Nikon D5100 User Guide

Nikon Digital SLR Camera D5100 Specifications
Type Single-lens reflex digit al camera Lens mo unt Nikon F mount (wi th AF contac ts) Effe ctive angle o f view
Effe ctive pixels 16.2 million Image s ensor 23.6 × 15.6 m m CMOS sensor
Total pixels 16.9 million Dust-r eduction Image Sensor Cleaning, Air flow Control Syst em, Image Dust O ff referen ce data Syst em (optional Capture NX 2 s oftwar e required)
Image si ze (pixels) 4,928 × 3,264 (L), 3,69 6 × 2,448 (M), 2,46 4 × 1,632 (S)
File for mat • NEF (RAW): 14 bit, com pressed
• JPEG: JPEG-Baseline c ompliant wit h ne (approx. 1:4), nor mal (approx. 1:8) or basic
• NEF (RAW) + JPEG: Single phot ograph rec orded in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG
Pictu re Control Sy stem Standard, Neu tral, Vivid, Monoch rome, Port rait, Lands cape; selected Pic ture Contr ol
Media SD (Secure Digit al), SDHC and SDXC me mory cards
File sys tem DCF (Des ign Rule for Came ra File System) 2.0, DPO F (Digital Print Order F ormat), Ex if
View nder Eye-le vel pentamir ror single-lens ree x viewnder
Frame c overage Appr ox. 95% horizo ntal and 95% ver tical
Magnicatio n Appr ox. 0.78× (50m m f/1.4 lens at i nnity, -1.0 m Eyepo int 17.9 mm (-1.0 m Diopter adjus tment -1.7 to +0.7 m Focus ing screen Type B Bri teView Clear Ma tte Mark VII scree n Reex mir ror Quick re turn
Lens ap erture Instant re turn, electronic ally controlled
Compa tible lenses Autofocus is available with AF-S and AF- I lenses; Autofocus is not available w ith
The electro nic rangender can be used wi th lenses th at have a maxim um apertur e of
Shut ter type Elect ronically- controlled v ertical-t ravel focal-plane s hutter
Shut ter speed 1/4000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 E V; Bulb; Time (requires op tional Remot e Control
Flash sync sp eed X=1/200 s; sy nchronize s with shut ter at 1/200 s or slo wer Releas e mode
Frame a dvance rat e Up to 4 fp s (manual focus, m ode M or S, shutter spe ed 1/250 s or faster, and other
Self-tim er 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s; 1 to 9 ex posures Exposure m etering TTL ex posure met ering using 420 -pixel RGB sensor
Meter ing method • Matrix: 3D col or matrix metering II (ty pe G and D lenses); c olor matrix m etering II
focus p oint
Range • Matrix or center-weigh ted meterin g: 0 to 20 EV • Spot me tering: 2 to 20 EV
(ISO 100, f/1.4 le ns, 20°C/68 °F)
Exposure m eter coupling Exposure m ode Auto mod es (iauto; jauto [ash off]); pr ogrammed au to with exib le program (P);
Exposure compensation
Exposure b racketing 3 frames in s teps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV Exposure lock Luminosity locked at detecte d value with AE- L/AF-L but ton ISO sensitiv ity ISO 100 to 640 0 in steps of 1/3 EV; c an also be set to ap prox. 0.3, 0 .7, 1 or 2 EV
(Recom mended Ex posure Ind ex)
Acti ve D-Lighting Auto, ext ra high, high, nor mal, low, off
ADL bracket ing 2 frame s Autofocus Nikon Multi- CAM 1000 aut ofocus sens or module with TTL phase de tection, 11 focus
Detection r ange -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100, 20 °C/68°F) Lens se rvo • Aut ofocus (AF): Single- servo AF (AF-S); co ntinuous-servo AF (AF- C); auto AF-S/
Focus p oint Ca n be selected from 11 foc us points
AF-ar ea mode Single-p oint AF, dynamic- area AF, auto-ar ea AF, 3D-track ing (11 points)
Appr ox. 1.5× lens foc al length (Niko n DX format)
(appro x. 1:16) compression
can be modied ; storage for custo m Picture Con trols
2.3 (Ex changeable Image File Form at for Digital Still Came ras), PictBridge
