Mitsubishi 32172, 32173 User Manual

Mitsubishi 32-bit RISC Single-chip Microcomputers
M32R Family M32R/ECU Series
32172 32173
Before using this material, please visit the above website to confirm that this is the most current document available.
Revision date: Oct. 5, 2001
Rev. 1.0
Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor prod­ucts better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with ap­propriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of non­flammable material or (iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap.
Notes regarding these materials
These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Mitsubishi semiconductor product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or a third party.
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All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, pro­grams and algorithms represents information on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are subject to change by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation without notice due to product improvements or other reasons. It is therefore recommended that customers contact Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or an authorized Mitsubishi Semiconductor product distributor for the latest product information before purchasing a product listed herein. The information described here may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability , or other loss rising from these inaccuracies or errors. Please also pay attention to information published by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation by various means, including the Mitsubishi Semiconductor home page (http://
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Please contact Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or an authorized Mitsubishi Semiconductor product distributor for further details on these materials or the products contained therein.
Rev. Date Description
Page Summary
1.0 10/5/2001 - First edition issued
How to read internal I/O register tables
Bit Numbers: Each register is connected with an internal bus of 16-bit
wide, so the bit numbers of the registers located at even addresses are D0-D7, and those at odd addresses are D8-D15.
State of Register at Reset: Represents the initial state of each register
immediately after reset with hexadecimal numbers (undefined bits after reset are indicated each in column .)
At read: ... read enabled
? ... read disabled (read value invalid) 0 ... Read always as 0 1 ... Read always as 1
At write: : Write enabled
: Write enable conditionally
(include some conditions at write)
- : Write disabled (Written value invalid)
<Example of representation>
Not implemented in the shaded portion.
D 0 Not assigned. 1 Abit
Bit name Function
Bbit Cbit
0: ----­1: -----
0: ----­1: -----
0: ----­1: ----
Registers represented with thick rectangles are accessible only with halfwords or words (not accessible with bytes)
<at reset: H'04>
3 4


