Nikon SCAN V1.6, SCAN 1.6, CONTROL V2.2, CONTROL 2.2 user guide

Nikon SCAN V1.6, SCAN 1.6, CONTROL V2.2, CONTROL 2.2 user guide

What’s New

What’s New with Nikon Scan Version 1.6

and Nikon Control Version 2.2

The CD included in this package contains updated versions of Nikon Control Windows and Nikon Scan Windows. Most of the changes made to these programs since the release of the previous versions (Nikon Scan Windows 1.4 and Nikon Control Windows 2.1) have been in the form of improvements to drivers and have not had significant effect on the look of the program as described in the manuals, which remain unchanged from the previous release. The program which installs the software to the computer’s hard disk has however been entirely revised. These changes are described in the present booklet, which replaces pages 3–10 of theNikon Control Windows User’s Manual .

System Requirements

To run Nikon Control Windows 2.2 or Nikon Scan 1.6, you will need an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer with a i386 microprocessor or better, running Windows® 95 or Windows NT® Version 4.0 or later. The current versions of Nikon Scan and Nikon Control cannot be used under Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11. Operation cannot be guaranteed under versions of Windows NT earlier than 4.0. This information supersedes that given in the manuals, which were written for Windows 3.1. The operating procedures for Nikon Control and the Nikon Scan TWAIN driver however remain unchanged from those given in the manuals.

In addition to the other system requirements given on page 2 of the Nikon Control Windows User’s Manual , a CD-ROM drive will be needed to run the installer program.

Software Installation

Before proceeding with installation, check to be sure that there is enough free space on the computer’s hard disk to install Nikon Control and the drivers needed by Nikon Scan (a minimum of one megabyte of hard-disk space is required). If there are any Nikon scanners connected in the SCSI

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What’s New

Step 3 — Install Nikon Control and Nikon Scan

To install Nikon Control together with the Nikon Scan TWAIN drivers, click the Install Nikon Scan button. The Welcome window will be replaced by a window offering a choice of language for Nikon Control’s menus and dialogs and for Nikon Scan’s main scan window.

Select a language by clicking the appropriate button (please note that the menus and dialogs shown in the manuals are for the English version) or click < BACK to return to the Welcome window. Selecting a language will start the setup program that will install Nikon Scan and Nikon Control in the chosen language. The following progress indicator will be displayed while the setup program loads.

What’s New

chain at this point, be sure they have been turned off before the computer is powered on.

Step 1 — Insert the installation disk into the CD-ROM drive

After turning the computer on and starting Windows, insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. The following window will appear on the desktop.

Note: In addition to Nikon Control and Nikon Scan, the installer CD includes a trial version of Slides & Sound Plus. Refer to the README file for more information.

Step 2 — View the README file

It is recommended that you take a few moments to view the README file, which contains important information about Nikon Scan and the other software included on the installation disk. Click Read Me to open the README file in the Notepad accessory, where the contents of the file can be viewed or printed. When you have finished, click the close box at the top right corner of the window to close the Notepad and return to the Welcome window.

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What’s New

Once the initialization process is complete, the setup program’s Welcome window will appear.

The buttons available in the Welcome window are explained below.


Clicking Next brings up the license agreement (see Step 4). You must accept the terms of the license agreement before you will be able to proceed with installation.


Selecting Cancel brings up the dialog box shown below. Choose

Exit Setup to quit without installing Nikon Scan, or Resume to continue installation. Should you choose to exit the installation program, you will still be able to complete installation at any time by repeating the process from Step 1.

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