Mitsubishi Electric MS, Apricot MS Owner's Manual

Owner’s Handbook
Quick Start


For your own safety
Read through the Safety & Regulatory Notices section at the start of the Owner’s Handbook before using the computer for the first time.

Using the Welcome Mat

Connecting up your computer
Monitor signal cable
Connecting items
Mains cable
AC outlet
Monitor power cord
Owner’s Handbook
Now follow the QUICK START GUIDE in the Owner's Handbook.
Quick Start Guide
Separately powered speakers
Remember, this speaker set has its own power supply cable.
AC outlet
Optional Subwoofer with separately powered speakers
AC outlet
AC outlet
Use the Welcome Mat to help you unpack and connect the components of your new personal computer. The recommended order is:
1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Monitor signal cable
4. Stereo speakers (and optional sub-woofer)
5. Modem cable
6. Microphone (optional)
7. Monitor power cord
8. System unit power cord
Once your computer is connected, switch on the power at the wall socket. The Power Mode light (near the top left of the front panel) should glow red to show that the computer is ready to start.

The Power button and Power Mode light

Power Mode
Press the POWER button to turn on the computer, to put it to sleep, and to wake it up.
The colour of Power Mode light shows whether the computer is in Off [red], On or Standby [green] or Suspend [yellow] mode.
The monitor has its own power button or switch; see the monitor’s User Guide to find out where it is.
Power Button

Starting the computer

Press the P
OWER button to turn on the computer.
Turn on the monitor as described in its User Guide.
The colour of the Power Mode light turns from red to green to show that the computer is now working.

Suspending the computer

Once Windows has started, you can give the P
button a brief press to suspend the computer when you aren’t using it. Alternatively, you can click the Start button in the Windows taskbar, then click Suspend.
To wake up the computer, you have to press the P
button again – just moving the mouse or using the keyboard won’t work.
While the computer is suspended its processor stops, its hard disk stops spinning and the monitor goes blank, but none of your files are lost.
In Suspend mode the Power Mode light is yellow.
Future versions of Windows will allow you to redefine the P
OWER button so that when you press it the operating system
shuts down and the PC goes directly into Off mode.

Automatic power saving

During periods of inactivity the computer automatically reduces the power consumption of idle components. For example, the monitor screen may go blank. This power­reduced state is known as Standby mode (the Power Mode light stays green). If the inactivity is prolonged the computer goes into full Suspend mode (the Power Mode light is yellow).
While in Standby mode you can move the mouse or press any keyboard key to resume working. Once the computer goes into Suspend mode only the P
OWER button can wake
You can adjust automatic power saving with the Power Management program, which is provided as part of the Easy Manager software collection.

Shutting down the computer

To shut down the computer safely, do the following:
1. Wait until all the activity indicators on the front bezel show ‘not busy’.
2. Turn off any attached peripherals, except for the monitor and other peripherals that are designed to be kept on permanently.
3. Click the Start button in the Windows taskbar, then click Shut Down. Select Shutdown the computer and click Yes.
The Power Mode light goes from green to red.
Note that you do not have to press the P
OWER button if
Windows is running.
You don’t have to turn off the monitor
Because the monitor gets its power from the computer, once you turn the monitor on you should never need to turn it off, except to move or open up the computer.

Emergency shut down

In exceptional circumstances, you can shut down your PC without shutting down Windows first. To do this, press and hold down the P
OWER button for at least four
The computer also shuts itself down if you press the POWER button in MS-DOS or before Windows starts.
Make sure it is an emergency!
In an emergency shut down, you may lose any recent changes made to the files you are currently working on. The Microsoft ScanDisk program will run automatically when the computer next starts, to check for disk errors.

Energy Star

The aim of these various power modes is to cut your electricity bill and conserve resources. Energy Star is an internationally recognised standard for such energy­efficient computer systems.
Your computer will always meet the Energy Star standard in Suspend mode, when the Power Mode light is yellow.

Registering Windows 95

Your computer has the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system already in place or pre-installed, so that it is ready for you when you turn on the computer.
The first time you turn on the computer you must tell Windows 95 your name (and the name of the company for which you work, if applicable) and agree to the legal terms and conditions of the Windows 95 Licence Agreement.
Windows 95 then spends a few minutes analysing your computer and configuring itself to take full advantage of your computer’s components.
During the process, you will need to enter your unique Windows 95 serial number. You will find this on the Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity which forms part of your Windows documentation. Remember to keep this certificate safe for future use.
Windows 95 also offers you the opportunity to install a printer. However, you do not have to install a printer at this time if you don’t want to.
You only register once
All of this only happens the first time you turn on your computer. After that Windows 95 starts normally, except that you may be reminded if you haven’t made any back-up diskettes yet.