1.1 Overview................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.1 M32R Family CPU Core.....................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Built-in Multiply-Accumulate Operation Function................................ 1-3
1.1.3 Built-in Flash Memory and RAM......................................................... 1-3
1.1.4 Built-in Clock Multiplier Circuit............................................................1-4
1.1.5 Built-in Powerful Peripheral Functions ...............................................1-4
1.1.6 Built-in Full-CAN Function .................................................................. 1-5
1.1.7 Two Built-in D-A Converters...............................................................1-5
1.1.8 Built-in Timer/Arithmetic Circuits for PD (Phase Digital) Sensors ......1-6
1.1.9 Built-in Debug Function ...................................................................... 1-6
1.2 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................ 1-7
1.3 Pin Functions .......................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4 Pin Layout............................................................................................................... 1-18
2.1 CPU Registers ....................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 General-purpose Registers.................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Control Registers ................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.1 Processor Status Word Register: PSW (CR0) .........................................2-4
2.3.2 Condition Bit Register: CBR (CR1) ..........................................................2-5
2.3.3 Interrupt Stack Pointer: SPI (CR2) ...........................................................2-5
User Stack Pointer: SPU (CR3)
2.3.4 Backup PC: BPC (CR6) ...........................................................................2-5
2.4 Accumulator........................................................................................................... 2-6
2.5 Program Counter ................................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 Data Formats ......................................................................................................... 2-7
2.6.1 Data Types ...............................................................................................2-7
2.6.2 Data Formats............................................................................................2-8
3.1 Outline of the Address Space ................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Operation Modes .................................................................................................... 3-5
3.3 Internal ROM and External Extended Areas........................................................... 3-8
3.3.1 Internal ROM Area .............................................................................. 3-8
3.3.2 External Extended Area ...................................................................... 3-8
3.4 Internal RAM and SFR Areas ................................................................................. 3-9
3.4.1 Internal RAM Area...............................................................................3-9
3.4.2 SFR (Special Function Register) Area ................................................3-9
3.5 EIT Vector Entry ..................................................................................................... 3-35
3.6 ICU Vector Table .................................................................................................... 3-36
3.7 Precautions on Address Space .............................................................................. 3-38
4.1 Outline of EIT.......................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 EIT Events .............................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.1 Exceptions...........................................................................................4-3
4.2.2 Interrupts .............................................................................................4-3
4.2.3 Trap ..................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3 EIT Processing Procedure...................................................................................... 4-4
4.4 EIT Processing Mechanism .................................................................................... 4-6
4.5 Accepting EIT Events ............................................................................................. 4-7
4.6 Saving and Restoring PC and PSW ....................................................................... 4-8
4.7 EIT Vector Entry ..................................................................................................... 4-10
4.8 Exception Handling................................................................................................. 4-11
4.8.1 Reserved Instruction Exception (RIE) .................................................4-11
4.8.2 Address Exception (AE) ......................................................................4-13
4.9 Interrupt Handling ................................................................................................... 4-15
4.9.1 Reset Interrupt (RI).............................................................................. 4-15
4.9.2 System Break Interrupt (SBI) .............................................................. 4-16
4.9.3 External Interrupt (EI) .......................................................................... 4-18
4.10 Trap Handling ....................................................................................................... 4-20
4.10.1 Trap (TRAP) ...................................................................................... 4-20
4.11 EIT Priority ............................................................................................................ 4-22
4.12 Example of EIT Processing .................................................................................. 4-23
4.13 Precautions on EIT ............................................................................................... 4-25
5.1 Outline of the Interrupt Controller (ICU).................................................................. 5-2
5.2 Interrupt Sources of Internal Peripheral I/Os .......................................................... 5-4
5.3 ICU Related Registers ............................................................................................ 5-6
5.3.1 Interrupt Vector Register ....................................................................5-7
5.3.2 Interrupt Mask Register ...................................................................... 5-8
5.3.3 SBI (System Break Interrupt) Control Register .................................. 5-9
5.3.4 Interrupt Control Registers .................................................................5-10
5.4 ICU Vector Table .................................................................................................... 5-14
5.5 Description of Interrupt Operation........................................................................... 5-17
5.5.1 Accepting Interrupts from Internal Peripheral I/O ............................... 5-17
5.5.2 Processing of Internal Peripheral I/O Interrupts by Handler...............5-20
5.6 Description of System Break Interrupt (SBI) Operation .......................................... 5-22
5.6.1 Accepting SBI Interrupt ......................................................................5-22
5.6.2 SBI Processing by Handler ................................................................5-22
6.1 Outline of the Internal Memory .............................................................................. 6-2
6.2 Internal RAM.......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Internal Flash Memory ........................................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Internal Flash Memory Related Registers ............................................................. 6-3
6.4.1 Flash Mode Register ..........................................................................6-4
6.4.2 Flash Status Registers .......................................................................6-5
6.4.3 Flash Control Registers......................................................................6-8
6.4.4 Virtual-flash L Bank Registers ............................................................ 6-14
6.4.5 Virtual-flash S Bank Registers............................................................ 6-15
6.5 Programming the Internal Flash Memory .............................................................. 6-16
6.5.1 Outline of Flash Memory Programming.............................................. 6-16
6.5.2 Controlling Operation Modes during Flash Programming ...................6-22
6.5.3 Procedure for Programming the Internal Flash Memory ....................6-25
6.5.4 Flash Programming Time (Reference Data) ...................................... 6-36
6.6 Boot ROM .............................................................................................................. 6-37
6.7 Virtual-flash Emulation Function ............................................................................ 6-38
6.7.1 Virtual-Flash Emulation Areas............................................................6-40
6.7.2 Transition to Virtual-Flash Emulation Mode ....................................... 6-45
6.7.3 Application Example for Virtual-Flash Emulation Mode ..................... 6-46
6.8 Connecting a Serial Programmer .......................................................................... 6-48
6.9 Precautions on Rewriting Flash Memory ............................................................... 6-50
7.1 Outline of Reset ..................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2 Reset Operation..................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Power-on Reset.................................................................................. 7-2
7.2.2 Reset during Operation ......................................................................7-2
7.2.3 Reset Vector Movement during Flash Rewrite...................................7-2
