Microtek scanwizard pro reference

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Table of Contents

Introduction The Preview Window The Settings Window The Information Window The Scan Job Window Using BatchScan Appendices
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Elements Launching and Exiting ScanWizard Pro
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The Preview Window

Elements The File Menu The Scanner Menu The View Menu The Preferences Menu The Correction Menu The Help Menu The Tool Bar
Overview, Prescan, and Scan Rulers and Unit of Measurement Preview Area Auxiliary Info and Handy Buttons
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The Settings Window

Elements Job Type Resolution Scan Frame and Options Transform Scanner Profile Image Category
Advanced Image Correction Dialog Box
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Advanced Image Correction Dialog Box

Elements Dynamic Range Tool White and Black Points Tool Gradation Tool Color Cast Tool Saturation Tool Selective Color Tool Tone Curve Tool Filter Tool Descreen Tool Brightness and Contrast Tool Color Correction Tool Threshold Tool
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The Information Window

Elements Color Meter Options Creating Color Tag Windows
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The Scan Job Window

Elements Scan Job Manipulation Loading and Saving Scan Job Templates
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Using Batch Scan

Features Editing Batch Jobs Executing Batch Jobs
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More Color Matching Information
Kodak Color Management System Available File Formats for "Batch Scan" Function
Microtek ScanWizard Pro
Reference Manual
Macintosh version
Copyright © 2000 Microtek Lab, Inc.
All rights reserved. Second Edition: February 2000
Microtek Lab, Inc.
3715 Doolittle Drive, Redondo Beach, CA 90278-1226 Sales: 800-654-4160 Tech Support: (310) 297-5151 Internet: http://www.microtekusa.com Tech Support Web Page: http://www.support.microtek.com
Microtek International, Inc.
6, Industry East Road 3 Science Based Industrial Park Hsinchu 30077, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-5772155 Fax: 886-3-5772598 Worldwide Web Site: http://www.microtek.tw
Microtek Europe BV
Max Euwelaan 68 NL - 3062 MA Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel: 31-10-242-5688 Fax: 31-10-242-5699 Worldwide Web Site: http://www.microtek.nl
Introduction ..................................................................... 1
ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh: The Interface................................................................. 2
Launching ScanWizard Pro .............................................................................................3
Exiting ScanWizard Pro...................................................................................................3
The Preview Window........................................................... 4
Elements of the Preview window .................................................................................... 4
The File Menu.................................................................................................................. 6
The Context Concept ....................................................................................................... 7
New ScanWizard Context................................................................................................ 8
Load ScanWizard Context ............................................................................................... 8
Save ScanWizard Context As .......................................................................................... 8
SnapTrans Templates ....................................................................................................... 9
Show Current Context Path ........................................................................................... 10
Quit ................................................................................................................................ 10
The Scanner Menu ......................................................................................................... 11
Scanner Model ............................................................................................................... 12
Current Scanner Info...................................................................................................... 12
Scanner Probe ................................................................................................................ 12
Scanner Driver Manager ................................................................................................13
To add a scanner..................................................................................................... 13
To remove a scanner ............................................................................................... 14
To update your scanner list..................................................................................... 14
Scanner Controls ............................................................................................................ 15
Lamp Control.......................................................................................................... 15
Scanner Calibration Control .................................................................................. 16
The View Menu..............................................................................................................17
Overview Image and Prescan Image..............................................................................18
To obtain the Overview image ................................................................................19
To obtain the Prescan image...................................................................................19
To obtain multiple Prescan images......................................................................... 19
Resize Window to Fit.....................................................................................................20
Bring Settings Window to Front ....................................................................................21
Show / Hide ... Window commands...............................................................................21
Show / Hide Low & High Value Markers ...................................................................... 21
About ............................................................................................................................. 21
The Preferences Menu ................................................................................................... 22
Scan Material ................................................................................................................. 22
Color Matching Setup ....................................................................................................23
White/Black Points Setup .............................................................................................. 27
A. Auto Clipping ..................................................................................................... 27
B. Output Levels......................................................................................................28
C. High and Low Value Markers ............................................................................ 28
Cursor Auxiliary Lines ................................................................................................... 29
Overview Setup.............................................................................................................. 30
Prescan Setup .................................................................................................................33
Invert ..............................................................................................................................35
Retain Scan Module after Scan...................................................................................... 36
More Preferences... ........................................................................................................ 37
A. Smoked Glass Background................................................................................. 38
B. Working Color Space..........................................................................................39
C. Scan Quality ....................................................................................................... 39
D. Interpolation Mode ............................................................................................ 39
E. Memory Usage ................................................................................................... 40
F. Scratch Directory ................................................................................................ 40
The Correction Menu ..................................................................................................... 41
The Help Menu .............................................................................................................. 42
The T oolbar.................................................................................................................... 43
Scan Frame tool .............................................................................................................44
Zoom tool.......................................................................................................................45
Pane tool ........................................................................................................................ 46
T ag Windows tool .......................................................................................................... 47
To create a tag window ...........................................................................................47
To close a tag window............................................................................................. 48
Choosing the White & Black points of an image .................................................... 48
Magic Diamonds..................................................................................................... 49
To restore original settings ..................................................................................... 50
To display color information for a pixel or an averaged area ............................... 50
To change the sample size of the Tag Windows tool ...............................................50
Overview , Prescan, and Scan......................................................................................... 51
Rulers, Unit of Measurement ......................................................................................... 52
Preview Area .................................................................................................................. 53
Auxiliary information and Handy buttons ..................................................................... 54
Preview image r esolution ....................................................................................... 54
Zoom scale ..............................................................................................................54
Zoom-out................................................................................................................. 55
Zoom-in................................................................................................................... 55
Flasher for High and Low Value Markers.............................................................. 55
The Settings Window .........................................................56
Elements of the Settings window................................................................................... 56
Job ..................................................................................................................................59
