We’ve Got
You Covered
So you have a digital SLR and an idea — a GREAT idea — for a
photograph. Do you have all you need to make that idea hap-
you’ll find all the accessories available for the Nikon
D-SLR lineup: everything you need to realize your present
ideas, and inspire new ones. Whether you are a seasoned pro-
fessional or a passionate weekend shooter, we’re sure you’ll
find something in this brochure that can help you craft better
images. Every item found within is designed specifically for
Nikon cameras, giving you seamless performance that truly
brings out the best in you and your Nikon D-SLR. Got an idea?
Make it happen. Here’s where you start.
Make Your Photography Matter with the
Nikon Total Digital Imaging System
See what one Nikon
Speedlight can do
Easy, intelligent, amazing:
The Nikon Creative Lighting
Make lighting work for you with wireless multiple Speedlights
Turn good shots into great shots with Advanced Wireless Lighting
Dramatic close-up
lighting made easy
Explore fine details with
flexible, wireless control
Your file, your vision
Capture NX 2 Software: master post-production
Which Speedlight is right for you?
Nikon Creative Lighting System compatible Speedlights
Flash Accessories
Remote control accessories
Steady shots — night or day
Power when you need it
GPS accessories/wireless
Communication technology
for any location
Battery packs and power
Viewing attachments
View with clarity and comfort
Close-up accessories
Close in on every subject
System diagram
NIKKOR lens lineup
Nikon digital SLRs
Gordon Nash — Wedding photographer (U.S.A.)
I shoot about 50 weddings a month, and nearly half of my images need a Nikon Speedlight. I always have one on my camera, with another ready for side-lighting or other handheld effects. Each Speedlight makes a dramatic difference to the finished image. For the above image, I used one SB-800 for side-lighting and a soft-focus filter on the lens for a dreamy look. As a professional wedding photographer, I face moving subjects, unpredictable shooting situations and limited prep time, so speed and intuition are vital to my success. That’s why I depend on the Nikon
Creative Lighting System. It’s easy to use and offers so many options, along with consistent exposure and performance. I have to be ready for that special moment at all times. The Creative Lighting System helps me do that.
Camera setting data:
Camera and Speedlights: D200 (built-in Speedlight as
commander) and SB-800 (remote unit) Lens: AF 85mm f/1.8D Shutter speed: 1/125 sec. Aperture: f/2.2 Exposure mode: Aperture-Priority Auto Flash mode: i-TTL Image quality: RAW
See what one Nikon Speedlight can do
Easy, intelligent, amazing: The Nikon Creative Lighting System
Lighting is a vital component of all images, but the past complexities of flash photography have made many photogra­phers — even seasoned ones — hesitant to explore its full potential. Not any more. Working photographers around the world are discovering how Nikon’s Creative Lighting System brings simplicity and real-world usability to flash photography. The key is Nikon’s breakthrough i-TTL flash control technology. With this at its core, Nikon Speedlights offer consistently accu­rate flash exposures that can adjust to nearly any lighting situa­tions you face. Nikon Speedlights communicate with your Nikon D-SLR to perform all the complex lighting calculations for you. Nikon’s exclusive monitor pre-flash offers precise feedback infor­mation, registering everything from available light and shadows to color temperature and reflective surfaces within the scene. The camera also integrates information from its built-in database of over 30,000 actual scenes to determine the ideal exposure -– all within a millisecond before each shutter release. Whether on top of the camera or used as a wireless remote unit, Nikon’s Creative Lighting System offers the most dependable and con­sistent flash exposure in the business.
© Gordon Nash
Nikon’s exclusive i-TTL: a higher level of accuracy
The real breakthrough is Nikon’s moni­tor pre-flash. It is designed to provide your Nikon D-SLR with consistently accurate feedback information in order to achieve ideal flash output. This level of accuracy is found nowhere else.
Speedlight tips: Diffuser
Use a diffuser above the flash to soft­en the light and eliminate harsh shad­ows. This is useful in almost any flash situation, includ­ing fill flash, for natural looking skin.