7.3 Internal State Immediately after Reset .................................................................. 7-3
7.4 Precautions to Be Taken Immediately after Reset ................................................ 7-5
8.1 Outline of Input/Output Ports .................................................................................. 8-2
8.2 Selecting Pin Functions ......................................................................................... 8-4
8.3 Input/Output Port Related Registers....................................................................... 8-6
8.3.1 Port Data Registers ............................................................................. 8-8
8.3.2 Port Direction Registers ......................................................................8-9
8.3.3 Port Operation Mode Registers...........................................................8-10
8.4 Port Peripheral Circuits.......................................................................................... 8-31
8.5 Precautions on Input/Output Ports......................................................................... 8-39
9.1 Outline of DMAC.................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2 DMAC Related Registers....................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.1 DMA Channel Control Registers ........................................................9-7
9.2.2 DMA Request Extended Cause Register ........................................... 9-18
9.2.3 DMA Software Request Generation Registers...................................9-29
9.2.4 DMA Source Address Registers......................................................... 9-30
9.2.5 DMA Destination Address Registers .................................................. 9-31
9.2.6 DMA Transfer Count Registers ..........................................................9-32
9.2.7 DMA Interrupt Request Status Registers ...........................................9-33
9.2.8 DMA Interrupt Mask Registers ...........................................................9-35
9.3 Functional Description of DMAC............................................................................ 9-39
9.3.1 Cause of DMA Request...................................................................... 9-39
9.3.2 DMA Transfer Processing Procedure................................................. 9-49
9.3.3 Starting DMA ...................................................................................... 9-50
9.3.4 Priority of DMA Channels ................................................................... 9-50
9.3.5 Gaining and Releasing Control of the Internal Bus ............................9-51
9.3.6 Transfer Unit....................................................................................... 9-51
9.3.7 Transfer Count ................................................................................... 9-51
9.3.8 Address Space ................................................................................... 9-52
9.3.9 Transfer Operation .............................................................................9-52
9.3.10 End of DMA and Interrupt................................................................. 9-55
9.3.11 Register Status after End of DMA Transfer......................................9-55
9.4 Precautions on Using DMAC ................................................................................. 9-56
10.1 Outline of the Input/Output Timers....................................................................... 10-2
10.2 Common Timer Unit............................................................................................. 10-8
10.2.1 Register Map of the Common Timer Unit.........................................10-8
10.2.2 Prescaler Unit...................................................................................10-10
10.2.3 Input Processing Control Unit........................................................... 10-11
10.2.4 Output Flip-flop Control Unit.............................................................10-20
10.2.5 Interrupt Control Unit ........................................................................ 10-24
10.3 TMS (Input Related 16-bit Timers) ...................................................................... 10-43
10.3.1 Outline of the TMS ........................................................................... 10-43
10.3.2 Functional Outline of the TMS..........................................................10-43
10.3.3 TMS Related Register Map .............................................................. 10-45
10.3.4 TMS Control Register.......................................................................10-46
10.3.5 TMS Counter (TMS0CT) ..................................................................10-47
10.3.6 TMS Measure Registers (TMS0MR3~0).......................................... 10-48
10.3.7 TMS Old Measure Registers (TMS0OLDMR3~0) ............................ 10-49
10.3.8 Operation of TMS Measure Input ..................................................... 10-50
10.4 TML (Input Related 32-bit Timers)....................................................................... 10-52
10.4.1 Outline of the TML............................................................................10-52
10.4.2 Functional Outline of the TML ..........................................................10-53
10.4.3 TML Related Register Map .............................................................. 10-54
10.4.4 TML Control Register .......................................................................10-55
10.4.5 TML Counters................................................................................... 10-56
10.4.6 TML Measure Registers ................................................................... 10-57
10.4.7 TML Old Measure Registers ............................................................ 10-58
10.4.8 Operation of TML Measure Input ..................................................... 10-59
10.5 TID (Input Related 16-bit Timers) ........................................................................ 10-61
10.5.1 Outline of the TID .............................................................................10-61
10.5.2 TID Related Register Map................................................................10-63
10.5.3 TID Control & Prescaler Enable Registers ....................................... 10-64
10.5.4 TID Counters (TID0CT and TID1CT) ............................................... 10-66
10.5.5 TID Reload Registers (TID0RL and TID1RL)...................................10-67
10.5.6 Outline of Each TID Operation Mode ...............................................10-68
10.6 TOM (Output Related 16-bit Timers) ................................................................... 10-75
10.6.1 Outline of the TOM ...........................................................................10-75
10.6.2 Outline of Each TOM Operation Mode ............................................. 10-77
10.6.3 TOM Related Register Map.............................................................. 10-79
10.6.4 PWM Output Disable Registers........................................................ 10-82
10.6.5 PWM Output Disable Control Registers ........................................... 10-84
10.6.6 TOM Control Registers..................................................................... 10-88
10.6.7 TOM Counters..................................................................................10-90
10.6.8 TOM Reload 0 Registers..................................................................10-92
10.6.9 TOM Reload 1 Registers..................................................................10-94
10.6.10 TOM Enable Protect Registers....................................................... 10-96
10.6.11 TOM Count Enable Registers ........................................................ 10-98
10.6.12 TID Control & Prescaler Enable Registers ..................................... 10-100
10.6.13 Operation of TOM in PWM Output Mode .......................................10-103
10.6.14 Operation of TOM in Single-shot Output Mode .............................. 10-107
(without Correction Function)
10.6.15 Operation of TOM in Single-shot PWM Output Mode ....................10-109
(without Correction Function)
10.6.16 Operation of TOM in Successive Output Mode..............................10-111
(without Correction Function)
10.6.17 TOM Output Disable Function........................................................10-113
10.6.18 Example for Using the TOM in Motor Control Applications ............ 10-116
11.1 Outline of the A-D Converters.............................................................................. 11-2
11.1.1 Conversion Modes ...........................................................................11-7
11.1.2 Operation Modes..............................................................................11-8
11.1.3 Special Operation Modes ................................................................. 11-11
11.1.4 Interrupt and DMA Transfer Requests by A-D Converters...............11-14
11.2 A-D Converter Related Registers ........................................................................ 11-15
11.2.1 A-D Single Mode Registers 0 ........................................................... 11-19
11.2.2 A-D Single Mode Registers 1 ........................................................... 11-23
11.2.3 A-D Scan Mode Registers 0.............................................................11-26
11.2.4 A-D Scan Mode Registers 1.............................................................11-30
11.2.5 A-D Conversion Speed Control Registers........................................11-33
11.2.6 A-D Digital Input Control Registers .................................................. 11-35
11.2.7 A-D Successive Approximation Registers........................................11-36
11.2.8 A-D Comparate Data Registers........................................................ 11-38
11.2.9 10-bit A-D Data Registers ................................................................ 11-40
11.2.10 8-bit A-D Data Registers ................................................................ 11-42
11.3 Functional Description of the A-D Converters ...................................................... 11-44
