Navman DDR MiVue 800 User Manual

User Manual
DDR MiVue 800
8 9
Getting to know your dash cam
actual product.
MiVue rear camera
Mounting pad
Camera lens
Adjustment bolt
Micro-USB connector
MiVue dash cam
Power button
Mini-USB connector
System indicator
Event button
LCD screen
Function keys
Parking indicator
Camera lens
Memory card slot
8 9
Power button
Press and hold for 2 seconds to manually turn the dash cam on and off.
When the dash cam is turned on, press to switch the LCD screen on and off.
Function keys
The device provides four function keys to control the corresponding icons displayed on the LCD screen. The keys' functions may vary on different screens.
Opens the Menu screen
Enters Parking mode
Takes a photo
(Recording screen)
3. When adjusting the angle of mounting, make sure that the camera’s view is parallel with the level ground and the ground/sky ratio is close to 6/4.
4. Connect the vehicle power adapter to the cigarette lighter. Route the cables through the top ceiling and the A-pillar so that it does not interfere with driving. Make sure that the cable installation does not interfere with the vehicle's airbags or other safety features.
Vehicle power adapter
Y-cable MiVue dash cam
Rear camera cable
MiVue rear camera
If you only use the dash cam (without connecting the rear camera) in your vehicle, simply connect the vehicle
power adapter to the dash cam and then plug it to the cigarette lighter.
The installation illustrations are for your reference only. The placement of the devices and cables may vary
depending on the vehicle model. If you encounter any problems during installation, contact a skilled installer (such as the service personnel of the vehicle) for assistance.
Using your dash cam in a vehicle
To ensure the highest quality recordings, you are advised to place the dash cam near the rear-view mirror.
Select an appropriate location for mounting the device in a vehicle. Never place the device where the driver’s
field of vision is blocked.
If the car’s windscreen is tinted with a reflective coating, it may be athermic and impact the GPS reception. In this
instance, please mount your device where there is a “clear area.”
The system will automatically calibrate the G sensor of the device during start-up. To avoid G sensor malfunction,
always turn the device on AFTER you mount it in the vehicle properly.
The Mivue dash cam is designed to stay connected with the vehicle power adapter to ensure optimal
performance. The battery is designed as a backup power source for short term use only in the event when the vehicles power system is cut out during an incident so the dash cam can save the last recording. It is not to be used as sole source of power for prolonged periods.
Make sure that your car is parked on level ground. Follow the instructions to securely mount your dash cam and rear camera into a vehicle.
1. Mount the dash cam.
2. Mount the rear camera.
Moves to the next option
Acts as the ENTER button
Moves to the previous option
Acts as the BACK button
(Menu screen)
Once you connect the rear camera and start recording, the screen displays the PIP (picture-in-picture) mode. You can switch the front and rear camera images by pressing .
System icons
Various system icons on the status bar at the top of the screen provide the status information of your device. The displayed icons will vary depending on your device model and state.
Recording indicator
Time display
Microphone status
GPS signal
Power status
Current speed
1 2 3 4 5
System indicator
The system indicator glows in green when the dash cam is powered. When powered, the indicator flashes in green and amber alternately while the recording is in progress.
Inserting a memory card
You must insert a memory card (not supplied) before you can start recording. The dash cam supports Class 10 memory cards with 8 GB – 128 GB capacity.
Hold the card by the edges and gently insert it into the slot as shown in the illustration. To remove a card, gently push the top edge of the card inwards to release it and pull it out of the slot.
Formatting a card
If you need to format a memory card (all data will be erased), press and select Format.
DO NOT apply pressure to the centre of the memory card.
Navman does not guarantee the product’s compatibility with memory cards from all manufacturers.
Before you start recording, please format the memory card to avoid malfunction caused by files not created by
the dash cam.
You are advised to turn the device off before removing the memory card.
Operating basics
Turning the dash cam on
Complete the installation according to the instructions in the “Using your dash cam in a vehicle” section. Once the vehicle engine is started, the dash cam automatically turns on.
Occasionally you may need to perform a hardware reset when the dash cam stops responding or if it appears to be “frozen” or unresponsive. If you cannot turn the dash cam off by using the Power button, insert a small rod (such as a straightened paper clip) into the Shutdown button to shut down the dash cam.
Setting the date and time
To make sure that the date and time of your recordings are correct, check the settings before you begin recording.
1. Press to access the Settings Menu.
2. Select System > Date / Time and press .
3. Select Use GPS time or Manual:
When you select Use GPS time, the system will set date and time according to the GPS location.
When you select Manual, the system will display the date and time setting screen.
Use / to adjust the value of the selected field; press and repeat the step until all fields
have been changed. When completed, press .
Recording in driving mode
Continuous recording
By default, the system will automatically begin with continuous recording in a few seconds after start-up. The recording may be divided into several video clips; recording will not stop between video clips. When your memory card fills up with continuous recordings in the "Video" category, it will automatically record over the oldest existing files in this category.
When continuous recording is in progress, you can manually stop recording by pressing . Press to return
to the recording screen; the system will start continuous recording automatically.
