Nikon Capture 4.0 User Manual

User’s Manual
• No part of the manuals included with this prod­ uct may be reproduced, trans mit ted, tran scribed, stored in a re triev al system, or trans lat ed into any lan guage in any form, by any means, with out Nikon’s prior writ ten per mis sion.
• Nikon reserves the right to change the spec i fi c­a tions of the hardware and soft ware de scribed in these manuals at any time and without prior no tice.
• Nikon will not be held liable for any dam ag es re sult ing from the use of this prod uct.
• While every effort has been made to en sure that the information in these man u als is ac cu rate and com plete, we would ap pre ci ate it were you to bring any er rors or omis sions to the at ten tion of the Nikon rep re sen ta tive in your area (ad dress pro vid ed sep a rate ly).
Package Contents
Before using this product, check that the package contains the items listed below. Contact your retailer or local Nikon representative should you fi nd that any of these items are missing or damaged.
• Nikon Capture 4 installer CD
Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide
Nikon Capture 4 User’s Manual (this manual)
• User registration card (USA only)
Trade mark I nformatio n
Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Mac OS, Pow er Macintosh, PowerBook, and FireWire are reg is tered trade marks of Apple Computer, Inc. Power Mac, iMac, iBook, and Finder are trade marks of Ap ple Com put er, Inc. Microsoft and Win dows are reg is tered trade marks of Microsoft Cor po ra tion. Internet Explorer is a product of Microsoft Corporation. MMX and Pentium are trade marks of Intel Cor po ­ra tion. Digital DEE is a trademarked technology developed by Applied Science Fiction. CompactFlash is a trade mark of SanDisk Cor po ra tion. Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Internet is a trade mark of Digital Equip ment Cor po ra tion. Netscape and Netscape Navigator are reg is tered trade ­ marks of Netscape Com mu ni ca tions Cor po ra tion. All oth er trade names men tioned in this man u al or the oth er doc u men ta tion pro vid ed with your Nikon prod uct are trade marks or reg is tered trade marks of their re spec tive hold ers.
Do not play the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD on audio CD equip ment. Play ing a CD - ROM on an audio CD play er could cause hear ing loss or dam age the equip ment.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Before You Begin.......................................................................................................1
Overview: About This Manual ........................................................................................................2
The Five Components of Nikon Capture 4: About This Product .................................................. 4
System Requirements: What You Need to Run Nikon Capture 4 ................................................6
Workfl ow: Using Nikon Capture 4 .................................................................................................. 8
Workfl ow 1: Field Photography ........................................................................................................8
Workfl ow 2: Studio Photography...................................................................................................... 9
Workfl ow 3: Batch Processing (Existing Images) .............................................................................10
Workfl ow 4: Batch Processing (Studio Photography)....................................................................... 11
Nikon Transfer: Copying Pictures to Your Computer................................................................... 13
The Nikon Transfer Window: Getting to Know Nikon Transfer ................................................. 14
Starting Nikon Transfer ...................................................................................................................15
Exiting Nikon Transfer.....................................................................................................................16
Restarting Nikon Transfer................................................................................................................ 18
Transferring Images: Using Nikon Transfer..................................................................................20
The File Destination and Naming Dialog .........................................................................................24
Transfer Options .............................................................................................................................29
IPTC Information............................................................................................................................. 33
Nikon Browser: Browsing Pictures after Trans fer........................................................................35
The Nikon Browser Window: Getting to Know Nikon Browser................................................. 36
Starting Nikon Browser...................................................................................................................38
Exiting Nikon Capture 4 Browser ....................................................................................................40
Using Nikon Browser: Browser Window Operations ..................................................................41
Working with Folders ..................................................................................................................... 41
Working with Thumbnails...............................................................................................................48
Displaying Shooting Data................................................................................................................ 55
Finding Images ...............................................................................................................................56
Viewing File Information ................................................................................................................. 58
Deleting Image Files........................................................................................................................60
Displaying Images ........................................................................................................................... 61
Playing Sound Files .........................................................................................................................67
Editing Image Files ..........................................................................................................................68
Printing Images ............................................................................................................................... 71
Creating a Photo CD (Windows XP) ................................................................................................75
Creating a Photo CD or DVD (Mac OS X 10.2.3 or Later) ................................................................78