11.3.1 How to Find Analog Input Voltages ................................................... 11-44
11.3.2 A-D Conversion of Successive Approximation Method....................11-45
11.3.3 Comparator Operation...................................................................... 11-47
11.3.4 Calculating the A-D Conversion Time ..............................................11-48
11.3.5 Definition of the A-D Conversion Accuracy .......................................11-52
11.4 Precautions on Using the A-D Converters........................................................... 11-54
12.1 Outline of Serial I/O ............................................................................................. 12-2
12.2 Serial I/O Related Registers ................................................................................ 12-8
12.2.1 SIO Interrupt Related Registers ........................................................12-10
12.2.2 SIO Interrupt Control Registers ........................................................ 12-12
12.2.3 SIO Transmit Control Registers ....................................................... 12-19
12.2.4 SIO Transmit/Receive Mode Registers ............................................ 12-21
12.2.5 SIO Transmit Buffer Registers ......................................................... 12-24
12.2.6 SIO Receive Buffer Registers .......................................................... 12-25
12.2.7 SIO Receive Control Registers ........................................................ 12-26
12.2.8 SIO Baud Rate Registers ................................................................. 12-29
12.3 Transmit Operation in CSIO Mode ...................................................................... 12-31
12.3.1 Setting the CSIO Baud Rate ............................................................ 12-31
12.3.2 Initial Settings for CSIO Transmission.............................................. 12-32
12.3.3 Starting CSIO Transmission.............................................................12-34
12.3.4 Successive CSIO Transmission ....................................................... 12-34
12.3.5 Processing at End of CSIO Transmission ........................................ 12-35
12.3.6 Transmit Interrupt ............................................................................. 12-35
12.3.7 Transmit DMA Transfer Request...................................................... 12-35
12.3.8 Typical CSIO Transmit Operation .................................................... 12-37
12.4 Receive Operation in CSIO Mode ....................................................................... 12-39
12.4.1 Initial Settings for CSIO Reception...................................................12-39
12.4.2 Starting CSIO Reception .................................................................. 12-41
12.4.3 Processing at End of CSIO Reception .............................................12-41
12.4.4 About Successive Reception............................................................ 12-42
12.4.5 Flags Indicating the Status of CSIO Receive Operation .................. 12-43
12.4.6 Typical CSIO Receive Operation ..................................................... 12-44
12.5 Precautions on Using CSIO Mode....................................................................... 12-46
12.6 Transmit Operation in UART Mode ..................................................................... 12-48
12.6.1 Setting the UART Baud Rate ........................................................... 12-48
12.6.2 UART Transmit/Receive Data Formats............................................12-49
12.6.3 Initial Settings for UART Transmission............................................. 12-51
12.6.4 Starting UART Transmission............................................................12-53
12.6.5 Successive UART Transmission ...................................................... 12-53
12.6.6 Processing at End of UART Transmission ....................................... 12-54
12.6.7 Transmit Interrupt ............................................................................. 12-54
12.6.8 Transmit DMA Transfer Request...................................................... 12-54
12.6.9 Typical UART Transmit Operation ...................................................12-56
12.7 Receive Operation in UART Mode ...................................................................... 12-58
12.7.1 Initial Settings for UART Reception..................................................12-58
12.7.2 Starting UART Reception ................................................................. 12-60
12.7.3 Processing at End of UART Reception ............................................12-60
12.7.4 Typical UART Receive Operation ....................................................12-62
12.8 Fixed Period Clock Output Function .................................................................... 12-64
12.9 Precautions on Using UART Mode...................................................................... 12-65
13.1 Outline of the CAN Modules ................................................................................ 13-2
13.2 CAN Module Related Registers........................................................................... 13-5
13.2.1 CAN Control Registers .....................................................................13-13
13.2.2 CAN Status Registers ......................................................................13-17
13.2.3 CAN Extended ID Registers.............................................................13-21
13.2.4 CAN Configuration Registers ...........................................................13-22
13.2.5 CAN Time stamp Count Registers ...................................................13-25
13.2.6 CAN Error Count Registers .............................................................. 13-26
13.2.7 CAN Baud Rate Prescalers..............................................................13-27
13.2.8 CAN Interrupt Related Registers......................................................13-28
13.2.9 CAN Mask Registers ........................................................................ 13-39
13.2.10 CAN Message Slot Control Registers ............................................13-43
13.2.11 CAN Message Slots .......................................................................13-48
13.3 CAN Protocol ....................................................................................................... 13-78
13.3.1 CAN Protocol Frames ...................................................................... 13-78
13.4 Initialization of the CAN Module........................................................................... 13-81
13.4.1 Initializing the CAN Module ..............................................................13-81
13.4.2 CAN Timing ...................................................................................... 13-84
13.5 Transmitting Data Frames ................................................................................... 13-85
13.5.1 Data Frame Transmission Procedure .............................................. 13-85
13.5.2 Data Frame Transmit Operation....................................................... 13-87
13.5.3 Transmit Abort Function ................................................................... 13-88
13.6 Receiving Data Frames ....................................................................................... 13-89
13.6.1 Data Frame Reception Procedure.................................................... 13-89
13.6.2 Data Frame Receive Operation........................................................ 13-91
13.6.3 Reading Out a Received Data Frame ..............................................13-93
13.7 Transmitting Remote Frames .............................................................................. 13-95
13.7.1 Remote Frame Transmission Procedure ......................................... 13-95
13.7.2 Remote Frame Transmit Operation.................................................. 13-97
Reading Out a Received Data Frame When Set for Remote Frame Transmission ...
13.8 Receiving Remote Frames .................................................................................. 13-102
13.8.1 Remote Frame Reception Procedure............................................... 13-102
13.8.2 Remote Frame Receive Operation................................................... 13-104
14.1 Outline of the Real-Time Debugger (RTD) .......................................................... 14-2
14.2 Pin Function of the RTD ...................................................................................... 14-3
14.3 Functional Description of the RTD....................................................................... 14-4
14.3.1 Outline of RTD Operation.................................................................14-4
14.3.2 Operation of RDR (Real-time RAM Content Output)........................ 14-5
14.3.3 Operation of WRR (RAM Content Forcible Rewrite) ........................ 14-7
14.3.4 Operation of VER (Continuous Monitor)........................................... 14-9
14.3.5 Operation of VEI (Interrupt Request)................................................ 14-10
14.3.6 Operation of RCV (Recover from Runaway) .................................... 14-11
14.3.7 Method to Set a Specified Address when Using the RTD................14-12
14.3.8 Resetting the RTD............................................................................14-13
14.4 Typical Connection with the Host ........................................................................ 14-14
15.1 Outline of the PD Module..................................................................................... 15-2
15.2 PD Module Related Registers ............................................................................. 15-5
15.2.1 Prescaler Unit...................................................................................15-7
15.2.2 DACNT Reload Register ..................................................................15-10
15.2.3 TIN Input Processing Control Register..............................................15-11
15.2.4 TIN Interrupt Control Register ..........................................................15-13
15.2.5 TIN Interrupt Status Register............................................................ 15-14