Type................................................................................................................................ 60
Grayscale ................................................................................................................ 60
CMYK ..................................................................................................................... 60
Lab Color................................................................................................................ 60
Web / Internet Colors ..............................................................................................61
256 Colors (Default) / 256 Colors (Custom) .......................................................... 61
Line Art ................................................................................................................... 61
Black-and-White Diffusion ..................................................................................... 61
Resolution settings .........................................................................................................62
A. Resolution box ....................................................................................................62
B. Resolution list box .............................................................................................. 62
C. Resolution unit ................................................................................................... 62
Scan Frame and related settings..................................................................................... 64
A. Scan Frame settings ........................................................................................... 64
B. Scaling ................................................................................................................ 65
C. Output settings ................................................................................................... 66
D. Image size .......................................................................................................... 66
E. Unit of Measurement .......................................................................................... 66
Scan Frame options........................................................................................................ 67
A. Fixed Scan Frame .............................................................................................. 67
B. Fixed Output Size ............................................................................................... 67
C. Keep Proportion................................................................................................. 67
Scanner Profile............................................................................................................... 69
Image Category .............................................................................................................. 70
The Advanced Image Correction Tools ......................................................................... 72
The LCH Color Model................................................................................................... 73
AIC Tools in LCH vs. Native Color Mode .................................................................... 74
AIC Tools and your Image Type ....................................................................................75
Workflow for Optimizing Images .................................................................................. 76
Accessing the AIC Tools................................................................................................78
Elements of the Advanced Image Corrrection screen....................................................79
The Action Buttons and User-Defined settings .............................................................80
Default button ......................................................................................................... 80
Revert button........................................................................................................... 80
Add to Menu button ................................................................................................ 81
Cancel button.......................................................................................................... 81
OK button................................................................................................................81
The Reset button ..................................................................................................... 82
Loading / retrieving user-defined AIC settings....................................................... 83
Removing user-defined AIC settings....................................................................... 83
Dynamic Range tool ...................................................................................................... 84
White & Black Points tool ............................................................................................. 86
The W&B Points dialog box in Native color mode.................................................88
Gradation tool ................................................................................................................ 89
How to read the curve.............................................................................................89
The Gradation dialog box....................................................................................... 90
Color Cast tool ............................................................................................................... 93
Saturation tool................................................................................................................ 95
Selective Color tool ....................................................................................................... 96
How to use the Selective Color tool........................................................................ 97
Tone Curve tool............................................................................................................ 102
Filter tool......................................................................................................................104
Blur filters ............................................................................................................. 105
Sharpen filters....................................................................................................... 105
Edge Enhancement filter.......................................................................................106
Emboss filter ......................................................................................................... 106
Unsharp Masking filter......................................................................................... 107
Gaussian Blur filter ..............................................................................................108
Brightness and Contrast tool ........................................................................................ 110
Color Correction tool ................................................................................................... 111
Threshold tool .............................................................................................................. 112
The Information Window ................................................... 113
Elements of the Information window .......................................................................... 113
Color Meter Options .................................................................................................... 116
Creating Color Tag Windows.......................................................................................118
The Scan Job Window ...................................................... 120
Elements of the Scan Job window ............................................................................... 120
Selecting Multiple Scan Jobs ......................................................................................122
Editing Multiple Scan Jobs .......................................................................................... 122
Adding a New Scan Job ............................................................................................... 123
Duplicating a Scan Job ................................................................................................ 123
Removing a Scan Job................................................................................................... 123
Loading and Saving Scan Job Templates..................................................................... 124
Using the Batch Scan Feature ......................................................................................126
Using the Edit feature .................................................................................................. 128
To verify the current context for batch scanning .................................................. 128
To create a new batch scan folder ........................................................................ 128
To load a batch scan folder...................................................................................128
To save scan job(s) into a batch scan folder......................................................... 128
Using the Execute feature ............................................................................................ 129
Appendix A: More Color Matching Information......................... 131
Calibrating your monitor ............................................................................................. 131
Setting up the System (Monitor) Profile ...................................................................... 131
Using images in third-party applications ..................................................................... 132
Appendix B: Kodak Color Management System......................... 134
KCMS Overview ......................................................................................................... 134
Some Background Information .............................................................................134
The Idea Behind Color Management.................................................................... 134
How Color Management Works............................................................................ 135
How CMS Translates between Devices ................................................................ 135
What are Device Color Profiles ............................................................................ 136
Where Do Color Profiles Come From .................................................................. 136
A Word about Source and Destination .................................................................. 137
Controlling UCR & GCR ............................................................................................ 138
Controlling UCR and GCR with Professional CMYK Profiles ............................ 138
Same Background ................................................................................................. 138
UCR ......................................................................................................................139
Advantages & Disadvantages to UCR.................................................................. 139
GCR ......................................................................................................................140
Advantages & Problems of GCR .......................................................................... 140
Professional CMYK Profiles Package .........................................................................140
What You Get With Professional CMYK Profiles Package...................................140
Check With Your Service Provider........................................................................ 143
Colorant Laydown Order: Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black ................................... 143
Appendix C: Available File Formats for “Batch Scan” Function..... 144


