Nellcor N-3000 User manual

Nellcor Symphony
N-3000 Patient Monitor SpO2, ECG, and Respiration Capabilities
To contact Nellcor Puritan Bennett’s representative: In the United States, call 1-800-NELLCOR or 510 463-4000;
outside the United States, call your local Nellcor Puritan Bennett representative.
Caution: Federal law (U.S.) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
© 1996 Nellcor Puritan Bennett Incorporated. All rights reserved. 035071A-1096
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To obtain information about a warranty, if any, for this product, contact Nellcor Puritan Bennett Technical Services or your local Nellcor Puritan Bennett representative.
Purchase of this instrument confers no express or implied license under any Nellcor Puritan Bennett patent to use the instrument with any sensor that is not manufactured or licensed by Nellcor Puritan Bennett.
Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Durasensor, Nellcor Symphony, Oxisensor II, and the Nellcor Puritan Bennett knob configuration are trademarks of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Incorporated.
Covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents and foreign equivalents: 4,621,643; 4,653,498; 4,700,708; 4,770,179; 4,869,254; 5,078,136; 5,351,685; and 5,368,026.
List of Figures List of Tables
Section 1: Introduction........................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Manual Overview ..................................................................... 1-1
1.2 N-3000 Patient Monitor Description .......................................... 1-1
1.3 Related Documents.................................................................. 1-2
Section 2: Routine Maintenance............................................................ 2-1
2.1 Cleaning................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Periodic Safety and Functional Checks..................................... 2-1
2.3 Batteries................................................................................... 2-1
Section 3: Performance Verification...................................................... 3-1
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Equipment Needed................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Performance Tests................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Safety Tests............................................................................. 3-19
Section 4: Configuration Mode, Service Mode, and Alarm
Active Function....................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Configuration Mode.................................................................. 4-1
3.3.1 Battery Charge........................................................... 3-2
3.3.2 Battery Performance Test .......................................... 3-2
3.3.3 Power-up Performance............................................... 3-3 Power-On Self-Test.................................................... 3-3 Adult Power-On Defaults and Alarm Limit Ranges...... 3-4 Neonate Power-On Defaults and Alarm Limit Ranges 3-6
3.3.4 Hardware and Software Tests..................................... 3-7 Operation with a Pulse Oximeter Tester..................... 3-7 Operation with an ECG Simulator............................... 3-11 Operation with a Respiration Simulator ...................... 3-13 General Operation...................................................... 3-13 ECG Cable Test......................................................... 3-19
3.4.1 Ground Integrity ......................................................... 3-19
3.4.2 Electrical Leakage...................................................... 3-19 Chassis Source Current.............................................. 3-20 Patient Source Current............................................... 3-21 Patient Sink Current................................................... 3-22
4.2.1 Adult/Neonatal Mode Default...................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Default SpO2 Upper Alarm Limit ................................ 4-2
4.2.3 Default SpO2 Lower Alarm Limit................................. 4-3
4.2.4 Default Heart/Pulse Rate Upper Alarm Limit .............. 4-3
4.2.5 Default Heart/Pulse Rate Lower Alarm Limit............... 4-3
4.2.6 Default Respiration Rate Upper Alarm Limit............... 4-4
4.2.7 Default Respiration Rate Lower Alarm Limit............... 4-4
4.2.8 Default Alarm Volume................................................ 4-4
4.2.9 Default Alarm Silence Duration .................................. 4-4
4.2.10 Configuration Menu.................................................... 4-5 Pulse Tone Volume................................................... 4-6 UIF Software Version Report..................................... 4-6 SpO2 Software Version Report .................................. 4-6 Serial Port Baud Rate................................................ 4-6 Trend Type................................................................ 4-7
Table of Contents Reset to Factory Defaults .......................................... 4-7 Primary Heart/Pulse Rate Source.............................. 4-7 Primary Pulse Tone Source....................................... 4-8 ECG Lead Selection.................................................. 4-8 ECG Pacer Filter Status .......................................... 4-8 ECG Low Frequency Filter Status............................ 4-9 ECG Software Version Report ................................. 4-9 Respiration Noise Timeout....................................... 4-9 Respiration Sensitivity Selection.............................. 4-10
4.3 Service Mode........................................................................... 4-10
4.3.1 Menu Item 1: Software Version Report....................... 4-13
4.3.2 Menu Item 2: Knob and Lamp Test............................. 4-14
4.3.3 Menu Item 3: Button Test........................................... 4-14
4.3.4 Menu Item 4: Speaker Test........................................ 4-15
4.3.5 Menu Item 5: Internal Configuration Code (ICC)
Report........................................................................ 4-15
4.3.6 Menu Item 6: Total Operating Hours Report............... 4-16
4.3.7 Menu Items 7-16: Error Log Record Report................ 4-16
4.3.8 Menu Item 17: Instrument Identification (IID) Report .. 4-16
4.3.9 Menu Item 18: Power Status ...................................... 4-17
4.3.10 Menu Item 19: Persistent Time Sense Report ............ 4-17
4.3.11 Menu Item 20: Reset to Factory Defaults.................... 4-18
4.3.12 Menu Item 21: Initial Cluster Instrument Number
Report........................................................................ 4-18
4.3.13 Menu Item 22: Latching Alarms.................................. 4-18
4.3.14 Menu Item 23: Enable/Disable Alarm Silence
Reminder................................................................... 4-19
4.3.15 Menu Item 25: Dump EEPROM Data ......................... 4-19
4.3.16 Menu Item 28: Enable/Disable Battery Charge
Circuit ........................................................................ 4-20
4.3.17 Menu Item 29: Instrument Compatibility Report.......... 4-20
4.3.18 Menu Item 30: SpO2 RCAL Report............................. 4-20
4.3.19 Menu Item 31: SpO2 IR and Red Offset Report.......... 4-21
4.3.20 Menu Item 32: SpO2 Corrected IR and Red Signals