Creating JPEG Copies......................................................................................................................80
Sending Images by E-Mail ..............................................................................................................86
Uploading Images...........................................................................................................................89
Creating HTML Albums...................................................................................................................98
Nikon Browser Preferences : Fine -Tuning Nikon Browser .........................................................103
The General Tab (Macintosh Only) ................................................................................................104
The Auto Launch Tab.................................................................................................................... 105
The Thumbnails Tab...................................................................................................................... 106
The Still Image Tab........................................................................................................................108
The Movie Tab.............................................................................................................................. 109
The Sound Tab (Windows Only).................................................................................................... 111
The Color Management Tab (Windows) ....................................................................................... 112
The Color Management Tab (Macintosh) ...................................................................................... 114
The Publish to NikonNet or PDA Tab (Americas Only).................................................................... 117
Nikon Viewer: Viewing Pictures ..................................................................................................119
The Nikon Viewer Window: Getting to Know Nikon Viewer .................................................. 120
Starting Nikon Viewer................................................................................................................... 122
Exiting Nikon Viewer .................................................................................................................... 123
Using Nikon Viewer: Taking a Closer Look ................................................................................124
Viewing the Entire Image.............................................................................................................. 125
Zooming image in and out............................................................................................................ 125
Editing Image Files ........................................................................................................................ 127
Tagging Images ............................................................................................................................ 128
Printing Images ............................................................................................................................. 128
Viewing a Slideshow..................................................................................................................... 129
Sending Messages by E- Mail ........................................................................................................ 129
Uploading Images (Amercias Only) ............................................................................................... 129
Displaying Shooting Data.............................................................................................................. 130
Viewing File Information ............................................................................................................... 130
Opening the Current Folder in Nikon Browser .............................................................................. 131
Window Menu Options in Nikon Browser and Nikon Viewer ........................................................131
Deleting Image Files...................................................................................................................... 133
Nikon Viewer Preferences: Fine -Tuning Nikon Viewer............................................................. 134
Nikon Capture 4 Editor: Image Adjustment ...............................................................................135
The Editor Window: Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor ............................................... 136
Starting Nikon Capture 4 Editor.................................................................................................... 138
Exiting Nikon Capture 4 Editor......................................................................................................140
Opening Image Files ..................................................................................................................... 141
The Bird's Eye Palette....................................................................................................................144
Rotating and Flipping Images........................................................................................................ 145
The Information Palette ................................................................................................................146
Selecting a Crop ........................................................................................................................... 149
Image Adjustment: Enhancing Images ...................................................................................... 150
White Balance .............................................................................................................................. 153
Advanced RAW ............................................................................................................................159
Image Dust Off .............................................................................................................................162
Vignette Control........................................................................................................................... 166
Curves ..........................................................................................................................................168
Color Balance ............................................................................................................................... 178
Unsharp Mask .............................................................................................................................. 181
Noise Reduction ...........................................................................................................................184
Digital DEE.................................................................................................................................... 186
Fisheye Lens: Fisheye-to-Rectilinear Image Transformation for Use with DX 10.5 mm Fisheye Lenses ...