The continuous recordings can be found in the “Video” category for file playback.
Event recording
By default, if an event happens such as a sudden impact, high speed driving, an aggressive turn or an accidental crash during continuous recording, the G sensor will prompt the dash cam to start recording the event.
The dash cam will automatically save any video 10 seconds prior to the activation of the sensor and continue to record for another 10 seconds post activation in a 20 second video file which will be saved to the "Event" category on your microSD card. However, if another event is triggered during this time, it will continue to record for another 10 seconds and can trigger more events to continuing recording a further 10 seconds up to a 1 minute video file. Recordings stored in the "Event" category are separate to the "Video" category.
Note: You can change the sensitivity level of the G sensor by selecting > Video Recording > G-Sensor Sensitivity.
If you want to manually start an event recording while continuous recording is in progress, press the Event button on the device.
The event recordings can be found in the “Event” category for file playback.
Recording in Parking mode
Your dash cam supports the parking recording function. Your dash cam will require an additional power source (such as an uninterruptible power cable or Smartbox accessory which is sold separately. Visit to purchase this accessory.) to record the video during Parking mode. The dash cam cannot operate the Parking Mode feature on the internal battery power.
The Parking mode function is disabled by default. You can enable the function by selecting > Parking Mode
> Detection > On. Before enabling Park mode, please check your device memory storage allocation. Go to > System > Storage Allocation to set a proper allocation for parking recording. Changing the allocation will erase the
memory card, so save any videos or photos to your computer first.
When the Parking mode detection is enabled, the system will enter Parking mode when you:
Disconnect the device's power (when the vehicle engine is stopped or the power cable is disconnected) or when the
car stops moving for about 5 minutes.
Note: The feature is triggered by the G sensor of the device. You can change the configuration by selecting
> Parking Mode > Auto Entry.
Press to manually start Parking mode while continuous recording is in progress.
To stop Parking mode and resume continuous recording, press . If movements are detected and recorded during Parking mode, you will be asked to play the video when you stop Parking mode.
The parking recordings can be found in the “Parking” category for file playback.
Camera mode
The dash cam allows you to take a photo. The photos can be found in the “Photo” category for file playback.
If the recording is in progress, press to take a photo. (This function is not available when the rear camera is
Press > Camera > .
Playback mode
To select a video or photo for playback:
1. Press > File Playback.
2. Select the desired type: Video, Event, Parking or Photo.
3. Press / to select the desired file from the list and then press to start playback.
4. During playback, you can:
While playing videos, press / to play the previous/next video.
While viewing photos, press / to display the previous/next photo.
Press to return to the list.
Press to display the pop-up menu to select:
Play/Pause: Starts or pauses the playback.
Play rear video: (For selected models only) The "D" icon displayed on the thumbnail on the playlist
indicates that the video comes with a corresponding rear video. While playing the front video, you can use this option to switch to the rear video.
Move to Event: Moves the file to the “Event” category.
Delete: Deletes the file.
Note: The video files recorded by the front and rear cameras will be saved separately in the corresponding
folders of the memory card. If you move or delete a front video, its corresponding rear video will be processed synchronously.
System settings
To customise the system settings, press .
File Playback
Plays the recorded videos and photos.
Press to enter Camera mode.
Sound Recording
Sets if you want to include sounds in the recordings. The default setting is On.
Driving Safety
The dash cam provides advanced driving safety functions to make your driving safer.
Headlight Reminder: The system will remind you to turn the lights on when you are driving after dark.
Driver Fatigue Alert: The system will remind you to take a break after long-distance driving 2 hours (default)
/ 3 hours / 4 hours.
Parking mode
Allows you to change the settings of Parking mode. The available settings include:
Detection: When enabled, the dash cam will automatically start recording when it detects movements or if an
event happens in Parking mode.
Detection Method: The options are Only G-sensor, Only Motion and Both Motion & G-sensor.
Auto Entry: Sets the mode (Low, Medium, High or Manual) for the system to enter Parking mode
Motion Detection: The options are Low, Medium and High.
G-Sensor Sensitivity: Sets the sensitivity level (Low, Medium or High) of the G sensor that allows
automatic triggering of the parking recording when the dash cam is in Parking mode.
LED Indicator: The options are On and Off.
Video Recording
Changes the settings of recording, including:
Video Clip Length: Sets the length of each video clip for a continuous recording (1 min, 3 min or 5 min).
WDR: Enables the WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) function to improve the dash cam's image quality under high-
contrast lighting conditions.
EV: Sets the proper exposure level (-1+1) to adjust the brightness of the image. The default setting is 0.
G-Sensor Sensitivity: Sets the sensitivity level (6 levels, from Low to High) of the G sensor that allows
automatic triggering of the event recording while continuous recording is in progress.
Stamps: Sets the information (Coordinates or G-Sensor) that will be displayed on the recorded video.
Speed Stamp: Displays the driving speed on the recorded video.
Text Stamp: Displays the customised information on the recorded video.