This reference manual describes the various commands and features found in the ScanWizard Pro scanning software for Macintosh.
The reference information is organized in four parts, corresponding to the four major windows of the program:
• Preview
• Settings
• Information
• Scan Job
Reference: The Preview window 1
ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh: The Interface
ScanWizard Pro consists of four major windows: Preview, Settings, Information, and Scan Job.
All four windows appear automatically after ScanWizard Pro is started up the first time. You may hide or show the Scan Job and Information windows by clicking on the Hide / Show toggle commands in the View menu of the Preview window.
parameters for
image type
dimensions. Includes image correction tools
Scan Job
functions for
scan jobs
Information window
provides color information on a selected area of the image
Preview window has
commands and tools for controlling the scanner
2 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
Launching ScanWizard Pro
To start ScanWizard Pro, launch your image-editing program, then choose the corresponding Import or Acquire command from the submenu (depending on your software) for acquiring ScanWizard Pro. You may also launch the ScanWizard Pro Applet, a mini application found in ScanWizard Pro CD that brings up the ScanWizard Pro Plug-in.
The first time you launch ScanWizard Pro, you will be prompted to set up color matching for your scanner. If you are not sure about what to do, simply click the OK button to accept the settings. You can always change the settings at a later time. For more information, see the Color Matching Setup section of the manual.
Exiting ScanWizard Pro
To exit ScanWizard Pro, go to the File menu and choose the Quit command, or press the Apple command + Q keys simultaneously.
Reference: The Preview window 3