Output Size and Resolution .......................................................................................................... 192
Saving and Loading Image Adjustment Settings ...........................................................................195
Saving Images............................................................................................................................... 196
Printing Images .............................................................................................................................200
Batch Processing ........................................................................................................................... 201
Nikon Capture 4 Editor Preferences: Fine-Tuning Nikon Capture 4 Editor.............................206
The General Tab ...........................................................................................................................207
The Temporary Files Tab................................................................................................................209
The Advanced Color Tab............................................................................................................... 210
The Grid Lines Tab ........................................................................................................................ 211
The Color Management Tab (Windows) ....................................................................................... 211
The Color Management Tab (Macintosh) ...................................................................................... 213
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control: Capturing Photographs ......................................................215
The Camera Control Window: Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ..............216
Starting Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ....................................................................................218
Exiting Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ......................................................................................221
Capturing Photographs to Disk ..................................................................................................... 222
Processing Photographs as They Are Captured .............................................................................226
Time Lapse Photography ..............................................................................................................230
The Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control Window.............................................................................233
Custom Settings ...........................................................................................................................246
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control Preferences: Fine-Tuning Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control
The General Tab ...........................................................................................................................260
The Temporary Files Tab................................................................................................................ 261
The Color Management Tab .........................................................................................................261
Appendices: Technical Notes .......................................................................................................263
Appendix A: Supported Color Profi les .......................................................................................264
1. St andard RGB Profi les Supported in Nikon Capture 4................................................................264
2. Technical Data for RGB Profi les Supported in Nikon Capture 4 ................................................. 266
Appendix B: Color Matching in Adobe Photoshop (Version 7.0 or Later) ..............................267
Step 1—Choosing a Monitor Profi le .............................................................................................267
Step 2—Adjusting Settings in Adobe Photoshop ..........................................................................270
Appendix C: Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................272
Appendix D: Glossary................................................................................................................... 274


Before You Begin
Read this chapter before in stall ing and using Nikon Capture 4.
Read this section for a description of how this man u al is or ga nized and for an ex pla na tion of the symbols and con­ ven tions used.
The Five Components of Nikon Capture 4
This section describes the components that make up Nikon Capture 4 and introduces some of its more notable fea­tures.
System Requirements
Before installing Nikon Capture 4, check that your computer system meets the requirements listed in this section.
Workfl ow
This section explains how Nikon Capture’s various com po ­nents work together when processing photographs taken in the fi eld or in a studio setting, and how batch pro cess ing can be used to edit multiple images.


About This Manual
This man u al has been written to help you take advantage of the many features included in Nikon Capture 4. This chapter introduces you to Nikon Capture’s fi ve components and ex plains how they can be used as part of different workfl ows. Each of these components is described in greater detail in the chapters that follow. The fi nal chapter, “Tech ni cal Notes,” includes information on how Nikon Capture can be used with other ap pli ca tions that support color management, together with troubleshooting in struc tions and a glossary of terms.
Before using Nikon Capture 4, you should know how Nikon Capture fi ts into your particular workfl ow, and what components and functions you will need. You can then refer to the chapters on the relevant functions as needed to complete each task.
Symbols and Conventions
The following symbols and conventions are used in this manual:
This icon marks cautions, in for ma tion that you should read be fore use to prevent pos­sible dam age to your camera or computer.
This icon marks tips, ad di tion al in for ma tion you may fi nd help ful when using this soft­ware.
Menu items and button names are shown in bold.
Life- Long Learning
As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Learning” commitment to ongoing prod uct sup port and ed u ca tion, con­ tin u al ly-updated in for ma tion is avail able on-line at the fol low ing sites:
•For users in the U.S.A.:
•For us ers in Europe: http:/ /
•For users in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa: http:/ / Visit these sites to keep up -to-date with the latest product in for ma tion, tips, an swers to fre quent ly­asked ques tions (FAQs), and gen er al advice on digital im ag ing and pho tog ra phy. Ad di tion al in for ­ma tion may be available from the Nikon rep re sen ta tive in your area.
This icon marks notes, in for ma tion that you should read be fore using this software.
This icon indicates that more in for ma tion is avail able else where in this manual.
About This Manual
Background Knowledge
This manual assumes knowledge of operations common to Windows and Macintosh en vi ­ron ments. Refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more in for ma tion on op er a tions specifi c to your operating system.
This manual is for use with both Windows and Macintosh versions of Nikon Capture 4. While the majority of the illustrations in this manual show the Windows versions, save where oth­ er wise noted the operations described apply to both operating systems. Depending on the operating system used, di a logs and menus may differ slightly from those shown here.
The ReadMe File
Be sure to read the ReadMe fi le on the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD, as it may contain im­ por tant information that could not be included in this manual.
