Mitel® Express Me ssenger provides up to eight voice mail ports to an
SX-200® ML/EL PBX that has LIGHTW ARE™ 16, Release 1.1 or later software.
Express Messeng er incl udes an Automat ed At tendan t which is ab le to det ect an d forwa rd
incoming F AX calls . Expr ess Mess enger also prov ides noti ficati on of mes sages to pag ers
or other telephon es .
More than one Express Messenger may be installed in a PBX; however, each Express
Messenger will operate independently. For example, multiple Express Messenger
systems could be installed to provide voice mail support to several tenants.
Express Messe nge r t yp ica lly su ppo rt s 1 0 to 2 5 use rs p er por t, d ep en di ng on t he u sag e of
Express Messenger.
Handle the Express Messenger card w it h extreme care - it contains
Personal Computer components and a hard disk drive.
When using your telephone equi pment, always follow basic saf ety precautio n s to reduce
the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following:
• Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen
sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool.
• Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There
may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
• Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of a leak.
1. Print the documentation
2. Complete the Installation Worksheet (part of this guide)
3. Script the Company Greetings
4. Program the PBX
5. Install the Expres s Messenger card into the PBX
6. Assign Call Forwarding to Telephones
7. Set Up Express Messenger from the Administrator Mailbox
8. Install Express Manager software onto a PC
9. Connect the Express Manager PC to the Express Me ssenger card
10. Complete the Programming from Express Manager
11. If required, connect the Property Management System (PMS) to the Express
Messenger Ca rd
12. If required, set up Recorded Announcement Device (RAD) ports and
13. If required, set up DID server (requires the Hospitality and PMS Options - see
The Hospitality Option and the PMS Option can be purchased by calling the Mitel
Corporation or der desk and gi v i ng the operator the serial number and model nu mber of
your Express Messenger card.
A Readme.txt file, two User Guides, a System Administration Manual, and this Installation
sheet are included on the two Mitel Express Messenger documentation diskettes. Print
these files locally as required. The System Administra tion Manual is a Word 97
documents (self-extracting zip file).
The User Guides and this installation sheet are provided as an Adobe Ac robat (PDF)
files. They ares also a self-extracting zip files. You n eed the Adobe Acrobat Reader to
view or print these filse. You can obtain this reader at no cost from the internet at the
following URL:
The Installati on Worksheet guid es t he Insta ll er an d t he Syste m Admi ni st rat or thr o ugh th e
initial installation of Express Mes senger. When you perform a new installation, the voice
prompts will occur in the same order as the instructions given below. Use these
instructions to complete the worksheet.
1. Carefully read through this section and completely fill in the installation worksheet
before installing Express Messenger.
2. Make necessary copies of all worksheet forms prior to initially installing Express
Messenger. Keep this comp leted workshee t available at the customer's site.
Date and Time
You must enter the date and time duri ng ini ti al inst a l la ti on of the Ex pr e ss Messenger.
1. Write the date using mm/dd/yy format and the time using 24-hour format (hhmm).
2. Leave the date and time blank until you actually perform the installation.
Business Hours
Specify your company's opening and closing times for all seven days of the week in 24
hour format. If y our b usi ne ss is n ot op en on a pa rt icu lar day, en ter 00 00 fo r bo th th e o pe n
and closed time s for that day.
Operator’s Extension
Enter the extension number of th e attendant console, a subattendant extensio n or other
valid PBX station. This allows Express Messenger to reach the correct telephone when
callers or subscribers dial 0.
Adding Mailboxes
Express Messenger reserves the following numbers for its own use. Do not use these
numbers for mailbox numbers.
Operator 0
Company Directory 9
General Administrative Functions 9000-9997 or 900-990 or 90-97
Modem 9998 or 998 or 98
Administrato r 9999 or 999 or 99
Complete the chart by following these steps.
1. Write each employee's name in the last column. You do not have to put the names in
alphabetical order.
