Nikon Digital SLR Camera D5100 Specifications
Type Single-lens reflex digit al camera
Lens mo unt Nikon F mount (wi th AF contac ts)
Effe ctive angle o f view
Effe ctive pixels 16.2 million
Image s ensor 23.6 × 15.6 m m CMOS sensor
Total pixels 16.9 million
Dust-r eduction Image Sensor Cleaning, Air flow Control Syst em, Image Dust O ff referen ce data
Syst em (optional Capture NX 2 s oftwar e required)
Image si ze (pixels) 4,928 × 3,264 (L), 3,69 6 × 2,448 (M), 2,46 4 × 1,632 (S)
File for mat • NEF (RAW): 14 bit, com pressed
• JPEG: JPEG-Baseline c ompliant wit h ne (approx. 1:4), nor mal (approx. 1:8) or basic
• NEF (RAW) + JPEG: Single phot ograph rec orded in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG
Pictu re Control Sy stem Standard, Neu tral, Vivid, Monoch rome, Port rait, Lands cape; selected Pic ture Contr ol
Media SD (Secure Digit al), SDHC and SDXC me mory cards
File sys tem DCF (Des ign Rule for Came ra File System) 2.0, DPO F (Digital Print Order F ormat), Ex if
View nder Eye-le vel pentamir ror single-lens ree x viewnder
Frame c overage Appr ox. 95% horizo ntal and 95% ver tical
Magnicatio n Appr ox. 0.78× (50m m f/1.4 lens at i nnity, -1.0 m
Eyepo int 17.9 mm (-1.0 m
Diopter adjus tment -1.7 to +0.7 m
Focus ing screen Type B Bri teView Clear Ma tte Mark VII scree n
Reex mir ror Quick re turn
Lens ap erture Instant re turn, electronic ally controlled
Compa tible lenses Autofocus is available with AF-S and AF- I lenses; Autofocus is not available w ith
The electro nic rangender can be used wi th lenses th at have a maxim um apertur e of
Shut ter type Elect ronically- controlled v ertical-t ravel focal-plane s hutter
Shut ter speed 1/4000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 E V; Bulb; Time (requires op tional Remot e Control
Flash sync sp eed X=1/200 s; sy nchronize s with shut ter at 1/200 s or slo wer
Releas e mode
Frame a dvance rat e Up to 4 fp s (manual focus, m ode M or S, shutter spe ed 1/250 s or faster, and other
Self-tim er 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s; 1 to 9 ex posures
Exposure m etering TTL ex posure met ering using 420 -pixel RGB sensor
Meter ing method • Matrix: 3D col or matrix metering II (ty pe G and D lenses); c olor matrix m etering II
focus p oint
Range • Matrix or center-weigh ted meterin g: 0 to 20 EV • Spot me tering: 2 to 20 EV
(ISO 100, f/1.4 le ns, 20°C/68 °F)
Exposure m eter coupling
Exposure m ode Auto mod es (iauto; jauto [ash off]); pr ogrammed au to with exib le program (P);
Exposure compensation
Exposure b racketing 3 frames in s teps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
Exposure lock Luminosity locked at detecte d value with AE- L/AF-L but ton
ISO sensitiv ity ISO 100 to 640 0 in steps of 1/3 EV; c an also be set to ap prox. 0.3, 0 .7, 1 or 2 EV
(Recom mended Ex posure Ind ex)
Acti ve D-Lighting Auto, ext ra high, high, nor mal, low, off
ADL bracket ing 2 frame s
Autofocus Nikon Multi- CAM 1000 aut ofocus sens or module with TTL phase de tection, 11 focus
Detection r ange -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100, 20 °C/68°F)
Lens se rvo • Aut ofocus (AF): Single- servo AF (AF-S); co ntinuous-servo AF (AF- C); auto AF-S/
Focus p oint Ca n be selected from 11 foc us points
AF-ar ea mode Single-p oint AF, dynamic- area AF, auto-ar ea AF, 3D-track ing (11 points)
Appr ox. 1.5× lens foc al length (Niko n DX format)
(appro x. 1:16) compression
can be modied ; storage for custo m Picture Con trols
2.3 (Ex changeable Image File Form at for Digital Still Came ras), PictBridge
other t ype G and D lenses, AF le nses (IX-NIKKOR and len ses for the F3A F are not
suppo rted) and AI -P lenses; Non-CP U lenses can be u sed in mode M but t he camera
expo sure meter will n ot function
f/5.6 or faster
(single fr ame), s (cont inuous), E (self-timer), " (delaye d remote), # (quick-
response remote), J (quiet shu tter relea se)