The Preview Window

The Preview window is the most prominent window of the four major windows, and it includes the various commands and tools for controlling the scanner.
Elements of the Preview window
A. Menu bar
G. Unit of
H. Rulers
B, Overview button
C. Prescan button
D. Toolbar E. Scan
F. Scan Material icon
I. Preview area
J. Auxiliary bar
K. Handy buttons
4 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
L. Status bar
A. Menu bar
This includes the different menus for controlling and operating the scanner.
B. Oveview button
This previews the entire scan bed.
C. Prescan button
This previews one or more high-resolution images of the area(s) selected by the Scan Frame tool.
D. Toolbar
This selects actions to be performed on the Overview or Prescan image. The Toolbar includes the Scan Frame, Zoom, Pane, and Tag Windows.
E. Scan button
This starts the final scanning process.
F. Scan Material icon
This shows the type of your scan material — Reflective (photos and prints), Positive Transparency, or Negative Film.
G. Unit of Measurement
The unit of measurement for the rulers can be selected by clicking the arrow at the 0,0 point of the rulers and choosing from the drop-down menu.
H. Rulers
Rulers are located on both sides of the Preview window to help you with measurement and alignment.
I. Preview area
This is where the Overview or Prescan image appears.
J. Auxiliary bar
This shows the screen resolution of the preview image and the Zoom scale or scale of magnification for the image.
K. Handy buttons
These buttons include Zoom in, Zoom out, and the Flasher for Low Value and High Value Markers.
L. Status bar
This shows you information pertinent to the operation underway or being performed.
Reference: The Preview window 5

The File Menu

The File Menu lets you do the following:
• Create a new context for scanning
• Load a previously saved context
• Save a context for scanning
• Use the SnapTrans™ Templates feature
• Show the current context for scanning
• Exit ScanWizard Pro
6 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
The Context Concept
The ScanWizard Pro context is a Mac OS folder containing a ScanWizard Pro preferences file and scan job file(s), comprising a complete setup for scanning in a specific manner.
Think of a context as a complete scan setup or environment, with each context having its own characteristics, such as scan material (reflective, positive, or negative film), ColorSync profile selections, scan quality control, interpolation method, and others.
You can set up as many contexts as your hard disk can hold. And because contexts are regular Mac OS folders, you manage them (e.g., copy, duplicate, or delete) easily by using the Finder.
The ScanWizard Pro context can be easily customized to your particular need and used for many applications, such as the following:
• Repeated or frequent use of project/job settings
• Saving different experiments on the same project/job
• Different setups involving scan material selections, CMS settings, scan jobs
• Various templates of a user's work
• Scanner sharing among multiple users
• Archiving of scan projects/jobs
• Proofing on prescans and adjustments before final scans
A good example in illustrating the concept of the context is through the use of templates. For instance, you may set up four contexts for your most frequent scanned work — reflective scans, a 35mm template, a 4" x 5" template, and a negative filmstrip template. You can then switch easily and freely among these contexts to maximize your productivity. (For more information, see the SnapTrans Templates command.)
When you quit or switch to another context, the settings of the current context are automatically saved. You will have exactly the same setup when you run or switch back to this context, so there is no need to start from scratch.
The ScanWizard Pro context is a powerful tool to help you get the most productivity out of your scanner, especially if you do many similar scanning jobs.
Reference: The Preview window 7
New ScanWizard Context
This command creates a new context folder with default settings for scanning, and subsequent scan jobs are then stored in the newly created context folder. The newly created context also becomes the current context.
To create a new context:
1. Choose New ScanWizard Context from the File menu.
2. When the browser dialog box appears, create a new folder.
Load ScanWizard Context
This command loads a previously saved context folder. The loaded context then becomes the current context.
To load a context:
1. Choose Load ScanWizard Context from the File menu.
2. When the browser dialog box appears, select the folder to be loaded, and
click the Select button at the bottom of the dialog box.
Save ScanWizard Context As
This command lets you save an extra copy of the current context to a new location. The settings of the current context are saved first and then copied and switched to the new location. This is particularly useful when you want to work on a new context based on the current context settings.
To save a context:
1. Choose Save ScanWizard Context As from the File menu.
2. When a dialog box appears, choose the folder where the scan jobs will be saved. Subsequent scan jobs are then saved to the specified folder.
8 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
SnapTrans Templates
This command lets you choose the particular SnapTrans™ template you wish to use with ScanWizard Pro. The templates are holders designed to secure a variety of film, such as 4"x5" film, 6cm x 9cm film, 35mm filmstrip, and 35mm slide (landscape or portrait orientation).
To use the SnapTrans templates:
1. Choose SnapTrans Templates from the File menu. The SnapTrans Templates dialog box appears.
2. Choose the correct scan material.
3. Select the template to be loaded by clicking the template icon.
4. Take note of the name and location of the folder to where scan jobs will be saved, or specify your own folder name and location.
5. Click the Create button. The selected set of pre-defined scan jobs based on the template you chose is copied to your designated folder; i.e., a new "Context" folder has been created for you. The Scan Job window will also show the pre-defined scan jobs.
6. From hereon, do an overview to see the images in the Preview window, and continue with the process of matching each overview image with each of the predefined scan jobs in the Scan Job window.
7. When you are finished, click the Scan button in the Preview window to start
Template icon
(step 3)
Folder where scan
jobs will be saved
(step 4)
scanning with the use of your selected SnapTrans template.
Create button (step 5)
Choose your scan material (step 2)
Scan Job window showing pre­defined scan jobs based on the
chosen template
Reference: The Preview window 9
Show Current Context Path
This command shows the current context for scanning. By default, the current context folder has the same name as your scanner model (ex. ScanMaker 5), and is located in the Plug-ins folder of your image-editing software. When you load or create a new context folder, the loaded or newly created folder then becomes the current context.
To show the current context: Choose Show Current Context Path from the File menu.
This command lets you exit ScanWizard Pro.
10 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh

