Nikon Firmware Update for Coolpix 2500 Version
1. It is most important that you follow the supplied directions; failure to follow
all of the steps may result in your camera being disabled.
2. This update is for Coolpix 2500 cameras only! It is strongly suggested that
you avoid any background process that may disrupt the Updater
communication process.
3. It is advised not to touch the mouse or keyboard once the uploader starts
to ensure against accidental launch of an application or other process.
4. This Software and Firmware is Licensed and Copyright of Nikon
Corporation Japan
1.0 System requirements
1. Windows Users:
Compatible with:
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition (SE)
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
You must have Administrator authority on your computer to install,
uninstall, or run the Uploader Software. See your network administrator if
you require this authority.
System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium 120Mhz or greater
Hard Disk Space: 5MB or more

RAM: 32MB or more
Interface: USB interface (built-in only)
2. Macintosh Users
Compatible with:
Mac OS 9.0.4, 9.1.x, 9.2.x
Mac OS X is not supported
System Requirements:
CPU: PowerPC G3 or greater
Hard Disk Space: 5MB or more
RAM: 32MB or more
Interface: USB interface (built-in only)
2.0 About software and firmware
The “Firmware Uploader Software for the E2500 Ver.1.1” is a computer program
that updates the firmware in your Coolpix 2500 (E-2500). The firmware is a
program, which runs inside the camera and controls its operation. By running the
Uploader Software you will install the new firmware in the camera.
The process of transferring the new firmware from the computer to the camera is
sometimes called “Uploading,” “Upgrading” or “Updating” the firmware.
If your camera is version 1.0 it is recommended that you update the firmware in
your camera to 1.1 in order to benefit from improved operating performance.
The entire package (Uploader software and new firmware for the camera) is
supplied in a single file, which is compressed for distribution over the Internet.
Before performing a firmware update, you must de-compress the files back to
their original format.
3.0 Improvements and bug fixes in version 1.1

The principal changes to the camera firmware with the release of version 1.1 are
in the form of the following improvements to product performance and minor bug
fixes (not listed):
1. Shooting Data is now maintained even when photos have been rotated
using the rotation function included with the Windows XP OS.
2. The transfer button on the camera can now be used when the transfer
protocol is set to PTP with Windows XP or Mac OS X (version 10.1.3 or
later) and Nikon View 5.1 or later.
3. Support for Exif2.2 (popularly known as Exif Print)
4. Problems occurring when images were rotated under Windows XP have
been corrected
4.0 Restrictions on Usage
This utility will update the firmware in your Coolpix 2500 to version 1.1. It can
only be used if the version of the firmware in your Coolpix 2500 is version 1.0
and is not suitable for use with any other model of Coolpix camera.
5.0 Warnings
Your Coolpix 2500 could malfunction should any of the problems listed below
occur while the firmware is being upgraded. Please exercise all necessary
caution during the upgrade. The upgrade can be performed for you at a Nikonauthorized service center in the event that you do not have the equipment
necessary to perform the upgrade, or are otherwise unsure that you would be
able to perform the upgrade yourself. Your Coolpix 2500 could malfunction
should any of the following occur during upgrade:
1. The camera turns off during the upgrade process
2. The data cable is disconnected
3. A problem occurs with the computer
4. The upgrade is performed in a place where there is excessive electrical
The camera could also malfunction if you make a forced exit from the
uploader or another application interferes with the uploader during the
Be sure to exit any other applications before running the uploader