Allows you to change the system settings of the device.
Satellites: Displays the status of GPS/GLONASS signal reception. You can press and then select GPS
or GLONASS for better signal reception if the need arises. (GPS is recommended for use in Australia and New Zealand regions.)
Date/Time: Sets the system date and time.
System Sound: Enables or disables system notification sounds.
Volume: Adjusts the volume level.
LCD Standby: Selects Always On to keep the LCD on; or sets the timer for the LCD to turn off
automatically (10 sec, 1 min or 3 min) after recording starts. Selecting HUD will turn off the LCD (in specified time) but still display the time and speed information.
Language: Sets the language.
Distance Unit: Sets the preferred distance unit.
Storage Allocation: The system provides 3 default memory configurations to store the videos (including
continuous recordings and event recordings) and photos. Select the proper configuration based on your usage.
Restore to Defaults: Restores system settings to factory defaults.
Version: Displays the software information.
Formats a memory card. (All data will be erased.)
Revision: R00 (5/2017)
All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Specifications and documents are subject to change without notice. Navman does not warrant this document is error-free. Navman assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions, or discrepancies between the device and the documents.
Not all models are available in all regions. Depending upon the specific model purchased, the colour and look of your device and accessories may not exactly match the graphics shown in this document.
Regulatory information
For regulatory identification purposes, Navman DDR MiVue™ 800 is assigned a model number of N489. Marking labels located on the exterior of your device indicate the regulations that your model complies with. Please check the marking labels on your device and refer to the corresponding statements in this section. Some notices apply to specific models only. The user needs to switch off the device when exposed to areas with potentially explosive atmospheres such as petrol stations, chemical storage depots and blasting operations.
5 6 1 5 N 4 8 9 0 0 2 8 R 0 0
Privacy notice
Location Information
The Navman device and software a customer uses may, by its nature and function, create, contain, receive, store, or transmit location based information that, either alone or in combination with other information, could identify a person, establish a person's whereabouts, reveal the nature or type of places that a person visits or in which a person is interested, or identify a person's movements, habits, and other information about a person ("Location Information"). This Location Information is used to provide location related services to customers. For this purpose, Navman* may disclose Location Information to its related companies, service providers, and agents which may be located overseas in countries including the USA, China, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. Except as explained below in relation to country location when using connected device features, it is Navman's policy not to collect or store Location Information, or to provide Location Information to unaffiliated third parties or persons who are not agents or service providers of Navman, without first receiving the consent of the customer (such as where the customer subscribes to, or directly or indirectly requests, location-based or similar services from Navman or a third party). Notwithstanding this clause, if, and to the extent that, a court order, subpoena, or rule of law requires that Navman disclose Location Information to a third party, Navman reserves the right to comply with such court order, subpoena, or rule of law.
Connected Device Information
If the customer accesses the Navman connected device feature (or a similar feature), including from a website or mobile device, Navman may collect personal information about the customer through the connected device, such as the customer’s username, email address, social networking account username (if the customer chooses to connect to its social networking account), what country the customer is located in when using the device (but not other Location Information), and internet protocol address, (“Connected Device Information”). Connected Device Information may be automatically synced between the customer's compatible and connected devices. When a customer uses the connected device feature, Location Information and dashcam recordings pass temporarily through our cloud infrastructure and to your device for the purpose of providing that service to you. However, we do not collect or store this data (except country location as explained above), even temporarily. Navman will use this information to fulfil the customer’s requests for products and services, for communication, to offer products or services related to the customer’s location (including by providing information about local businesses onto the customer's Navman device), interests and preferences and to assist Navman in its development of products and services. Connected Device Information may be provided to Navman's related companies, agents and third party service providers to enable Navman to deliver programs, products, information and services and to maintain Navman’s websites, mailing lists and other services. The recipients that Connected Device Information is provided to may be located in different countries to that in which the customer is based, including in the USA, China, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. The third parties that data is provided to may include social media providers if the customer has linked the connected device feature to a social media account. Connected Device Information will not be transferred to third parties that are not acting on behalf of Navman without the customer’s consent unless required by law or for the purposes disclosed in this clause. The customer may choose not to provide Connected Device Information to Navman, but this may cause certain features of the connected device to be unavailable.
Information Storage
Any Location Information or Connected Device Information will be collected and held by CloudMade Inc., 1370 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (a third party company which provides cloud services to us), MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 2, 408 Victoria Road, Gladesville, NSW 2111, Australia. Navman will take reasonable steps to secure any Location Information or Connected Device Information about the customer.
Access, correction and complaints
The customer may request to see a copy of the Location Information or Connected Device Information held by Navman about the customer, and can request corrections to be made to the Location Information or Connected Device Information. Navman's privacy policy contains information about how a customer may exercise their rights under the foregoing sentence, how a customer may complain about any breach of privacy laws or applicable codes, and how Navman will deal with such a complaint. Navman's privacy policy is available at Policy.aspx. * In this Privacy Notice, the term "Navman" means MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd (an entity registered in Australia and New Zealand and trading as Mitac Professional Solutions, Magellan GPS Technology, MIO TECHNOLOGY and NAVMAN TECHNOLOGY.