Report........................................................................ 4-21
4.3.21 Menu Item 33: SpO2 IR LED Drive Test ..................... 4-21
4.3.22 Menu Item 34: SpO2 Red LED Drive Test .................. 4-22
4.3.23 Menu Item 35: SpO2 DM-Gain Test............................ 4-23
4.3.24 Menu Item 36: SpO2 P-Gain Test............................... 4-23
4.3.25 Menu Item 37: Set SpO2 Analog Test Mode............... 4-24
4.3.26 Menu Item 38: SpO2 A/D-Cal Line Test...................... 4-24
4.3.27 Menu Item 39: SpO2 Enable Automatic Operation...... 4-25
4.3.28 Menu Item 40: Set ECG Lead .................................... 4-25
4.3.29 Menu Item 41: Set ECG Pacer Filter .......................... 4-25
4.3.30 Menu Item 42: Set ECG Low Frequency Filter............ 4-26
4.3.31 Menu Item 43: Set ECG Baseline Reset..................... 4-26
4.3.32 Menu Item 44: ECG POST Test Signal ...................... 4-26
4.3.33 Menu Item 45: Check ECG Cable Off Detection......... 4-27
4.3.34 Menu Item 46: Check ECG Lead Off Detection .......... 4-27
4.3.35 Menu Item 47: Display ECG Output Value.................. 4-28
4.3.36 Menu Item 49: ECG Enable Automatic Operation....... 4-28
4.3.37 Menu Item 51: Set Respiration Baseline Reset........... 4-29
4.3.38 Menu Item 53: Display Respiration Output Value........ 4-29
4.3.39 Menu Item 54: Enable/Disable Respiration
Monitoring.................................................................. 4-30
Table of Contents
4.3.40 Menu Item 55: Enable/Disable Breath Pulses............. 4-30
4.3.41 Menu Item 56: Respiration Enable Automatic
Operation................................................................... 4-31
4.3.42 Menu Item 60: Set Serial Port Baud Rate................... 4-31
4.3.43 Menu Item 61: Serial Port Loop Back Test ................. 4-31
4.3.44 Menu Item 62: Serial Port Transmit Test .................... 4-32
4.4 Alarm Active Function.............................................................. 4-32
Section 5: Troubleshooting ................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 5-1
5.2 How to Use this Section............................................................ 5-1
5.3 Who Should Perform Repairs................................................... 5-1
5.4 Replacement Level Supported.................................................. 5-1
5.5 Obtaining Replacement Parts................................................... 5-1
5.6 Troubleshooting guide.............................................................. 5-2
5.6.1 Power......................................................................... 5-3
5.6.2 Error Codes................................................................ 5-4 User-Correctable Error Codes .................................... 5-4 Failure Error Codes.................................................... 5-4
5.6.3 Buttons/Knob.............................................................. 5-7
5.6.4 Display/Alarms........................................................... 5-8
5.6.5 Operational Performance........................................... 5-9
5.6.6 Stacked Operation ..................................................... 5-10
5.6.7 Serial Port.................................................................. 5-12
Section 6: Disassembly Guide............................................................... 6-1
6.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Removing the Battery............................................................... 6-2
6.3 Battery Replacement................................................................ 6-3
6.4 Fuse Replacement ................................................................... 6-4
6.5 Monitor Disassembly ................................................................ 6-4
6.5.1 Communications Board Switch Settings..................... 6-5
6.6 Removing the Alarm Speaker................................................... 6-6
6.7 Removing the SpO2 PCB and SpO2 Controller PCB................. 6-6
6.8 Removing the Communications PCB........................................ 6-7
6.9 Removing the ECG PCB and ECG Controller PCB .................. 6-8
6.10 Removing the UIF PCB and Display PCB................................. 6-8
6.10.1 Installing a Replacement UIF PCB ............................. 6-9
6.11 Control Knob Assembly Replacement....................................... 6-10
6.12 Lithium Battery Replacement.................................................... 6-11
6.13 Reassembly.............................................................................. 6-11
Section 7: Spare Parts............................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 7-1
Section 8: Packing for Shipment........................................................... 8-1
8.1 General Instructions ................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Repacking in Original Carton.................................................... 8-1
8.3 Repacking in a Different Carton................................................ 8-2
Section 9: Specifications........................................................................ 9-1
9.1 General.................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Electrical .................................................................................. 9-1
9.3 Physical Characteristics............................................................ 9-2
9.4 Environmental.......................................................................... 9-2
9.5 Alarms...................................................................................... 9-2
9.6 Factory Default Settings........................................................... 9-2
9.7 Performance............................................................................. 9-3
Table of Contents
Appendix................................................................................................. A-1
A1 Error Types .............................................................................. A-1
A2 User-Correctable Error Codes................................................... A-2
A3 Failure Error Codes .................................................................. A-2
A4 Internally Corrected Error Codes .............................................. A-3
Technical Supplement............................................................................ S-1
S1 Introduction .............................................................................. S-1
S2 Oximetry Overview................................................................... S-1
S2.1 Automatic Calibration................................................. S-1
S2.2 Functional Versus Fractional Saturation..................... S-2
S2.3 Measured Versus Calculated Saturation..................... S-2
S3 Stackbus Interconnect .............................................................. S-2
S4 Circuit Analysis......................................................................... S-3
S4.1 Functional Overview .................................................. S-3
S4.2 Circuit Description...................................................... S-4
S4.2.1 SpO2 Module ............................................................. S-4
S4.2.2 ECG/Respiration Module............................................ S-6
S4.2.3 UIF Module ................................................................ S-9
S4.2.4 SpO2 Controller.......................................................... S-16
