MIMO Antenna with 2 TS-9 Connectors Data Sheet
For 3G/4G AirCard® USB Modems and Mobile Hotspots
• External Antenna
• Slim Profi le
• Improves antenna performance of mobile broadband device
• Easy to install, no software or confi guration
• Includes clips & suction cups that allows for convenient attachment
for laptops
Boost performance indoors or in fringe network areas by plugging this external antenna into your 3G/4G AirCard® modem or mobile
hotspot. This antenna is designed to increase speeds and extend coverage when in buildings, vehicles, or remote sites where network
coverage is sparse. Simple installation, no software required.
Ideal Uses for Extending Coverage
Buildings Remote Sites Fringe Network Areas
Compatible with most NETGEAR
AirCard USB Modems and Mobile
Technical Specifi cations
• Dimensions 160 x 120 x 5.5 mm
• 2x TS-9 connectors
• 1 m long cable
For complete list of compatible
devices please go to:
• Up to 2.5 dB gain
• Frequency Bands
700-906/1710-1990/2110-2170/2500-2700 MHz
This product comes with a limited warranty that is valid only if purchased from a NETGE AR authorised reseller.
*Basic technical suppor t provided for 90 days from date of purchase when purchased from a NETGEAR authorised reseller.
ATTENTION: Due to EU law, the country settings must be identical to the country, where the device is operating (important due to non-harmonised frequencies in the EU.)
For indoor use only.
Valid for sale in all EU member states, EFTA states, and Switzerland.
NETGEAR, the NETGEAR Logo, and AirCard are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identifi cation
purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holder(s). Information is subject to change without notice. ©2014 NETGE AR, Inc. All rights reserved.
NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA, 1-888-NETGEAR (638-4327), E-mail: info@NETGEAR.com, www.NETGEAR.com
D-MIMO Antenna-0