1-year limited warranty
1. Scope.
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law and the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Where a product is comprised of both hardware and software and a separate software licence is provided with the product, the terms of the software licence apply to the software and this limited warranty applies only to the hardware portion of the product. This section does affect any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees (as defined below). This warranty is given by MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd ("Navman”), in Australia and New Zealand.
2. Warranty.
Apart from any rights that you may have because of the Consumer Guarantees (as defined below), Navman warrants to the original end-user retail purchaser from an authorized Navman dealer that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and (where a User Manual is provided) will substantially conform to the specifications and descriptions in the User Manual for the Warranty Period. The "Warranty Period" is one year from the date of original retail purchase in Australia and New Zealand, as supported by a complete, legible and dated copy of the original sales receipt.
3. Exclusions and Limitations.
This section sets out exclusions and limitations which apply to the warranty. It does not affect the rights of any person under the Consumer Guarantees (as defined below). This warranty does not cover any non-rechargeable batteries, finishes, service performed or attempted by anyone other than an authorised Navman Service Centre, installations or defects caused by improper installation, any products, components or parts not manufactured by Navman, any claim in relation to infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary right, including trade secrets, any damage or failure of the product caused by shipping, misuse, tampering, abuse, negligence, wear and tear in excess of that expected from normal consumer use, unauthorised attachments or modification, failure to maintain as recommended, electrical discharges (including lightning), exposure to water (except as otherwise stated in the User Manual), moisture or liquids, proximity or exposure to heat, disasters such as fire, flood, wind, and lightning, or failure of availability or reliability of any external resource necessary or useful for the product's operation (for example, and to the extent applicable, the global positioning system constellation of satellites and their transmissions; traffic, weather, navigation, point-of-interest, or other data; and radio-frequency or other wired or wireless signals, whether transferring data or otherwise). Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance or repair, commercial use, or alteration or removal of any serial number or the opening, dismantling or repair of this product by anyone other than an authorised Navman Service Centre each will void this warranty. To the extent that the product is used or useful for navigation: (a) the product, including any associated electronic charts or maps, navigation data, or radio or other services, is a supplement to other navigational resources and not a replacement of them; (b) the product does not replace any charts, maps, or other information required by law to be used for any activity (such as nautical or aeronautical charts); (c) errors and omissions are inevitable; (d) the user is responsible for cross-checking the product against other sources of navigation information; and (e) Navman recommends having back-up navigation tools available in the event that the product becomes inoperable.
4. Remedies and How to Obtain Warranty Service.
If the product is defective or fails to conform with the warranted specifications, and you send the product and all other required information and materials to Navman, or return it to the retail outlet from which it was purchased, on or before the last day of the Warranty Period (refer to the process at 1 to 3 below), , Navman will repair or replace (at Navman's option) the product. This is your remedy for defective or non-conforming products under Navman's warranty. You may have other rights or remedies under applicable laws (including under the Consumer Guarantees, as defined below). To obtain your warranty service:
1. Contact Navman to obtain a Return Materials Authorization number (RMA). You can reach Navman using the Contact Details outlined at 3 below or through your authorized Navman dealer.
2. Pack the product, a copy of your dated purchase receipt, your address and telephone number, and any other information Navman requests as part of the return authorization process (such as any return authorization form you receive) in sturdy packing material.
Ship the product and the other required items to Navman at the address specified in the Contact Details below, or return it to the retail outlet from which it was purchased, on or up to the end of the Warranty Period. You should retain proof of shipping to evidence the date of shipment. Please send the item by registered post for tracking purposes.
Contact Details:
In Australia: In New Zealand:
MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd 1300 NAVMAN 0800 GO NAVM (1300 628 626) (0800 466 286) Contact address for returned products: In Australia: In New Zealand:
Attention: MiTAC Repairs Attention: MiTAC Repairs
MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd (Navman repairs) Service Plus (Navman repair) 690 Great South Road Penrose
Unit 5, 43-51 College Street Gladesville NSW Auckland 1061
2111 When returning products you must set out: Sender's name:
Sender's address:
Sender's phone:
Sender's email:
RMA number (compulsory - please call the support number above for your RMA number). If an RMA is not obtained before sending the unit in for repair, the unit will be quarantined and this will add to the repair turnaround time by at least one week. You must pay for shipping and any insurance to get the product to Navman at the applicable address. Except where otherwise provided by Consumer Guarantees (as defined below), you assume all risk of loss or damage to the product until it arrives at Navman's facility. Navman will pay for ground shipping of the new or repaired product back to you at an address in the same country as the repair facility and assume all risk of loss or damage to the product until it arrives at the address you specify. You must request, and pay for, any different shipping method. The repair of the product may result in loss of data. Navman will not be responsible for the loss or alteration of any user data stored in the product. You should back up or otherwise preserve any such data before sending the product to Navman. Except where otherwise required by Consumer Guarantees (as defined below in this document), if Navman reasonably determines that the product has not failed to meet the standards of the warranty, you will be liable for the cost of return shipment to you, Navman may require payment of such costs before returning the product to you, and the risk of loss or damage will remain with you notwithstanding Navman's possession of the product. The Warranty Period will stop running on the day you send the product to Navman. The remainder of the Warranty Period will begin to run again when the repaired or replacement product arrives at the address you specify.