Camera Control for D100 Cameras (Macintosh)
Before using Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control with a D100 digital camera under Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X, confi rm that the camera fi rmware is version 2.00 or later. Users of earlier versions will need to upgrade the camera fi rmware before using Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control. Contact a Nikon-authorized ser­vice representative for information on fi rmware upgrades.
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, Mac OS X
Installing and using Nikon Capture 4 under a multi-user operating system requires Administrator priv i ­leg es. When using Nikon Capture 4, log in as:
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional Computer administrator
Windows 2000 Professional Administrators
Mac OS X Admin

The Five Components of Nikon Capture 4

The Five Components of Nikon Capture 4
About This Product
Thank you for your purchase of Nikon Capture 4 software for Nikon digital cameras. The Nikon Capture 4 CD contains both Nikon View 6 and Nikon Capture 4. Nikon View 6 is com­prised of three components: Nikon Transfer, which is used to copy pictures from the cam era memory card to the computer hard disk; Nikon Browser, which is used to browse images after they have been transferred to your computer, and Nikon Viewer, which is used to view images. Nikon Capture 4 contains an additional two components: Nikon Capture 4 Editor, which is used to enhance photographs after shooting, and Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control, which is used to control D1-series, D100, or D2H digital cameras remotely while they are connected to the computer. Using these fi ve components, you can transfer pictures to your computer, view and edit them, and print them all in a single process.
Nikon Transfer
Existing pictures
D1- series, D100, or
D2H camera connected
to computer
Starts automatically when a sup port ed Nikon dig i tal cam era is connected, or a memory card from a supported Nikon digital camera inserted in a card reader or PC card slot. Use to trans fer pic tures from the cam era to your com put er hard disk. Once trans ferred, pictures can be pre­ viewed in Nikon Browser.
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control
Use with a Nikon D1, D1X, D1H, D100, or D2H digital cam era to control the camera from your com put er and save photos directly to disk as they are taken.
About This Product
Data fl ow
Nikon Browser
Nikon Browser comes into play after you have trans ferred pictures to your com put er hard disk using Nikon Transfer or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control. Use to or ga nize pictures into folders and se lect pic tures for view ing in Nikon Viewer or ed it ing in Nikon Capture 4 Editor.
Nikon Viewer
Use to view and print pictures.
Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Use to enhance pho to graphs taken with Nikon digital cameras.

System Requirements

System Requirements
What You Need to Run Nikon Capture 4
Before installing Nikon Capture 4, make sure that your system satisfi es the following re quire ­ments:
Windows Macintosh
Pre-installed versions of Windows XP
Home Edition, Windows XP Pro fes sion al, Win dows 2000 Professional, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Win dows 98
Mac OS 9.0.4 sion 10.1.5 or later)
Second Edition (SE)
iMac, iMac DV, Power Mac G3 (Blue &
CPU/Model 300 MHz Pentium or better
White), Pow er Mac G4 or later, iBook, Pow er Book G3 or later
Capture 4)
(Nikon View 6)
Hard- disk
•Windows, Mac OS X: 128 MB (256 MB or more recommended)
•Mac OS 9: memory allocation of 32 MB or more to Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control, 256 MB or more to Nikon Capture 4 Editor
64 MB (128 MB with RAW images) or more recommended.
200 MB required for installation, with additional free disk space of 10 MB plus an amount equal to double the capacity of camera mem o ry card avail able on sys tem disk when Nikon Capture 4 is running.
800 × 600 pixels or more with 16-bit color (High Color/thousands of colors). 24-bit color (True Color/millions of colors) recommended.
Open Host- Controller Interface (OHCI)
In ter face
compliant IEEE 1394 in ter face board or
required for con nec tion to D1, D1X,
and D1
Built-in USB interface required for connec­tion to D100, D2H, and COOLPIX-series
cam er as with USB interface. Direct con­nection to other COOLPIX-series cameras not supported.