settings at defaul t values)
(other C PU lenses) • Center-weig hted: Weight of 75% given to 8-mm ci rcle in center
of fra me • Spot: Mete rs 3.5-mm cir cle (about 2.5% of f rame) centered on s elected
shut ter-priorit y auto (S); aper ture-priorit y auto (A); manu al (M); scene modes
(k portrait ; l landscape; p child; m spor ts; n close up; o night po rtrait; r night
landscape; s party/indoor; t beach/snow ; u sunse t; v dusk/dawn; w pet portr ait;
candle light; y bloss om; z autum n colors; 0 food); s pecial effects m odes (% night
vision; g color sk etch; ( miniatu re effect; 3 selec tive color; 1 silhoue tte; 2 high
key; 3 low key)
-5 to +5 E V in increment s of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
(IS O 25600 equi valent) abov e ISO 6400; au to ISO sensiti vity cont rol available
point s (including one cr oss-typ e sensor) and AF -assist illumin ator (range approx. 0.5
to 3 m/1 f t. 8 in. to 9 ft. 10 in.)
AF-C s election (AF -A); predictive focus tr acking activat ed automati cally according to
subjec t status • Manual focus (MF): Elect ronic range nder can be used
Focus l ock Focus c an be locked by pres sing shutte r-rele ase butto n halfway (single-se rvo AF) or
Built-in ash
Guide number A pprox. 12/39 , 13/43 wit h manual ash (m/f t., ISO 100, 20° C/68°F)
Flash contr ol • TTL: i-TTL balance d ll-ash and sta ndard i-TTL as h for digital SLR u sing 420-pix el
Flash mo de Auto, auto w ith red-eye redu ction, auto slow syn c, auto slow sy nc with red- eye
Flash compen sation -3 to +1 EV in incre ments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
Flash -ready indi cator Light s when built-in as h or optional as h unit such as SB -900, SB- 800, SB-70 0,
Acce ssory shoe ISO 518 hot-shoe wit h sync and dat a contact s and safet y lock
Nikon Creati ve Ad vanced Wir eless Lightin g supported wit h SB-900, S B-800 or SB-700 a s a
Lighti ng System master a sh, or SU-80 0 as commande r; Flash Color Informatio n Communicat ion
(CLS) supporte d with built-in as h and all CLS-co mpatible ash u nits
Sync t erminal Sync Terminal Ada pter AS-15 (available separ ately)
White b alance Aut o, incandesc ent, uores cent (7 typ es), direct sunlight, ash, cloud y, shade, p reset
White b alance brac keting
Live Vi ew lens serv o • Autofocus ( AF): Single-se rvo AF (AF-S); full-time-se rvo AF (AF- F) • Manual focus
AF-ar ea mode Face- priority A F, wide-area AF, normal-ar ea AF, subject-tra cking AF
Autofocus Con trast-det ect AF anyw here in fram e (came ra selects f ocus point aut omatically
Autom atic Av ailable in i and j modes
scene s election
Movie m etering TT L exposure metering using m ain image senso r
Meter ing method Matrix
Frame size (pix els) • 1,920 × 1,0 80, 30p/25p/24p, H high/no rmal • 1,280 × 720, 3 0p/25p/24p,
and frame rat e
A frame rate o f 30p (actual f rame rate 29 .97 fps) is availa ble when NTSC is select ed
File for mat MOV
Video c ompression H.264 /MPEG-4 Ad vanced Video Codin g
Audio re cording for mat Linear PC M
Audio re cording device Built-in monaur al or external ste reo microphone; sen sitivity a djustable
Monit or 7.5-cm/ 3-in., approx . 921k-dot (VGA), vari-angle low-t emperature poly silicon TFT LCD
Playb ack Full-frame and thu mbnail (4, 9 or 72 image s or calendar) playback wit h playback z oom,
USB Hi-Spe ed USB
Video outpu t NTSC, PAL
HDMI ou tput Type C mini-pin HD MI connector
Acce ssory ter minal Remote Co rd MC-DC2 (av ailable separ ately), GPS Uni t GP-1 (available sep arately)
Audio inp ut Stereo mini-pin jack (3. 5-mm diamet er)
Supporte d languages Arabic, Chinese (Simp lied and Traditio nal), Czech, Danis h, Dutch, English, Finnish,
Battery On e Rechargea ble Li-ion Bat tery EN-E L14
AC adapt er AC Adapter EH- 5a/5b; requires P ower Connec tor EP-5A (available se parately)
Tripod so cket 1/4 in. (ISO 1222)
Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 128 × 97 × 79 m m/5.0 × 3.8 × 3.1 in.