5. Applicable Law.
Where the product was acquired by the original retail purchaser in Australia, this limited warranty is governed by the laws of New South Wales. Where the product was acquired by the original retail purchaser in New Zealand, this limited warranty is governed by the laws of New Zealand.
6. Consumer Guarantees
6.1 Interpretation. In this 1-year limited warranty: (a) "Australian Consumer Law" has the meaning given to that term in section 4 of the Competition and Consumer Act
2010 (Commonwealth of Australia);
(b) "Consumer" has the meaning given to that term in section 3 of the Australian Consumer Law, or section 2 of the New
Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, as the context requires; (c) "Consumer Guarantees" has the meaning given below; and (d) "PDH Goods or Services" means goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household
use or consumption.
6.2 Consumer Guarantees Under the Australian Consumer Law (and other similar legislation of Australian states and territories) and the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, certain statutory guarantees are conferred in relation to the supply of goods or services to a Consumer (Consumer Guarantees). In addition to the warranty, you may also have other rights under the Consumer Guarantees which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by agreement. This warranty does not exclude, restrict or modify the application of any condition,
Precautions and notices
For your own safety, do not operate the controls of the product while driving.
A window mount is needed when using the dash cam in a car. Make sure that you place the dash cam in an
appropriate place, so as not to obstruct the driver’s view or deployment of airbags.
Make sure that no object is blocking the camera lens and no reflective material appears near the lens. Please keep
the lens clean.
If the car’s windscreen is tinted with a coating, it may impact the recording quality.
Safety precautions
About the vehicle power adapter
Use only the vehicle power adapter supplied with your device. Use of another type of the vehicle power adapter
may result in malfunction and/or danger.
This product is intended to be supplied by a LISTED Power Unit marked with “LPS”, “Limited Power Source” and
output rated + 5 V dc / 2.0 A.
Do not use the vehicle power adapter in a high moisture environment. Never touch the vehicle power adapter
when your hands or feet are wet.
Allow adequate ventilation around the vehicle power adapter when connected to the device. Do not cover the
vehicle power adapter with paper or other objects that will reduce cooling. Do not use the vehicle power adapter while it is inside a carrying case.
Connect the vehicle power adapter to a proper power source. The voltage requirements are found on the product
case and/or packaging.
Do not use the vehicle power adapter if the cord becomes damaged.
Do not attempt to service the unit. There are no serviceable parts inside. Replace the unit if it is damaged or
exposed to excess moisture.
About the battery
CAUTION! This unit contains a non-replaceable internal Lithium Ion battery. The battery can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not disassemble, crush, puncture, or dispose of in fire or water. Caution! Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
The battery must be recycled or disposed of properly.
Use the battery only in the specified equipment.
Battery clause safety information. Your product uses a Lithium-ion battery. It is important to follow the guidelines set out regarding this type of Battery. Electronic devices using a lithium – ion battery such as Mobile phones, GPSs and cameras are designed to operate at a temperature range of approximately 0°C to 50°C. Beyond these temperature limits, there may be a risk of battery failure, when these electronic goods are exposed to extreme heat conditions for long periods. It is recommended that you do not use your device in a humid, wet and/or corrosive environment. Do not put, store or leave your device in or near a heat source, in a high temperature location, in strong direct sunlight and do not expose it to temperatures over 60°C (140°F). Failure to follow these guidelines may cause the Lithium-ion battery to leak acid, become hot, explode or ignite and cause injury and/or damage. Do not pierce, open or disassemble the battery. If the battery leaks and you come into contact with the leaked fluids, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical attention immediately. For safety reasons, and to prolong the lifetime of the battery, charging should not occur at low (below 0°C/32°F) or high (over 45°C/113°F) temperatures. THE LITHIUM-ION BATTERY CONTAINED IN THE PRODUCT MUST BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU USE YOUR PRODUCT ONLY WITH THE SUPPLIED DC POWER LEAD (VEHICLE POWER ADAPTER/BATTERY CABLE) AND AC ADAPTER (HOME CHARGER) FOR BATTERY CHARGING. For more information on how to recycle your old electronic devices, please contact your local council office. You can also visit / to view our latest trade-in offers.
Caring for your device
Taking good care of your device will ensure trouble-free operation and reduce the risk of damage.
Keep your device away from excessive moisture and extreme temperatures.
Avoid exposing your device to direct sunlight or strong ultraviolet light for extended periods of time.
Do not place anything on top of your device or drop objects on your device.
Do not drop your device or subject it to severe shock.
Do not subject your device to sudden and severe temperature changes. This could cause moisture condensation
inside the unit, which could damage your device. In the event of moisture condensation, allow the device to dry out completely before use.
