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© 2001 Mustek Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Welcome .............................................................................................1
Unpacking the Scanner .......................................................................2
Installing Drivers ................................................................................2
Using the Scanner Buttons on the Control Panel .................................3
Scanner Hardware Buttons Settings .........................................3
• Scanner (non-changeable) Default Settings ...............4
Scan .........................................................................................5
Copy ........................................................................................5
Fax ...........................................................................................6
Email ........................................................................................7
Panel ........................................................................................7
• BearPaw Panel Settings .............................................8
BearPaw Panel (non-changeable) Default Settings 8
• Scan ..........................................................................9
• Copy .........................................................................9
• Fax ........................................................................11
• Email .........................................................................12
• OCR ..........................................................................12
• Personal Style ...........................................................13
Personal Style (non-changeable) Default Settings 15
• Help ..........................................................................15
Other Settings ....................................................................................16
Using the TWAIN Dialog Box.................................................................17

Getting Help
Help on procedures
Help is the primary source of information
about the BearPaw scanner . The following
illustration shows where you can find
There are various ways of obtaining troubleshooting and customer care information.
1. Click on Start on your Windows® taskbar ,
then Programs to select your scanner model.
Click on Help System, or
2. Select Scanner Help on the Direct Scan icon of
your Windows® taskbar, or
3. Click on the Help button found in the BearPaw
Panel, or
4. Click on the Link button, then Help System.
Help is also available at
http://www .mustek.com.tw
http://www .mustek.com

Unpacking the Scanner
Unpack the package and inspect the items
closely to make sure no item is damaged. The
package should include:
! The Scanner
! USB Cable
! BearPaw Scanner User‘s Guide
! Installation CD
! Scanning Utilities Manual (either included in
the Installation CD or printed separately)
Installing Drivers
Please complete the software drivers installation
before installing the scanner .
1. Insert the Driver Installation CD into your disk
2. Follow all on screen instructions.
If, after inserting the Driver Installation CD into
your disk drive, the Driver Installation W elcome
screen does not appear, do the following:
1. Click on Start and select Run.
2. In the Run dialog box, type drive:\run where
drive is your CD-ROM drive and click OK.

Using the Scanner Buttons
on the Control Panel
Make sure that the Direct Scan is enabled
(shown) on your Windows® taskbar in order for
the scanner buttons to work. If in case Direct
Scan is disabled and user wants to enable it,
perform the following:
Direct Scan
1. Click on Start on your Windows® taskbar .
2. Click on Programs and select your Scanner
3. Click on Direct Scan.
Scanner Hardware Buttons Settings
Upon right-clicking the Direct Scan icon located
on your Windows® taskbar , the following menu
Click on Scanner Settings and the following
appears allowing you to make changes to your
scanner’s control panel buttons’ settings.