The Scanner Menu

The Scanner Menu lets you:
• Show your scanner model or select a scanner if you have multiple scanners
• Get information about your scanner
• Get scanner information on the SCSI / USB chain
• Easily manage the scanners being used by your system
• Perform special scanner controls unique to the scanner
Reference: The Preview window 11
Scanner Model
The top of the scanner menu displays the scanner model you are using and its SCSI ID or USB ID number. If you have multiple scanners on your system, all the scanners are shown with their respective SCSI or USB IDs, and the current scanner is indicated by a check.
Only one scanner can be accessed at a time. To switch among various scanners, select the scanner to be used.
The scanner with its SCSI or USB ID number is displayed. The current scanner is marked by a check.
Current Scanner Info
This command provides information about your current scanner. When you choose this command, a dialog box appears showing the scanner model, the SCSI or USB ID number, and the firmware version.
Scanner Probe
This command shows the scanner information on your SCSI / USB chain. If your scanner does not show in the dialog box, make sure your scanner is connected and turned on, and then click the Probe button. Please follow the scanner hardware installation guide for proper procedures on connecting your scanner.
SCSI /USB devices
12 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
Click the Probe button to update scanner information on the SCSI / USB chain
Scanner Driver Manager
The Scanner Driver Manager keeps track of the scanners being used on your system and the bus / ID numbers occupied by the scanners. By keeping a record of this information, the Scanner Driver Manager allows ScanWizard Pro to start up more quickly, as there is no need to look for devices on the other buses.
When ScanWizard Pro is run the first time, all connected scanners are added to the list.
To add a scanner
Follow the hardware installation instructions for connecting a scanner to your system. Then you can use the Scanner Driver Manager in ScanWizard Pro to add or include the connected scanner to your scanner list. Whenever you change the SCSI / USB ID or SCSI / USB bus of a scanner, you will have to follow the steps below.
1. Go to the Scanner menu in the Preview window, and choose Scanner Driver Manager. A dialog box will appear showing the current scanner list with the corresponding SCSI or USB bus / ID number.
2. Click the Find Scanners button. In case you have added new scanners, the newly found scanners will be appended to the scanner list. If a scanner on the list is not detected (not turned on, not ready, or removed from the system), the model will not be removed from the list but will have a question mark before it. See below for details on how to remove a scanner.
3. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.
Reference: The Preview window 13
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