Electronic Fingerprinting

Electronic Fingerprinting allows you to ‘brand’ your computer by storing personal information in its permanent memory. If you include your name, address and phone number this will aid the police if your computer is stolen.
The Apricot Electronic Fingerprinting program appears every time you start Windows 95 until you have branded the computer. If you don’t brand your computer promptly, someone else might do it before you!
After you have entered your details you are prompted to set a branding password. This password will be requested if you ever need to run the Electronic Fingerprinting program again to change the branding information (for example, if you change address).
Optionally, for extra security, you can decide that this same password is requested every time the computer is turned on, or every time the mains power supply is interrupted.
If you forget your branding password, you can use a special fall-back password instead. The fall-back password is a 12-digit number that is unique to your computer. It is displayed only once, the first time you set a branding password.
Click the Help button in Electronic Fingerprinting for more information.
Be careful
Do not turn off the computer while using the Electronic Fingerprinting program. It might corrupt your computer’s memory.
Write down the fall-back password
The fall-back password is displayed only once. You must make a note of the password immediately, because you will never see it again. There is a page at the end of this manual where you can write it down.

Increasing the resolution and colours displayed by your monitor

At first, Windows 95 is configured for a standard monitor setting (640 by 480 pixels in a maximum of 256 different colours) so that Windows 95 is sure to display correctly whatever monitor you have.
However, Mitsubishi Electric’s Apricot monitors can do much better than this standard setting. You should therefore change the display setting to get the best performance from your system.
1. Right-click with the mouse while pointing at the background of the Windows 95 desktop, then select Properties from the pop-up menu.
2. Click the Settings tab of the Display Properties dialog.
3. You can now select the Display Area (resolution) and Colour Palette (number of colours). We suggest at least 800 by 600 pixels in 256 colours.
You may have to specify the make and model of your monitor before you can increase the resolution. In this case, click the Advanced Properties button on the Settings tab.
You can get an even better display by upgrading your computer’s video memory from 2 to 4 Mbytes. Ask your Mitsubishi Electric PC supplier for details.

Infotrade Internet - The Internet service from Mitsubishi Electric

By connecting your computer to the phone network, you can use your computer as an answerphone and fax machine. You can also access the Internet, and in particular the World Wide Web (WWW).
To get you started, we have provided the Infotrade Internet service (this offer applies only in the United Kingdom). Infotrade is a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Electric, the makers of your Apricot PC.
Details of the Infotrade Internet offer are given on the promotional leaflet that came with your computer.
Infotrade also offers a variety of personal finance services. These services are entirely optional and separate from the Internet service. To find out more, double-click the Infotrade Internet Help icon on the Windows 95 desktop.
Although we recommend the Infotrade Internet service, and have made it very easy for Apricot PC users to subscribe to it, there are other possibilities. On the Windows 95 desktop is an icon for The Microsoft Network, which is the on-line service provided by Microsoft itself. You can find setup programs for other on-line service providers in the On-line Services folder (also on the desktop).

Setting up Infotrade Internet and Fax

If you decide to take advantage of the Infotrade Internet offer, you will need the Infotrade Internet leaflet that came with your computer.
You should run Infotrade Internet and Fax Setup even if you don’t want to subscribe to Infotrade Internet, as it also sets up the Microsoft Fax service.
1. Double-click the Infotrade Internet and Fax Setup icon on the Windows desktop.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen, together with the information provided on the Infotrade Internet leaflet. When the setup is complete, you are prompted to restart your computer.
Once your computer has restarted, you are ready to connect to the Internet and register your new account with Infotrade.
3. Make sure the modem cable is connected from the back of the computer to your phone socket.
4. Double-click on The Internet icon on the Windows desktop to start Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen to register with Infotrade.
Once you’ve finished the registration process, you can either exit from Internet Explorer, or go on to explore or “surf” the World-Wide Web.
In the future
You only have to register once, but whenever you use Internet Explorer subsequently, you have to log on to the Internet with your Infotrade user name and your Infotrade password.

