Thank you for purchasing this NETGEAR product.You can visit to register your
product, get help, access the latest downloads and user manuals , and join our comm unity.We recommend that
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For the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit
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See the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.
View the Camera Status..................................................................................20
View the IP Address of a Camera...................................................................21
Change the Name for a Camera.....................................................................22
Add or Change the User Name and Password for Camera Access................24
Manage the Video Settings for a Camera.......................................................25
Manage the Settings for a Default Recording Schedule..................................26
Set Up a Custom Recording Schedule............................................................28
Delete a Custom Recording Schedule............................................................31
Delete a Video Recording From a Camera.....................................................31
Manage the Motion Detection Settings for a Camera.....................................32
Disable a Camera............................................................................................34
Manage Live Feeds..............................................................................................35
View a Detailed Live Feed...............................................................................35
Control and Move a PTZ Camera...................................................................36
Search and Play Back a Live Feed.................................................................37
Export a Video and View an Expor ted Video.......................................................39
Get Started
This chapter covers the following topics:
•Access Milestone Arcus Through the Local Admin Page of the ReadyNAS
•Types of Optional User Accounts
•Create an Optional User Account
•Change or Delete a User Account
•Set Up Email Notifications
•Enable Port Forwarding
•Get the Milestone Mobile App
•View CPU Usage, Storage Usage, and the Software Version
•Collect and Download Support Information
For more information about the topics that are covered in this manual, visit the support
website at
In this manual, we refer to Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS as the application.Note
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
Access Milestone Arcus Through the Local Admin Page
of the ReadyNAS
If your computer is connected to the same LAN as your storage system, f ollo w these instructions to access
Milestone Arcus through the local admin page of the ReadyNAS.
To access Milestone Arcus through the local admin page of the ReadyNAS:
1. Open a web browser and visit https://hostname.
hostname is the name that you assigned to your ReadyNAS system or the def ault host name if you did
not change it.
You can also enter https://ipaddress, where ipaddress is the IP address of the
An SSL certificate security warning might display.
The warning is because the certificate is a self-signed certificate, which browsers
typically warn you about.
2. If the SSL certificate displays, accept the certificate.
A login prompt displays.
3. Enter the login credentials for your system and click the OK button.
If you did not change the credentials, the default credentials are as follows:
•user name. admin
•password. password
Both user name and password are case-sensitive.
The Overview page displays.
4. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
By default, no default user account and password exist and anyone can log in.
5. Click the Log in button.
The Milestone Arcus Home View page displays.
You could also refer to this page as the Live page or the All Views page. However,
in this manual we refer to this page as the Home View page.
Types of Optional User Accounts
By default, the application allows any one to log in without a user name or pass word. As a security measure,
you can set up user accounts with passwords (see Create an Optional User Account on page 7). Some
features require a user account and password.
The application provides two types of user accounts: administrative accounts and standard accounts.
Administrative users can access all functions, whereas standard users are allowed limited access. The
following table shows the differences between the types of accounts.
Table 1. User accounts
Standard UserAdministrator
YesYesLive view
YesYesPlayback mode
YesYesDownload and delete exports
YesYesPan, tilt, and zoom camera
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
Table 1. User accounts (Continued)
YesChange camera settings
YesChange user settings
YesDelete recording
YesActivate camera licenses
YesUpdate software
YesManually search for new cameras
YesNetwork settings
YesDate and time settings
Standard UserAdministrator
Create an Optional User Account
Milestone Arcus does not provide a default user account or password and anyone can log in. After you
create a user account and specify a password, log in security is enabled and you m ust enter your user name
and password when you log in.
By default, the first user account that you create is an administrator account. After you create the first user
account, you can select whether a user account is an administrator account or a standard user account (see
Types of Optional User Accounts on page 6).
To create a user account:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
The Milestone Arcus login page displays.
3. Log in by doing one of the following:
•No user account exists. Click the Log in button.
•A user account exists. Do the following:
a. Enter your user name and password in the user name and password fields.
b. Click the arrow button.
The Home View page displays.
4. Select Settings > Users.
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
The Users page displays.
5. Click the + Add new user button.
If this is the first user account that is being added, a pop-up window opens, stating that security will be
6. Click the OK button.
The pop-up window closes.
7. In the User name field, type a new user name, in the Password field, specify a password, and reenter
the password in the Retype password field.
8. Click the OK button.
If this the first user account that you created, a pop-up window opens, stating that the server security
was changed and that you must log in again. Continue with Step 9.
