Nikon Capture 4 User Manual

Ver. 4.4
User’s Manual
• No part of the manuals included with this prod­ uct may be reproduced, trans mit ted, tran scribed, stored in a re triev al system, or trans lat ed into any lan guage in any form, by any means, with out Nikon’s prior writ ten per mis sion.
• Nikon reserves the right to change the spec i fi c­a tions of the hardware and soft ware de scribed in these manuals at any time and without prior no tice.
• Nikon will not be held liable for any dam ag es re sult ing from the use of this prod uct.
• While every effort has been made to en sure that the information in these man u als is ac cu rate and com plete, we would ap pre ci ate it were you to bring any er rors or omis sions to the at ten tion of the Nikon rep re sen ta tive in your area (ad dress pro vid ed sep a rate ly).
Package Contents
Before using this product, check that the package contains the items listed below. Contact your retailer or local Nikon representative should you fi nd that any of these items are missing or damaged.
• Nikon Capture 4 installer CD
Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide
Nikon Capture 4 User’s Manual (this manual)
• User registration card (USA only)
Trademark Information
Macintosh and Mac OS are trade marks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Win dows are reg is tered trade marks of Microsoft Cor po ra tion. Pentium is a trade mark of Intel Cor po ra tion. Adobe and Photo­shop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. All oth er trade names men tioned in this man u al or in the oth er doc u men ta tion pro vid ed with your Nikon prod uct are trade marks or reg is tered trade marks of their re spec tive hold ers.
Make Backup Copies
Make backup copies of important pictures before processing. Nikon will not be held liable for damages or lost profi ts that may result from product malfunction.
Do not play the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD on audio CD equip ment. Play ing a CD - ROM on an audio CD play er could cause hear ing loss or dam age the equip ment.
Table of Contents
Before You Begin: Introduction........................................................................................................ 1
Overview: About This Manual ......................................................................................................... 2
Principal Features: Features Available in Nikon Capture 4............................................................ 3
Nikon Capture 4 Editor ......................................................................................................................3
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control....................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements: What You Need to Run Nikon Capture 4 ................................................. 5
Installation......................................................................................................................................... 5
Image Adjustment : Nikon Capture 4 Editor .................................................................................... 7
The Editor Window: Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor .................................................... 8
Starting Nikon Capture 4 Editor....................................................................................................... 10
Exiting Nikon Capture 4 Editor......................................................................................................... 12
Opening Image Files ........................................................................................................................ 13
Zoom............................................................................................................................................... 18
The Bird’s Eye Palette ....................................................................................................................... 19
Rotating and Flipping Images........................................................................................................... 20
Selecting a Crop .............................................................................................................................. 22
The Information Palette ...................................................................................................................23
The Histogram Palette ..................................................................................................................... 26
The Markers Palette......................................................................................................................... 27
Show Focus Area .............................................................................................................................28
Color Aberration Control................................................................................................................. 28
Image Adjustment: Enhancing Images ......................................................................................... 29
White Balance ................................................................................................................................. 33
Advanced RAW ...............................................................................................................................39
Image Dust Off................................................................................................................................ 42
Vignette Control .............................................................................................................................. 46
Curves .............................................................................................................................................48
The LCH Editor................................................................................................................................. 57
Color Booster .................................................................................................................................. 63
Photo Effects ...................................................................................................................................64
Color Balance .................................................................................................................................. 66
Unsharp Mask ................................................................................................................................. 68
Noise Reduction .............................................................................................................................. 71
D-Lighting ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Red eye Correction .......................................................................................................................... 75
Fisheye Lens (Fisheye -to - Rectilinear Transform for DX 10.5 mm Fisheye Lenses) .............................. 77
Output Size and Resolution ............................................................................................................. 79
Saving and Loading Image Adjustment Settings .............................................................................. 82
Saving Images.................................................................................................................................. 83
Printing Images................................................................................................................................ 88
Batch Processing.............................................................................................................................. 92
Nikon Capture 4 Editor Preferences : Fine -Tuning Nikon Capture 4 Editor................................ 97
The General Tab .............................................................................................................................. 98
