Nikon Color Management user guide

Nikon Color Management
Nikon Color Management
Keeping Colors True
Turning Nikon CMS Off
The Nikon Color Management System, or Nikon CMS, en­ sures that image data from Nikon scanners are re pro duced consistently and accurately on monitors or print ers. With this pow er ful tool, colors can be manipulated in a cal i brat ed RGB color model before the data are passed to the host applica­tion. Profi les detailing the color char ac ter is tics of the chosen color model and the output de vice (mon i tor or print er) en­sure that colors will be reproduced ac cu rate ly in al most any operating environment.
Keeping Colors True
Nikon CMS involves two categories of preferences, one (“Gamma”) for use when Nikon CMS is off and the other (“Color Man age ment”) for use when Nikon CMS is on. “Gamma” specifi es how data from the scanner will be mod­ i fi ed for display on the monitor. Because monitor profi les can not be used when Nikon CMS is off, this adjustment must be made manually. “Color Management” is used to turn Nikon CMS on and off and select the profi les for use with the monitor and with the CMYK and calibrated RGB color models when Nikon CMS is on.
Tur ning Nikon CMS Off
In general, much better results can be achieved with Nikon CMS on. It may however be necessary to turn color management off to:
Images can not be scanned in CMYK. If CMYK data are required, con­vert images to CMYK before saving them to disk. Note that images can only be saved in CMYK if Nikon CMS is on (Nikon CMS is on by default).
Preferences— Nikon Color Management
• Speed processing
If the computer has a slow CPU, the processing required for color management may result in longer scan times. Try turning color man­agement off for reduced scan times.
• Edit data from the scanner directly
Advanced users may want to turn Nikon CMS off to edit uncalibrated RGB data from the scanner.
How Nikon CMS Works
Creating Monitor Profi les
When image data are passed from an input device, such as a scanner, to an output device, such as a monitor or printer, color management ensures that the image displayed on the output device “looks the same” as the original. To accom­plish this task, the color management system must have information about the color characteristics of both the input and output devices, as well as the color space used for edit­ing. The fi les containing this in for ma tion are called “ICC pro­fi les.” Nikon Scan uses the fol low ing three types of profi le:
Input Profi les
Input profi les provide information on the input device, i.e., the Nikon scanner. Fixed pro fi les de tail ing the color char­ ac ter is tics of sup port ed Nikon scanners are provided with Nikon Scan. An input profi le is se lect ed au to mat i cal ly based on the model of scan ner used and the type of media (pos­ i tive or negative) being scanned.
Color-Space Profi les
Separate profi les are avail able for the RGB and CMYK color models. Nikon Scan comes with a selection of profi les for the RGB color model, while CMYK profi les for color print ers are usually pro vid ed by the man u fac tur er. Color-space pro­ fi les are used when editing images in the scan win dow and when making the fi nal scan.
Monitor Profi les
Monitor profi les are usually provided by the manufacturer, although profi les for some common monitor types may be included with the computer operating system. Monitor profi les apply when images are displayed on a monitor, for example when an image is displayed in the preview area or an image win dow.
Preferences— Nikon Color Management
Creating Monitor Profi les
If desired, Adobe Photoshop can be used to create a monitor profi le for a specifi c environment. This profi le can then be used in Nikon Scan. For information on creating monitor profi les, see the doc u men ta tion provided with Adobe Photoshop. This option is not avail able in Adobe Photoshop LE.
The Scanning Process
The illustration below shows the role Nikon CMS plays in the scanning process. CMS profi les are shown in blue, user op er a tions in red.
When Nikon CMS is on, uncalibrated RGB image data from the scan ner are converted to grayscale or calibrated RGB, de pend ing on the color model selected in the scan window. RGB data are processed according to the profi le selected for the calibrated RGB color space. These data are stored in mem o ry so that the color model can be changed with out per form ing an oth er pre view. Any changes made using the color enhancement and Unsharp Mask tools also ap ply to these data. When the im age is dis played in the pre view win­ dow, the mon i tor pro fi le is used to ensure that the preview image is as true as pos si ble to the data in mem o ry.
