d8b Keyboard Shortcuts and Hot Keys
Key Function
F1 Select Mic/Line Fader bank – 1-24
F2 Select Tape Return Fader bank – 25-48
F3 Select FX/Bus/MIDI Fader bank – 49-72
F4 Select Master Fader bank – 73-96
Space bar Toggle Play/Stop
Ctrl + Space bar Play from Selection (Mix Editor)
Shift + < Rewind
Shift + > Fast Forward
Shift + 8 [asterisk] Record
[ Set Selection Start
] Set Selection End
Home Return to time 00:00:00:00
+ / - Go to next / previous cue point
Ctrl + M Set a new cue location
W Enable Automation Write on Selected
E Disable Automation Write on Selected
S Solo Selected channel(s)
D Un-solos Selected channel(s)
M Mute Selected channel(s)
, [Comma] Unmute Selected channel(s)
Z Zoom (“dive”) in the Mix Editor
D Drag the screen in the Mix Editor
Left/Right arrow (cursor) keys Moves channel Select by one channel in
the direction of the arrow
Shift + Left/Right arrow keys Selects multiple adjacent channels
Ctrl + Left/Right arrow keys Expands/Contracts Mix Editor scale
Ctrl + Up/Down arrow keys Expands/Contracts Mix Editor scale
Alt + Left/Right arrow keys Scrolls Mix Editor vertically
Alt + Up/Down arrow keys (When Mix
Editor window is open)
Ctrl + ] Set selected channel faders to Unity
Ctrl + [ Set selected channel faders to zero
Alt + Up/Down arrow keys (other times,
even in the Fat Channel display)
Scrolls Mix Editor horizontally
Nudge the selected fader(s)
d8b Version 3 Shortcuts and Quick Keys – Revision B 01/08/01
Other Shortcuts
Editing Clipboard
Ctrl + C Copy to clipboard
Ctrl + V Paste from clipboard
Ctrl + X Cut (delete and copy to clipboard)
Ctrl + W (or ESC) Close the active (topmost) floating window
Ctrl + D Toggles between Mixer and Desktop
Grouping and Linking
Ctrl + A Selects all channels on the active fader
Ctrl + G Groups selected channels (Opens Channel
Group dialog box)
Ctrl + L Links selected channels (Opens Link
Setup dialog box)
Ctrl + U Unlinks selected channels Opens Unlink
dialog box)
File Operations
Ctrl + O Opens a session (Opens Open a Project
dialog box)
Ctrl + S Save Session
Ctrl + Q Quit (prompts to save session)
Shortcuts to Windows
Ctrl + B Opens Channel List
Ctrl + H Opens History List
Ctrl + I Opens System Info window
Ctrl + P Opens Plug-in Assignment window
Ctrl + 1 Opens Setup window
Ctrl + 2 Opens Snapshots window
Ctrl + 3 Opens Surround Panning window on
selected channel
Ctrl + 4 Opens Locator window
Ctrl + 5 Opens Mix Editor window
Ctrl + 6 Opens Fat Channel window on selected
Ctrl + 7 Opens 48-channel panning display
Ctrl + 8 Opens tape return faders display (Channel
25-48 faders on top half of mixer screen)
Ctrl + 9 Opens Event Track window
Ctrl + \ Closes all open floating windows
d8b Version 3 Shortcuts and Quick Keys – Revision B 01/08/01