NEC 5800, N8800-096F, N8800-097F, N8800-098F, N8800-099F User Manual

NEC Express5800 Series
N8800-096F, EXP320B NEC Express5800/320Fb-L
N8800-097F, EXP320A NEC Express5800/320Fb-LR
N8800-098F, EXP320D NEC Express5800/320Fb-M
N8800-099F, EXP320C NEC Express5800/320Fb-MR
User's Guide (Setup)
N8800-096F, EXP320B
NEC Express5800/320Fb-L
N8800-097F, EXP320A
NEC Express5800/320Fb-LR
N8800-098F, EXP320D
NEC Express5800/320Fb-M
N8800-099F, EXP320C
NEC Express5800/320Fb-MR
User's Guide (Setup)
1st Edition
The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Corporation (NEC) and /or its licensors. NEC and/or its licensors, as appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others.
The NEC product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However, actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration, customer data, and operator control. Since implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability of specific product configurations and applications must be determined by the customer and is not warranted by NEC.
To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions thereof without prior written approval of NEC is prohibited.
First Printing, December 2006
Copyright 2006
NEC Corporation
7-1 Shiba 5-Chome, Minato-Ku
Tokyo 108-8001, Japan
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan
Keep this User's Guide handy for quick reference when necessary.
Safety Indications
To use NEC Express5800 series safely, follow the instructions in this User's Guide.
This guide explains components that pose a danger, types of dangers caused by failing to follow the instructions, and actions taken to prevent them; such components are labeled warning.
This guide and warning labels use “WARNING” and “CAUTION” to indicate a danger depending on the degree. These terms are defined as follows:
This guide uses the following three types of symbols to give indications and precautions against a danger. They are defined as follows:
Indicates that there is a risk of a danger. Each image symbolizes a particular type of danger. (Attention)
Indicates what you must not do. Each image symbolizes a particular type of prohibition. (Prohibited actions)
Indicates what you must do. Each image symbolizes a particular type of action necessary to avoid a danger. (Mandatory actions)
Term indicating a degree of danger
Indicates a danger that could lead to a death or serious injury.
Indicates a danger that could lead to a burn, other injuries or damage to physical assets.
Symbol to draw attention
High temperature. Immediately after the power-off, system components such as hard disk are very hot. Wait the server to cool down completely before adding/removing some component.
Symbol indicating a prohibited action (may not always be indicated)
Description of a danger
Symbols and its descriptions used in this User’s Guide and warning labels are as follows:
Indicates a risk of an electric shock.
Indicates a risk of a personal injury due to heat.
Indicates a risk of catching your fingers.
Indicates a risk of a fire or smoke.
Indicates a general precaution or warning that is not defined herein.
Indicates a risk of losing eyesight due to laser beam.
Indicates a risk of an explosion.
Indicates a risk of a personal injury.
Prohibited actions
Indicates a general prohibition that is not defined herein.
Do no touch the indicated area. There is a risk of an electric shock or fire.
Do not touch with wet hands. There is a risk of an electric shock.
Keep from flame. There is a risk of a fire.
Avoid using water or liquid nearby. If it spills on the equipment, there is a risk of an electric shock or fire.
Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the equipment. There is a risk of an electric shock or fire.
Mandatory actions
Unplug the server. There is a risk of an electric shock or fire.
Indicates a general action to take that is not defined herein. Make sure to follow the instructions.
For detailed notes to set up the machine safely, refer to “NOTES FOR SAFE HANDLING” on page 1-2.
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NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing
Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
CE Statement
Warni ng: This is a Class A product. In residential environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures (EN55022).
NOTE: This product provides resistance against hardware faults with its redundant hardware
modules. However, this does not mean complete fault-tolerance is assured. For example, there is a risk of system down when: – A fatal fault occurs in software. – Both modules within a redundant hardware pair break down. – A fatal fault occurs in a non-redundant component, such as the clock generator circuitry
or the interconnect backplane.
– The entire system is cut off from AC power.
This system is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT. This label id located on the internal CD-ROM installed in your system.
Trademarks and Patents
NEC EXPRESSBUILDER and NEC ESMPRO are trademarks of NEC Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
AT is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Datalight is a registered trademark of Datalight, Inc. ROM-DOS is a trademark of Datalight, Inc.