The screen surface can easily be scratched. Avoid touching it with sharp objects. Non-adhesive generic screen
protectors designed specifically for use on portable devices with LCD panels may be used to help protect the screen from minor scratches.
Never clean your device with it powered on. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe the screen and the exterior of your
Do not use paper towels to clean the screen.
Never attempt to disassemble, repair or make any modifications to your device. Disassembly, modification or any
attempt at repair could cause damage to your device and even bodily injury or property damage and will void any warranty.
Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases or explosive materials in the same compartment as your device, its
parts or accessories.
To discourage theft, do not leave the device and accessories in plain view in an unattended vehicle.
Overheating may damage the device.
About GPS
GPS is operated by the United States government, which is solely responsible for the performance of GPS. Any
change to the GPS system can affect the accuracy of all GPS equipment.
GPS satellite signals cannot pass through solid materials (except glass). When you are inside a tunnel or building,
GPS positioning is not available. Signal reception can be affected by situations such as bad weather or dense overhead obstacles (e.g. trees, tunnels, viaducts and tall buildings).
The GPS positioning data is for reference only.
Important notice
In addition to the user manual, this document contains the following terms that apply to your use of your Navman product:
1. Software licence;
2. Privacy notice; and
3. 1-year limited warranty. The 1-year limited warranty applies separately to your use of the product, and should be read independently of the other terms contained in the user manual.
Software licence
1. Generally.
Navman ("Licensor") is willing to grant the following licence (the "Licence") to use the software, if any, provided with this Software Licence and Privacy Notice (whether provided separately or associated with a device) (the "Licensed Product") to the original retail purchaser (and, subject to the limitations below, certain transferees) of the Licensed Product or the device upon or with which the Licensed Product was installed or associated as of the time of purchase (the "Customer") only if Customer accepts all of the terms of the Licence. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY. USING THE SOFTWARE WILL CONSTITUTE CUSTOMER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENCE. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LICENCE IS NOT ITSELF A LICENCE TO USE NAVIGATION DATA THAT MAY BE INCLUDED WITH A DEVICE. NAVIGATION DATA IS COVERED BY A SEPARATE LICENCE AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENCE,
2. Licence Grant.
This section does not limit or affect the rights of any person under the Consumer Guarantees (as defined in section 7 below). Licensor grants to Customer a non-exclusive licence (without right to transfer, assign, or sublicence except as stated in this Licence) to use: (a) the Licensed Product (that term being further restricted where the Licensed Product is, or contains, a work of authorship fixed in tangible (including electronic) media to mean the single purchased copy thereof); and (b) the accompanying materials, including any manuals contained in the Licensed Product (the "Materials"), in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Licence.
3. Limitations on Use.
Customer will not place, secure, or use, or permit any other person to place, secure, or use, the Licensed Product or any device associated with the Licensed Product, in a manner that limits any user or operator's view, that is likely to distract any user or operator, or that may cause accidents, personal injury, or property damage. Customer, and any user that Customer permits to use the Licensed Product or any associated device, is solely responsible for observing safe driving, operating, and other practices so as to avoid accidents or injury to persons or property. Certain functionality of the Licensed Product or the device may be dependent upon the use of hardware (sometimes called a "dongle" or "module") or software keys that enable or unlock the functionality. This Licence does not permit Customer to use any of such functionality unless Customer has also legitimately bought or otherwise obtained the appropriate dongle, module, or software key. Each dongle, module, or software key is intended solely to enable the portion of functionality of the Licensed Product or device described in the documentation associated with the dongle, module, or software key and no other functionality.
4. Intellectual Property Rights.
As between Licensor and Customer, the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the Licensed Product and Materials (including any enhancements or modifications) are the property of Licensor. Customer must not rent, lease, reproduce, translate, adapt, vary, reverse-engineer, or modify the Licensed Product or Materials or communicate the same to any person other than in accordance with the terms of this Licence (or to the extent permitted by mandatory laws). Customer may not rent or lend the Licensed Product, or reproduce, prepare any derivative work, distribute, perform publicly, display publicly, perform by digital or other transmission, or broadcast the Licensed Product. Any rights not expressly granted in this Licence are reserved by Licensor.
5. Transfer of Licence.
Customer may transfer this Licence to a subsequent transferee of the Licensed Product or the device, if any, upon which the Licensed Product is installed, provided that Customer transfers to the transferee all physical embodiments of the Licensed Product, the device upon which the Licensed Product is installed, if any, and all of the Materials, and retains no copy or part of the Licensed Product or the Materials. Where the Licensed Product is transferred, technical support offered by the Licensor will only be available to the transferee, if the transferee provides proof of the original purchase of the Licensed Product.
6. Copying.
Customer may not copy the Licensed Product or Materials except that one copy of any separate software component of the Licensed Product may be made to the extent that such copying is necessary for Customer's own backup purposes.