•All functions, including Camera Control: D1, D1
•All functions except Camera Control: USB - equipped COOLPIX cam er as
Built-in IEEE 1394 (FireWire) interface re­ quired for connection to D1, D1
RATOC REX-PCIU3 USB interface board (USB 2.0; Mac OS X only) or built-in USB interface required for connection to D100, D2H, and COOLPIX-series cam er as with USB interface. Direct connection to other COOLPI X- series cameras not supported.
•CD-ROM drive required for installation
•Internet connection required for upload to the Web; e- mail program required when sending pictures by e-mail
* With CarbonLib version 1.6 or later. † The camera may not function as expected when connected to an IEEE 1394 hub. ‡ A list of boards and cards that have been tested and approved for use with the D1, D1x, and D1H is
available on-line ( 2). ** The camera may not function as expected when connected to a USB hub or keyboard. †† Camera fi rmware version 2.00 or later.
, 9.1*, 9.2*, Mac OS X (ver-
X, D1H, D100
, and D2H
X, and D1H
What You Need to Run Nikon Capture 4
For information on installing Nikon Capture 4, see the Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide.
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, Mac OS X
Installing and using Nikon Capture 4 under a multi-user operating system requires Administrator priv i ­leg es. When using Nikon Capture 4, log in as:
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional Computer administrator
Windows 2000 Professional Administrators
Mac OS X Admin
Mac OS 9.0
If you are using Mac OS 9.0, use the Software Update control panel to update to the lat est ver sion of CarbonLib before beginning installation.
Workfl ow
Workfl ow
Using Nikon Capture 4
How you will use Nikon Capture’s various components depends on whether you are tak ing photographs in the fi eld or in a studio with a D1, D1 com put er. Regardless of where you take your photographs, Nikon Capture 4’s batch option can be used to process multiple images automatically.
Workfl ow 1: Field Photography
This workfl ow is for users of D1-series, D100, D2H, or COOLPIX cameras taking photographs in the fi eld, away from their computers.
Step 1—Transfer pic tures
Interface cable
Memory card
Card reader
PC card slot
X, D1H, D100, or D2H connected to a
Nikon Transfer ( 13 )
•Select type of pictures to be transferred ( 28)
•Select destination (
24 )
Step 2—View pic tures
Nikon Viewer ( 119 )
Step 3—Edit pictures
Step 4—Use pictures
Nikon Browser ( 35)
Nikon Capture 4 Editor ( 135)
150 )
•Save modifi ed pictures (
•Print pictures (
Nikon Browser ( 35)
•Send pictures by e-mail ( 86)
•Upload pictures to web ( 89)
( 51)( 12 4 )
19 6 )
Using Nikon Capture 4
Workfl ow 2: Studio Photography
This workfl ow is for users of D1-series, D100, or D2H cameras who want to capture pho to ­graphs directly to their computer as they are taken.
Step 1— Connect the cam era
•If Nikon Transfer starts, click Close to exit
Interface cable
D1- series, D100,
or D2H camera
Step 2—Start Nikon Capture 4 Cam era Con trol
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ( 215)
Step 3—Take pictures
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ( 215)
•Take pictures di­rectly using con trols on camera body
•Take pictures from Camera Control
Step 4—View pictures
Nikon Viewer ( 119 )
•View pictures (
12 4 )
Step 5—Edit pictures
Nikon Browser ( 35)
Nikon Capture 4 Editor ( 135)
•Modify pictures (
•Save modifi ed pictures (
•Print pictures ( 200)
•Adjust settings in Camera Control ( 233)
•Time lapse pho tog ra phy ( 230)
•Photos saved directly to disk ( 222)
150 )
19 6 )
Workfl ow
Workfl ow 3: Batch Processing (Existing Images)
Nikon Capture 4 includes a batch option for automatic processing of multiple images, either as they are captured from a D1-series, D100, or D2H camera (see Workfl ow 4), or after they have been saved to disk using Nikon Transfer or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control. To process images after they have been saved to disk:
Step 1—Transfer pictures
Memory card
Interface cable
Step 2—Select pic tures
Step 3—Adjust set tings
Nikon Transfer ( 13 )
• transferred ( 28)
•Select destination (
