Wireless Serial Modem
Users Guide
Documentation Revision 3.1.5

MEA WSM6300 Users Guide
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Table of Contents
WIRELESS SERIAL MODEM ......................................................................................................1
What’s in the Box.................................................................................................................1
INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................2
WSM6300 ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................2
WSM6300 Installation Procedure .......................................................................................3
Deployment Tips...............................................................................................................4
Testing ..............................................................................................................................4
Device Addressing...............................................................................................................6
WSM6300 MAC Addresses Table ....................................................................................6
Configurable Parameters....................................................................................................7
CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION ......................................................................................9
Obtaining Support .............................................................................................................10
System Information .........................................................................................................10
Return Material Request....................................................................................................10
Radio Products and Services Division............................................................................10
Radio Products and Services Division Telephone Numbers......................................11
Returning System Components to Motorola ...................................................................11
Returning FREs...............................................................................................................11
PRODUCT WARRANTY INFORMATION..................................................................................12
FCC REGULATORY INFORMATION........................................................................................15
FCC Information.................................................................................................................15

MEA WSM6300 Users Guide
FCC RF Energy Exposure Statement...............................................................................15
Regulatory and RF Safety Exposure................................................................................15

List of Figures
Figure 1. WSM6300 Assembly......................................................................................2
Figure 2. WSM Serial Cable ..........................................................................................3
Figure 3. Device Manager Wireless Router Configuration Panel..............................7

MEA WSM6300 Users Guide
Wireless Serial Modem
Thank you for purchasing the MEA Wireless Serial Modem (WSM6300). MEA is a wireless
communication system capable of supporting reliable, high data rate communications in noisy
RF environments.
The WSM6300 is a wireless modem that has been designed specifically for use in wireless
sensor systems. It provides a serial interface – 2-wire (RXD/TXD) RS-232 or RS-485 (half
duplex) serial interface. The type of serial interface is factory configurable. The WSM6300
requires a 5 – 14.0 VDC power supply and is designed for indoor/outdoor use. The WSM6300
provides similar functionality as the MWR6300. An antenna and the power/serial interface
connector are included.
The WSM6300 efficiently combines the functionality of a MEA infrastructure device and sensor
interface into a single cost-effective wireless network component. This makes it easy to attach
a remote sensor device to a Mesh Enabled Architecture (MEA) mobile broadband network.
Sensors, controllers, signs, signals, etc. can all be Mesh-Enabled to send and receive data via
the MEA network. Each WSM6300 can be individually configured to support a wide variety of
remote sensor devices. A Mesh Sensor API is also available to facilitate direct connectivity
between sensor hardware and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems.
This document provides detailed installation and configuration instructions for use when
installing the WSM6300.
What’s in the Box
Each WSM6300 is a full-featured wireless networking device. The following is a list of the items
provided with each WSM6300:
• Power / Serial Connector
• Antenna