4x Zoom-Nikkor Lens / 4.0 Effective Megapixels / 5 -Area Multi Autofocus / Unique Swivel Design / 16 Versatile Scene Modes
Swivel Magic

The swivel design gives you a firmer grip,
especially at waist-level position — a vital
feature when you need to minimise camera
shake in low-light conditions.
The swivel design makes it easy to take
low-angle shots, and capture that oncein-a-lifetime expression.
Never before has a camera offered such a radically exciting swivel
shoot versatility.
shoot at any angle — high, low or straight from the hip. The high-
performance 4x Zoom-Nikkor lens
digital zoom
fine detail — and Nikon’s
Never before has a digital camera delivered this kind of aim-and-
Slim, stylish, it moves the way you do, enabling you to
dramatically extends your reach, and a 4x
brings your images even closer. With 4.0 million effective
the COOLPIX 4500 gives you crisp large-format prints in remarkably
unique image processing algorithm renders them in
Actual size
An exciting new angle

Enhance the perspective of the
The COOLPIX 4500 dramatically
expands your shooting perspective,
enabling bold, dynamic compositions.
true-to-life colour. The 16 Scene Modes for specific settings make it easy to
capture the essence of each and every picture, and the
ensures balanced lighting. What’s more, the COOLPIX 4500 accepts the
growing array of COOLPIX 900 series accessories — including Slide
Copy Adaptor, Remote Cord and Wideangle, Telephoto and Fisheye
converters — so you can continue developing your digital
photography skill, or use it as a serious business tool. What are you
waiting for? Discover the magic of the COOLPIX 4500 today.
wideangle lens with high-angle
shooting. The COOLPIX 4500’s
swivel design allows you to concentrate on picture composition.
auto pop-up flash
on fine photography
Images on LCDs and monitors shown in this brochure are simulated.