If this is not the first user account that you created, continue with Step 12.
9. Click the OK button.
The pop-up window closes.
The page now displays User name and password fields.
10. Enter the user name and password that you just created.
11. Click the arrow button.
The Users page displays.
12. To add more information to your user account or change some information of your user account, do the
a. Next to the user account that you want to change, click the Edit button.
The Edit user page displays.
b. Specify your email address, full name (as opposed to user name), and preferred language.
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
If this is not the first user account that you created, you can also change the user type.
c. Click the X button.
Your settings are saved.
Change or Delete a User Account
You can change or delete an existing user account.
To change or delete a user account:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
The Milestone Arcus login page displays.
3. Log in by doing one of the following:
•No user account exists. Click the Log in button.
•A user account exists. Do the following:
a. Enter your user name and password in the user name and password fields.
b. Click the arrow button.
The Home View page displays.
4. Select Settings > Users.
The Users page displays.
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Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
5. Next to the user account that you want to change, click the Edit button.
6. Do one of the following:
•Change the settings for the user account. Do the following:
a. Change the settings as needed.
You can change the user name, email address, full name, password, user type, and preferred
b. Click the X button.
Your settings are saved.
•Delete the user account. Click the Delete user account button.
Set Up Email Notifications
If you set up a user account, you can set up the application to send email notifications when system changes
occur, for example, when a camera is disabled or removed.
Your user account must include an email address so that you can receive email notifications (see Change
or Delete a User Account on page 9).
To set up email notifications:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
The Milestone Arcus login page displays.
3. Log in by doing one of the following:
•No user account exists. Click the Log in button.
•A user account exists. Do the following:
a. Enter your user name and password in the user name and password fields.
b. Click the arrow button.
The Home View page displays.
4. Select Settings > Notifications.
The Notifications page displays.
5. Click the + Add new notification button.
6. Specify the following settings:
•Name. Specify a name for the event.
•Event. From the menu, select the event type.
•Devices. Select one or more cameras.
For camera-related selections from the Event menu, check boxes for cameras display.
•Recipients. Select one or more email check boxes.
7. Click the Save button.
Your settings are saved.
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
Enable Port Forwarding
Port forwarding allows the application to be accessible over the Internet so that external applications can
connect to Milestone Arcus. For port forwarding to function, either enab le UPnP on your router or manually
configure port forwarding on your router. By default, port forwarding is disabled.
When you enable port forwarding, make sure that your user accounts are protected
by strong passwords to prevent unauthorized access to the application over the
To enable port forwarding:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
The Milestone Arcus login page displays.
3. Log in by doing one of the following:
•No user account exists. Click the Log in button.
•A user account exists. Do the following:
a. Enter your user name and password in the user name and password fields.
b. Click the arrow button.
The Home View page displays.
4. Select Settings > Smart connect.
The Port forwarding page displays.
5. Below Automatic port forwarding, move the slider from the OFF position to the ON position.
The external IP address displays automatically in the External address (automatic) field.
6. To use another external IP address, enter the IP address in the External address (manual) field.
7. To test the connection, click the Test connection button.
The results of the test display on the page.
Get Started
Milestone Arcus on ReadyNAS
Get the Milestone Mobile App
The Milestone Mobile app lets you view, play back, and export videos on your mobile device.
To get the Milestone Mobile app:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
The Milestone Arcus login page displays.
3. Log in by doing one of the following:
•No user account exists. Click the Log in button.
•A user account exists. Do the following:
a. Enter your user name and password in the user name and password fields.
b. Click the arrow button.
The Home View page displays.
4. Select Settings > Smart connect.
The Port forwarding page displays.
5. At the bottom of the page, enter your email address and language in the fields.
6. Click the Submit button.
The application generates an email in your specified language and sends it your email address.The
email contains a link that lets you download the app.
After you install the app, y ou can click another link in the email to autolaunch the app and add the URL
for the Milestone Arcus for ReadyNAS server so that you do not need to manually enter the URL to
connect to the server. For this process you do need an application account (user name and password)
for Milestone Arcus (see Create an Optional User Account on page 7).
View CPU Usage, Storage Usage, and the Software V ersion
You can display general application settings such as CPU usage, storage usage, and firmware version.
To view CPU usage, storage usage, and the software version:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. In the Apps section of the Overview page, click the Milestone Arcus Surveillance link.
If the link does not display, click the Apps section heading.
The Milestone Arcus login page displays.
3. Log in by doing one of the following:
Get Started
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