1.3. Buttons to reset the switch
To determine the actual behaviour of the Reset and Factory Defaults buttons, a series of trials were
performed. The results of those trial are contained in Table 1.1.
Important to note: The address of the switch does not answer a ping.
Trials were performed with firmware version on the switch. To determine the address of the
switch, version of the Smart Control Center software running on a Windows 8.1 PC plugged into
socket 11 of the switch was used. Switch ports 7 and 19 only were used in the trials. To each of those
ports a PC running Linux was connected. Each trial consisted of exchanging ping packets between those
PCs and observing the results produced. Between trials, the network addresses of each PC was changed.
Table 1.1: Effects of switch reset buttons on switch content
Addresses Before Button Addresses After
gateway switch Pressed gateway switch Result
gateway device connected
.23.244 static .23.105 reset .23.244 dynamic .23.105 I
.23.244 static .23.105 factory .23.244 dynamic .23.105 R
.8.254 static .8.78 reset .8.254 static .8.78 I
.8.254 static .8.78 factory .23.244 dynamic .23.105 R
.23.244 dynamic .23.105 reset .23.244 dynamic .23.105 I
.23.244 dynamic .23.105 factory .23.244 dynamic .23.105 R
.23.244 static .23.78 reset .23.244 static .23.78 I
.23.244 static .23.78 factory .23.244 dynamic .23.105 R
.23.2 static .23.78 reset .23.2 static .23.78 I
.23.2 static .23.78 factory .23.244 dynamic .23.105 R
gateway device removed
.23.2 static .23.78 reset 23.3 static .23.78 I
.23.2 static .23.78 factory dynamic .0.239 R
.0.244 dynamic .0.239 reset dynamic .0.239 I
.0.244 dynamic .0.239 factory dynamic .0.239 R dynamic .0.239 reset dynamic .23.105 I dynamic .0.239 factory dynamic .0.239 R
gateway device connected dynamic .0.239 reset .23.244 dynamic .23.105 I dynamic .0.239 factory .23.244 dynamic .23.105 R
With respect to the trials data reported in Table 1.1, Note:
• all addresses shown are prefixed by 192.168, execpt
• no device corresponding to the switch gateway address was attached
• switch firmware required its gateway and its address be set on same network
• only in static address mode could the switch address be set manually
• gateway and switch before addresses were those set using the Smart Control Center software
• the Result column shows results produced relative to the prior port configuration setting
• Result indicators: I means intact (no change); R means reset(change)
Behaviour patterns appear in Table 1.1. When the Factory reset button was applied:
• removes all port behaviour configuration