S4.2.5 ECG Controller........................................................... S-18
S4.2.6 Communications Submodule...................................... S-19
S4.2.7 Display Board............................................................. S-21
S.5 Schematic Diagrams ................................................................ S-22
Table of Contents
1-1 N-3000 Front Panel ...................................................................... 1-2
3-1 Self-Test Display .......................................................................... 3-3
3-2 Serial Port Interface...................................................................... 3-15
3-3 Serial Port Connector - External Pin Locations ............................. 3-16
3-4 Battery Cover Removal ................................................................ 3-17
3-5 Speaker Test................................................................................ 3-18
3-6 ECG Cable Pin Locations............................................................. 3-19
4-1 Serial Port Pin Locations .............................................................. 4-33
6-1 Battery Replacement.................................................................... 6-2
6-2 Removing the Battery................................................................... 6-3
6-3 N-3000 Fuses............................................................................... 6-4
6-4 N-3000 Corner Screws.................................................................. 6-4
6-5 Opening the N-3000 Monitor......................................................... 6-5
6-6 Handle, Left Side Panel, and Speaker Disassembly...................... 6-6
6-7 Rear Panel and SpO2 Module Disassembly.................................. 6-7
6-8 Communications PCB Removal.................................................... 6-8
6-9 Display PCB and UIF PCB Disassembly....................................... 6-9
6-10 Knob Encoder Disassembly .......................................................... 6-10
6-11 Knob Disassembly........................................................................ 6-10
7-1 N-3000 Expanded View ................................................................ 7-2
8-1 Repacking the N-3000.................................................................. 8-1
S2-1 Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve.............................................. S-2
S4-1 N-3000 Functional Block Diagram ................................................ S-4
S4-2 Timing Diagram............................................................................ S-5
S4-3 Internal/External Stackbus Connections........................................ S-13
S4-4 Communications Sub module Block Diagram............................... S-20
S4-5 Display Board Block Diagram ....................................................... S-21
3-1 Dynamic Operating Ranges........................................................... 3-9
3-2 Serial Port Voltages....................................................................... 3-16
3-3 ECG Cable Resistances................................................................ 3-20
4-1 Configuration Mode Menu ............................................................. 4-2
4-2 Configuration Menu....................................................................... 4-5
4-3 Service Mode Steady State - Main Menu....................................... 4-12
5-1 Problem Categories....................................................................... 5-2
5-2 Power Problems............................................................................ 5-3
5-3 N-3000 Failure Error Codes........................................................... 5-5
5-4 Buttons/Knob Problems................................................................. 5-7
5-5 Display/Alarms Problems .............................................................. 5-8
5-6 Operational Performance Problems............................................... 5-9
5-7 Stack Problems............................................................................. 5-10
5-8 Serial Port Problems ..................................................................... 5-12
A-1 Error Types ................................................................................... A-1
A-2 N-3000 User-Correctable Error Codes........................................... A-2
A-3 N-3000 Failure Error Codes........................................................... A-2
A-4 N-3000 Internally Corrected Error Codes....................................... A-3
S4-1 J13 Inter Stack Connector ............................................................. S-9
S4-2 J8 Connector................................................................................. S-14
S4-3 J12, J22 Inter Module Connector................................................... S-15
S4-4 J5 Display Connector .................................................................... S-16
S4-5 J2 Speaker Connector................................................................... S-16
S4-6 J3 Knob Connector........................................................................ S-16
1.1 Manual Overview
1.2 N-3000 Patient Monitor Description
1.3 Related Documents
This manual contains information for servicing the Nellcor Symphony model N-3000 patient monitor. Only qualified service personnel should service this product. Before servicing the N-3000, read the operator’s manual carefully for a thorough understanding of operation.
The purpose and function of the Nellcor Symphony N-3000 patient monitor is to noninvasively and continuously monitor functional arterial oxygen saturation, ECG, pulse rate, heart rate, and respiration rate for adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients in all hospital areas and hospital-type facilities. It may be used for hospital transport when powered by its internal battery.
The N-3000 can operate as a standalone monitor or it can be connected to (stacked with) other Nellcor Symphony instruments, such as the N-3100 blood pressure monitor and N-3200 display/printer. When used with the N-3200 display/printer, the instruments can display and print out ECG, respiration, and plethysmographic waveforms and SpO2, pulse rate, heart rate, and respiration rate tabular data.
The physical and operational characteristics of the monitor are described in the operator’s manual and Section 9, Specifications, of this manual.
Figure 1-1 depicts the front panel of the N-3000 and the names of its displays and controls.
Section 1: Introduction
Figure 1-1: N-3000 Front Panel
1. SpO2% display 11. PRINT button
3. ECG HEART RATE indicator 13. BATTERY CHARGING indicator
4. HEART/PULSE RATE display 14. LINKED indicator*
5. RESPIRATION RATE display 15. RF LOCKED indicator*
6. NEONATAL MODE indicator 16. LOWER ALARM LIMIT button
8. ON/STANDBY button 18. LEADS OFF indicator
9. POWER ON indicator 19. PULSE SEARCH indicator
10. STACKED indicator 20. PATIENT MOTION indicator
* Not used on this model
To perform test and troubleshooting procedures and to understand the principles of operation and circuit analysis sections of this manual, you must know how to operate the monitor. Refer to the N-3000 operator’s manual. To understand the various Nellcor Puritan Bennett sensors and ECG leads that work with the monitor, refer to the individual sensor or leads directions for use.