15.2.6 DACNT Control Register .................................................................. 15-16
15.2.7 TPD Control Register .......................................................................15-17
15.2.8 DACNT Counter ...............................................................................15-18
15.2.9 TPD Counter .................................................................................... 15-19
15.2.10 TPD Measure Registers ................................................................. 15-20
15.2.11 PD Calculation Interrupt Control Register ......................................15-22
15.2.12 PD Calculation Interrupt Status Register........................................ 15-23
15.2.13 Position Detection Accuracy Select Register .................................15-25
15.2.14 TEP Control Registers.................................................................... 15-26
15.2.15 TEP Counters.................................................................................15-28
15.2.16 PD Data Updating Disable Event Select Registers ........................ 15-30
15.2.17 PD Data Updating Control Registers.............................................. 15-31
15.2.18 ABD Mask Registers ......................................................................15-32
15.2.19 S Error Detection Range Select Registers ..................................... 15-33
15.2.20 ABD Compare Registers ................................................................ 15-34
15.2.21 PITCH Compare Registers............................................................. 15-35
15.2.22 FDLT Registers ..............................................................................15-36
15.2.23 PITCHLT Registers ........................................................................15-37
15.2.24 ABDLT Registers............................................................................ 15-38
15.2.25 RSUMLT Registers ........................................................................ 15-39
15.2.26 SSLT Registers ..............................................................................15-40
15.3 Initialization for PD Sensor Support..................................................................... 15-41
15.4 Precautions on Using the PD Module.................................................................. 15-44
16.1 Outline of the D-A Converters.............................................................................. 16-2
16.2 D-A Converter Related Registers ........................................................................ 16-5
16.2.1 Prescaler Unit...................................................................................16-8
16.2.2 DACNT Reload Register ..................................................................16-9
16.2.3 DACNT Control Register .................................................................. 16-10
16.2.4 DACNT Counter ...............................................................................16-11
16.2.5 D-A Control Register ........................................................................16-12
16.2.6 D-A Conversion Registers................................................................16-13
16.2.7 D-A0 Data Registers ........................................................................ 16-14
16.3 Functional Description of the D-A Converters ..................................................... 16-15
16.3.1 Single Mode ..................................................................................... 16-15
16.3.2 Continuous Mode .............................................................................16-15
17.1 External Bus Interface Related Signals ............................................................... 17-2
17.2 Read/Write Operations ........................................................................................ 17-14
17.3 Bus Arbitration ..................................................................................................... 17-20
17.4 Example for Connecting External Extension Memory ......................................... 17-22
18.1 Outline of the Wait Controller............................................................................... 18-2
18.2 Wait Controller Related Registers ....................................................................... 18-6
18.2.1 Wait States Control Register ............................................................ 18-7
18.3 Typical Operation of the Wait Controller.............................................................. 18-8
19.1 Outline ................................................................................................................. 19-2
19.2 Example of RAM Backup when Power is Down .................................................. 19-2
19.2.1 Normal Operating State.................................................................... 19-3
19.2.2 RAM Backup State ...........................................................................19-4
19.3 Example of RAM Backup for Saving Power Consumption .................................. 19-5
19.3.1 Normal Operating State.................................................................... 19-6
19.3.2 RAM Backup State ...........................................................................19-7
19.3.3 Precautions to Be Observed at Power-on ........................................ 19-8
19.4 Exiting RAM Backup Mode (Wakeup) ................................................................. 19-9
20.1 Oscillator Circuit................................................................................................... 20-2
20.1.1 Example of an Oscillator Circuit ...........................................................20-2
20.1.2 System Clock Output Function.............................................................20-3
20.1.3 Oscillation Stabilization Time at Power-on ........................................... 20-4
20.2 Clock Generator Circuit ....................................................................................... 20-5
21.1 Outline of the JTAG ............................................................................................. 21-2
21.2 Configuration of the JTAG Circuit ........................................................................ 21-3
21.3 JTAG Registers ................................................................................................... 21-4
21.3.1 Instruction Register (JTAGIR) ..........................................................21-4
21.3.2 Data Registers.................................................................................. 21-5
21.4 Basic Operation of the JTAG ............................................................................... 21-6
21.4.1 Outline of the JTAG Operation ......................................................... 21-6
21.4.2 IR Path Sequence ............................................................................21-8
21.4.3 DR Path Sequence........................................................................... 21-10
21.4.4 Examining and Setting Data Registers............................................. 21-12
21.5 Boundary Scan Description Language ................................................................ 21-14
21.6 Precautions on Board Design when Connecting the JTAG ................................. 21-37
21.7 Processing Pins when Not Using the JTAG ........................................................ 21-39
22.1 Configuration of the Power Supply Circuit ........................................................... 22-2
22.2 Power-On Sequence ........................................................................................... 22-3
22.2.1 Power-On Sequence When Not Using RAM Backup.......................22-3
22.2.2 Power-On Sequence When Using RAM Backup ............................. 22-4
22.3 Power-Shutdown Sequence ................................................................................ 22-5
22.3.1 Power-Shutdown Sequence When Not Using RAM Backup............ 22-5
22.3.2 Power-Shutdown Sequence When Using RAM Backup ..................22-6
23.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................. 23-2
23.2 Recommended Operating Conditions.................................................................. 23-3
23.3 DC Characteristics............................................................................................... 23-5
23.3.1 Electrical Characteristics ................................................................... 23-5
23.3.2 Flash Related Electrical Characteristics...........................................23-9
23.4 A-D Conversion Characteristics........................................................................... 23-10
23.5 D-A Conversion Characteristics........................................................................... 23-11
23.5.1 D-A Conversion Characteristics ........................................................23-11
23.6 AC Characteristics ............................................................................................... 23-12
23.6.1 Timing Requirements .......................................................................23-12
23.6.2 Switching Characteristics .................................................................23-16
23.6.3 AC Characteristics............................................................................ 23-19
24.1 A-D Conversion Characteristics............................................................................ 24-2
Appendix 1.1 Dimensional Outline Drawing ................................................................
Appendix 2.1 M32R/E Instruction Processing Time ....................................................
Appendix 3.1 Precautions about Noise........................................................................
Appendix 3.1.1 Reduction of Wiring Length ................................................
Appendix 3.1.2
Appendix 3.1.3 Processing Analog Input Pin Wiring ...................................
Appendix 3.1.4 Consideration about the Oscillator .....................................
Appendix 3.1.5 Processing Input/Output Ports ...........................................
Inserting a Bypass Capacitor between VSS and VCC Lines ........
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1.1 Overview
1.2 Block Diagram
1.3 Pin Functions
1.4 Pin Layout

