Quick Start Guide
Table of Contents
Minimum requirements for a WFS709TP Deployment .......................................................... 2
Initial Setup using existing DHCP server .................................................................................. 4
Initial Setup Configuring the WFS709TP as a DHCP server ................................................ 6
Provisioning Access Points......................................................................................................... 9
Final Notes .................................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix: Converting WG102 and WAG102 to WFS709TP compatible firmware ......... 10

Minimum requirements for a WFS709TP Deployment
At the very least, in a hardware level, to deploy the WFS709TP controller you will need one or more
compatible access points, WGL102 and WAGL102. (Note that WG102 and WAG102 APs can be
upgraded with a Lightweight image to work with the WFS709TP, refer to the Appendix at the end of this
document for more information). If you want to offer internet connection to your hosts, it is assumed
another device will be connected to the controller to offer web connectivity.
The access points can be connected through other devices in a local network (Figure B). The access
points need to be able to communicate to the Wireless Controller at an IP level so any VLAN or sub-net
implementation requires careful consideration.
The scope of this document will be to explain the initial installation of the WFS709TP in a network that is
not using any VLAN scheme.

All communication done between the Access Points and the Wireless Controller is done at Layer 3, and
for the Access Points to be accessible in the initial setup it is necessary to have a device capable of
offering IP addressing by using DHCP.
The WFS709TP controller is capable itself of serving as a DHCP server, therefore we will cover both
possible deployment scenarios in this document – using the WFS709TP as the DHCP server, or using an
already existing server in the network.