The D3S: on assignment
Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. October 2009
2009 Nikon Corporation
Nikon U.K. Ltd. Nikon House, 380 Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 5PR U.K. www.nikon.co.uk
Foto Distributors Nikon House, 68 Kyalami Boulevard, Kyalami Business Park, Midrand, 1684, Republic of South Africa www.nikon.co.za
Nikon Canada Inc. 1366 Aerowood Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 1C1, Canada www.nikon.ca
NIKON CORPORATION Fuji Bldg., 2-3, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan www.nikon.com
Visit the Nikon Europe website at: www.europe-nikon.com
From the bustling metropolis of Sydney to aboriginal villages in
the Outback, from a cold and dusty Aussie rules football pitch
in Tasmania to the sun-baked desert in Nambung National
Park, Sports Illustrated staff photographer and award-winning
photojournalist, Bill Frakes roamed Australia for three weeks,
testing the D3S relentlessly to serve his seemingly limitless
Bill Frakes
Sports/Photojournalism (U.S.A.)
photographic imagination.
Every time I put the D3S to my eye, it's like opening a surprise
present. It makes the child in me come out and play. Everything I see
can be captured accurately and fluidly, and by combining still capture
and D-Movie, I can meld motion and emotion into multidimensional
expressions of visual and audio exploration.
I make career-defining decisions in milliseconds, and I want the best
possible image quality every time I push the button. No matter who you are, or how you work,
you never know when the cosmos will align in such a way that the perfect image is available.
When it happens, I have to be ready in every conceivable way. This is why the D3S excites and
motivates me. I need a camera that responds precisely, quickly and consistently. The D3S does
that and more, and this kind of power gives me enormous freedom.
As an artist with an immense respect for nature, award-winning
wildlife photographer, Vincent Munier waits patiently in severe
weather until his animal subjects grow to accept his presence.
Only then will he begin photographing them. Vincent recently took
the D3S on assignment with him to Norway and Finland. There, he
and the D3S sat quietly in the wind and rain while getting to know
Vincent Munier
Nature/Wildlife (France)
the creatures of the Nordic forest.
Animal photography is a passion more than a profession. Sometimes
I sit in the rain and snow for weeks just to experience a single brief
moment with an animal. I need the best and most reliable equipment
available so that I can take full advantage of the rare opportunities
inherent in my work.
Many of my subjects are active only after the sun goes down. Yet
with the D3S, I managed to photograph things that my eyes were practically unable to see. For
example, I remember a brown bear that was just meters from my cabin in the Finnish taiga. It was
the middle of the night, but just a short glimpse of his wet nose permitted me to focus, resulting
in a surprisingly sharp picture. Capturing images like this is what makes the D3S invaluable.
Printed in Holland Code No. 6CE90080 (0910/A)K

What would you do if the laws of photography changed? With the introduction of the new Nikon D3S,
professional photographers around the world will reconsider this question entirely, and re-examine the
power, potential and reach that photography can now achieve. The D3S's abilities are so revolutionary
that photographers will experience an entirely new level of performance and creativity, pushing them
further into the uncharted waters of possibility. Standing on the shoulders of the incredibly fast and
versatile D3, the new D3S makes spectacular improvements that will enable you to think and shoot in
ways you never thought possible: commercial-quality low-noise images as high as ISO 12800, the ability to
Redraw Your Boundaries
shoot HD movies at high ISOs with stereo sound*, saving a selected frame from D-Movie as a JPEG for immediate
print and web publication, light sensitivity beyond what your own eyes can see clearly, and the consistent
accuracy and reliability that Nikon is known for. All of these things are now at your command. The new Nikon
flagship will quite literally make you see things differently, and help you approach your next assignment with a new
sense of excitement. It's time to redefine the true power of photography and the future of imaging. What could you
accomplish if you could redraw the boundaries of photography? Find out, with the D3S.
* When using an optional external stereo microphone.

• Sensitivity: ISO 12800
• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 60 0mm f/4G ED VR • I mage qualit y: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Ex posure: [M] mode, 1/1,0 00 second, f/4 • White b alance: Clou dy • Picture Control: Stand ard
©Bill Fra kes
• Sensitivity: ISO 12800
• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 40 0mm f/2.8 G ED VR • Image qu ality: 14-bi t RAW (NEF) • Expos ure: [A] mode, 1/50 0 second, f/2.8 • White ba lance: Cloudy • Picture Con trol: Vivid
©Vince nt Munier