Nikon Browser ( 35)
Nikon Capture 4 Editor ( 135)
•Modify pictures (
•Save settings ( 195)
Card reader
PC card slot
24 )
150 )
Step 4—Process pic tures
Batch dialog ( 201)
•Process pictures (
Using Nikon Capture 4
Workfl ow 4: Batch Processing (Studio Photography)
To process photographs automatically as they are captured from the camera (“live batch”):
Step 1— Connect the cam era
•If Nikon Transfer starts, click Close to exit
Interface cable
D1- series, D100,
or D2H camera
Step 2—Start Nikon Capture 4 Cam era Con trol
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ( 215)
Step 3—Take a test shot
Step 4—Adjust settings
Nikon Capture 4 Editor ( 135)
150 )
•Save settings ( 195)
Step 5—Choose batch op tions
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ( 215)
Step 6 —Take pictures
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ( 215)
Live Batch dialog ( 226)

Nikon Transfer

Copying Pictures to Your Computer
Nikon Transfer is used to transfer (copy) pictures from the cam era mem o ry card to your computer. When transferring pic tures, Nikon Transfer allows you to se lect the type of im­ ag es to be trans ferred, choose transfer options, specify the des ti na tion fold er for trans ferred images, and choose how trans ferred images will be named on the computer.
This chapter is divided into the following two sections:
The Nikon Transfer Window
This section outlines the controls and displays in the Nikon Trans fer window, and describes how to start, exit, and re­ start Nikon Transfer.
Transfer ring Imag es
Read this section for instructions on transferring images from a camera memory card to a folder of your choice on your computer.

The Nikon Transfer Window

The Nikon Transfer Window
Getting to Know Nikon Transfer
The main parts of the Nikon Transfer window are identifi ed below.
File destination and naming
The destination fold er and fi le nam­ ing meth od for trans ferred images are dis played in this area. To change the des ti na tion and fi le naming op tions, click Change... (
Image Transfer rule
Specifi es the type of pictures that will be transferred from the memory card currently inserted in the camera, card reader or PC card slot ( 28).
24 ).
Add additional in for ma tion
The Menu Bar (Macintosh)
The Macintosh version has a menu bar containing commands that replicate the functions of the buttons in the Nikon Transfer window. No menus are available in the Windows version.
Mac OS X
Before connecting the camera for the fi rst time, change Image Capture settings as described on page 115 of the Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide.
Name Function
Transfer options
(IPTC fi eld) to images
Help View help.
Specify the actions to be per formed when pic tures are transferred.
Specify the information that will be add ed to pic tures as they are trans ferred.
Choose the type of pictures to be transferred and change fi le destination and naming.
Trans fer to the computer all pic tures of the type se lect ed in the Image trans fer rule menu.
Close the Nikon Transfer window. 16
Getting to Know Nikon Transfer
Starting Nikon Transfer
Nikon Transfer starts automatically when a supported camera is connected or a memory card from a supported camera is inserted in a card reader or PC card slot.
Connect the camera or insert the memory card
Connect a camera containing a memory card from a supported camera, or insert a mem-
o ry card from a supported camera in a card reader or PC card slot. For more information, see the Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide.
Nikon Transfer will start automatically
Auto Launch
Nikon Transfer will only start automatically if Auto launch when connected to a camera or a card (the default option) is selected in the “Auto Launch” tab of the Nikon Browser or Nikon Viewer Prefer­ences dialog ( 105).
Starting Nikon Transfer from Nikon Browser
Nikon Transfer can also be started by selecting Launch Nikon Transfer… from the Tool s menu in Nikon Browser.
Starting Nikon Transfer on a Macintosh
When Nikon Transfer is started by connecting a camera or inserting a memory card in a card reader or PC card slot, Nikon Browser will also start automatically.