The Performance Tab..................................................................................................................... 100
The Temporary Files Tab................................................................................................................. 101
The Advanced Color Tab................................................................................................................ 102
The Grid Lines Tab......................................................................................................................... 103
The Color Management Tab (Windows) ........................................................................................ 104
The Color Management Tab (Macintosh) ....................................................................................... 105
Capturing Photographs: Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ....................................................... 107
The Camera Control Window: Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ............... 108
Starting Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ......................................................................................110
Exiting Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control ........................................................................................ 111
Capturing Photographs to Disk.......................................................................................................112
Processing Photographs as They Are Captured ...............................................................................116
Time Lapse Photography................................................................................................................ 120
The Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control Window.............................................................................. 123
Custom Settings ............................................................................................................................ 135
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control Preferences: Fine-Tuning Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control
The General Tab ............................................................................................................................ 137
The Temporary Files Tab................................................................................................................. 138
The Color Management Tab .......................................................................................................... 138
Technical Notes: Appendices ........................................................................................................ 139
Appendix A: Supported Color Profi les ........................................................................................ 140
1. Standard RGB Profi les Supported in Nikon Capture 4................................................................. 140
2. Technical Data for RGB Profi les Supported in Nikon Capture 4 .................................................. 142
Appendix B: Color Matching in Adobe Photoshop ( Version 7.0 or Later) ...............................143
Step 1—Choosing a Monitor Profi le .............................................................................................. 143
Step 2—Adjusting Settings in Adobe Photoshop ........................................................................... 144
Appendix C: The Nikon NEF Plug - in ............................................................................................ 145
Appendix D: Troubleshooting...................................................................................................... 147
Appendix E: Glossary ....................................................................................................................149
Index ............................................................................................................................................... 155
... 137
Before You Begin
Read this chapter before in stall ing and using Nikon Capture 4.
Read this section for a description of how this man u al is or ga nized and for an ex pla na tion of the symbols and con­ ven tions used.
Principal Features
Read this section for an overview of the options available in Nikon Capture 4.
System Requirements
Before installing Nikon Capture 4, check that your computer system meets the requirements listed in this section.
About This Manual
This man u al has been written to help you take advantage of the many features included in Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.4). Be sure to read this manual thoroughly, and to keep it handy when using Nikon Capture 4.
Symbols and Conventions
The following symbols and conventions are used in this manual:
This icon marks cautions, in for ma tion that you should read be fore use to prevent possible dam age to your camera or computer.
This icon marks tips, ad di tion al in for ma tion you may fi nd help ful when using this soft­ware.
Menu items and button names are shown in bold.
This icon marks notes, in for ma tion that you should read be fore using this software.
This icon indicates that more in for ma tion is avail able else where in this manual.
Background Knowledge
This manual assumes knowledge of operations common to Windows and Macintosh en vi ­ron ments. Refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more in for ma tion on op er a tions specifi c to your operating system.
This manual is for use with both Windows and Macintosh versions of Nikon Capture 4. While the majority of the illustrations in this manual show the Windows versions, save where oth­ er wise noted the operations described apply to both operating systems. Depending on the operating system used, di a logs and menus may differ slightly from those shown here.
The ReadMe File
Be sure to read the ReadMe fi le on the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD, as it may contain im­ por tant information that could not be included in this manual.
Life- Long Learning
As part of Nikon’s “Life -Long Learning” commitment to ongoing product support and education, con­tinually-updated information is available on-line at the following sites:
• For users in the U.S.A.:
• For users in Europe and Africa: http://www.europe
• For users in Asia, Oceania and the Middle East: Visit these sites to keep up-to -date with the latest product information, tips, answers to frequently-asked questions (FAQs), and general advice on digital imaging and photography. Additional information may be available from the Nikon representative in your area. See the URL below for contact information:
Features Available in Nikon Capture 4
Principal Features
Features Available in Nikon Capture 4
Nikon Capture 4 is for use exclusively with Nikon digital cameras. It consists of two major components: Nikon Capture 4 Editor and Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control.
Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Nikon Capture 4 Editor is used to enhance photographs taken with Nikon digital cam­eras after they have been transferred to the computer using PictureProject or Nikon View. Nikon Capture 4 Editor supports batch processing and can be used to adjust RAW images in ways not supported by other software.
on camera
memory card
Transfer to computer
using PictureProject or
Nikon View
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control
When a D2- or D1-series, D200, D100, D70s, D70, or D50 camera is connected to a com­puter running Nikon Capture 4 Camera Con­trol, photographs can be recorded directly to the computer hard disk as they are taken. The controls in the Nikon Capture 4 Camera Con­trol window can be used to release the shut­ter or adjust camera settings, or to perform interval timer photography not otherwise supported on some models.
