Table 1. Gateway LED descriptions
LED Description
• Solid green. The gateway has 5 GHz connectivity.
• Off. The gateway does not have 5 GHz connectivity or the power is off.
• Solid green. The gateway has power.
• Blinking green. Power-on self-test is in progress.
• Off. The gateway does not have power.
• Solid green. More than one channel is locked (channel bonding).
• Blinking green. The unit is scanning for a downstream channel.
• Off. No downstream channel is locked.
• Solid green. More than one channel is locked (channel bonding).
• Blinking green. The unit is scanning for an upstream channel.
• Off. No upstream channel is locked.
• Solid green. The gateway is online.
• Blinking green. The gateway is synchronizing with the CMTS of the cable provider.
• Off. The gateway is offline.
LAN (Ethernet)
• Solid green. The gateway detects an Ethernet device connected to the port and is powered on.
• Blinking green. Data is being transmitted or received on the Ethernet port.
• Off. The gateway does not detect an Ethernet device.
LAN (Ethernet)
• Solid green. The gateway detects an Ethernet device connected to the port and is powered on.
• Blinking green. Data is being transmitted or received on the Ethernet port.
• Off. The gateway does not detect an Ethernet device.
• Solid green. The gateway detects a phone connected to the port and is powered on.
• Blinking green. A phone is connected to the phone port and is in use.
• Off. The gateway does not detect a phone connected to the phone port or the phone is off line.
Button Description
Pressing this button opens a two minute window for the gateway to connect with other
WPS-enabled devices.
Wireless On/Off
Turn the wireless radio in the gateway on and off. The wireless radio is on by default. The
LED located below this button indicates if the wireless radio is on or off.
Connect to the Gateway