The Removable Disk Dialog (Win dows XP Home Edition/Windows XP Professional)
When a camera is con nect ed to a computer run ning Win dows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, or a memory card is inserted in a card read er or card slot con nect ed to a computer run ning Win dows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Pro fes sion al, a Removable Disk dialog may be dis played. Select Copy pic tures to
a fold er on my com put er us ing Nikon View 6 and click OK to display
the Nikon Trans fer win dow. For more in for ma tion on the Re mov able Disk di a log, see pages 30–31 of the Nikon Capture 4 In stall Guide.
Mass Storage
The Nikon Transfer Window
Exiting Nikon Transfer
The Nikon Transfer window will close automatically when transfer is complete, and the Nikon Brows er window will be displayed. To close the Nikon Transfer window without transferring pictures:
Click the button or click the close box
Click the
at the top of the window.
The Nikon Browser window will be displayed
Closing the Nikon Transfer window starts Nikon Browser (Windows) or activates the Nikon Brows er window (Macintosh).
button in the Nikon Transfer window, or click the close box in the title bar
Close box
Close button
Quitting Nikon Transfer (Macintosh)
The Macintosh version of Nikon View 6, you can quit Nikon Transfer from the program menus. In Mac OS 9, select Quit from the File menu. In Mac OS X, select Quit Nikon View 6 from the ap pli ca tion menu.
Mac OS X
Mac OS 9
Getting to Know Nikon Transfer
Disconnecting the Camera
For information on disconnecting the camera, see the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography or User's Man u al provided with your camera.
If you perform the following actions when Nikon Transfer is running, a warning will be displayed. Click OK to exit Nikon Transfer.
The following warning will be displayed if you disconnect the camera or card reader or turn the camera off while Nikon Transfer is running:
The following warning will be displayed if you remove the memory card from the card reader or card slot while Nikon Transfer is running:
The Nikon Transfer Window
Restarting Nikon Transfer
How you can restart Nikon Transfer after exiting depends on whether the camera is still con­ nect ed and powered on and/or the memory card still inserted in the camera, card read er, or PC card slot.
If the camera is still connected and/or the memory card in place:
Start Nikon Browser ( 38)
Select Launch Nikon Transfer… from the Tools menu
Mac OS X
Users of Mac OS X will not be able to transfer pictures if Nikon Transfer is started by selecting Launch Nikon Transfer… from the Tools menu in Nikon Browser. To start Nikon Transfer when the camera is
still connected, turn the camera off and then on again. If you are using a card reader or PC card slot, remove and reinsert the memory card.
Getting to Know Nikon Transfer
If the camera has been turned off:
Turn the camera on.
If the camera has been disconnected:
Reconnect the camera and turn the camera on.
If the memory card has been removed from the camera:
Reinsert the memory card and turn the camera on.
If the memory card has been removed from the card reader or PC card slot :
Reinsert the memory card.
Nikon Transfer will start automatically.

Transferring Images

Transferring Images
Using Nikon Transfer
This section describes how Nikon Transfer can be used to transfer pictures to your com put er from a memory card inserted in a camera, card reader, or PC card slot.
Choose the type of pictures to be transferred and change fi le destination and naming.
Choose image transfer options.
Add fi le information.
Trans fer pic tures.
Choose the type of picture to be trans-
ferred, the destination, and naming rules
Before transferring pictures, click Change… to choose the type of picture to be transferred, the folder in which pictures will be stored, and how transferred fi les will be named ( 24).
File destination
This text box lists the current destination for transferred pictures. The default folder at installation is:
…\My Documents\ My Pic tures
(If the My Documents folder does not contain a My Pictures folder, pictures will be trans ferred to My Documents.)
Mac OS 9
Mac OS X
File naming
You can choose either to transfer pictures to the computer using the fi le names orig i nal ly assigned by the camera (“Original fi le name”) or to assign pictures a new, au to mat i cal ly gen er at ed name as they are transferred (“Automatically gen er at ed name”). By default, pictures will keep the fi le name originally assigned by the camera.
Image transfer rule
Choose the type of pictures to be transferred. At default settings, all pictures will be transferred.