Go the distance: more flash power
The Speedlights built into Nikon D-SLRs are smart and responsive, but sometimes your subject is far enough away that you simply need more flash power. Connect a Nikon external Speedlight and you can capture sub­jects at a much greater distance with more balanced illumination.
Bright lights, big ideas – with only one Nikon Speedlight, you can:
Soften the light: bounce flash
Direct light can be harsh and leave a distracting shadow behind your subject. Try turning the flash head toward a wall or ceiling and you’ll soften the light and get rid of the shadow, creating a more flattering atmosphere for portraits.
Capture the action: Auto FP High-Speed Sync
Indispensable to outdoor pho­tography, this enables action­stopping shutter speeds with fill flash. It is also important to portraiture, allowing you to use larger apertures for a more pleasingly radiant ambient light. Your camera will automatically set itself to this mode if the shutter speed rises above the camera’s standard flash sync speed of 1/250 second.
Maintain the exposure: Flash Value (FV) Lock
The FV Lock (Flash Value Lock) maintains the same flash value for correct exposure during a sequence of photographs, allowing you to zoom in on your subject, change the composi­tion or adjust the aperture, all without altering your intended exposure. That way you can concentrate on capturing your subject without worrying about adjust­ing the lighting.
SB-800 attached
Built-in Speedlight
Bounce flash
Direct flash
Normal sync
Auto FP High-Speed Sync stops the action Shutter speed: 1/3200 sec.
i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash
Main subject’s exposure stays the same regardless of any compositional changes.
Original exposure
© Joe McNally
© Joe McNally
© Joe McNally
© Gordon Nash
Make lighting work for you with wireless
You can accomplish a lot with just one Speedlight, but sometimes an image would benefit from more artistic illumina­tion. Adding more Speedlights not only adds depth to the scene but also character and charm to your subject. One of the great­est benefits that is singular to Nikon’s Advanced Wireless Lighting is that controlling dozens of Speedlights is just as easy as controlling your on-camera Speedlight. And because it’s wire­less, setting up your Speedlights can be done quickly and smoothly no matter where you’re shooting. From the Master Speedlight located on top of your camera, you can control the flash output of three groups of wireless remote units, adding any number of Speedlights to each of these groups.
Simply set everything to Nikon's exclusive i-TTL for consistently accu­rate exposures in even the most dif­ficult lighting situations. It's just as easy to explore alternate exposures by adjusting the flash exposure com­pensation of individual Speedlight groups. Or if you like, turn off a Speedlight group, or set everything to manual — all via the LCD panel on the Master Speedlight, all possible without ever leaving your camera. Multiple Speedlight control has never been this intuitive and fluid. No other lighting system comes close.
Joe McNally — Photojournalist (U.S.A.)
There have been many difficult lighting situations in my career where the Nikon Creative Lighting System literally amazed me by sorting out a proper exposure. The System offers incredibly high accuracy in most shooting scenarios. Milliseconds before each shot, the camera meter and Speedlight speak to each other, relaying and calculating massive amounts of lighting information — exposure variance, RGB, reflectance, distance and contrast, to name a few — all of which are constantly shifting and changing. I’ve always said that no camera system will ever solve every problem, but Nikon cameras and the Creative Lighting System do a phenomenal job of sorting through the data to give you accurate exposures. This is a
major reason to use Nikon.
Turn good shots into great shots with Advanced Wireless Lighting
Control it all from here. Set the flash mode, turn Speedlight groups on or off and con­trol the flash exposure compensation for up to 4 Speedlight groups from the Master Controller SB-800's LCD panel.
You can control up to 4 groups of Speedlights, includ­ing the Master and 3 remote i-TTL Speedlight groups, to achieve complete control of your lighting environ­ment. All groups can be controlled from the Master, and there is no limit to how many you can use.