2.1 Cleaning
2.2 Periodic Safety and Functional Checks
2.3 Batteries
2.1 CLEANING Caution: Do not immerse the N-3000 or its accessories in liquid or clean
with caustic or abrasive cleaners. Do not spray or pour any liquid on the monitor or its accessories.
To clean the N-3000, dampen a cloth with a commercial, nonabrasive cleaner and wipe the exterior surfaces lightly. Do not allow any liquids to come in contact with the power connector, fuse holder, or switches. Do not allow any liquids to penetrate connectors or openings in the instrument cover. Wipe sensor and ECG lead extension cables with a damp cloth. For sensors and ECG leads, follow the individual directions for use.
The following checks should be performed at least every 2 years by a qualified service technician.
1. Inspect the exterior of the N-3000 for damage.
2. Inspect safety labels for legibility. If the labels are not legible, contact
Nellcor Puritan Bennett’s Technical Services Department or your local Nellcor Puritan Bennett representative.
3. Verify that the unit performs properly as described in paragraph 3.3.
4. Perform the electrical safety tests detailed in paragraph 3.4. If the unit fails
these electrical safety tests, do not attempt to repair. Contact Nellcor Puritan Bennett’s Technical Services Department or your local Nellcor Puritan Bennett representative.
5. Inspect the fuses for proper value and rating (F1: 1.0 Amp, 250 Volt, Slo-
Blow and F2: 2.5 Amp, 250 Volt, Slo-Blow) as discussed in paragraph 6.4.
Nellcor Puritan Bennett recommends replacing instrument batteries at least every 2 years. To replace the batteries, refer to Section 6, Disassembly Guide.
If the N-3000 has been stored for more than 30 days, charge the battery as described in paragraph 3.3.1. A fully discharged battery requires 14 hours of charging time for a full charge. A 6-hour charge is required for 1 hour of operating time.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Equipment Needed
3.3 Performance Tests
3.4 Safety Tests
This section discusses the tests used to verify performance following repairs or during routine maintenance. All tests can be performed without removing the N­3000 cover. All tests except the battery charge and battery performance tests must be performed as the last operation before the monitor is returned to the user.
If the N-3000 fails to perform as specified in any test, repairs must correct the problem before the monitor is returned to the user.
Equipment Description
AC power adapter Use an appropriate Nellcor Symphony
SPS-N1 or PSS-1 power supply. Connector adapter 6-pin, “D” Digital multimeter (DMM) Fluke Model 87 or equivalent
oxygen transducer DS-100A
ECG cable SCE-10 ECG electrodes standard ECG leads SLE series ECG simulator Dynatech Nevada, medSim 300 or
Oxisensor® II oxygen transducer D-25
Pulse oximeter tester SRC-2 Respiration simulator Dynatech Nevada, medSim 300 or
equivalent Safety analyzer Must meet current AAMI
specifications Sensor cable SCP-10 Serial interface cable EIA-232 cable (optional) Stopwatch Manual or electronic
The battery charge procedure should be performed before monitor repairs whenever possible. It should also be performed before and after performing the battery performance test (paragraph 3.3.2).
Section 3: Performance Verification
This section is written using Nellcor Puritan Bennett factory-set defaults. If your institution has preconfigured custom defaults, those values will be displayed. Factory defaults can be reset using the configuration mode procedure described in paragraph
3.3.1 Battery Charge
Perform the following procedure to fully charge the battery.
1. Connect the monitor to an AC power source using an external power supply.
2. Verify that the monitor is off and that the BATTERY CHARGING indicator is
3. Charge the battery for at least 14 hours.
Note: The BATTERY CHARGING indicator is programmed to go out
when the N-3000 has been connected to AC power for approximately 14 hours with no power interruptions. If there are any power interruptions, the 14-hour charging period begins again when power is restored.
4. The only way to check for a full charge is to perform the procedure in
paragraph 3.3.2 “Battery Performance Test.”
3.3.2 Battery Performance Test
The monitor is specified to operate on battery power a minimum of 4 hours. (This time may decrease if the N-3000 is operating in the stacked configuration with an N-3100 or N-3200.) Before performing this test, ensure that the battery is fully charged (paragraph 3.3.1).
1. Connect the Nellcor Puritan Bennett SRC-2 pulse oximeter tester to the
monitor via the SCP-10 sensor cable.
2. Set the SRC-2 switches as follows:
An illuminated BATTERY CHARGING indicator is not necessarily an indication that the battery contains less than a full charge. It is merely used as a timer to indicate that the battery has been continuously charging for less than 14 hours.
3. Ensure that the monitor is not connected to AC power.
4. With the N-3000 turned off, press the ON/STANDBY button and verify that
the BATTERY IN USE/BATTERY LOW indicator lights after the power-on self-test is completed. Verify that the monitor is responding to the simulator signal and the audible alarm is sounding. Do not silence the alarm during this test.
5. The monitor must operate for at least 4 hours.
6. Verify that the BATTERY IN USE/BATTERY LOW indicator will start to
flash after about 3.5 to 3.75 hours (15-30 minutes before the battery fully discharges).
7. Allow the monitor to operate until it automatically powers down due to the
low battery.
8. If the monitor passes this test, immediately recharge the battery (paragraph
3.3.1, steps 1 - 3).