Connect camera and computer
Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control
Principal Features
Automatic Update
Nikon Capture 4 is equipped with an automatic update function known as Nikon Message Center. Nikon Message Center checks for updates to a variety of Nikon digital products, in­cluding Nikon software. At default settings, Nikon Message Center will automatically check for updates if the computer is connected to the Internet when Nikon Capture 4 starts. If an update is available, the Nikon Message Center window will be displayed. Click Available Messages to view the updates available for your Nikon digital products and software, then click Install to download and install the desired updates. To personalize your list of Nikon digital products or to view a list of the installed software supported under Nikon Message Center, click My Products.
Mac OS 9
Nikon Message Center is not available in Mac OS 9.
Notice to Users in Europe and the U. S. A.
To activate Nikon Message Center, users in Europe and the U. S. A. must have an account with their regional Nikon Support Center. The fi rst time a program equipped with the Nikon Message Center auto update feature starts, a license agreement will be displayed. After reading the agreement, click Accept to accept its terms and display an account activation dialog.
If you already have an account with your regional Nikon Support Center, enter the supplied user ID and password and the e-mail address you used to register. After confi rming that the computer is connected to the Internet, click Activate Nikon Message Center. A dialog allowing you to opt in or out of Nikon mailings will be displayed.
If you do not have an account or have forgotten your password, confi rm that the computer is con ­nected to the Internet and click Visit Nikon Support Center. After obtaining the required account information, enter the details in the account activation dialog and click Activate Nikon Message
Center. A dialog allowing you to opt in or out of Nikon mailings will be displayed.
The Opt- in / Opt- out Dialog
The fi rst time Nikon Message Center starts, a dialog allowing you to opt in or out of Nikon mailings will be displayed. Select the desired options and click OK to display the Nikon Message Center window.
Downloading Updates
An Internet connection is required to download updates. The user bears all applicable fees charged by the phone or cable company or Internet service provider.
Dial- up Connections
When using a dial- up connection, be aware that the connection is not automatically terminated when download is complete. Be sure to terminate the connection manually.
Information provided by the user as part of this service will not be given to third parties without the user’s permission.
Checking for Updates Manually
To check for updates manually, select Check for updates… from the Help menu.
What You Need to Run Nikon Capture 4
System Requirements
What You Need to Run Nikon Capture 4
Before installing Nikon Capture 4, make sure that your system satisfi es the following re quire ­ments:
Windows Macintosh
Pre-installed versions of Windows XP
CPU/Model 300 MHz Pentium equivalent or better Built-in USB or FireWire port required
Hard - disk space 200 MB required for installation
In ter face
Supported cameras
(Camera Control)
* With CarbonLib version 1.6 or later. † Connect the camera directly to the computer. The camera may not function as expected when con-
nected via a hub, extension cable, or keyboard.
‡ See the websites listed on page 2 for the latest information on boards that have been tested and ap-
proved for use.
Home Edition, Windows XP Pro fes sion al, Win dows 2000 Professional, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Win dows 98 Second Edition (SE)
• Windows, Mac OS X: 256 MB (768 MB or more recommended)
• Mac OS 9: memory allocation of 64 MB or more to Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control, 512 MB or more to Nikon Capture 4 Editor
800 × 600 pixels or more with 16-bit color (High Color/thousands of colors). 24-bit color (True Color/millions of colors) recommended.
Open Host- Controller Interface (OHCI)
compliant IEEE 1394 in ter face board or
card‡ required for con nec tion to D1­series cameras
USB Built-in USB interface
D2-series, D1-series, D200, D100, D70s, D70, and D50
• CD -ROM drive required for installation
• Internet connection required for some options
Mac OS 9.0.4–9.2.2 sion 10.1.5 or later). Note that Dutch, Italian, Korean, and Swedish versions of Nikon Capture 4 are not available for Mac OS 9.
Built-in IEEE 1394 (FireWire) interface re quired for connection to D1-series cameras
• Built-in USB interface
• RATOC REX-PCIU3U USB interface board (USB 2.0; for use only with D2­series cameras under Mac OS X)
, Mac OS X (ver-
For information on installing Nikon Capture 4, see the Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide.
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, Mac OS X
When installing, using, or uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 under the above operating systems, log on to an account with administrator privileges.
Camera Control for D100 Cameras (Macintosh)
Before using Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control with a D100 digital camera, Macintosh users will need to upgrade the camera fi rmware to version 2.00 or later. Contact a Nikon-authorized service representative for information on fi rmware upgrades.
Third- Party Plug- Ins
Nikon Capture 4 supports third-party nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 plug- ins that add a fi lter palette to Tool Palette 2. More information is available on -line ( 2).
Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Image Adjustment
Nikon Capture 4 editor component contains a variety of tools for enhancing images, including the Curves, LCH Editor, Color Booster, Photo Effects, Unsharp Mask, Noise Reduction, D-Lighting, Red Eye Correction, and Fisheye Lens tools. With RAW (NEF) images, it can be used to adjust white balance and tone compensation, to reduce the effects of dust on the camera image sensor, including color moiré (Image Dust Off), and to correct for chromatic (color) aber­ration and the slight darkening at the margins of an image (vignetting) particular to the fi eld of view of a given lens. When RAW im ag es are saved in NEF for mat, im age en hance ­ment settings are saved sep a rate ly from the orig i nal image data, allowing you to mod i fy set tings re peat ed ly with out de grad ing the qual i ty of the orig i nal im age. Nikon Capture 4 Editor is also equipped with a batch option for au to mat ed pro cess ing of multiple im ag es.
This chapter details the operations that can be performed us ing Nikon Capture 4 Editor. It is divided into the following sections:
The Editor Window
Read this section for an overview of the controls in the Nikon Capture 4 Editor window.
Image Adjustment
Read this section for instructions on enhancing images us ing Nikon Capture 4 Editor.
Nikon Capture 4 Editor Preferences
Read this section for information on fi ne-tuning settings in the Nikon Capture 4 Editor window.
The Editor Window
The Editor Window
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
The main parts of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor window are identifi ed below.
Menu bar
Contains the menus for Nikon Capture 4 Ed i tor.
Quick Tools palette
Contains tool but tons for Nikon Capture 4 Editor (
Title bar
Shows the fi le name of the im age dis played and the current zoom ratio.
Image window
Displays images cur rent ly opened for ed it ing. Any num ber of im age win­ dows can be open si mul ta neous ly.
Shooting data area
Gives photo in for ­ma tion on the im age dis played.
Tool palettes
These palettes are used for im age en­ hance ment ( 29).
Application window
(Windows only)
The Menu Bar and Quick Tools
Although many operations can be performed using both menu commands and the buttons in the Quick Tools palette, the explanations in this manual give priority to operations performed using tool buttons.
Hiding the Tool Palettes and Quick Tools Palette
Press tab to hide or display the tools and Quick Tools palettes.
Image area
Shows the image cur rent ly being edited.
Multi -Image window
Lists the images in the current folder as thumbnail previews
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Quick Tools
The Quick Tools palette contains buttons that replicate commonly-used menu commands.
But ton Name Func tion Shortcut
Open Click to open an image fi le for editing.
Copy Image
Zoom In Zoom in on the image in the active window.
Zoom Out Zoom out from the image in the active window.
Rotate 90 CCW
Rotate 90 CW
Crop Cursor
Zoom Cursor
Hand Cursor
Open Multi- Image
Show Nikon Capture
Camera Control
Open with Photoshop
Show Original
Image Data
(Windows only)
Auto Brightness
Auto Color Boost
Auto Red Eye
* Windows keyboard shortcuts are listed fi rst, Macintosh shortcuts second.
Save changes to the image in the active image win dow.
Copy current image -adjustment settings to the clip board.
Paste the contents of the clipboard to image en­ hance ment settings in the active win dow.
Rotate the image in active window ninety de grees counter-clockwise.
Rotate the image in active window ninety de grees clock wise.
Use this tool to select the portion of the image in the active window that will be saved.
Use to zoom the image in the active window in and out.
Use to view portions of the image not currently vis­ i ble in the active window.
Open the Multi- Image window, where images in the selected folder can be previewed.
Launch Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control. 107
Open the Batch dialog, where you can se lect a folder of images for batch processing.
Open the image in the active window in Photo­shop.
Hide the effects of changes to image adjustment set tings. This button can not be used with RAW im­ages taken with COOLPIX-series cameras.
Display menu of help options. F1/
Performs the same function as the Auto button in the Photo Effects palette.
Performs the same function as the Auto button in the Color Booster palette.
Perform automatic red - eye correction on image in active window
Ctrl+Shift+R/ shift+cmd+R
Ctrl + 0/ cmd + 0
Ctrl + S/ cmd + S
Ctrl + V/ cmd + V
Ctrl + +/ cmd + +
Ctrl + –/ cmd + –
Ctrl + R/ cmd + R
C/C 22
Z/Z 18
H/H 18
Ctrl + T/ cmd + T
The Editor Window
Starting Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Nikon Capture 4 Editor can be started from the Start menu (Win dows) or double-click ing the ap pli ca tion icon (Macintosh).