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 M32R Family CPU Core

(1) Uses the RISC architecture
The 32172/32173 are 32-bit, RISC single-chip microcomputers built around the M32R family CPU core (hereafter referred to as the "M32R") and incorporating flash memory, RAM, and various other peripheral functions... all integrated into a single chip.
The M32R uses the RISC architecture. Memory accesses are performed using Load and Store instructions, and various arithmetic operations are executed using register-to-register operating instructions. The M32R internally has sixteen 32-bit general-purpose registers and a total of 83 discrete instructions.
In addition to Load and Store instructions, the M32R supports compound instructions such as Load & Address Update and Store & Address Update. These instructions are useful for speeding up data transfers.
1.1 Overview
(2) 5-stage pipelined processing
The M32R uses 5-stage pipelined instruction processing consisting of Instruction Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory Access, and Write Back. Not just load and store instructions or register-to-register operation instructions, compound instructions such as Load & Address Update and Store & Address Update also are executed in one cycle.
Instructions are entered into the execution stage in the order they are fetched, but this does not always mean that the first instruction entered is executed first. If the execution of a load or store instruction entered earlier is delayed by one or more wait cycles inserted in memory access, a register-to-register operation instruction entered later may be executed before said load or store instruction. By using "out-of-order-completion" like this, the M32R controls instruction execution without wasting clock cycles.
(3) Compact instruction code
Instructions of the M32R come in either a 16-bit instruction or a 32-bit instruction format. Use of the 16-bit instruction format especially helps to reduce the code size of a program.
Some 32-bit instructions can branch directly to a location 32 Mbytes forward or backward from the currently executed instruction address. The availability of such instructions makes programming easier than for architectures with segmented address spaces.
1-2 Rev.1.0

1.1.2 Built-in Multiply-Accumulate Operation Function

(1) Built in high-speed multiplier
The M32R incorporates a 32-bit x 16-bit high-speed multiplier/accumulator which allows the processor to execute a 32-bit x 32-bit integer multiplication instruction in three cycles (one cycle is 25 ns when CPU memory clock = 40 MHz).
(2) Supports Multiply-Accumulate operation instructions comparable to DSP
The M32R supports the following four modes of Multiply-Accumulate operation instructions (or multiplication instructions) based on a 56-bit accumulator:
16 high-order register bits x 16 high-order register bits 16 low-order register bits x 16 low-order register bits All 32 register bits x 16 high-order register bits All 32 register bits x 16 low-order register bits
The M32R has instructions to round off the value stored in the accumulator to 16 or 32 bits, as well as instructions to shift the accumulator value to adjust digits and store the digit-adjusted value in a register. These instructions also can be executed in one cycle, so that when combined with high-speed data transfer instructions such as Load & Address Update and Store & Address Update, they enable the M32R to exhibit high data processing capability comparable to that of DSP.
1.1 Overview

1.1.3 Built-in Flash Memory and RAM

The 32172/32173 contains flash memory and RAM that can be accessed with no wait states, making it possible to build a high-speed embedded system.
The internal flash memory allows for on-board programming (you can write to it while being mounted on the printed circuit board). Use of flash memory means the chip engineered at the development phase can be used directly in mass-production, so that you can smoothly migrate from prototype to mass-production without changing the printed circuit board.
The internal flash memory can be rewritten 100 times.
The internal flash memory has a virtual-flash emulation function, allowing the internal RAM
tobe artificially mapped into part of the internal flash memory. This function, when combined with the internal Real-Time Debugger (RTD), facilitates data tuning on ROM tables.
The internal RAM can be accessed for read or rewrite from an external device independently of the M32R by using RTD (real-time debugger). It is communicated with external devices by RTD's exclusive clock-synchronized serial I/O.
1-3 Rev.1.0

1.1.4 Built-in Clock Multiplier Circuit

The 32172/32173 internally multiplies the frequency of the input clock signal by 4 (or by 2 for the internal peripheral clock). When the input clock frequency is 10.0 MHz, the CPU clock frequency is 40 MHz and that of the internal peripheral clock is 20 MHz.

