Beijing Competency Center
Beijing MCIC
No. 39A Zi Zhu Yuan Road,
P. R. China
Website: gs.mot.com/cc
FSB Number: BJCCFSB2003-106
Author: Cao Yin Yu
Date: Oct 31, 2003
Total No. Of Pages: 2
Subject: GSM C35X, C35xV No Menu Tree Access
Model Affected: C350, C359, C350V, C359V
Level of Repair: 3
The issue was found in C350V/C359V NPI analysis. Customer Complaints are not able to
access the menu tree. The menu icon will flash after pressing the menu key, but the phone
will not display menu tree.
This issue was due to a SW bug. Seem element 110 was corrupted.
CR LIBbb82909 was raised and a fix implemented in G_09.04.27R software release.
Though the fix implemented, the failure still happened in current software version in
C350/C359/C350V/C359V due to unknown key sequences.
The development team is pursuing the software fix. The software version with fixes will be
informed in next FSB revision.
Field Service Action
Customer Returns:
Any No Menu Tree Access returns of C350, C359, C350V and C359V can be recovered by
performing master clear/reset if the returns are the latest software version.
Motorola Internal Use Only Page 1
Beijing Competency Center
Beijing MCIC
No. 39A Zi Zhu Yuan Road,
P. R. China
Website: gs.mot.com/cc
If the returns are not the latest software version, as per service policy, all radios returned for
repair should be flashed with the latest software release.
Please ensure that the software version currently being used to flash radios is both
1. A regionally latest applicable software version
2. Network Operator approved for the service region
Service Inventory:
Call Center Action:
Service Entry Code
PRC E-service Code:
Complaint Code: 2101- No Keypad Operation
Root Cause Code: 2101- Flashing, Flexing, Phasing
Complaint Code: 8 - No Keypad Operation
Root Cause Code: 96- Known Software Issue - Software Upgrade Resolves
Motorola Internal Use Only Page 2