2. Enter each employee's extension number next to their name.
3. Fill in the mailb ox number for each na me listed. Assign only one mailbox per
4. Enter the mailbox name and corresponding keypad digits for each employee. The
mailbox name consists of the first five letters of the person's last name, entered as
keypad digits on the telephone. Use 7 for Q and 9 for Z. If two names start with the
same five letters, Express Messenger will play both names and allow selection of
the correct one. ( In hotel/motel ins tallations Express Messenger routes the caller to
the front desk.)
Outside callers hear the company greeting after Express Messenger answers the call.
Record a set of two greeti n gs : on e for op en hou r s and on e fo r clo s ed hou r s.
1. Write down t he exact wording for the open hours greeting. Use the following
example as a guide.
"Thank you for calling ABC Industries. If you kn ow the number of the person you
want to contact, enter it now. For a company directory, press 9. For assistance,
press 0 or hold for the operator."
2. Write down the exact wording for the closed hours greeting. Use the following
example as a guide.
"You have reached ABC Industries. We are closed for the day, but if you wish to leave
a message, enter an extension number now. For a company directory, press 9."
1. Record a welcome greeting in both languages. In the second language por tion of
the greeting, inc lude instructions for callers to dial the Language Change mailbox
number (default 8) for service in the second language. Use the following example
as a guide:
“Thank you for ca lling ABC Industries. Merci d'appeler les Industries ABC. Pour le
service en francais, composez 8.
2. Record open hours and closed hours greeting in both languages. You can us e the
examples provided above for un ilingual systems.
Express Messenger plays the appropriate greeting based on the setting of Day/
Night service on the PBX or the specified open and closed hours.
PBX Day/Night serv ice overrides the open and closed ho ur s set in Express
Messenger when the “Greetings B as ed on Night Mode of PBX” setting in Express
Messenger is enabled.
Express Messenger always uses 9 for the company directory, so you can inc l ude
that in your greeting.
Use your greeting to create a favorable impression with callers. When recording, be
aware of background noise and do not use a speaker pho ne.
Limit greetings to less than 20 seconds in length.
To program an Express Messenger into the PBX
1. Log on to the PBX CDE terminal.
2. In Form 01, Configuration, assign the Express Messenger card as a Digital Line
Card to its assigned sl ot.
3. In Form 02, Feature Access Codes, program required feature access codes (see
Worksheet) . The codes for Feature Access Code 32 and 41 must also be entered
into Express Mess enger from either Express Manager or a telephone.
4. In Form 03, COS Define, assign required COS Options to the COS assigned to the
Express Messenger card. Assign COS options for the sets.
5. In Form 09, Desktop Device Assignments program the ports as SS430 S/ATT sets
(either 2, 4, 6, or 8 ports).
6. In Form 17, Hunt Groups, program th e Express Messenger ports as members of
one or more hunt groups. Set the hunt group type to “terminal”. Assign an access
number for each hunt group.
7. In Form 19, Call Rerouting Table, program Station Dial 0 Routing to route Dial 0 calls
to the console (or to another defi ned location).
8. Program for any optional Express Messenger features purchased as follows:
Softkey Support:
(LW 17, Rel 3.1)
Hospitality Option
(LW 17, Rel 3.1)
(See Note)
PMS Option:
(LW 17, Rel 3.1
(See Note)
Record a Call:
(LW 18, Rel 1.0)
The Hospitality Option and the PMS Option can be purchased by calling the Mitel
Corporation or der desk and gi v i ng the operator the serial number and model nu mber of
In Form 03, COS Define, enable Softkey support for Voicemail
(Feature # 267).
Assign COS options for the sets.
In Form 04, System Options, enable Support Softkey Access to
Voicemail (option 97) and set DTMF ON Tim er to 9 (option 69).
In Form 04, System Options, enable Automati c Wake-up optio ns
11 through 14.
In Form 02, Feature Access Codes, program an access code for
setting wake-up calls (Feature # 32).
In Form 03, COS Define, enable options number 202 and 322.
In Form 04, enab l e Property Management Syst e m ( op t i on 108).
