your Photos
Photo Channel
Select the Fun! option to open a new menu with additional options for playing
with your photos.
Adjust the overall
appearance of your
Draw, cut and paste,
and add text and
Create a puzzle out of
a photo for others to
Mood Menu Screen Options
• Brighten: Brighten the photo. Select repeatedly to increase effect.
• Black and White: Convert photo to gray scale monochrome.
• Zap!: Invert the photo.
• Hard-boiled: Convert the photo to stark black and white.
Select repeatedly to increase effect.
Zoom out
Stamp selection
Select color for sketch pen
Erase tool
Zoom in
Eyedropper tool: Copy a color from the photo
1. Select the eyedropper icon and press the A Button.
2. Move the eyedropper icon over a part of the photo where
you want to copy the color and press the A Button.
3. The cursor will change to the selected color.
Scissors tool: Cut and paste a piece of the photo
1. Select the scissors icon and press the A Button.
2. Move the scissors icon over a part of the photo where you want to
cut and paste and press the A Button. A cut frame will appear.
3. Press the A Button to cut the area and again to paste it.
Erase all doodles and restore the photo to its
original appearance
NOTE: Move the Wii Remote closer to the TV to increase the
size of the sketch pen or stamp. Move the Wii Remote away
from the TV to reduce the size of the pen or stamp. Twist the
Wii Remote to rotate the pen or stamp.
Photo Channel
+ 25 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.