The Make-Music-Now Vocal Recording Studio
Quick Start Guide

Session Music Producer • Quick Start Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of M-Audio Session Music Producer: the high-quality
Producer USB microphone and Session recording software package are designed for easy
integration with your computer. The Producer USB microphone works with many third-party
software applications in addition to the M-Audio Session software contained in this bundle.
GarageBand, Logic Pro, and Ableton Live are examples of other applications that seamlessly
interface with the Producer Mic. We recommend you spend a few minutes reviewing this Quick
Start Guide to ensure proper setup.
About the USB Microphone
Your M-Audio Producer USB microphone is designed for a wide variety of uses, such as
podcasting, voice-overs and music production. Gaming soundcards or built-in computer
audio interfaces often introduce a noticeable delay (Latency) between the moment you speak
into a microphone and until you can hear the sound from your speakers or headphones. The
professional grade ASIO drivers used by the USB Producer Microphone minimize this delay,
so sounds are heard near-instantly – a mandatory feature for anyone serious about music
About Session Software
Session gives you access to many professional features for recording, editing and mixing
music. Featuring an easy to use intuitive interface and a massive library of sounds, Session
enables you to get started making music in minutes.
Session Music Producer Features
Producer USB Microphone
< High-quality, 16mm cardioid capsule USB microphone.
< Low latency performance using M-Audio ASIO drivers
< USB bus-powered
< Onboard direct monitoring through the integrated 1/8” headset/line output jack
< Onboard blue power LED behind mesh windscreen
Session Software (Windows Only)
< CD-quality multi-track audio and MIDI recording software
< Built-in studio quality effects
< Built-in virtual synthesizer with hundreds of instrument sounds
< Includes over 3.5 GB of content for professional music creation
What’s in the Box?
Your Session Music Producer bundle contains the following items:
< USB Microphone
< Desktop mic stand and microphone mount
< USB cable
< M-Audio Session Software DVD-ROM including PC drivers and User Guide
< M-Audio Producer USB Macintosh Driver CD-ROM
< This Quick Start Guide
< Vinyl zipper case
If any of these items are missing please notify the retailer where you purchased the product.

Session Music Producer • Quick Start Guide
About this Guide
This Quick Start Guide covers setup of the Producer USB microphone for Mac and Windows
computers, as well as installation of the Session music creation software for Windows XP and
Windows Vista (32-Bit editions).
To get the most out of your Session music creation software, please refer to the program’s
built-in manual under Help > Manual, where you will find detailed instructions and 12 in-depth
tutorials on using the Session software.
The Producer USB microphone contained in this bundle can also be used with third-party
music software. Consult your software’s documentation for more information.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP*
• Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
• 1.6 GHz processor Intel or AMD
• 512 MB RAM
• 4 GB free HD space for complete
installation of Session
• DVD Drive
• AGP 4X or faster graphics**
• 32 MB video RAM
• 1024 x 768 video resolution
(1280 x 1024 recommended)
*Home and Professional Edition only. Windows Media Center Edition is not currently supported.
**Session does not support video cards based on any of the following chipsets:
S3/VIA UniChrome, SiS, EL315, Matrox
Listed minimum system requirements are for the Producer Mic used together with Session. Used
separately, the Producer USB microphone only requires a Pentium III 500MHz machine with 256MB RAM
and DirectX 9.0c and a native USB port. Please check the minimum system requirements for any third party
software applications to be used with the Producer USB as they may be greater than the above.
Windows Vista (32-bit editions)
• Windows Vista Home Basic, Vista Home Premium, Vista
Business or Vista Ultimate
• 1.6 GHz Intel or AMD processor
• 512 MB RAM (Vista Home Basic)
• 1GB RAM (Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate)
• 4 GB free HD space for complete installation of Session
• DVD Drive
• AGP 4X or faster graphics**
• 32 MB video RAM
• 1024 x 768 video resolution
(1280 x 1024 recommended)
Running GarageBand on your Mac?
Mac users can use the Producer USB with many 3rd-party audio applications available for the
Mac. See the documentation for your application for more information on system requirements
and compatibility.
Mac OS†
• G3 500 / G4 500 MHz‡
• Mac OS X 10.3.9 w/ 256 MB RAM
• Mac OS X 10.4.9 w/ 512 MB RAM
†Native USB port required; G3/G4 accelerator cards not supported
‡CPU speed requirements may be higher for laptops
Please check the minimum system requirements for any third-party software applications to be used with
your new M-Audio hardware, as they may be greater than above.