Easy Manager

Easy Manager is a collection of software from Mitsubishi Electric, designed to make life easier for new computer users.
In the Windows taskbar is a Mitsubishi Electric symbol. If you click it a pop-up menu appears listing all the elements of Easy Manager.
Use the Help option to learn how to use the Easy Manager software.
Answerphone answers your incoming telephone calls automatically. Calls may be either voice messages (voice mail) or fax messages.
Easy Manager Configuration allows you to say which parts of the Easy Manager collection you want to use.
Entertainment Centre offers easy access to a range of games, reference and productivity programs, some of which may be pre-installed on your computer’s hard disk or supplied on CD.
Message Centre is the place where incoming electronic mail (e-mail), voice and fax messages are available for you to review, and where you can create and send your own outgoing e-mail and fax messages. You can also set up short “reminders” for yourself, family members, and friends who use your computer.
Power Management allows you to program the automatic power saving features of your computer.

The Remote Control

The optional infra-red remote control makes your computer easier to use.
It works with all Easy Manager programs, and also with the audio CD Player and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The remote will only work with TV tuner cards that are approved by Mitsubishi Electric PC Division.
The remote control operates on two AA batteries, which are provided. Insert the batteries as shown on the right.
To find out more about the remote control, click on the Mitsubishi Electric symbol in the Windows taskbar, then click Help.
Microsoft, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries.
FireWire and the FIREWIRE logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the US and other countries.
Other trademarks mentioned within this document and not listed above are the properties of their respective owners.
Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Apricot Computers Limited. Any software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this agreement. It is against the law to copy any disk supplied for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of the publishers.
Copyright © Apricot Computers Limited 1997. All rights reserved.
Published by: Apricot Computers Limited 3500 Parkside Birmingham Business Park Birmingham, England B37 7YS
Printed in the United Kingdom

Safety and Regulatory Notices



The computer uses a safety ground and must be earthed.
The system unit AC power cord is its ‘disconnect device’. Ensure that the system unit is positioned close to the AC power outlet and that the plug is easily accessible.
The power cord packed with the computer complies with the safety standards applicable in the country in which it is first sold. Use only this power cord. Do not substitute a power cord from any other equipment.
To prevent fire and electric shock, do not expose any part of the computer to rain or moisture. Turn off the computer and unplug all power cords before moving or cleaning the system unit, or removing the system unit top cover.


This product contains a lithium battery.
Do not use a metal or other conductive implement to remove the battery. If a short-circuit is made between its positive and negative terminals the battery may explode.
Replace a discharged battery with one of the same type; another type may explode or ignite. Follow the instructions contained in the Owner’s Handbook to replace the battery.
Dispose of a discharged battery promptly and in accordance with the battery manufacturer’s recommended instructions. Do not recharge, disassemble or incinerate the discharged battery. Keep away from children.

Laser products

Any CD-ROM drive fitted in this system is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT according to IEC825 Radiation Safety of Laser Products (Equipment Classification: Requirements and User's Guide). The CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT label is located on the underside of the system unit.
The CD-ROM drive contains a laser system which is harmful to the eyes if exposed. Do not attempt to disassemble the CD-ROM drive; if a fault occurs, call an authorised maintainer.
Use the CD-ROM drive only as described in this manual. Failure to do so may result in exposure to hazardous radiation.


When positioning the system unit, monitor and keyboard, take into account any local or national regulations relating to ergonomic requirements.

Anti-static precautions

Static electricity can cause permanent damage to electronic components. You should be aware of this risk, and take precautions against the discharge of static electricity into the computer.
Anyone can generate static electricity by moving on a chair, brushing against desks or walls, or simply walking across an ordinary carpet. Items handed from one person to another, or being wrapped or unwrapped, can acquire a static charge. Air conditioning systems can also result in ambient static. Clothing made of synthetic fibres is particularly likely to generate static electricity; this static electricity is often completely unnoticed by the wearer, but can be sufficient to cripple or impair an electronic component.
The computer is at risk from static discharge while the top cover is off. This is because the electronic components of the motherboard are exposed. Memory modules, expansion cards and replacement processors are other examples of electrostatic sensitive devices (ESSDs).
All work that involves removing the cover must be done in an area completely free of static electricity. We recommend using a Special Handling Area (SHA) as defined by EN 100015-1: 1992. This means that working surfaces, floor coverings and chairs must be connected to a common earth reference point, and you should wear an earthed wrist strap and anti-static clothing. It is also a good idea to use an ionizer or humidifier to remove static from the air.
When installing any upgrade, be sure you understand what the installation procedure involves before you start. This will enable
you to plan your work, and so minimise the amount of time that sensitive components are exposed.
Do not remove the system unit cover, nor the anti-static bag or wrapping of any upgrade, until you need to.
Handle static-sensitive items with extreme care. Hold expansion cards and add-on components only by their edges, avoiding their electrical contacts. Never touch the components or electrical contacts on the motherboard or on expansion cards. In general, do not handle static-sensitive items unnecessarily.
Keep all conductive material, and food and drink, away from your work area and the open computer.