Xeon is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States. DLT and DLTtape are trademarks of Quantum Corporation in the United States. QLogic and its logo are trademarks of QLogic Corporation in the United States. Fast!UTIL is a trademark of QLogic Corporation in the United States.
Avocent and Dambrackas Video Compression (DVC) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Avocent Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Mozilla is a trademark of Mozilla Foundation.
Netscape is a trademark or registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation in the United States and other countries. Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit Standard Edition operating system, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit Enterprise Edition operating system, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition operating system and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition operating system are called Windows Server 2003 for short. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server operating system, Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server operating system and Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional operating system are called Windows 2000 for short. Microsoft Windows NT Server network operating system version 3.51/4.0 and Microsoft Windows NT Workstation operating system version 3.51/4.0 are called Windows NT for short. Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition Operating System is called Windows Me for short. Microsoft Windows 98 operating system is called Windows 98 for short. Microsoft Windows 95 operating system is called Windows 95 for short.
Names used with sample applications are all fictitious. They are unrelated to any existing product names, names of organizations, or individual names.
The Dambrackas Video Compression algorithm from Avocent Corporation is used for ft Remote Management Card.
U.S. Patent Numbers: 5,732,212, 5,937,176, 6,633,905, 6,681,250, 6,701,380 and other patents pending
Taiwanese Patent Number: 173784
European Patent Number: 0 740 811
(1) No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of
NEC Corporation.
(2) The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
(3) The contents of this manual shall not be copied or altered without prior written permission of
NEC Corporation.
(4) All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this manual. If you find
any part unclear, incorrect, or omitted in this manual, contact the sales agent where you purchased this product.
(5) NEC assumes no liability arising from the use of this product, nor any liability for incidental or
consequential damage arising from the use of this manual regardless of (4) above.
Welcome to the NEC Express5800/ft series.
NEC Express5800/ft series is a “fault-tolerant (ft)” server focusing on “high reliability” in terms of fault-tolerance, in addition to “high performance,” “scalability,” and “general versatility” provided by NEC Express5800 series. In the event of trouble, its dual configuration will allow the system to instantaneously isolate the failed parts to assure non-stop running; operation will be moved smoothly from one module to the other, minimizing damage to it. You can use NEC Express5800/ft series in a mission-critical system where high availability is required. By the use of Windows Server 2003 operating system, it also provides outstanding openness for general-purpose applications, etc.
To make the best use of these features, read this User's Guide thoroughly to understand how to operate NEC Express5800/ft series.
About This User’s Guide
This User's Guide helps a user to properly setup and use the product. Consult this guide when you set up the product.
Keep this manual and the separate volume of User’s Guide handy.
This User's Guide is intended for users who have a good knowledge on the basic use of Windows operating systems and general I/O devices such as a keyboard and mouse.
How to Use This User's Guide
This guide explains the procedures you should perform before you begin system operation after you purchased the product. Read the guide in order from Chapter 1. If you perform procedures according to this guide, you will set up the product properly.
Chapter 4 describes how to install the operating system. Chapter 5 describes post-installation procedures. Chapter 6 explains how to troubleshoot if you cannot set up the product properly. Refer to “SYSTEM REPAIR” on page 6-2 for details about system configurations and repairs of this product. Refer to “TROUBLESHOOTING” on page 6-14 if you feel you failed to set up the product.
See this User’s Guide for details of this product’s operation, and functions and operations of the hardware and the system.
Additional symbols
The following symbols are used throughout this User's Guide in addition to the caution symbols described at the beginning.