When the Scan button is clicked to perform the fi nal scan, the scan data are processed according to the selected color­space profi le and any changes that were made using the color en hance ment and Unsharp Mask tools in the scan win dow. The data are then trans ferred to the host ap pli ­ca tion. Where pos si ble, the color-space pro fi le is trans ferred to the host ap pli ca tion to geth er with the im age data. The TWAIN in ter face used in Windows, how ev er, does not al low profi les to be passed to an oth er ap pli ca tion, with the result that under Win dows the pro fi le is only transferred to the host when Nikon Scan is used as a “stand-alone” application (note that profi le information is lost when the image is saved in a format such as BMP that does not allow the profi le to be recorded). When im ag es are dis played in im age win dows in Nikon Scan, the monitor profi le en sures that the image on the screen refl ects the orig i nal as close ly as pos si ble.
Before preview
Scanner Extras Digital ICE4 Advanced Scan Image Enhancer
Analog Gain
Film type selection
Color model and profi le
Preferences— Nikon Color Management
input profi le
profi le
New color-
space profi le
Changes to color
model or color-
space profi le
Image processing
Color Balance
LCH Editor
Unsharp Mask
profi le
profi le
Processed tab
Natural tab
Host application
Scanning with Nikon CMS Off
If Use Nikon Color Management System is not selected in the “Color Management” category, profi les can not be used to ensure that the data from the scanner are reproduced ac­ cu rate ly when passed to another application or displayed in the mon i tor. Be cause the color profi les required for a cal i ­brat ed RGB color space are not available when Nikon CMS is off, images can only be scanned as uncalibrated RGB or gray­scale. Similarly, the absence of a monitor profi le means that gamma adjustment must be used to correct the image for dis play on the monitor or for editing in another application. These ad just ments to gamma are made in the “Gamma” category of the “Pref er enc es” dialog.
The illustration below shows how scanning proceeds when Nikon CMS is off. The image shown in the preview window is ad just ed for display in the monitor ac cord ing to the value cho sen for preview gamma in the “Gam ma” category. When the Scan but ton is clicked, the main scan gamma and any changes to curves and color balance are passed to the scan­ ner, where they are ap plied to scan data be fore the image is trans ferred to the host ap pli ca tion (if Nikon Scan is used as a “stand-alone” ap pli ca tion, the value for preview gam ma is passed to the scan ner instead of main scan gamma). The LCH Editor and Unsharp Mask tools can not be used when Nikon CMS is off.
Scanner Extras Digital ICE4 Advanced Scan Image Enhancer
Analog Gain
Gamma adjustment
Preferences— Nikon Color Management
PreviewBefore preview
Image processing
Color Balance
Preview gamma
Preview gamma
Processed tab
Natural tab
Host application
When the Use Nikon Color Management System option in the “Color Management” category (
84) is off, the con-
trols in the “Gamma” category are used to adjust data from the scanner so that they display correctly when previewed on the monitor or opened in an oth er application.
Preview gamma
Preview gamma applies to the image displayed in the pre­ view area of the scan window. In general, preview gamma is solely for display in the preview area and does not apply to the image data that are passed to the host application when the Scan button is clicked. There are two exceptions to this rule, how ev er. The fi rst is when Nikon Scan is used as a “stand-alone” application, the second when Use preview gam ma is se lect ed as the main scan gamma option. In these cases pre view gam ma is ap plied to im age data passed to the host ap pli ca tion.
Preview gam ma de faults to a val ue of 1.8 on the Macintosh,
2.2 on Win dows com put ers. To choose a set ting suited to the current monitor, adjust the value so that the pat terns of gray lines and dots above the slider match in density. Gam­ ma can be set by en ter ing a value directly into the text box or by moving the slider. When mak ing this ad just ment, set the res o lu tion on the monitor to a low value such as 640 × 480 and sit as far away from the monitor as possible. To restore the default setting for your platform, click Reset.
Preferences— Nikon Color Management
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