3.3.3 Power-up Performance
The power-up performance tests ( through verify the following monitor functions:
Section 3: Performance Verification Power-On Self-Test Adult Defaults and Alarm Limit Ranges Neonate Defaults and Alarm Limit Ranges Power-On Self-Test
1. Connect the monitor to an AC power source and verify that the BATTERY
2. Do not connect any input cables to the monitor.
3. Observe the monitor front panel. With the monitor off, press the
CHARGING indicator is lit.
ON/STANDBY button. The monitor must perform the following sequence.
a. The monitor emits three consecutively higher pitched beeps. b. All indicators light for a few seconds as illustrated in Figure 3-1. Verify
that the SpO2% (left-most display), HEART/PULSE RATE (middle), and RESPIRATION RATE (right) displays all indicate “8.8.8.”.
Figure 3-1: Self-Test Display
c. All displays turn off momentarily.
Section 3: Performance Verification
d. Digital displays individually light in a scanning test pattern. e. A 1-second beep sounds and all displays again illuminate momentarily. f. All displays turn off except the POWER ON and BATTERY
CHARGING indicators. The SpO2% and HEART/PULSE RATE displays are blank. The RESPIRATION RATE display indicates “0” for about 15 seconds, then is blank. The monitor is in the “normal mode steady state.”
g. Press and hold the NEW PATIENT/NEONATAL button (located on the
rear panel) for 3 seconds until you hear three beeps, indicating that stored patient data is cleared. Adult Power-On Defaults and Alarm Limit Ranges
Note: When observing or changing default limits, a 3-second timeout is in
effect, that is, if no action is taken within 3 seconds, the monitor automatically returns to the normal mode steady state.
1. Ensure that the monitor is on. Press and release the UPPER ALARM LIMIT
button. Verify that the monitor emits a single beep and the SpO2% display indicates an alarm limit of “100” for about 3 seconds. Verify that the other displays indicate a single bar at the top of each window while the “100” is displayed.
At the end of the 3 seconds, the displays are blank (normal mode steady state).
2. Press and release the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. Begin rotating the
control knob counterclockwise (CCW) within 3 seconds. Verify that the SpO2% display reduces to a minimum of “85.”.
Note: A decimal point in the display indicates that the alarm limits have
3. Press and release the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the
monitor emits a single beep and the SpO2% display indicates an alarm limit of “85” for 3 seconds. Verify that the other displays indicate a single bar at the bottom of each window.
4. Press and hold the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button. Rotate the control knob
CCW and verify that the SpO2% display reduces to a minimum of “20”. Rotate the control knob clockwise (CW) and verify that the SpO2% display cannot be raised past the upper alarm limit setting of “85”.
5. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button two times rapidly (twice within 3
seconds). Verify that the monitor emits two beeps and the HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “170” for about 3 seconds.
Section 3: Performance Verification
6. From the normal mode steady state, press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT
button two times rapidly. Begin rotating the control knob CCW within 3 seconds. Verify that the HEART/PULSE RATE display reduces to a minimum of “40”.
7. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button two times rapidly. Verify that the
HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “40” for 3 seconds.
8. From the normal mode steady state, press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT
button two times rapidly. Rotate the control knob CCW. Verify that the HEART/PULSE RATE display reduces to a minimum of “30”.
9. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Verify that the
RESPIRATION RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “4” for 3 seconds.
10. From the normal mode steady state, press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT
button three times rapidly. Begin rotating the control knob CW within 3 seconds. Verify the RESPIRATION RATE display increases to a maximum of “40”.
11. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Verify the
RESPIRATION RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “40” for 3 seconds.
12. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Begin rotating
the control knob CW within 3 seconds. Verify that the RESPIRATION RATE display increases to a maximum of “150”.
13. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor off. Verify that the
monitor emits three decreasing pitch beeps.
14. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the N-3000 back on.
15. Press and release the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the SpO2%
display indicates an alarm limit of “100”.
16. Press and release the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the
SpO2% display indicates an alarm limit of “85”.
17. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button two times rapidly. Verify that the
HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “170”.
18. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button two times rapidly. Verify that the
HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “40”.
19. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Verify that the
RESPIRATION RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “40”.
20. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Verify that the
RESPIRATION RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “4”.
21. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor off.
Section 3: Performance Verification Neonate Power-On Defaults and Alarm Limit Ranges
Note: When observing or changing default limits, a 3-second timeout is in
effect, that is, if no action is taken within 3 seconds, the monitor automatically returns to the normal mode steady state.
1. Turn the monitor on.
2. Press the NEW PATIENT/NEONATAL button on the rear panel twice within
2 seconds. Verify that there is an audible beep each time the button is pressed.
3. Verify that the NEONATAL MODE indicator on the front panel is lit.
4. Press and release the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the SpO2%
display indicates an alarm limit of “95” for 3 seconds. Verify that the other displays indicate a single bar at the top of each window while the “95” is displayed.
5. Press and release the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. Begin rotating the
control knob CCW within 3 seconds. Verify that the SpO2% display reduces to a minimum of “80”.
6. Press and release the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the SpO2%
display indicates an alarm limit of “80”. Verify that the other displays indicate a single bar at the bottom of each window.
7. From the normal mode steady state, press and release the LOWER ALARM
LIMIT button. Rotate the control knob CCW. Verify that the SpO2% display reduces to a minimum of “20”.
8. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button two times rapidly (twice within 3
seconds). Verify that the HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “190”.
9. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button twice rapidly. Verify that the
HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “90”.
10. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Verify that the
RESPIRATION RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “80”.
11. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button three times rapidly. Verify that the
RESPIRATION RATE display indicates an alarm limit of “20”.
12. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor off.
13. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor on. The monitor
performs the sequence described in Verify that the “NEO” indicator is not lit.
14. Press and release the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the SpO2%
display indicates an alarm limit of “100”.