Open the File Destination and
Naming dialog
Open the Transfer Options dialog
Open the IPTC Information dialog
“File destination and naming” area
Using Nikon Transfer
Choose image transfer options
By default, the folder containing the transferred images will automatically be displayed
in Nikon Browser when transfer is complete. Nikon View allows you to display images in a dif fer ent ap pli ca tion, choose an image database application for cataloging images as they are trans ferred, and adjust transfer settings. Changes to these transfer options are made in the Transfer Options dialog. To display the Transfer Options dialog, click the Trans fer Op tions but ton in the Nikon Trans fer win dow before trans fer. For more in for ­ma tion, see “Transfer Op tions” (
Add fi le information
By default, information on camera settings at the time the image was created is in­cluded with each image transferred to your computer. If desired, you can specify additional information to be included with all transferred images. To do so, select Add additional information (IPTC fi eld) to all fi les in the Transfer tab of the Transfer Options dialog ( s ee Step 2) and then click the Add additional in for ma tion (IPTC fi eld) to images button in the Nikon Transfer dialog. For more information, see “IPTC Information” (
Transfer Options button
Add additional in for ma tion
(IPTC fi eld) to images
Files with the Same Name
If you attempt to transfer pictures with the same names as fi les already present in the destination folder, the new fi les will be renamed by adding numbers sequentially before the period that sep a rates the fi le name and the extension.
but ton
Transferring Images
Transfer image fi les
Click the Transfer button to start transfer at the selected settings.
Transfer button
A progress dialog is displayed during transfer, showing a thumbnail preview of the fi le currently being transferred. Thumbnails will not be displayed if the Show thumb nail box is not checked.
During Transfer
You cannot perform any other operation in Nikon Capture 4 while the progress dialog is displayed.
Auto Image Rotation ( D2H Only)
If On (the default setting) is selected for Auto image rotation in the camera setup menu, “tall” (por­trait-orientation) photographs taken with the D2H in the vertical shooting position will automatically be rotated as they are transferred. Select Off to record all images in landscape orientation regardless of how the camera is held.
COOLPIX Cameras with a Transfer Button
If your camera is equipped with a transfer button, you can use this button to transfer pictures to your computer. See the documentation provided with your camera for details.
Transfer Marking (COOLPIX Cameras)
Pictures can be marked for transfer using the camera transfer button or the Tra nsf er or Auto Transfer options in the camera menus. Some cameras do not support transfer marking; see the documentation provided with your camera for details.
Sound Files
Only voice memos appended to photographs using the camera voice memo option (supported with cameras such as the D2H and COOLPIX 5400) will be copied to the computer. Other sound fi les will not be transferred.
Using Nikon Transfer
Cancelling Transfer
To cancel transfer of the image fi les, click Cancel or press Escape. When you are trans- fer ring multiple image fi les, the images that have already been trans ferred at the time trans fer is cancelled are saved in the des ti na tion fold er.
After Transfer
When transfer is completed, Nikon View will perform the action specifi ed in the General tab ( 30) of the Trans fer Options dialog. By default, transferred images will be dis­ played in Nikon Browser.
Transferring Images
The File Destination and Naming Dialog
To choose a destination folder and fi le naming method for images before transfer, click the
Change… button in the “File destination and naming” area of the Nikon Transfer dialog.
Change button
The File Destination and Naming dialog will be displayed.
Any changes made in the File Destination and Naming dialog will be refl ected in the “File des ti na tion and naming” area of the Nikon Transfer window.
File Naming Conventions
Windows: In environments that do not support long fi le names, the maximum length is eight char-
ac ters; fi le names may not contain spaces, quotes, or any of the following characters: “\\” “/” “:” “.” “;” “*” “?” “<“ “>” and “|”.
Where long fi le names are supported, the maximum length is 255 characters; fi le names may not con­tain quotes or any of the following characters: “\\” “/” “:” “.” “;” “*” “?” “<“ “>” and “|”.
Macintosh: The maximum length for Macintosh fi le names is thirty- one characters. Co lons (“:”) are not al lowed.
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