MA6850/MA6800 Integrated Amplifiers

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McIntosh system architectures.
Integrated Amplifiers
hose considering a McIntosh system for the first time will find integrated
amplifiers a comfortable place to start. In virtually every respect the MA6850
and MA6800 perform as well as McIntosh separates. Both models incorporate
premium McIntosh technologies – including autoformers, Power Assurance, and
Silent Electromagnetic Switching – as well as several features that facilitate system
integration and expansion.
The patented McIntosh Power
Guard provides real-time clipping
protection without affecting power
output or sound quality.
a) test signal
b) overdriven amp without Power
Guard produces SEVERE clipping
c) overdriven amp with
Guard produces NO clipping
Featured Technologies
EXCLUSIVE MCINTOSH OUTPUT AUTOFORMERS. An impedance mismatch between a power
amplifier and a loudspeaker can cause distortion and a reduction in power. The legendary
McIntosh autoformer is a hand-crafted transformer with output connections for 2, 4, and 8 ohms,
allowing an ideal impedance match between amp and speaker. A McIntosh amplifier with an
autoformer can also safely drive multiple speakers connected in parallel without shortening
the life of the output stage. There is absolutely no performance penalty with an autoformer. In
fact, its frequency response exceeds that of the output circuit itself, and extends well beyond
the audible range. Distortion is so low it is virtually immeasurable.
technologies that enhance performance and reliability and protect the amp and the loudspeakers.
Power Guard
deliver full power without causing clipping distortion. If an amplifier channel is overdriven,
Power Guard automatically reduces the input volume just enough to keep distortion below 2%
and prevent any clipping distortion. Thanks to an optical resistor, Power Guard acts literally at
the speed of light, producing absolutely no audible side effects. An amplifier with Power Guard
will actually deliver clipping-free output well above its rated power.
Sentry Monitor
of the output stage and confines it to a safe limit. Sentry Monitor does not limit power output.
Thermal Cutout. If the cooling air is blocked and the power transistors become too hot,
thermal cutouts protect against overheating until the amp cools.
DC Failure protection. In the rare event of an output circuit failure, any DC current that appears
in the output is shunted to ground by the autoformer, protecting the loudspeakers from damage.
Turn-On Delay. This circuit delays operation for about two seconds after turn-on in order to
avoid any pops or thumps generated as other equipment turns on.
Soft Start inrush protection. Thermistors in the power transformer act as a cushion against
inrush current, eliminating component stress during turn-on. Soft Start is one of many design
details that contribute to the remarkable longevity of McIntosh equipment.
ILLUMINATED PEAK-RESPONDING METERS. McIntosh meters respond 95% full scale to a
single-cycle tone burst at 2kHz. Response is almost 10-times faster than a professional VU meter.
clipping protection. Power Guard ensures that the amplifier will always
current protection. Sentry Monitor continually senses the voltage and current