Thermalcote bonding compound

The thermal bonding compound used between the system processor and its heat sink can cause skin irritation and stain clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Avoid contact with eyes and inhalation of fumes. Do not ingest.


Use common sense when handling the computer; hard disks in particular can be damaged if the computer is dropped or handled roughly. As a precaution, back up the contents of the hard disks to tape or diskettes before moving the computer.
Don’t try to move the computer while it is plugged into the AC power supply or with any other cables, including network cables, still attached.
When lifting and carrying the computer, grip the metal underside of the system unit. Never attempt to lift the system unit with a monitor on top.
If you need to transport the computer any great distance, use the original packing materials.


Do not use sprays, solvents or abrasives that might damage the system unit surface. Do not use cleaning fluids or sprays near air vents, ports, or the diskette and CD-ROM drives.
Occasionally wipe the system unit with a soft, slightly damp, lint­free cloth.
Occasionally wipe over the air vents on the rear and sides of the system unit. Dust and fluff can block the vents and limit the airflow.
Occasionally clean the diskette and CD-ROM drives using a proprietary head cleaner.
Occasionally wipe the monitor with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It is best to use anti-static glass cleaner on the monitor screen, but do not spray glass cleaner directly onto the screen; it could run down inside the case and damage the circuitry.

Power Connection

Typical AC plugs
U. K. Austria Belgium Taiwan
Finland France Thailand
Italy Germany Japan
Sweden Norway USA
Holland Canada
SRAF 1962/DB16/87 ASE 1011
Denmark Switzerland
Checking the AC power supply
When this product is delivered, it is ready for the commercial AC power supply generally available in the country in which it is first sold. It has been set for the correct voltage range, and is supplied with an AC power cord and plug which comply with the relevant safety standards. Before using the product in a country other than that in which it was originally sold, you must check the voltage and frequency of that country’s AC power supply, and the type of power cord required there. Check the power rating labels on the rear of the computer’s system unit and its monitor to ensure that they are compatible with the AC power supply.
The computer can function within two alternative AC power supply ranges, according to the position of the voltage selection switch on the rear of the system unit:
Switch setting AC power supply (voltage and frequency)
115 100 - 120 volt AC, 50 - 60 Hz
230 200 - 240 volt AC, 50 - 60 Hz
The voltage setting of the monitor must always be the same as the voltage setting of the system unit. See the User Guide that accompanies the monitor or consult your supplier to find out how to change the voltage setting.
It is imperative that the computer is set to the correct voltage range before use. If not, the machine may be irreparably damaged.
Connecting to the AC power supply
Any peripheral equipment that requires an AC power cord must be earthed.
Use the following guidance to connect the components together. It is important that you take each step in the order indicated.
1. Before connecting any components, ensure that the AC power supply is switched off or disconnected, and that the system unit, the monitor, and any peripherals are turned off.
2. Connect the components’ signal cables to their respective ports on the system unit: keyboard, mouse, monitor, audio (where appropriate) and any other peripherals. Where appropriate, connect the computer to the network.
3. Connect the components’ power cords: monitor to system unit, and system unit and any other peripherals to nearby, grounded AC power outlets. Then switch on or connect the AC power supply.
4. Turn on the system unit first, then the monitor, then other peripherals.
External speakers (where supplied)
Always switch off or disconnect the AC supply before disconnecting any of the speaker leads, whether audio or power. Disconnect the AC supply from the speaker power unit when not in use for any period of time.
To prevent the risk of electric shock, do not remove speaker covers.
Connecting the speaker power cord to any other cords or joining cords together can cause fire and risk of electric shock.
Power Cable Connections - UK ONLY
This equipment is supplied with an AC power cord that has a non­removable moulded plug.
Always replace the fuse with one of the same type and rating which is BSI or ASTA approved to BS1362. Always refit the fuse cover, never use the plug with the fuse cover omitted.