15. Press and release the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the SpO2%
display indicates an alarm limit of “85”.
16. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor off.
This completes the power-up performance tests.
3.3.4 Hardware and Software Tests
Hardware and software testing include the following tests. Operation with a Pulse Oximeter Tester Operation with an ECG Simulator Operation with a Respiration Simulator General Operation Operation with a Pulse Oximeter Tester
Operation with an SRC-2 pulse oximeter tester includes the following tests. Alarms and Alarm Silence Alarm Volume Control Pulse Tone Volume Control Dynamic Operating Range RCAL Determination LED Drive Test Alarms and Alarm Silence
Section 3: Performance Verification
1. Connect the SRC-2 pulse oximeter tester to the sensor input cable and
connect the cable to the monitor. Set the SRC-2 as follows:
2. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor on. After the normal
power-up sequence, verify that the SpO2%, HEART/PULSE RATE and RESPIRATION RATE displays initially indicate zeroes.
Note: The pulse bar may occasionally indicate a step change as the
monitor is in the pulse search mode.
3. Move the modulation switch on the SRC-2 to LOW.
4. Verify that the following monitor reaction:
a. The pulse bar begins to track the artificial pulse signal from the SRC-2. b. The pulse tone is heard. c. Zeroes are displayed in the SpO2%, HEART/PULSE RATE, and
d. After about 10 to 20 seconds, the monitor displays a saturation and
pulse rate as specified by the tester. Verify that the values are within the following tolerances:
Oxygen Saturation Range 79% to 83% Pulse Rate Range 37 to 39 bpm
Section 3: Performance Verification
e. The audible alarm sounds and both the SpO2% and HEART/PULSE
5. Press and momentarily hold the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button on the top of
the monitor. Verify that the HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates “60” and the RESPIRATION RATE display indicates “SEC” while the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button is pressed. The alarm is silenced.
6. Release the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button. Verify the following:
a. The alarm remains silenced. b. The AUDIBLE ALARM OFF indicator lights. c. The SpO2% and HEART/PULSE RATE displays resume flashing. d. The pulse tone is still audible. e. The audible alarm returns in approximately 60 seconds.
7. Press and hold the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button. Rotate the control knob
CCW until the HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates “30”. Rotate the control knob CW and verify that the displays indicate 60 SEC, 90 SEC, 120 SEC, and OFF. Release the button when the display indicates “OFF”. Verify that the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF indicator flashes.
RATE displays will flash, indicating both parameters have violated the default alarm limits.
8. Wait approximately 3 minutes. Verify that the alarm does not return. After 3
minutes, the alarm silence reminder beeps three times, and will continue to do so at 3-minute intervals. Alarm Volume Control
After completing the procedure in paragraph
1. Press and hold the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button on the top of the monitor.
Verify the following:
a. “OFF” is displayed for approximately 3 seconds. b. After 3 seconds, a steady tone is heard at the default alarm volume
setting, the HEART/PULSE RATE display indicates “VOL”, and the RESPIRATION RATE display indicates the default setting of 5.
2. While continuing to hold the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button, rotate the
control knob CCW to decrease the alarm volume setting to a minimum value of 1. The alarm tone should decrease but still be audible.
3. Rotate the control knob CW to increase the alarm volume setting to a
maximum value of 10. Verify the volume increases. Rotate the knob CCW until a comfortable audio level is attained.
4. Release the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button. The tone will stop.
3-8 Pulse Tone Volume Control
1. Rotate the control knob CW and verify that the beeping pulse tone sound
level increases.
Section 3: Performance Verification
2. Rotate the control knob CCW and verify that the beeping pulse tone
decreases until it is no longer audible. Rotate the knob CW to return the beep volume to a comfortable level. Dynamic Operating Range
The following test sequence verifies proper monitor operation over a range of input signals.
1. Connect the SRC-2 to the N-3000 and turn the N-3000 on.
2. Place the SRC-2 in the RCAL 63/LOCAL mode.
3. Set the SRC-2 as indicated in Table 3-1. Verify that the N-3000 readings
are within the indicated tolerances. Allow the monitor several seconds to stabilize the readings.
Note: A “*” indicates values that produce an alarm. Press the AUDIBLE
ALARM OFF button to silence the alarm.
Table 3-1: Dynamic Operating Range
SRC-2 Settings N-3000 Indications
38 HIGH2 LOW 79 - 83* 37 - 39* 112 HIGH1 HIGH 79 - 83* 110 - 114 201 LOW LOW 79 - 83* 195 - 207* 201 LOW HIGH 79 - 83* 195 - 207*
4. Turn the monitor off. RCAL Determination
1. Ensure that the N-3000 is turned off and connected to AC power via an
external power supply.
2. Connect the SRC-2 pulse oximeter tester to the sensor input cable and
connect the cable to the monitor. Set the SRC-2 as follows:
3. Enter the service mode as follows:
a. While simultaneously holding down the UPPER and LOWER ALARM
LIMIT buttons and the PRINT button, press and release the ON/STANDBY button. Continue to press and hold the UPPER and LOWER ALARM LIMIT and PRINT buttons while the monitor performs the power-on test.
b. When “SEr” begins flashing in the AUXILIARY display, release the
Section 3: Performance Verification
c. Press the PRINT button within 15 seconds or the monitor will turn off
4. Select menu item 30 by rotating the knob until “30” appears in the SpO2%
5. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button.
6. Verify the RCAL index number “63” is displayed in the HEART/PULSE
RATE display.
7. Set the SRC-2 RCAL/Mode switch to 64/LOCAL and verify that “64” is
displayed in the HEART/PULSE RATE display.
8. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor off. LED Drive Test
1. Ensure that the N-3000 is turned off and connected to AC power via an
external power supply.
2. Connect the SRC-2 pulse oximeter tester to the sensor input cable and
connect the cable to the monitor. Set the SRC-2 as follows:
automatically. The number “1” appears in the SpO2% display. You are now in the service mode steady state.
3. Enter the service mode as follows:
a. While simultaneously holding down the UPPER and LOWER ALARM
LIMIT buttons and the PRINT button, press and release the ON/STANDBY button. Continue to press and hold the UPPER and LOWER ALARM LIMIT and PRINT buttons while the monitor performs the power-on test.
b. When “SEr” begins flashing in the AUXILIARY display, release the
c. Press the PRINT button within 15 seconds or the monitor will turn off
automatically. The number “1” appears in the SpO2% display. You are now in the service mode.
4. Select menu item 33 by rotating the knob until “33” appears in the SpO2%
5. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button.
6. Verify that the SpO2 IR LED drive value “170” is displayed in the
HEART/PULSE RATE display and the IR indicator on the SRC-2 is illuminated.
7. Rotate the control knob to adjust the IR LED drive level indicated in the
HEART/PULSE RATE display to “255”.
Section 3: Performance Verification
8. While watching the IR indicator on the SRC-2, press the UPPER ALARM
LIMIT button and verify that the LED intensity increases.
9. Rotate the knob to adjust the IR LED drive level to “0”.
10. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. Verify that the IR LED turns off.
11. Rotate the knob to adjust the IR LED drive level to “170”.
12. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button and verify that the LED intensity
13. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button to return to the service mode
steady state.
14. Select menu item 34 by rotating the knob until “34” appears in the SpO2%
15. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button.
16. Verify that the SpO2 red LED drive value “170” is displayed in the
HEART/PULSE RATE display and that the IR indicator on the SRC-2 is illuminated.
17. Rotate the control knob to adjust the red LED drive level to “255”.
18. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button and verify that the LED intensity
19. Rotate the knob to adjust the red LED drive level to “0”.
20. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button and verify that the RED indicator turns
21. Rotate the knob to adjust the red LED drive level back to “170”.
22. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button and verify that the RED indicator
intensity increases.
23. Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button to return to the service mode
steady state.
24. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the N-3000 off. Operation with an ECG Simulator
1. With the monitor off, connect the ECG leads RA, LA, and LL to the
appropriate jacks on the ECG tester.
Nellcor Puritan Bennett ECG leads are color-coded as follows: Right arm (RA) - white
Left arm (LA) - Black Left leg (LL) - Red
Section 3: Performance Verification
2. Connect the leads to the SCE-10 ECG cable. Connect the SCE-10 to the
ECG input port on the N-3000. Set the ECG tester as follows:
Note: The accuracy of N-3000 ECG measurements is + 5 bpm. In the
3. Ensure that the monitor is connected to an AC power source. Press the
ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor on. After the normal power-up sequence, verify the following monitor reactions:
a. The heart rate “beep” will be heard. b. After at least five heartbeats, the monitor displays a heart rate of 30 ± 5
c. The audible alarm will sound and the HEART/PULSE RATE display will
procedure below, add the tolerance of the simulator to the acceptable range of readings.
flash, indicating the heart rate is below the default lower alarm limit. The heart rate “beep” can still be heard.
4. Press the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF BUTTON. Verify that the alarm is
5. Increase the heart rate setting on the ECG simulator to 240 bpm. Verify that
the rate of beeps increases and the HEART/PULSE RATE display value increases.
6. After at least five heartbeats, verify that the monitor displays a heart rate of
240 ± 5 bpm.
7. Verify that the audible alarm sounds and the HEART/PULSE RATE display
flashes, indicating that the heart rate is above the default upper alarm limit.
8. Press AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button to silence the alarm.
9. Decrease the heart rate setting on the ECG simulator to 120 bpm.
10. After at least five heartbeats, verify that the monitor displays a heart rate of
120 ± 5 bpm.
11. Disconnect the LL lead from the ECG simulator. Verify that the LEADS OFF
indicator lights, three dashes are displayed in the HEART/PULSE RATE display, and a low priority audible alarm sounds.
12. Reconnect the LL lead to the ECG simulator. Verify that the LEADS OFF
indicator is no longer lit and that the alarm is silenced.
Note: Depending on the lead used and pleth configuration, the
HEART/PULSE RATE display may revert to a pulse rate as leads are removed in step 11. If a medium priority alarm results and is silenced, the low priority alarm from leads off will not break through.
13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for the LA and RA leads.
14. Turn the monitor off. Operation with a Respiration Simulator
1. With the monitor off, connect the Nellcor Puritan Bennett ECG leads to the
appropriate jacks on the respiration simulator.
2. Connect the leads to the SCE-10 ECG cable. Connect the SCE-10 to the
ECG input port on the N-3000.
Note: The accuracy of N-3000 ECG measurements is + 3 breaths per
minute. In the procedure below, add the tolerance of the simulator to the acceptable range of readings.
Section 3: Performance Verification
3. Set the simulator for a respiration rate of 100 breaths per minute.
4. Ensure that the monitor is connected to an AC power source. Press the
5. Press the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF BUTTON. Verify that the alarm is
6. Decrease the respiration rate setting on the respiration simulator to 20
7. After at least 5 breaths, verify that the monitor displays a respiration rate of
8. Power down the monitor and disconnect it from the simulator. General Operation
ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor on. After the normal power-up sequence, verify the following monitor reactions:
a. After about 20-25 seconds, the monitor displays a respiration rate of
100 ± 3 breaths per minute.
b. The audible alarm will sound and the RESPIRATION RATE display will
flash, indicating the respiration rate is above the default upper alarm limit.
breaths per minute.