Important points or instructions to keep in mind when using the server or software
Something you need to make sure when using the server or software
Helpful information, something useful to know
About our Web Service
Information on NEC Express5800/ft series including modification modules is also available on our web site, NEC Express5800 Web Site Asia Pacific, at
About This User’s Guide .................................................................................................................iv
How to Use This User's Guide.......................................................................................................iv
Additional symbols ......................................................................................................................... v
About our Web Service................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER 1 BEFORE USING ....................................................................................... 1-1
NOTES FOR SAFE HANDLING.................................................................................................1-2
Warning Labels............................................................................................................................1-2
CPU/IO Modules .........................................................................................................................1-4
PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFETY...................................................................................................1-6
Use of Power Supply and Power Cord.........................................................................................1-7
Installation, Relocation, Storage and Connection ........................................................................1-8
Cleaning and Handling of Internal Devices .................................................................................1-9
During Operation .......................................................................................................................1-10
Rack-mount Model (Model 320Fb-MR)....................................................................................1-11
ԫ౳ࣹრࠃႈ ...........................................................................................................................1-13
ᖙ܂ࣹრࠃႈ ...........................................................................................................................1-17
UNPACKAGING .........................................................................................................................1-20
Accessories ................................................................................................................................1-20
CHAPTER 2 ABOUT OPERATING SYSTEM................................................................ 2-1
INSTALLING Windows Server 2003...........................................................................................2-2
About OS Installation ..................................................................................................................2-2
CHAPTER 3 INSTALLING SERVER.............................................................................. 3-1
INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................3-2
Tower Model................................................................................................................................3-2
Rack-mount Model ......................................................................................................................3-4
Connection................................................................................................................................... 3-7
CHAPTER 4 WINDOWS SETUP ....................................................................................4-1
Express Setup ................................................................................................................................. 4-2
SETUP FLOW ...............................................................................................................................4-3
Step 1: Things Required for Setup ...............................................................................................4-4
Size of the Partition to be Created ............................................................................................... 4-5
Step 2: Prepare for Express Setup................................................................................................ 4-6
2-1: Prepare NEC Express5800/ft series......................................................................................4-6
Step 3: Disable Boot Monitoring Function ..................................................................................4-9
Step 4: Start the Express Setup...................................................................................................4-14
Flow of Setup Procedures.......................................................................................................... 4-15
Setup Procedures .......................................................................................................................4-16
Step 5: Set Dual LAN Configuration..........................................................................................4-23
Overview ...................................................................................................................................4-23
NEC Express 5800/Fault Tolerant Server Series Duplication Rule...........................................4-24
Dual Configuration Setup..........................................................................................................4-24
Step 6: Set Dual Disk Configuration ..........................................................................................4-29
Setting Dual Disk Configuration by Disk Management ............................................................ 4-29
Step 7: Update Software.............................................................................................................. 4-32
Step 8: Connect and Configure Options ....................................................................................4-32
Step 9: Create Volume.................................................................................................................4-33
Step 10: Set Network for NEC ESMPRO Agent....................................................................... 4-33
Step 11: Enable Boot Monitoring Function ............................................................................... 4-35
Step 12: Make Settings for Failure Management...................................................................... 4-36
Set Memory Dump (Debug Information).................................................................................. 4-36
Set Dr. Watson........................................................................................................................... 4-41
Install a Network Monitor .........................................................................................................4-42
Set Recovery Console................................................................................................................ 4-43
Step 13: Back up System Information........................................................................................4-44
INSTALLING MANAGEMENT UTILITIES ............................................................................ 5-2
NEC ESMPRO Agent..................................................................................................................5-2
NEC ESMPRO Manager ...........................................................................................................5-11
NEC DianaScope .......................................................................................................................5-12
CONFIRMATION OF THE GeminiEngine Control Software VERSION ............................5-13
CAUTIONS FOR APPLYING Windows Service Pack............................................................5-14
CHANGING THE COLOR QUALITY OF DISPLAY TO 32 BIT ........................................5-14
COMPRESSING A SYSTEM DRIVE .......................................................................................5-15
ABOUT Windows Update (APLYING SECURITY PATCKES) ............................................5-15
CHAPTER 6 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................. 6-1
SYSTEM REPAIR .........................................................................................................................6-2
Starting up Recovery Console......................................................................................................6-5
Updating the System....................................................................................................................6-8
Installing GeminiEngine Control Software................................................................................6-13
Problems with NEC EXPRESSBUILDER ................................................................................6-14
Problems with Windows Setup..................................................................................................6-15
About the Express Setup............................................................................................................6-17
Problems with NEC ESMPRO Setup ........................................................................................6-21
Problems with System Repair....................................................................................................6-22
APPENDIX A ABOUT SERVICES .................................................................................A-1
Chapter 1
Before Using
This chapter includes information necessary for proper and safe operation of the server, the main unit and its accessories. Go through this chapter before you start setup of the product.
1-2 Before Using
The following section describes necessary information to use the product properly and safely.
Warning Labels
Warning labels are placed in certain parts of the system so that the user stays alert to possible risks (Do not remove or damage these labels).
If some label is missing, about to peel off, or illegible, contact your sales agent.