This product complies with the International safety standard IEC950 and the European safety standard EN60950 which will, when applicable, include the national deviations for the country in which it is first sold.
Electro-magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
This product complies with the following European EMC standards:
Immunity EN50082-1
Emissions EN50022 Class B
This product also complies with the following International EMC standard:
VCCI Level 2 (Japan)
This equipment complies with the relevant clauses of the following European Directives (and all subsequent amendments):
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
Telecommunications Directive 91/263/EEC
CE Marking Directive 93/68/EEC
All interconnecting cables (for example, microphone, headphones or external speakers) and communication cables should be less than 2 metres in length.
If cable extensions are used, ensure adequate earth connections are provided and screened cables are used.
If the system unit top cover, or any other metal part, is removed and then replaced, all parts must be correctly re-assembled and all screws tightened.
This system complies with the CE Marking Directive and its strict legal requirements. Use only parts tested and approved by Mitsubishi Electric PC Division. Failure to do so may result in invalidating both the compliance and your warranty. All expansion cards, drives and peripherals must carry the CE mark to ensure continued compliance.


1 Welcome
Pictorial guide to the system unit .......................... 1/2
Removing panels................................................... 1/7
The Remote Control............................................. 1/9
General advice..................................................... 1/10
2 Diskettes and CDs
Diskette drive........................................................ 2/1
CD-ROM drive .................................................... 2/3
3 Multimedia
4 Expansion Cards
Configuring the card............................................. 4/2
Installing the card.................................................. 4/5
Reserving ISA legacy resources .............................. 4/6
Telling Windows about the new hardware ............ 4/7
5 Motherboard Features & Upgrades:
Pentium Systems
Motherboard jumper settings................................ 5/3
Motherboard IRQs and DMA channels................ 5/5
Adding more memory........................................... 5/7
Adding more video memory................................ 5/10
Upgrading the processor...................................... 5/11
Replacing the configuration battery..................... 5/15
6 Motherboard Features & Upgrades:
Pentium II Systems
Motherboard jumper settings................................ 6/4
Motherboard IRQs and DMA channels................ 6/7
Adding more memory........................................... 6/9
Contents i
Adding more video memory................................ 6/12
The processor assembly ....................................... 6/13
Replacing the configuration battery..................... 6/16
7 Hard Disk Upgrades
Configuring the drive............................................ 7/2
Installing in the forward drive bay......................... 7/3
Installing in the rear drive bay ............................... 7/4
Partitioning and formatting the drive.................... 7/5
8 Removable Media Drive Upgrades
Configuring the drive............................................ 8/1
Installing the drive ................................................ 8/2
9 BIOS Setup & POST
BIOS Setup........................................................... 9/2
Power-on self-test.................................................. 9/5
10 Troubleshooting
Problems when starting....................................... 10/2
Common problems............................................. 10/4
Equipment Log
ii Contents


This first chapter gives you a quick tour of your new Apricot MS Series Personal Computer. It lists the special features of the computer and has pictorial guides to help you identify the various parts.
If you want to get started working with your Apricot PC straight away, unpack and assemble it as shown on the accompanying Welcome Mat, then read the Quick Start Guide at the front of this manual.
After unpacking your computer, keep all the cartons, boxes and packaging materials; you will need them again if you have to transport the computer elsewhere.
Use the page at the end of this manual to make a note of the manufacturer’s data recorded on the various components (product codes, serial numbers, etc.). A service engineer may need this information if the computer develops a fault.
For your own safety
Read the Safety & Regulatory Notices section at the start of this manual before using the computer for the first time.

Standard features

Pentium MMX or Pentium II MMX processorAt least 16 Mbytes of main memory512 Kbyte memory cacheATI 3D Rage Pro video systemAt least 2 Mbytes of video memoryCD-ROM driveSound Blaster Pro-compatible audio systemStereo, line-in and line-out audio socketsMIDI/Joystick portTwo USB portsSerial and ECP Parallel portsStereo speakers (and optional sub-woofer)Easy Manager software

Enhanced features (factory options)

FireWire, S-Video and Composite Video portsWavetable or DSP audio enhancementSPDIF digital audio portInfra-red remote control
Welcome 1/1
2 3
18 17
4 5 6