Turn the computer on
Turn the computer on and wait for the operating system to start up.
Start Nikon Capture 4 Editor
From the Start menu, select All Programs > Nikon Capture 4 > Nikon Capture 4 Editor (Windows XP Home Edition/Windows XP Professional) or Pro grams > Nikon Capture 4 > Nikon Capture 4 Ed i tor (other versions of Win dows).
Oth er Ways of Starting the Editor (Windows)
Nikon Capture 4 Editor can be started by double-clicking the Nikon Capture 4 icon ( ) in the folder to which Nikon Capture 4 was installed. If a shortcut to Nikon Capture 4 was created on the desktop during installation, the Editor can also be started by double-clicking the shortcut icon ( ) on the desktop.
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Turn the computer on
Turn the computer on and wait for the operating system to start up.
Start Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Double-click the Nikon Capture 4 Editor icon ( ) in the folder to which you installed Nikon Capture 4.
No image displayed in image win dow
Prod uct Key
If prompt ed to supply a product key when starting Nikon Capture 4 Editor or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control, en ter the product key supplied on the Nikon Capture 4 CD case.
Mac OS 9
Dutch, Italian, Korean, and Swedish versions of Nikon Capture 4 are not available for Mac OS 9.
Oth er Ways of Starting the Editor (Mac OS)
Mac OS 9 : If an alias for Nikon Capture 4 was created on the desktop during installation, the Editor can also be started by double- clicking the alias ( ).
Mac OS X: If Nikon Capture 4 was reg is tered in the Dock during installation, the Editor can also be started by clicking the Nikon Capture 4 icon ( ) in the Dock.
The Editor Window
Exiting Nikon Capture 4 Editor
To close the Nikon Capture 4 Editor window and exit Nikon Capture 4, open the File menu and choose Exit (Windows) or Quit (Mac OS 9). In Mac OS X, select Quit Nikon Capture Editor from the application menu.
Mac OS X
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Opening Image Files
Nikon Capture 4 Editor can be used to open images created with Nikon digital cameras and images previously saved using Nikon Capture.
Original image/saved image Format Ex ten sion
Image saved in NEF
16-bit TIFF (RGB)
8-bit TIFF (RGB)
(Nikon Electronic Format)
Files in the above formats can be opened using the Open… command or by drag and drop.
Using the “Open...” Command
Click the button or se lect Open… from the File menu
The standard Open dialog for your op er at ing sys tem will be dis played.
Open but ton
.NEF 83
Preview of selected image displayed
TIFF (CMYK) Images
Images saved in TIFF (CMYK) format can not be reopened in Nikon Capture 4 Editor.
NEF Files (Nikon Capture 3 or Earlier)
NEF fi les created with Nikon Capture 4 can not be opened in earlier versions of Nikon Capture.
RAW Images Created with the D1X
The default size for RAW images created with the D1x when opened in Nikon Capture 4 Editor can be chosen using the By default, a D1X RAW fi le will be option in the General tab of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor Preferences dialog ( 98). Choose from six megapixels (3,008 × 1,960 pixels) and ten megapixels (4,016 × 2,616).
The Editor Window
Locate the image fi le
Navigate to the drive (volume) and folder containing the fi le you wish to open.
Click Open
Double-click the fi le or select it from the fi les listed and click Open. The selected fi le will be opened in an image window in Nikon Capture 4 Editor.
Using Drag and Drop
Images can also be opened by dragging them into the application window (Windows) or im­age window (Macintosh).
Win dows
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Opening the Multi-Image Window
The Multi-Image window shows the images in the selected folder as small thumbnail pre­views. Use the Multi-Image window to view other images while making adjustments to the current image, or to select multiple images for editing, saving, or printing.
Click the button or select Open Multi - Image Window from the File menu
The Browse For Folder dialog will be displayed.
Open Multi- Image Window button
Select a folder
Select the folder containing images you want to view or edit.
Click OK
The Multi- Image window will open, with the images in the selected folder displayed as thumbnails.
Click to hide or view the thumb ­nail area.
Multi -Image window
Lists the images in the selected folder.
Thumbnail area
Displays the imag­es in the selec ted folder as thumb­nail previews.