1.1.5 Built-in Powerful Peripheral Functions

(1) Built-in input/output timers
The timers used in the 32172/32173 consist of the following 26 channels of timers. (When not using the PDC module as a sensor interface circuit, eight more channels of input timers are available.)
16-bit output related timers x 16 channels 16-bit input related timers x 6 channels 32-bit input related timers x 4 channels
Each timer has multiple modes to choose from, depending on the purpose of use.
1.1 Overview
(2) Built-in 10-channel DMA
The microcomputer contains 10 channels of DMA, allowing for data transfer between internal peripheral I/Os and between internal RAM and internal peripheral I/O. DMA transfer requests can be issued from the user-created software, as well as can be triggered by a signal generated by the internal peripheral I/O (A-D converter, input/output timer, or serial I/O).
The microcomputer also supports cascaded operation between DMA channels (starting DMA transfer on a channel at the end of transfer on another channel). This makes advanced transfer processing possible without causing any additional CPU load.
(3) Built-in two blocks of A-D converters
The microcomputer contains an 8-channel A-D converter and a 4-channel A-D converter, both capable of 10-bit resolution.
In addition to ordinary A-D conversion, the converters support comparator mode in which a set value and the A-D converted value are compared to determine which is larger or smaller than the other.
When A-D conversion is finished, the converters can generate a DMA transfer request, as well as an interrupt.
(4) High-speed serial I/O
The microcomputer contains eight channels of serial I/Os which can be set for clock­synchronized serial I/O or UART.
The transfer rate in clock-synchronized serial I/O mode is a high 2 Mbits per second, allowing for fast data transfer.
The serial I/O has the function to generate a DMA transfer request when data reception is
1-4 Rev.1.0
completed or the transmit register becomes empty.
(5) Built-in Real-time Debugger (RTD)
The Real-time Debugger (RTD) provides a function for accessing directly from the outside to the M32R/E's internal RAM. It uses a dedicated clock-synchronized serial I/O to communicate with external devices.
Use of the RTD allows the contents of the internal RAM to be read out or its data to be rewritten from the outside, independently of the M32R.
An RTD interrupt can be generated to indicate that RTD-based data transmission or reception is completed.
(6) 8-level interrupt controller
The Interrupt Controller controls interrupt requests from internal peripheral I/Os by using eight priority levels (including interrupt-disabled state) which are assigned to each interrupt source. It also handles external interrupt requests generated upon detection of power outage or generated by the watchdog timer as System Break Interrupt (SBI).
(7) Three operation modes
1.1 Overview
The M32R/E supports three operation modes: single-chip, external extended, and processor modes. The M32R/E's address space and external pin functions are switched over according to each mode. Modes are selected using the MOD0 and MOD1 pins.
(8) Wait controller
The Wait Controller supports access to external devices. In other than single-chip mode, up to 4 Mbytes of space is available for an external extended area.

1.1.6 Built-in Full-CAN Function

The microcomputer contains two CAN modules compliant with CAN Specification V2.0B active, each of which has 16-channel message slots.

1.1.7 Two Built-in D-A Converters

The microcomputer contains two blocks of 8-bit resolution D-A converters.
1-5 Rev.1.0
In addition to ordinary D-A conversion, these converters support the function to successively output any data. Also, the converters have a 256-byte output buffer (available for only the D­A0 converter).

1.1.8 Built-in Timer/Arithmetic Circuits for PD (Phase Digital) Sensors

The microcomputer contains two blocks of timer/arithmetic circuits that operate along with PD
(Phase Digital) sensors.
With various arithmetic circuits needed for position predictive operations incorporated, and the
timers interlocked with the D-A converters, fast data processing is possible.
When not using the PD circuit, the PD sensor-handling timers can be used as ordinary input
measurement timers or input event counters.

1.1.9 Built-in Debug Function

1.1 Overview
The 32172/32173 supports the JTAG interface. Using this JTAG interface, the microcomputer
can perform boundary scan test.
1-6 Rev.1.0

1.2 Block Diagram

1.2 Block Diagram
Figure 1.2.1 shows a block diagram of the 32172/32173. The features of each block are outlined in Tables 1.2.1 to 1.2.3.
32172 32173
Internal Bus
M32R CPU Core
(max 40MHz)
(32 x 16+56)
Internal Flash Memory
(A-D0: 10-bit A-D, 8 channels) (A-D1: 10-bit A-D, 4 channels)
Internal 32-bit Bus
(10 channels)
Input/output Timer
(26 channels)
A-D Converter x 2
Serial I/O
(8 channels)
Internal RAM (M32172F2 : 16KB) (M32173F2 : 32KB)
Real-time Debugger
PLL Clock Generating Circuit
Figure 1.2.1 Block Diagram
Interrupt Controller
(interrupt sources in 8 levels)
Internal 16-bit Bus
External Bus
Input/output Ports (JTAG), 99 lines
Wait Controller
Full CAN
(2 channels)
D-A Converter x 2
(8 bits)
PD Controller
1-7 Rev.1.0
Table 1.2.1 Features of the M32R Family CPU Core
Functional Block Features
M32R family • Bus specifications CPU core Basic bus cycle: 25 ns (when CPU clock = 40 MHz)
Logical address space: 4 Gbytes linear External extended area: Maximum 4 Mbytes External data bus: 16 bits
• Implementation: Five-stage pipelined processing
• CPU core internally configured in 32 bits
• Register configuration General-purpose register: 32 bits x 16 Control register: 32 bits x 5
• Instruction set 16-bit/32-bit instruction formats 83 discrete instructions/6 addressing modes
• Built-in multiplier-accumulator (32 x 16 + 56)
1.2 Block Diagram
Table 1.2.2 Features of the Internal Memory
Functional Block Features
RAM • Capacity
M32172F2: 16 Kbytes M32173F2: 32 Kbytes
• No-wait access
• By using the RTD (Real-time Debugger), the internal RAM can be accessed for
data read or rewrite from the outside, independently of the M32R.
Flash memory • Capacity: 256 Kbytes
• No-wait access
• Durability: Can be rewritten 100 times
1-8 Rev.1.0
1.2 Block Diagram
Table 1.2.3 Features of Internal Peripheral I/Os
Functional Block Features
DMA • 10-channel DMA
• Supports data transfer between internal peripheral I/Os, between internal RAMs, and between internal peripheral I/O and internal RAM
• Capable of fast DMA transfer when used in combination with internal peripheral I/O
• Capable of cascaded operation between DMA channels (starting DMA transfer on a channel at the end of transfer on another)
Timer • 26-channel multifunction timers
• 16 channels of 16-bit output related timers, 6 channels of 16-bit input related timers, and 4 channels of 32-bit input related timers
• Flexible timer configuration is possible by interconnecting each timer channel
A-D converter • One 8-channel A-D converter and one 4-channel A-D converter, both capable of
10-bit resolution
• Supports comparator mode
• Can generate an interrupt or start DMA transfer at completion of A-D conversion
• Can monitor pin levels on a total of 20 channels (with reduced accuracy, however)
Serial I/O • 8-channel serial I/O
• Can be set for clock-synchronized serial I/O or UART
• Capable of fast data transfer at 2 Mbits/second during clock-synchronized mode or 156 Kbits/second during UART mode
Real-time debugger • Can rewrite/monitor the internal RAM by command input from the outside,
independently of the CPU
• Comes with dedicated clock-synchronized serial port
Interrupt controller • Controls interrupt requests from internal peripheral I/Os
• Eight priority levels including interrupt-disabled state
Wait controller • Controls wait state when accessing external extended area
• Inserts 1 to 4 wait cycles by software setting + extends wait period by external
WAIT signal input
Clock PLL • Multiply-by-4 clock generating circuit
• CPU clock of maximum 40 MHz (CPU, internal ROM, and internal RAM access)
• Internal peripheral clock of maximum 20 MHz (peripheral module access)
• Maximum external input clock frequency of 10.0 MHz
D-A converter • Two channels of 8-bit resolution D-A converters
D-A0 converter: D-A output, successive data output function, 256-byte output buffer available D-A1 converter: D-A output only
PD Controller • Two blocks of PD sensor-accommodating timers and various arithmetic circuits for
position predictive operation
• 16-bit input measurement timer: 4 channels; 16-bit input related timer: 4 channels
• When not using the PD circuit, the above timers can be used as input
measurement timers or input event counters CAN • Two blocks of CAN modules, each with 16-channel message slots JTAG • Boundary scan function, Mitsubishi original SDI debug function included
1-9 Rev.1.0