other t ype G and D lenses, AF le nses (IX-NIKKOR and len ses for the F3A F are not suppo rted) and AI -P lenses; Non-CP U lenses can be u sed in mode M but t he camera
expo sure meter will n ot function
f/5.6 or faster
(single fr ame), s (cont inuous), E (self-timer), " (delaye d remote), # (quick-
response remote), J (quiet shu tter relea se)
settings at defaul t values)
(other C PU lenses) • Center-weig hted: Weight of 75% given to 8-mm ci rcle in center of fra me • Spot: Mete rs 3.5-mm cir cle (about 2.5% of f rame) centered on s elected
shut ter-priorit y auto (S); aper ture-priorit y auto (A); manu al (M); scene modes
(k portrait ; l landscape; p child; m spor ts; n close up; o night po rtrait; r night
landscape; s party/indoor; t beach/snow ; u sunse t; v dusk/dawn; w pet portr ait;
candle light; y bloss om; z autum n colors; 0 food); s pecial effects m odes (% night
vision; g color sk etch; ( miniatu re effect; 3 selec tive color; 1 silhoue tte; 2 high key; 3 low key)
-5 to +5 E V in increment s of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
(IS O 25600 equi valent) abov e ISO 6400; au to ISO sensiti vity cont rol available
point s (including one cr oss-typ e sensor) and AF -assist illumin ator (range approx. 0.5 to 3 m/1 f t. 8 in. to 9 ft. 10 in.)
AF-C s election (AF -A); predictive focus tr acking activat ed automati cally according to subjec t status • Manual focus (MF): Elect ronic range nder can be used
Focus l ock Focus c an be locked by pres sing shutte r-rele ase butto n halfway (single-se rvo AF) or
Built-in ash
Guide number A pprox. 12/39 , 13/43 wit h manual ash (m/f t., ISO 100, 20° C/68°F) Flash contr ol • TTL: i-TTL balance d ll-ash and sta ndard i-TTL as h for digital SLR u sing 420-pix el
Flash mo de Auto, auto w ith red-eye redu ction, auto slow syn c, auto slow sy nc with red- eye
Flash compen sation -3 to +1 EV in incre ments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV Flash -ready indi cator Light s when built-in as h or optional as h unit such as SB -900, SB- 800, SB-70 0,
Acce ssory shoe ISO 518 hot-shoe wit h sync and dat a contact s and safet y lock
Nikon Creati ve Ad vanced Wir eless Lightin g supported wit h SB-900, S B-800 or SB-700 a s a Lighti ng System master a sh, or SU-80 0 as commande r; Flash Color Informatio n Communicat ion (CLS) supporte d with built-in as h and all CLS-co mpatible ash u nits Sync t erminal Sync Terminal Ada pter AS-15 (available separ ately)
White b alance Aut o, incandesc ent, uores cent (7 typ es), direct sunlight, ash, cloud y, shade, p reset
White b alance brac keting Live Vi ew lens serv o • Autofocus ( AF): Single-se rvo AF (AF-S); full-time-se rvo AF (AF- F) • Manual focus
AF-ar ea mode Face- priority A F, wide-area AF, normal-ar ea AF, subject-tra cking AF
Autofocus Con trast-det ect AF anyw here in fram e (came ra selects f ocus point aut omatically
Autom atic Av ailable in i and j modes
scene s election Movie m etering TT L exposure metering using m ain image senso r
Meter ing method Matrix
Frame size (pix els) • 1,920 × 1,0 80, 30p/25p/24p, H high/no rmal • 1,280 × 720, 3 0p/25p/24p,
and frame rat e
A frame rate o f 30p (actual f rame rate 29 .97 fps) is availa ble when NTSC is select ed
File for mat MOV Video c ompression H.264 /MPEG-4 Ad vanced Video Codin g Audio re cording for mat Linear PC M Audio re cording device Built-in monaur al or external ste reo microphone; sen sitivity a djustable
Monit or 7.5-cm/ 3-in., approx . 921k-dot (VGA), vari-angle low-t emperature poly silicon TFT LCD