Image area
Shows the image currently being edited. Images are edited in the same way as in image windows (
The Multi-Image Window
The Multi Image window can be used to display multiple images without opening them in separate im­age windows, reducing the amount of memory required. No more than one Multi-Image window can be open at a time. Before opening a folder in the Multi-Image window, make sure that none of the images in the selected folder are open in image windows. If the user attempts to open one of the im­ages in the thumbnail list in an image window, it will be opened in the image area of the Multi- Image window instead.
The Editor Window
Select a thumbnail
The corresponding image will be displayed in the image area.
Multi-Image Window Buttons
The names and functions of the buttons in the Multi-Image window are shown in the fol­lowing table:
When the thumbnail area is closed:
But ton Name Func tion
Back to previous folder Return to the previous folder.
Forward to next folder Open the next folder.
Previous Image Display the previous image in the image area.
Next Image Display the next image in the image area.
Editing Images
The image displayed in the image area can be edited in the same way as an image displayed in an image window ( 29). Modifi ed images are indicated by an asterisk in the thumbnail list. An asterisk will also appear next to images that have been automatically modifi ed via the Enable Color Aberration Control option in the “Performance” tab of the “Options” (“Preferences”) dialog (
The Icon
Images to which changes have not been applied are indicated by an icon. The icon disappears when the image is displayed in the image area or is saved at the new settings.
Selecting Multiple Images
To select multiple images for printing or to save under another name, click the thumbnails while pressing the Ctrl (Windows) or command (Macintosh) key, or use the Select All Images or Select All Unsaved
Images options in the Multi- Image menu. No image will be displayed in the image area.
“Save As”
Even if the image in the Multi- Image window is saved under another name using the Save As… option, the original will still be displayed in the image area. If this image is saved using the Save option, any changes will be applied to the original, and the unmodifi ed image will be lost. See “Options for Saving Image Files” ( 84) for more information.
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
When the thumbnail area is open:
But ton Name Func tion
Select Folder
Back to previous folder Return to the previous folder.
Forward to next folder Open the next folder.
Remove selected
image (s)
Match Settings
Switch thumbnail list Toggle between single - and multi -line thumbnail displays.
Change Thumbnail Size
Favorite Folder
Open the Browse For Folder dialog to select a folder for display in the Multi-Image window.
Delete the images selected in the thumbnail area.
Apply the settings for the selected image to other images. After selecting a source image, select the target images with the shift key or with the Ctrl (Windows) or command (Macintosh) key and then click the remaining images. To edit multiple images simultaneously, select the images and click . Changes to tool palette settings after the is clicked will apply to all the selected images.
A menu of sort options will be displayed. Choose Sort Key to sort images by File Name, Date of Recording, Date Modifi ed,
File Name and Type, File Type and Date of Recording, or File Type and Date Modifi ed (if File Type and Date of Re ­cording, or File Type and Date Modifi ed is selected, images
will be sorted by fi le type in the order NEF, JPEG, and TIFF, with images of the same fi le type sorted by date of recording or date of modifi cation). Choose Sort Order to sort images in ascend­ing or descending order.
Adjust the size of the thumbnails displayed in the Multi-Image window in fi ve steps.
To add the current folder to your list of favorites, click this but­ton and select Add Favorites from the menu that appears and enter a name for the folder (this name will appear only in your list of favorites; the actual folder name will not change and will continue to be displayed in the “Organize Favorites” dialog). To access your favorites, click the ganize, rename, or delete favorites, click
. The settings for the fi rst image will be applied to
button in the toolbar. To or-
and select Organize
The Multi-Image Menu
Although many operations can be performed using both the buttons in the Multi- Image window and the options in the Multi- Image menu, the explanations in this manual give priority to operations per­formed using the buttons in the Multi - Image window.
The Editor Window
To zoom images in and out, click the but­ton. The mouse point er will change to a mag ni fy ing glass with a “+” sign in its center. Position the zoom cursor over the current im­age and click the mouse to zoom in one step. To zoom out one step, hold down Alt (Win­dows) or option (Macintosh). A “–” sign will appear in the center of the zoom cursor; click the mouse to zoom out one step. The image will be centered on the point clicked. The current zoom ratio is displayed in the title bar.