Weight Appr ox. 510 g/1 lb. 2 oz. (camera bod y only); appro x. 560 g/1 lb. 3.7 oz. with b attery
Operating en vironment Temperature: 0 to 40 °C/32 to 104°F; hu midity: Les s than 85% (no con densation)
Supplie d accessor ies R echargeab le Li-ion Batt ery EN-EL14, Bat tery Char ger MH-24, Eyepiece Cap DK-5,
(may dif fer by count ry or area)
• Micro soft and Wi ndows, Wind ows 7 are eith er register ed tradem arks or trad emarks of Mi crosoft C orporat ion in
the Uni ted State s and/or othe r countrie s. • Macintosh a nd QuickTime ar e register ed tradema rks or trad emarks of
Apple I nc. in the Unit ed States an d/or other c ountries. • T he SD, SDHC and SD XC logos are tr ademarks o f the SD
Card A ssociatio n. • PictBrid ge is a tradema rk. • HDMI, t he HDMI logo an d High-Deni tion Multime dia Inter face
are tr ademarks or r egistere d trademar ks of HDMI Lic ensing, LLC. • G oogle Maps™ is a t rademark o f Google Inc.
• Prod ucts and bra nd names are t rademark s or registe red tradem arks of thei r respect ive compani es. • Images in
view nders, on LCD s and monitor s shown in thi s brochure ar e simulated.
by pre ssing AE-L/AF -L butto n
i, k, p, n, o, s, w, g
with butt on release
RGB sen sor are available with b uilt-in ash, SB- 900, SB- 800, SB-700 , SB-600 o r
SB-400 (i-T TL balanced ll-ash is av ailable when ma trix or center-weigh ted meterin g
is selec ted) • Auto aperture: Avail able with SB- 900/SB- 800 and CPU l ens • Non-TTL
auto: Su pported ash unit s include SB- 900, SB- 800, SB- 80DX, SB-2 8DX, SB-28, SB -27
and SB-22S • Dist ance-prio rity manual: Av ailable with SB -900, SB -800 and SB-700
reduc tion, ll-ash, re d-eye reduc tion, slow sync, slow s ync with re d-eye reduc tion,
rear-curt ain with slow sy nc, rear-cur tain sync, of f
SB- 600 or SB- 400 is fully charged ; blinks for 3 s aft er ash is red at f ull output
manual, all e xcept pres et manual with ne tunin g
3 fr ames in step s of 1
when face-p riority AF or subje ct-tracking A F is selected )
high/no rmal • 640 × 424, 30p/25p, H high/normal
for vid eo mode; 25p is available when PAL is selected for video mo de; Actual fr ame
rate w hen 24p is select ed is 23.976 fps
with 170° v iewing angle, ap prox. 100% fr ame coverag e, and brightn ess adjustme nt
movie playback, slid e show, histogr am display, highlight s, auto image rotat ion and
image commen t (up to 36 c haracter s)
Frenc h, German, Indo nesian, Italian, Japan ese, Korean, No rwegian, Poli sh,
Port uguese, Russ ian, Spanish, Swe dish, Thai, Turkish
and memory c ard but with out body cap
Rubber Eyecup DK-20, US B Cable UC-E6, Audio Vid eo Cable EG-C P14, Camera Str ap
AN-D C3, Body Cap B F-1B, Acc essory Shoe Cover BS-1, ViewNX 2 CD- ROM
: Auto a sh with auto pop-up; P, S, A, M, 0: Manual p op-up
Printed in Holland Code No. 6CE11020 (1104/A)K
Inspiration from any angle