Pictorial guide to the system unit

1 Infrared sensor 2 Hard disk activity indicator 3 Power Mode light 4 POWER button 5 CD-ROM disc drawer (platter) 6 CD headphone jack & volume control 7 CD activity indicator 8 Line In socket for audio input
9 Headphones socket 10 Universal Serial Bus (USB) port 11 FireWire port (factory option) 12 S-Video In port (factory option) 13 Composite Video In port (factory option) 14 CD emergency eject hole 15 CD EJECT button 16 Diskette drive 17 Message LED alerts you that you have an
unread message
18 Message Cancel button clears the Message
LED alert
1/2 Welcome
Press the P
button to turn the computer on, put
it to sleep or wake it up.
The Power Mode light changes colour to show the current state of the computer.
Off. [red] Your computer is turned off, but is
still connected to the AC power supply.
Suspend. [yellow] Your computer is “sleeping”
to conserve electricity. Briefly pressing the P
button wakes it up again.
On or Standby. [green] Your computer is awake
and working, but may reduce power during idle moments (Standby mode). Move the mouse or press any keyboard key to activate it again.
See the Quick Start Guide for more information.
The M
light flashes when the Message Centre
program (part of the Easy Manager collection) has one or more unread e-mails, faxes or reminders for you. Either read the messages or press the button to extinguish the light.
Welcome 1/3
18 17
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13
For more information about the various audio, video, and multimedia options, see the Multimedia chapter.
1 Monitor port
2 S-Video Out port for displaying the monitor
image on a television (factory option) 3 Parallel (printer) port 4 Mouse port 5 Keyboard port 6 Serial port 7 Microphone socket 8 Line Out socket for audio output 9 Speaker socket
10 Universal Serial Bus (USB) port 11 Security loop for cable or padlock 12 AC power outlet for monitor 13 Voltage selection switch 14 AC power inlet from AC supply 15 Caselock 16 MIDI/Joystick port 17 Auxiliary Line In socket (factory option) 18 SPDIF digital audio output for sending digital
audio to an external audio amplifier (factory
19 Modem port
A Side panel fixing screws B Handles to assist side panel removal
1/4 Welcome
Pentium systems
1 Power supply unit (PSU) 2 Master hard disk drive (HDD) 3 Forward drive bay for removable media drives
and/or a second HDD 4 Diskette drive 5 Motherboard 6 Processor socket; Zero Insertion Force (ZIF)
“Socket 7”-type 7 Main jumper block
11 12
8 DIMM sockets for system memory upgrades 9 Expansion card riser
10 Video memory upgrade socket (factory
11 Secondary E-IDE interface connector for the
CD-ROM drive
12 Primary E-IDE interface connector for hard
disk drives
13 CMOS battery
Welcome 1/5
Pentium II systems
6 7
1 Power supply unit (PSU) 2 Master hard disk drive (HDD) 3 Forward drive bay for removable media drives
and/or a second HDD 4 Diskette drive 5 Motherboard 6 DIMM sockets for system memory upgrades 7 Processor 8 Expansion card riser 9 Video memory upgrade socket (factory
10 11
10 Secondary E-IDE interface connector for the
CD-ROM drive
11 Primary E-IDE interface connector for hard
disk drives
12 CMOS battery
1/6 Welcome

Removing panels

For normal access to the interior of the system unit, only the right side panel, and possibly the top panel, need to be removed. The left side panel must be removed in order to install additional removable­media or hard disk drives in the forward drive bay.
Never carry out any work inside the computer with AC power applied. Always shut down the computer and unplug all power cords before removing the top cover. Take effective anti-static precautions while the covers are off, as explained in the Safety & Regulatory Notices at the start of this manual.
Right side panel
1. Shut down the computer and turn off the monitor.
2. If your AC power outlets have switches, set them to their off positions.
3. Unplug all power cords from the rear of the system unit.
4. Remove the panel’s two fixing screws.
5. Turn the caselock key to the unlocked position.
6. Slide the panel carefully towards the rear of the system using the handle provided. After about 2 to 3 cm of movement it is possible to lift the panel vertically, clear of the system.
See the appropriate chapter on Motherboard Features & Upgrades for more information about the motherboard.
Top panel
1. Remove the main side panel as described above.
2. Remove the top panel’s fixing screw.
3. Slide the panel rearwards, then lift it off.
Welcome 1/7
+ 78 hidden pages