Scrolling the Image
If the entire image is not visible at the current zoom ratio, the hand cursor can be used to view other areas of the image. To activate the hand cursor, click the tool palette. The mouse point er will change to
; to scroll the im age, drag the mouse in the di rec tion you want to go. You can also scroll the image using the scroll bars.
button in the
Zoom ratio
Double-Clicking the and Buttons
Double-clicking the (Windows) or display the entire image (Macintosh), double-click the
The Hand, Zoom and Crop Cursors
The hand, zoom, and crop cursors can not be used at the same time.
button displays the image at a zoom ratio of 1 : 1. To fi t the image to the window
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
The Bird’s Eye Palette
The Bird’s Eye palette shows the position of the portion of the image visible in the active im­age window. To display or hide the Bird’s Eye palette, click the triangle in the Bird’s Eye palette title bar ( 29). By default, the Bird’s Eye palette is in Tool Palette 3.
The portion of the image visible in the active image window is indicated by a red outline.
Red outline dis played
When the mouse pointer is moved over the red outline, it changes to a cursor. Drag the red outline over the area of the image you would like to view. The selected area will be dis­played in the active image window.
The Editor Window
Rotating and Flipping Images
The image in the active image window can be rotated or fl ipped as described below.
Rotating Images
Click the button or select 90 degrees CW from the Rotate sub-menu to rotate the image in the active window 90 degrees to the right. Click the button or select 90 degrees CCW from the Rotate sub-menu to rotate the image in the active window 90 degrees to the left. To rotate the image 180 degrees, select 180 degrees from the Rotate sub-menu.
Rotate 90 CCW but ton Rotate 90 CW but ton
Image before rotation
Image rotated ninety
de grees clockwise
Flipping Images
Use the commands in the Flip sub -menu to fl ip the image in the active window horizontally or ver ti cal ly.
Rotating JPEG Images
Image fi les must be opened in Nikon Capture 4 Editor before being rotated. To save the changes, the image must then be saved to disk. If the image is in JPEG format, it will be compressed when saved, with a corresponding drop in image quality.
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Straightening Images
To straighten the image in the active image window:
Select Straighten… from the Rotate sub-menu
The Straighten dialog will be displayed.
Straighten the image
Straighten the image using the Draw Level button or by entering the desired rotation in
the Rotation text box.
The Draw Level Button
Click Draw Level. The cur­sor changes to
The Rotation Text Box
Choose CW (clockwise) or CCW (counter-clockwise) and enter the degree of rotation in the text box. The image can be rotated up to 10 °.
Click OK
Choose a line in the image that should be either hori­zontal or vertical and drag
cursor parallel to the
the chosen reference line.
The image will be rotated up to 10 ° to make the refer­ence line horizontal or verti­cal. The degree of rotation is displayed in the Rotation text box.
Draw Level
If a message is displayed stating that the reference line is too short, draw a longer reference line.
Straightening Images
Straightening does not change the dimensions of the image. Any portions of the image that do not fi t in its original dimensions are trimmed, while areas that have been added to the image are fi lled in black.
Restoring the Unrotated Image
To restore the unrotated image, enter a value of 0 in the Rotation text box.
The Editor Window
Selecting a Crop
Using the crop tool, you can select a portion of an image to be saved in a separate fi le. If no selection is made, the entire image will be saved.
Click the button or select Crop Cursor from the View menu
When the mouse is moved over the image area in the active window, it will change to (
Make a selection
Drag the mouse over the image in the active window to make a selection. The area out­side the selection will be masked to show that it will be cropped.
Cancelling the Current Crop
To cancel the current crop, double-click anywhere in the image window. The selection may
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not be cancelled if Keep the output size is selected in the Size / Resolution palette
Moving the Crop
To move the crop over a different part of the image, move the pointer over the crop. The pointer will change to a (Windows) or cursor (Macintosh). Drag the crop to move it to a new position.
Changing the Size of the Crop
To change the size of the current crop, move the pointer over the borders of the crop. The pointer will change to a double arrow. Drag the borders of the crop to adjust its size. The size of the cropped image can be adjusted in the Size/Resolution palette
Saving a Selection
Unless the image is saved in NEF format, only the selected portion of the image will be saved. Anything not included in the current crop will be deleted. In NEF format, the entire image is saved together with in for ma tion about the location of the current crop.
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Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
The Information Palette
The information palette shows the position and color of the pixel under the mouse pointer. To display or hide the Information palette, click the triangle in the Information palette title bar ( 29). By default, the Information palette is in Tool Palette 3.
Settings button
Color space
x-y coordinates
Watch Point button
Information Description
Color space
R, G, B, Avg
x-y coordinates
The working color space for the image in the active image window is dis played at the top of the in for ma tion palette. This information is embedded in the fi le when the image is saved.