Playb ack Full-frame and thu mbnail (4, 9 or 72 image s or calendar) playback wit h playback z oom,
USB Hi-Spe ed USB Video outpu t NTSC, PAL
HDMI ou tput Type C mini-pin HD MI connector
Acce ssory ter minal Remote Co rd MC-DC2 (av ailable separ ately), GPS Uni t GP-1 (available sep arately)
Audio inp ut Stereo mini-pin jack (3. 5-mm diamet er)
Supporte d languages Arabic, Chinese (Simp lied and Traditio nal), Czech, Danis h, Dutch, English, Finnish,
Battery On e Rechargea ble Li-ion Bat tery EN-E L14 AC adapt er AC Adapter EH- 5a/5b; requires P ower Connec tor EP-5A (available se parately)
Tripod so cket 1/4 in. (ISO 1222) Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 128 × 97 × 79 m m/5.0 × 3.8 × 3.1 in.
Weight Appr ox. 510 g/1 lb. 2 oz. (camera bod y only); appro x. 560 g/1 lb. 3.7 oz. with b attery
Operating en vironment Temperature: 0 to 40 °C/32 to 104°F; hu midity: Les s than 85% (no con densation) Supplie d accessor ies R echargeab le Li-ion Batt ery EN-EL14, Bat tery Char ger MH-24, Eyepiece Cap DK-5,
(may dif fer by count ry or area)
• Micro soft and Wi ndows, Wind ows 7 are eith er register ed tradem arks or trad emarks of Mi crosoft C orporat ion in the Uni ted State s and/or othe r countrie s. • Macintosh a nd QuickTime ar e register ed tradema rks or trad emarks of Apple I nc. in the Unit ed States an d/or other c ountries. • T he SD, SDHC and SD XC logos are tr ademarks o f the SD
Card A ssociatio n. • PictBrid ge is a tradema rk. • HDMI, t he HDMI logo an d High-Deni tion Multime dia Inter face are tr ademarks or r egistere d trademar ks of HDMI Lic ensing, LLC. • G oogle Maps™ is a t rademark o f Google Inc.
• Prod ucts and bra nd names are t rademark s or registe red tradem arks of thei r respect ive compani es. • Images in view nders, on LCD s and monitor s shown in thi s brochure ar e simulated.
by pre ssing AE-L/AF -L butto n
i, k, p, n, o, s, w, g
with butt on release
RGB sen sor are available with b uilt-in ash, SB- 900, SB- 800, SB-700 , SB-600 o r SB-400 (i-T TL balanced ll-ash is av ailable when ma trix or center-weigh ted meterin g is selec ted) • Auto aperture: Avail able with SB- 900/SB- 800 and CPU l ens • Non-TTL auto: Su pported ash unit s include SB- 900, SB- 800, SB- 80DX, SB-2 8DX, SB-28, SB -27 and SB-22S • Dist ance-prio rity manual: Av ailable with SB -900, SB -800 and SB-700
reduc tion, ll-ash, re d-eye reduc tion, slow sync, slow s ync with re d-eye reduc tion,
rear-curt ain with slow sy nc, rear-cur tain sync, of f
SB- 600 or SB- 400 is fully charged ; blinks for 3 s aft er ash is red at f ull output
manual, all e xcept pres et manual with ne tunin g
3 fr ames in step s of 1
when face-p riority AF or subje ct-tracking A F is selected )
high/no rmal • 640 × 424, 30p/25p, H high/normal
for vid eo mode; 25p is available when PAL is selected for video mo de; Actual fr ame rate w hen 24p is select ed is 23.976 fps
with 170° v iewing angle, ap prox. 100% fr ame coverag e, and brightn ess adjustme nt
movie playback, slid e show, histogr am display, highlight s, auto image rotat ion and
image commen t (up to 36 c haracter s)
Frenc h, German, Indo nesian, Italian, Japan ese, Korean, No rwegian, Poli sh, Port uguese, Russ ian, Spanish, Swe dish, Thai, Turkish
and memory c ard but with out body cap
Rubber Eyecup DK-20, US B Cable UC-E6, Audio Vid eo Cable EG-C P14, Camera Str ap
AN-D C3, Body Cap B F-1B, Acc essory Shoe Cover BS-1, ViewNX 2 CD- ROM
: Auto a sh with auto pop-up; P, S, A, M, 0: Manual p op-up
Printed in Holland Code No. 6CE11020 (1104/A)K
Inspiration from any angle
Creativity from any point of view.