1.3 Pin Functions

1.3 Pin Functions
Figure 1.3.1 shows a pin function diagram of the 32172/32173. Table 1.3.1 provides a description of pin functions.
Data bus
Address bus Bus control
Interrupt controller
Bus control serial I/O
Realtime debugger
A-D converter
D-A converter
Port 0 Port 1
Port 2 Port 3
Port 4
Port 6
Port 7
FP P00 P07/DB0 DB7 P10 P17/DB8 DB15
P20 P27 / A23 A30
P30 P37 / A15 A22
P41 / BLW / BLE P42 / BHW / BHE
P43 / RD P44 / CS0 P45 / CS1
P46 / A13 / CS3 P47 / A14
P61 P63
P64 / SBI P70 / BCLK / WR
P71 / WAIT P72 / HREQ
DA0 (/ AD1IN4)
DA1 (/ AD1IN5)
8 8
8 8
8 4
3.3V (Note)
5V (Note)
M32172F2VFP, M32173F2VFP
P82 / TXD0 P83 / RXD0 P84 / SCLKI 0 / SCLKO 0 P85 / TXD1
P86 / RXD1 P87 / SCLKI 1 / SCLKO 1
P93 / RXD3 (/ AD0IN8) P94 / TXD6 P95 / RXD6 P96 / CTX1 P97 / CRX1
P100 P103 / TO8 TO11 P104 / TO12 / SCLKI4 P105 / TO13 / SCLKO4 P106 / TO14 / TXD4 P107 / TO15 / RXD4
P110 P113 / TO0 TO3 P114 / TO4/ SCLKI5 P115 / TO5 / SCLKO5 P116 / TO6 / TXD5 P117 / TO7 / RXD5
P124 / TIN0A (/ AD0IN9) P125 / TIN0B (/ AD1IN9)
P126 / TIN1A (/ AD0IN10) P127 / TIN1B (/ AD1IN10)
P130 / TIN16 / PWMOFF0 (/AD0IN11) P131 / TIN17 / PWMOFF1 (/AD1IN11) P132 / TIN18 (/ AD0IN12) P133 / TIN19 (/ AD1IN12) P134 / TIN20 (/ AD0IN13) P135 / TIN21 (/ AD1IN13) P136 / TIN22 (/ AD0IN14) P137 / TIN23 (/ AD1IN14)
P150 / TIN8 / TXD7 (/AD0IN15) P153 / TIN9 / RXD7 (/AD1IN15)
P172 / TIN10 (/ AD1IN6) P173 / TIN11 (/ AD1IN7) P174 / TXD2 P175 / RXD2
P220 / CTX0 P221 / CRX0 P225 / A12 / CS2
Port 8
Port 9
Port 10
Port 11
Port 12
Port 13
Port 15
Port 17
Port 22
Serial I/O
Serial I/O
CAN Input/output
timer Input/output
timer serial I/O
Input/output timer
Input/output timer serial I/O
PD module (A-D converter)
Input/output timer (A-D converter)
Input/output timer serial I/O (A-D converter)
Input/output timer serial I/O (A-D converter)
CAN Bus control
address bus
: The [3.3V] blocks operate with a 3.3 V power supply.
3.3V : The [5V] blocks operate with a 5 V or 3.3 V power supply.
Figure 1.3.1 Pin Function Diagram of 144LQFP Package
1-10 Rev.1.0
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