20 ± 3 breaths per minute.
The following tests are an overall performance check of the system: LED Excitation Test Operation with a Live Subject Serial Interface Test Piezo Speaker Test Persistent Time Clock Test
Section 3: Performance Verification ECG Cable Test LED Excitation Test
This procedure uses normal system components to test circuit operation. A Nellcor Puritan Bennett Oxisensor II® oxygen transducer, model D-25, is used to examine LED intensity control. The red LED is used to verify intensity modulation caused by the LED intensity control circuit.
1. Connect the monitor to an AC power source through the SPS-N1 or PSS-1
power supply.
2. Connect an SCP-10 sensor input cable to the monitor.
3. Connect a D-25 sensor to the sensor input cable.
4. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor on.
5. Leave the sensor open with the LEDs and photodetector visible.
6. After the monitor completes its normal power-up sequence, verify that the
sensor LED is brightly lit.
7. Slowly move the sensor LED in proximity to the photodetector element of
the sensor. Verify, as the LED approaches the optical sensor, that the LED intensity decreases.
8. Open the sensor and notice that the LED intensity increases.
9. Repeat step 7 and the intensity will again decrease. This variation is an
indication that the microprocessor is in proper control of LED intensity.
10. Turn the N-3000 off. Operation with a Live Subject
Patient monitoring involves connecting the monitor to a live subject for a qualitative test.
1. Ensure that the monitor is connected to an AC power source through the
SPS-N1 or PSS-1 power supply.
2. Connect an SCP-10 sensor input cable to the monitor.
3. Connect a Nellcor Puritan Bennett Durasensor® oxygen transducer,
model DS-100A, to the sensor input cable.
4. Clip the DS-100A to the subject as recommended in the sensor directions
for use.
5. Connect ECG electrodes to the patient.
6. Connect an SCE-10 ECG cable to the N-3000. Connect ECG leads to the
7. Connect the ECG leads to the electrodes on the patient according to the
leads directions for use.
Section 3: Performance Verification
8. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the monitor on and verify that the
monitor is operating.
9. The monitor should stabilize on the subject’s physiological signal in about
15 to 30 seconds. Verify that the saturation and heart and respiration rates are reasonable for the subject. Serial Interface Test
The communications submodule of the N-3000, using an asynchronous EIA-232 communications format, allows communications between the N-3000 and a PC via the 6-pin connector on the rear panel of the N-3000, as illustrated in Figure 3-2. An SAK-232 cable and detailed directions for use are available by contacting your local Nellcor Puritan Bennett representative.
Figure 3-2: Serial Port Interface
The two configurable options of serial data interface are RS-232 and EIA-422. The N-3000 is shipped with the RS-232 setting. To change the settings, refer to paragraph 6.5.1.
Perform the following procedure to test the serial port voltages. The test is qualitative and will only verify that the serial interface port is powered correctly.
1. Connect the monitor to an AC power source through the SPS-N1 or PSS-1
power supply and turn the monitor on.
2. Connect a 6-pin miniature connector adapter to the serial interface port.
3. Set up the DMM with the function set to “VDC” at a range of 10 volts.
4. Connect the DMM negative lead to connector pin 4 (GND).
Section 3: Performance Verification
5. Connect the DMM positive lead to the following pins and verify the voltage
values listed in Table 3-2. If the voltages are not as indicated, follow the procedures in paragraph 5.6.7.
Figure 3-3: Serial Port Connector - External Pin Locations
Table 3-2: Serial Port Voltages
Pin Line Voltage
1 DTR 7.5 ± 2.5 2 DSR 0.0 ± 0.4 3 TXD -7.5 ± 2.5 4 GND 0.0 ± 0.4 5 RXD 0.0 ± 0.4 6 Alarm Active 0.0 ± 0.4 or
3.3 ± 0.4 Piezo Speaker Test
The following test verifies that the Piezo power-loss alarm speaker sounds when the N-3000 loses power.
WARNING: Before attempting to open or disassemble the N-3000, disconnect the power cord from the N-3000.
Caution: Observe ESD (electrostatic discharge) precautions when working within the monitor.
Section 3: Performance Verification
1. Ensure that the N-3000 is turned off.
2. Disconnect the monitor from the external power supply.
3. Set the N-3000 upside down facing you, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4: Battery Cover Removal
4. Using a small, Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the two battery cover
retaining fasteners securing the battery compartment cover.
5. Gently squeeze the battery cover sides in the middle as you swing the
cover open (it is hinged on the right with three tabs that extend into slots on the chassis).
Section 3: Performance Verification
6. Lift the battery out of the compartment, as shown in Figure 3-5. It may be
necessary to use the edge of a flat tip screwdriver to gently pry the battery loose.
Figure 3-5: Speaker Test
7. Turn the monitor on by pressing the ON/STANDBY button.
8. When the power-on self-test is complete, disconnect the power connector
from the battery. Verify that a shrill, beeping alarm is emitted from the speaker.
9. Reconnect the power connector to the battery. Verify that the alarm is
silenced and the monitor powers back on.
10. Disconnect the power connector from the battery a second time. Verify that
the Piezo alarm sounds.
11. Press the AUDIBLE ALARM OFF button and verify that the alarm is
12. Reconnect the power connector to the battery. Verify that the alarm remains
silent and the monitor powers back on.
13. Turn the monitor off by pressing the ON/STANDBY button.
14. Replace the battery in the battery bracket and reconnect the battery cover.
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