Inspiring at any angle —
vari-angle LCD monitor
Stimulate your creativity —
special effects mode for stills and
Stunning image quality — expect more from the D5100
full HD movies
The D5100, with its horizontal swing-
out, vari-angle LCD monitor, makes it
exciting to capture the world from a
unique viewpoint. Taking pictures and
recording full HD movies will never
be the same again.
• Lens: AF-S DX Zoo m-Nikkor 17-55 mm f/2.8G IF-ED • Image q uality: RAW (NE F) • Exposu re: [S] mode, 1/350 se cond, f/6.7 • Whi te balance: Dir ect sunlight • Se nsitivit y: ISO 100 • Pict ure Contro l: Standard
Explore your creative side with special
effects mode that is now available in
a Nikon D-SLR for the first time. Get
ready for incredibly unique pictures
and full HD movies!
Demand the quality that you
deserve. The D5100 captures your
subjects with rich colors and fine
detail, delivering incredible levels of
resolution and image quality for both
stills and full HD movies.
Inspiring at any angle —
• Lens: AF-S DX NIK KOR 18-55mm f/3 .5-5.6G V R • Image qualit y: RAW (NEF) • Ex posure: [A] mod e, 1/180 sec ond, f/5.6
• White b alance: Auto • S ensitivit y: ISO 100 • Pic ture Contr ol: Standard
the D5100 vari-angle LCD monitor helps you to capture the world in your own way
I was holding the camera at waist level, adjusting my position slightly until I had great composition!
4 5
I lowered the camera from my
For a more creative look, I like to find a different angle.
usual eye level and realized how different things can appear.
A regular shot from the photographer’s eye level.
See clearly, shoot confidently — Live View
and full HD movie
Vari-angle LCD monitor lets you take pictures from unique viewpoints
The new, large 7.5-cm (3-in.) vari-angle LCD monitor opens horizontally up to 180˚ and flips up and down from +180˚ to -90˚. Now you’re ready to view, shoot and record your subjects from unique perspectives. Try a high angle for overhead shots, waist level for candid Live View and movie shooting, or a low vantage point for a look from ground level. You can also place the D5100 on a tripod or other stable surface and still see yourself while composing self-portraits.
270˚ 180˚
Thanks to high-resolution (approx. 921k-dot) and a wide viewing angle, the vari- angle LCD monitor lets you check your composition comfortably while using Live View or full HD movie.
Create incredible movies —
D-SLR advantage
The D5100 delivers exceptional D-Movie performance with its full HD capability, full-time-servo AF (AF-F) and precise exposure control. In-camera movie editing and sound recording capability (stereo with optional microphone) are also provided. Together with D-SLR advantages like beautiful background blur, high ISO sensitivity performance and extensive NIKKOR lens compatibility, movie-making potential reaches impressive new levels.
The optional Stereo Microphone ME -1 can be used to record sound in stereo while also preventing noise c aused by lens vibration being record ed durin g autofocus.
full HD (1,920 × 1,080/30p) movies and the
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