1. An air-tight seal between the tip and the ear canal is critical for proper
bass response. Without an air-tight seal, you don’t receive the signal as it
was fully intended. Inside music gets out and outside noises get in.
Leakage – any kind of leakage – isn’t good. But we’re talking about your
ears here.
2. The aforementioned air-tight seal may be improved by dampening either the
tip or the ear canal before inserting the earphones. Have a friend help by
providing a wet-willy (or two, so both ears are covered).
3. Go deep. Earphones need to be well-seated in the ear canal for proper sound.
4. To ensure proper fit, start with the medium size tips. If they do not fully seat,
move down a size. If they feel good, try the next size up as it may result in a
better seal.
5. Sliding out? Try a larger tip or a foam tip.
6. Foam tips are less likely to slide out. Roll them between your index finger
and thumb to make the diameter smaller first, then insert into your ear
canal. Should go without saying, but one foam tip per ear. Hold them there
as they expand and seal to your ear canal.
7. Foam tips may change the sound slightly, but that’s not necessarily a bad
thing as some people prefer the change. What occurs is that high
frequencies are reduced due to the sound absorption properties of the
foam. The low frequencies may be reduced, as well, because the foam
allows a slight bit of air leakage. There’s that leakage talk again…
8. We all have gunk in our ears. Yes, even you. Remove the tips and wash them
(just the tips) regularly. We found that mild dishwashing soap and warm
water works best. Not only will the earphones tips be clean again, but the
frequency response will return to normal, too.
9. Pulling the ear back with your arm on the opposite side around the back of
the head can open the ear canal for good earphone insertion. This helps to
fully seat the earphones.