Add Group B to emphasize the middle ground and Group C for the background
Group A illuminates the main subject from the side
Camera setting data:
Camera and Speedlight:
D2X and three SB-800s
(one on-camera mas-
ter/commander and two remote units) Lens: AF-S DX 12-24mm f/4G IF-ED Shutter speed: 1/160 sec. Aperture: f/14 Exposure mode: Aperture-Priority Auto Flash mode: i-TTL Image quality: RAW
Group A: Illuminates main subject
On-camera Commander
Group B: Illuminates middle ground
Group C: Illuminates background
Multiple Speedlights
SB-600 Speedlights can serve as remote units in wireless lighting, while SB-900/800 Speedlights can serve as Master, Commander or separate remote units.
multiple Speedlights
Speedlight tips: colored gels
Selecting the right colored gel fil­ter is important, especially when you want the flash to appear nat­ural alongside ambient light. For the outrigger canoe photograph (shown left), an amber gel filter added extra warmth to the main subject while blending seamlessly with the sunlight and overall color of the image.
Timing is crucial for location shooters. Here’s how one photographer captured an aspiring dancer in 24 hours, and how the Nikon Creative Lighting System provided the speed and flexibility he needed.
Bounce flash
The illuminated space needed to be large enough for the dancer to move freely. Four SB-800 units were attached to the ballet bar to bounce light off the wall. Two more SB-800 units bounced light off the floor. By bouncing light off the cream-colored wall and the wooden floor, the lighting achieved natural warmth.
Seamless flash with mixed ambient lighting
This shop had mixed light sources: fluorescent light along with sunlight from the window. To give the scene a natural look, a diffuser is attached to an SB-800 and tilted toward the ceiling, with an additional wireless remote SB-800 illuminating the dancer from outside the window.
Directional light for a dramatic exposure
Shooting at sunset can offer beautiful ambient light, but in a narrow window of time. For a dramatic effect, two sets of SB-800 remote units illuminate the dancer from the front and the rear. After a few angle adjust­ments, there was a large enough volume of light to emphasize the dancer's shape appropriately.
Group A: Bounced off the wall
Group B: Bounced off the floor
On-camera Commander
Group A: Illuminates from the rear
Group B: Illuminates from the front
On-camera Commander
Group A: Illuminates from outside window
On-camera Master/Commander
© Joe McNally All images aside from product shots by Joe McNally
Wireless Speedlight Commander
Dramatic close-up lighting made easy
Simple operation lets you easily command wireless remote Speedlight operation.
Allows easy attachment and detachment of SB-R200 Speedlights to the lens.
Flexible, dependable flash control. Can be handheld, clamped on a stand or attached to the lens using the SX-1. The lighting angle can be adjusted by tilting the flash head.
Attachment Ring
Wireless Remote Speedlight
Detail can be crucial to the impact of an image. That’s why Nikon offers the ultimate tools for creative and versatile close-up lighting. Designed to work seamlessly with Nikon's i-TTL Wireless Creative Lighting System, both the R1C1 and R1 bring an amazing level of simplicity and automation to the lighting process. Close-up lighting has countless uses for nearly every kind of sub­ject matter. Hobbyists enjoy capturing ornamental patterns found on coins, flowers and other small objects, while people photogra­phers take advantage of the shallow depth-of-field for intimate portraits. And with no wires to get in the way, you can handhold the Speedlights to make quick adjustments or to follow moving subjects, such as insects. From medical applications to food pho­tography, the R1C1 and R1 will make you see things differently. Both the R1C1 and R1 contain a comprehensive assortment of accessories, including the SW-11 Extreme Close-up Positioning Adapter, the SJ-R200 Color Filter Set, the SW-12 Set Diffuser, the SW-C1 Flexible Arm Clip and a set of five adapter rings to ensure the SX-1 Attachment Ring can be mounted on virtually any NIKKOR lens designed for close-range photography. Whichever set is right for you, both make mastering close-up flash photogra­phy simple, fascinating and fun.
Nikon Wireless Close-up Speedlight System
R1 comes equipped with two SB-R200 Speedlights, and more.
Explore fine details with flexible, wireless control
R1C1 comes equipped with the SU-800, two SB-R200 Speedlights, and more.
© Foto Natura team
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