7. Liability.
7.1 Interpretation - Consumer Guarantees. In this Software Licence and Privacy Notice: (a) "Australian Consumer Law" has the meaning given to that term in section 4 of the Competition and Consumer
Act 2010 (Commonwealth of Australia);
(b) "Consumer" has the meaning given to that term in section 3 of the Australian Consumer Law, or section 2 of the
New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, as the context requires; (c) "Consumer Guarantees" has the meaning given in section 7.2 below; and (d) "PDH Goods or Services" means goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or
household use or consumption.
7.2 Consumer Guarantees Under the Australian Consumer Law (and other similar legislation of Australian states and territories) and the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, certain statutory guarantees are conferred in relation to the supply of goods or services to a Consumer ("Consumer Guarantees").
7.3 Limitation of Liability – Consumer Guarantees. Where you as a Consumer acquire goods and services under this Licence from Licensor: (a) subject to clause 7.4, in Australia or New Zealand, where the goods or services are PDH Goods or Services, the operation of the applicable Consumer Guarantees cannot be, and are not in this Licence, excluded, restricted or modified; or (b) in Australia (or if Consumer Guarantees are otherwise conferred in relation to goods and services by Australian law), where the goods or services are not PDH Goods or Services, Licensor limits its liability for a failure to comply with any Consumer Guarantee (other than where to do so would otherwise cause all or part of this clause to be void) to (at Licensor's option): (i) in the case of goods, repairing or replacing the goods or paying the cost of having the goods repaired or replaced; and (ii) in the case of services, re-supplying the services or paying the cost of having the services re-supplied, and Licensor does not exclude or limit the operation of the Consumer Guarantees under any other provision of this Licence or in any other manner and you agree it is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances for Licensor's liability to be so limited. To the extent permitted by law and except for the Consumer Guarantees, Licensor excludes from this Licence all representations, guarantees, conditions, warranties, rights, remedies, liabilities and other terms that may be conferred or implied by statute, general law or custom, in fact or otherwise, except any guarantee, implied term or right conferred under any legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law and the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993), the exclusion of which would contravene legislation or cause part or all of this clause to be void.
7.4 Business Supplies in New Zealand In New Zealand, where both Licensor and Customer are ‘in trade’ and Customer is acquiring the goods and services for the purposes of a business, then both Licensor and Customer acknowledge and agree that the statutory guarantees and implied terms, covenants and conditions contained in the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and do not apply, and Licensor does not exclude or limit the operation of the Consumer Guarantees under any other provision of this Licence or in any other manner and you agree it is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances for Licensor's liability to be so limited.
7.5 Limitation of Liability – General. To the extent permitted by law and except for any liability under the Consumer Guarantees: (a) the Licensor will not, under any circumstances, be liable under the law of tort, contract, or otherwise for any loss of profits or loss of data or any indirect or consequential loss or damage, however caused, arising out of or in connection with this Licence; (b) the Licensor's aggregate liability for all claims arising out of or in connection with this Licence will be limited to the total amount actually and originally paid at retail by the customer for the Licensed Product; and (c) without limiting the foregoing or any other limitation of liability or disclaimer contained in this Software Licence and Privacy Notice, all limitations and disclaimers contained in the product warranty or any limited warranty for any product sold in connection with the Licensed Product also apply to this Licence.
8. Termination.
Licensor may, in addition to any other remedies available to Licensor, terminate this Licence immediately if Customer breaches any of its obligations under this Licence.
9. Product warranty.
The warranty for the Licensed Product is set out in the warranty documentation provided with the Licensed Product or the device on which the Licensed Product is installed (subject to any exclusions and limitations set out in this document), and applies in addition to this Licence and to any rights that you have under the Consumer Guarantees.
10. Governing Law and interpretation.
Where the Licensed Product was acquired by the original retail purchaser in Australia, this Licence is governed by the laws of New South Wales, the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales. Where the Licensed Product was acquired by the original retail purchaser in New Zealand, this Licence is governed by the laws of New Zealand, the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand. The term "Navman" refers to MiTAC Australia Pty Ltd of Suite 2, 408 Victoria Road, Gladesville, NSW 2111, Australia and 7-11 Kawana Street, Northcote, Auckland, 0627, New Zealand.
warranty, guarantee, right or remedy conferred by or implied under any provision of any statute where to do so would: (a) contravene that statute or (b) cause any part of this clause to be void. Where you as a Consumer acquire goods and services to which this warranty relates: (a) subject to clause 6.3, in Australia or New Zealand, where the goods or services are PDH Goods or Services, the
operation of the applicable Consumer Guarantees cannot be, and are not in this warranty, excluded, restricted or
modified; or (b) in Australia (or if Consumer Guarantees are otherwise conferred in relation to those goods and services by
Australian law), where the goods or services are not PDH Goods or Services, Navman limits its liability for a failure
to comply with any Consumer Guarantee (other than where to do so would otherwise cause all or part of this
clause to be void) to (at Navman's option): (i) in the case of goods, repairing or replacing the goods or paying
the cost of having the goods repaired or replaced; and (ii) in the case of services, re-supplying the services or
paying the cost of having the services re-supplied, and Navman does not exclude or limit the operation of the
Consumer Guarantees under any other provision of this warranty or in any other manner and you agree it is fair
and reasonable in all the circumstances for Navman's liability to be so limited.