The values for each of the red, green, and blue el e ments of the pixel under the cursor and the average of the three, weighted according to the prop er ties of hu man color perception (the weighted average is cal cu lat ed as (Red × 0.299) + (Green × 0.587) + (Blue × 0.114)). Depending on the se lect ed color space, the average may not refl ect the actual luminance of the pixel under the cursor, but it can be used as a rough guide to bright ness. Values for R, G, B, and the average of the three range from 0 to 255, with values for sixteen- and twelve-bit images being scaled to fi t in this range.
The position of the cursor in the image win dow, mea sured in pixels from the top left corner of the image.
Monitoring Watch Points
The Information palette can be used to continually monitor the red, green, blue, and average values (R, G, B, Avg) for up to four selected pixels (“watch points”). The size of the watch points can be set using the Dropper sample size option in the Advanced Color tab of the Preferences dialog (
102), which can be displayed by clicking the Settings button in the
Information palette and selecting Advanced Color Preferences….
Selecting Watch Points
To select a pix el to monitor, click the but ton. The cur sor will change to
. Move the mouse over the de sired pixel and click. The selected pixel will be add ed to the list of watch points in the In for ma tion pal ette.
Red, Green, Blue, Av er age
Point number
Delete but ton
The Editor Window
The pixels currently being monitored in the Information palette are shown by a
icon in the image window. Each point is identifi ed by a num ber cor re spond ing to the point num ber listed in the In for ma tion palette. You can monitor up to four pix els at a time.
Point number
Moving a Watch Point
To move the watch point to a new pixel, drag the icon in the image window.
Deleting a Watch Point
To remove a pixel from the list of watch points, click the button next to the cor re spond ing listing in the In for ma tion palette, or drag the
icon out of the image window. The re -
main ing points will be re num bered to refl ect the change.
RGB and Average Values
A warning button will be displayed in the information palette at zoom ratios of less than 100%. Clicking this button will display a dialog stating that accurate RGB and average values can not obtained at the current zoom ratio; click Yes to view the image full size.
Preferences : Advanced Color
Clicking the icon at the right end of the Information palette tool bar displays a menu from which you can access the Advanced Color tab of the Preferences dialog ( 102).
Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Lost Highlights and Shadows
Areas of the image in which details in the high end or low ends of the tone range may have been lost (“lost” highlights or shadows) can be identifi ed by locating pixels with the maximum or minimum value for one or more channel. This information can be used when using color balance (
66) or adjusting the white point or black point to capture the optimal amount of
detail without sacrifi cing contrast ( 51).
Show Lost Highlights
When Show Lost Highlights is selected in the Image menu, “lost” highlights (pixels
“Highlights” displayed in image window title bar
with a value of 255 for one or more channel) are shown in color (see table below). Other pixels are shown in black.
R G B Shown in
“Lost” “Lost” “Lost” White “Lost” “Lost” Not “lost” Yellow “Lost” Not “lost” “Lost” Magenta
Not “lost” “Lost” “Lost” Cyan
“Lost” Not “lost” Not “lost” Red Not “lost” “Lost” Not “lost” Green Not “lost” Not “lost” “Lost” Blue
Show Lost Shadows
When Show Lost Shadows is selected in the Image menu, “lost” shadows (pixels
“Shadows” displayed in image window title bar
with a value of 0 for one or more channel) are shown in color (see table below). Other pixels are shown in white.
R G B Shown in
“Lost” “Lost” “Lost” Black
“Lost” “Lost” Not “lost” Blue
“Lost” Not “lost” “Lost” Green Not “lost” “Lost” “Lost” Red
“Lost” Not “lost” Not “lost” Cyan Not “lost” “Lost” Not “lost” Magenta Not “lost” Not “lost” “Lost” Yellow
“Lost” Highlights and Shadows
Before saving images in a format other than NEF, adjust settings to avoid “losing” highlights or shadows in large areas of the image. Information lost through editing can not be recovered once an image is saved in a format other than NEF.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Press L to view or hide lost highlights, S to view or hide lost shadows.
The Editor Window
The Histogram Palette
The histogram palette shows the level distribution for the image in the active window or, if a crop is selected, for the current crop ( 22). To display or hide the Histogram palette, click the triangle in the Histogram palette title bar ( 29). By default, the Histogram palette is in Tool Palette 3.
View the histogram for the entire image or selected chan­nels.
The level (brightness) of the point under the cursor.
Start / End
The range of values selec ted in the histogram display.
To select an area of the histogram, drag the mouse over the histogram display. The pixels with values in the selected range will blink in the image window. Click Clear to cancel the current selection.
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