Versa E120 Product Update Notes
NEC Versa E120
The Ultraportable Notebook
Great News! Your new NEC Versa® E120 notebook
now includes a huge 12-inch TFT screen for optimal
This versatile screen will give you sharp, crisp
images and displays of over 65K colors in XGA
(1024 x 768) format.
Additionally, the processor for the Versa E120 now
delivers more performance with the new low voltage
933-MHz Pentium
III-M proc ess or from Intel®.
To support extra battery life, the Versa E120 has the same second battery option as the Versa E120
DayLite™ that more than doubles total battery performance.
Fina l note — alth ough other documentati on states “Versa E 120 DayLite,” th e i nformation f or that
product applies to this notebook also. The only difference is that the Versa E120 has a regular TFT
screen for indoor use.
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©2002 NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
819-20099 5-000 10/02
NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
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