6.3. Business Supplies in New Zealand In New Zealand, where both Navman and you are ‘in trade’ and you are acquiring the goods and services for the purposes of a business, then both Navman and you acknowledge and agree that the statutory guarantees and implied terms, covenants and conditions contained in the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and do not apply, and Navman does not exclude or limit the operation of the Consumer Guarantees under any other provision of this warranty or in any other manner and you agree it is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances for Navman's liability to be so limited.
7. Disclaimers and Other Provisions
To the extent permitted by law and except for the Consumer Guarantees and the warranty described above, Navman excludes all representations, guarantees, conditions, warranties rights and remedies, liabilities and other terms that may be conferred or implied by statute, general law or custom, in fact or otherwise except any guarantee, implied term or right conferred under any legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law and the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993), the exclusion of which would contravene legislation or cause part or all of this clause to be void and the customer acknowledges that Navman does not warrant that the operation of the product will be continuous or error-free. Except for liability for a breach of a Consumer Guarantee (a) Navman will not, under any circumstances, be liable under the law of tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise for any loss of profits or loss of data or any indirect or consequential loss or damage, however caused, arising out of or in connection with the product; (b) Navman’s aggregate liability for all claims arising out of or in connection with the product will be limited to the total amount actually and originally paid at retail by the customer for the product.
8. Privacy Notice
We collect the personal information you provide when you obtain this warranty and if you make a warranty claim to provide the warranty and any warranty service. We collect this information either directly from you or from the agent which handles our warranty claims. We may disclose your personal information to: (i) the agent which handles our warranty claims; (ii) our related companies, our employees and agents; (iii) anyone required or authorised by law; and (iv) anyone else you authorise. These recipients may be located overseas including in Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, the USA, China and the Philippines. Our policy on the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is set out in our Privacy Policy available at Our policy contains details about how to access or correct the personal information we hold and how to complain about a privacy breach and how we will handle such a complaint.
9. Disclaimer
In the event of improvements to the product, and software, or in limited circumstances where events occur outside Navman's control, specifications and documents may be subject to change without notice. While Navman has taken reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of this document, due to circumstances outside of Navman's control, Navman cannot warrant this document is at all times error-free.
10. Notes
Not all models are available in all regions. Depending upon the specific model purchased, the colour and look of your device and accessories may not exactly match the graphics shown in this document. The screenshots and other presentations shown in this document are for reference only. They may differ from the actual screens and presentations generated by the actual product.
MiVue™ Manager
MiVue Manager™ is a tool for you to view the videos recorded on a MiVue dash cam.
Note: Not all features are available for every model.
Installing MiVue Manager
Download the Setup file from or Double-click Setup.exe and follow the on-screen prompts to install MiVue Manager.
IMPORTANT! You may be prompted to install the MOV and AVI codecs for video playback if they are missing on your computer. Search online to install the required codecs.
Playing the recording files
1. Remove the memory card from the dash cam and access the card on the computer via a card reader. You are advised to copy the recording files to your computer for backup and playback.
2. Start MiVue Manager on the computer.
By default, MiVue Manager shows the calendar and the file list on the right.
When a recording file exists, you will see the date marked with “ ”. Click that date to display the files that
were recorded on that date.
You can choose the file type to display: Event / Normal / Parking.
To display all files in the current folder, click All. To return to the calendar view, click Calendar.
Note: Your model may not support all file types.
3. Double-click the desired file on the file list to start playback.
4. The playback controls are described as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Skips to the previous/next file on the list.
Starts or pauses the playback.
Changes the playback speed to 1/4x, 1/2x, 1x (default), 1.5x, or 2x.
Mutes or unmutes the volume.
Adjusts the volume level.
Plays the video in full screen.
Displays the playback progress. You can click on a point along the track bar to move directly to a different
location for the playback.
5. During playback, you can check more driving information from the dashboard panel and the G sensor chart that are displayed below the video playback screen.
On the dashboard panel, click to display the map screen.
Note: The map screen may not display when the computer is not connected to the Internet or when your MiVue model does not support the GPS function.
G sensor chart displays data in 3-axis waveform about the car’s shift forward/backward (X), to the right/left (Y)
and upward/downward (Z).
6. The tool bar allows you to do the following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Selects the folder that stores the recording files.
Previews and prints the current video image.
Saves the selected files to the specified location on your computer.
Captures and saves the current video image to the specified location on your computer.
Opens the Settings Menu. The Settings items are described as follows:
Change Language: Sets the display language of MiVue Manager.
Change Skin: Sets the colour scheme of MiVue Manager.
Check for Update: Checks if there is any new version of MiVue Manager. Internet access is required
for this feature.
About: Displays the version and copyright information of MiVue Manager.
Exports the GPS information of the selected file in the KML format to the specified location on your
Uploads the selected file to Facebook.
Uploads the selected file to YouTube™.