The figures below show locations of the labels on the server.
Tower model
Rack Model
Before Using 1-3
1-4 Before Using
CPU/IO Modules
The following shows the place on CPU/IO modules where the label is attached.
Standard Model
Water-Cooling kit
Before Using 1-5
1-6 Before Using
This section provides precautions for using the server safely. Read this section carefully to ensure proper and safe use of the server. For symbol meanings, see “Safety Indications” described in the previous section.
Do not use the server in an operation where human lives are involved or high reliability is required.
This equipment is not intended for use in controlling or use with facilities or systems where human lives are involved or high reliability is required, including medical devices or nuclear, aerospace, transportation, and traffic control facilities. NEC assumes no liability for any accidents or damage to physical assets resulting from the use of this equipment in such systems or facilities.
Do not continue to use the server if you detect smoke, odor, or noise.
If the server emits smoke, odor, or noise, immediately flip off the POWER switch, unplug the cords, and contact your sales agent. There is a risk of a fire.
Do not insert a wire or metal object.
Do not insert a wire or metal objects into a vent or disk drive slot. There is a risk of an electric shock.
Prevent water or foreign objects from getting into the server.
Do not let water or foreign objects (e.g., pins or paper clips) enter the server. There is a risk of a fire, electric shock, and breakdown. When such things accidentally enter the server, immediately turn off the power and unplug the cords. Contact your sales agent instead of trying to disassemble it yourself.
Use of Power Supply and Power Cord
Do not handle power plugs with a wet hand.
Do not plug/unplug power cords with a wet hand. There is a risk of an electric shock.
Do not connect the ground wire to a gas pipe.
Never connect the ground wire to a gas pipe. There is a risk of a gas explosion.
Do not plug the cords in nonconforming outlets.
Use wall outlets with specified voltage and power type. There is a risk of a fire or current leakage.
Avoid installing the server where you may need extension cords. If the cords do not meet the power specifications, there is a risk of overheating that could lead to a fire.
Do not plug too many cords in a single outlet.
If the rated current is exceeded, there is a risk of overheating that could lead to a fire.
Before Using 1-7
Do not plug the cords insecurely.
Insert the plug firmly into an outlet. There is a risk of heat or fire due to poor contact. If dust settles on the slots and it absorbs moisture, there is also a risk of heat or fire.
Do not use nonconforming power cords.
AC cord is to spend the thing of the next specifications:
Maximum 4.5m (14.76ft) long. Rated minimum 125V, 10A, Type SJT flexible cord.
You also have to observe the following prohibitions to prevent an electric shock or fire caused by damage to the cords.
Do not pull on the cords. Do not pinch the cords. Do not bend the cords. Keep chemicals away from the cords. Do not twist the cords. Do not place any object on the cords. Do not use cords as bundled. Do not alter, modify, or repair the cords. Do not staple the cords. Do not use any damaged cord. (Replace it with a new one of the same
specifications. For replacement procedures, contact your sales agent.)
1-8 Before Using
Installation, Relocation, Storage and Connection
Do not install the server in an unsuitable place.
Install the server in such a place as specified in this User's Guide. Avoid the following locations. There is a risk of a fire.
a dusty place a humid place located near a boiler, etc a place exposed to direct sunlight an unstable place
Do not use or store this product in a corrosive environment.
Avoid the usage or storage of this product in an environment which may be exposed to corrosive gases, such as those including but not limited to : sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, ammonia and/or ozone. Avoid installing NEC Express5800/ft series in a dusty environment or one that may be exposed to corrosive materials such as sodium chloride and/or sulfur. Avoid installing this product in an environment that may have excessive metal flakes or conductive particles in the air. Such environments may cause corrosion or short circuits within this product, resulting in not only damage to this product, but may even lead to be a fire hazard. If there are any concerns regarding the environment at the planned site of installation or storage, please contact your sales agent.
Do not use any non-designated interface cable.
Use only interface cables designated by NEC; identify which component or connector to attach beforehand. If you use a wrong cable or make a wrong connection, there is a risk of short-circuit that could lead to a fire.
You also have to observe the following prohibitions about handling and connecting interface cables:
Do not use any damaged cable connector. Do not step on the cable. Do not place any object on the cable. Do not use the server with loose cable connections. Do not use damaged cables.
Cleaning and Handling of Internal Devices
Do not disassemble, repair, or alter the server.