In Form 04, System Option s, enable Record a Call (option
number 87).
In Form 03, COS Define, enable Record a Call in Voicemail
(option number 268).
In Form 17, Hunt Groups, enter the maximum number of ports
allowed for use by Record a Call.
In Form 19, Call Rerouting, enter the Record a Call hunt grou p
number if you are using a separate voicemail system for call
recording; otherwise enter the Voicemail hunt group number
Program sets with a Record a Call feature key.
your Express Messenger card.
The following po rts of an Expr ess Mes senger card CANNOT be prog rammed as phan tom
lines. Leave the following ports unprogrammed:
• Ports 3 through 1 2 of a 2-port card
• Ports 5 through 1 2 of a 4-port card
• Ports 7 through 1 2 of a 6-port card
• Ports 9 through 1 2 of a 8-port card
Only personnel qualified by MITEL should install or progr am Express Messenger.
Handle the Expres s Messe ng er c ar d by th e ed ges . Do not to uch comp one nts or cir c uitr y.
Always wear an antistatic wris t strap while handling printed cir c uit cards. Handle the
Express Messeng er ca rd w ith e xt reme car e - it co nt ains co mput er c ompo ne nts , inc lud in g
a hard disk drive.
1. Unpack the Express Messenger card from its packaging and inspect it .
2. Slide the Express Messenger card into its assigned PI C slot and secure it with the
card lever.
Set Call Forward/No Answer and/or Call Forward/Busy to forward calls to the internal
hunt group assigned to Express Messenger.
T o set up a system that operates in one language only :
1. Log into the System Administrator Mailbox by dialing the Express Messenger hunt
group access code followed by the System Administrator mailbox 9999 (assuming
4-digit extensions; otherwis e, 99 or 999 for 2- or 3-digit extensions).
2. Do one of the fol lowing:
• To set up a system to operate in the current language (default English), press 1.
• To set up a system to operate in another language, dia l the Technician’s
Passcode (default 8642), followed by 9, and th en 20001 for English, 20002 for
Spanish, or 20003 for French. Dial 10281 to reset the system. After the system
resets, log into the System Administrator Mailbox again, and then proceed with
step 3.
3. When prompted, enter the def ault passcode (1234). Continue with the procedure
“Setting Up Express Messenger for the First Time” as described in the System
Administration Manual.
To set up a system that operates in two languages:
1. Follow the abo v e procedure to set up the system to operate in one lang uage.
2. Log into the System Administrator Mailbox.
3. Dial the Technician’s Passcode (default 8642), followed by 9.
4. Dial 20272 followed by the 11-digit passcode required t o enable the Bilingual Voice
Prompts option. (You must call the Mitel Corporation order desk to get the
5. Set the defaul t lan gu ag e (i f d if fe ren t f ro m the ins ta lla t ion la ng uag e) b y di al ing 20 00 1
for English, 20002 for Spanish, or 20003 for French.
6. Set the alternate language by dialing 20011 for English, 20 012 for Spanish, or
20013 for French.
7. Dial 10281 to reset the system.
8. After the system resets, log into the System Administrator Mailbox again.
9. When prompted, enter the default passcode (1234).
10. Using the Greetings menu (press 4 from the main menu), verify existing greetings
and then record new greetings in the alternate language, including the bilingual
welcome greeting.
Equipment prerequisites:
• IBM or IBM-compatible PC running DOS
• custom RS-232 null modem cable for local connection.
T o install Express Manager onto the ha rd disk drive of the System Administrator’s PC
1. Place the disk lab eled Express Manager into the floppy disk drive (A:)
2. At the DOS prompt , change to the C:\> prompt (usually by typing cd .. <ENTER>)
3. At the C:\> prompt, type A:install <ENTER>
4. Follow the pro m pts to c om pl e te the installation.
Express Manager will con tinu e t he ins tal l au to ma tic al ly un ti l it is c om plet ed . You may see
a notification of software or documentation changes on the screen - read this notification
carefully (copy if required).
Installation is complete when the DOS prompt returns to your screen.