Unless described herein, never attempt to disassemble, repair, or alter the server. There is a risk of an electric shock or fire as well as malfunction.
Do not look into the CD-ROM drive.
The CD-ROM drive uses a laser beam. Do not look or insert a mirror inside while the system is on. A laser beam is invisible; if your eyes get exposed to it, there is a risk of losing eyesight.
Do not detach a lithium battery yourself.
This equipment has a lithium battery. Do not detach it yourself. If the battery is exposed to fire or water, it could explode. When the lithium battery is running down and the server does not work correctly, contact your sales agent instead of disassembling, replacing or recharging it yourself.
Disconnect the power plugs before cleaning the server.
Even though built-in options for the server can be replaced while the power cords are connected to power source, be sure to follow the instructions described in this User’s Guide. Do not touch any internal device of the server unless instructed by this User’s Guide. There is a risk of an electric shock. Make sure to power off the server and disconnect the power plug from a power outlet before cleaning or installing/removing internal optional devices. Touching any internal device of the server with its power cords connected to power source may cause an electric shock even if the server is off-powered. Disconnect the power plug from the outlet occasionally and clean the plug with a dry cloth. Heat will be generated if condensation is formed on a dusty plug, which may cause a fire.
Before Using 1-9
High temperature
Immediately after powering off the system, system components such as hard disk may be very hot. Wait for the server to cool down completely before adding/removing components.
Make sure to completely insert cables and boards.
Completely insert all power cords, interface cables and/or boards. An incompletely inserted component may cause a contact failure, resulting in fire and/or smoke.
1-10 Before Using
Protect the unused connectors with the protective cap.
The unused power cord connectors are covered with the protective cap to prevent short circuits and electrical hazards. When removing the power cord connector from the internal devices, attach the protective cap to the connector. Failure to follow this warning may cause a fire or an electric shock.
During Operation
Keep animals away.
Keep animals away from the server. Animal’s waste or hair may get inside the server to cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not place any object on top of the server.
The object may fall off to cause injuries, damage to hardware and/or a fire.
Do not leave the CD tray ejected.
Dust may get in the server to cause malfunction. The ejected tray may also become a cause of injuries.
Do not touch the server when it thunders.
Unplug the server when it threatens to thunder. If it starts to thunder before you unplug the server, do not touch the server or cables. There is a risk of a fire or electric shock.
Do not use a cellular phone or pager around the server.
Turn off your cellular phone or pager when you use the server. Their radio waves may cause the server to malfunction.
Rack-mount Model (Model 320Fb-MR)
Do not install the server on a nonconforming rack.
Install the server on a 19-inch rack conforming to the EIA standard. Do not use the server without a rack or install it on a nonconforming rack. The server may not function properly, and there is a risk of damage to physical assets or injuries. For suitable racks, contact your sales agent.
Do not use the server in an unsuitable place.
Do not install a server rack in an unsuitable environment. Other systems also may be affected, and the rack may fall over to cause a fire or injuries. For details about installation environment and quake-resistant engineering, see the attached manual or contact your sales agent.
Be careful not to hurt your fingers.
Exercise great care not to hurt your fingers on the rail when you mount/dismount the server into/from the rack.
Carry or install the server by more than 3 people.
Before Using 1-11
To avoid a risk of injuries, users should not attempt to carry or install the server into a rack. Installation should be performed by trained maintenance personnel.
Do not install the server in such a manner that its weight is imposed on a single place.
To distribute the weight, use stabilizers or attach two or more racks. Unstable rack may fall down to cause injuries.
Do not assemble parts alone.
It takes at least two people to mount doors and trays to a rack. If you handle them alone, you may drop some parts to cause a breakage or injuries.
Do not pull a device out of the rack if the rack is unstable.
Before pulling out a device, make sure that the rack is fixed (by stabilizers or quake-resistant engineering).
Do not leave more than one device pulled out from the rack.
If you pull out more than one device, the rack may fall down. You can only pull out one device at a time.
1-12 Before Using
Do not install excessive wiring.
To prevent burns, fires, and damage to the server, make sure that the rated load of the power branch circuit is not exceeded. For more information on installation and wiring of power-related facilities, contact your electrician or local power company.
Do not pull out a device during operation.
Do not pull out or remove a device while it is running. There is a risk of malfunction and a device may be detached from a rack to cause injuries.
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