Mackie C4, C4 Pro User's Manual

Reason Remote support for Mackie control surfaces
This document describes the Remote implementation for Mackie Control, Extender and C4. For general information about how to use Remote in Reason, please refer to the Operation Manual in the Reason program folder.
About Map Versions
To check the version of a Remote map file:
1. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Propellerhead Software\Remote\Maps\Mackie (Windows) or Library:Application Support:Propellerhead Software:Remote:Maps:Mackie (Mac OS X)
2. Use a text editor application to open the .remotemap file in question.
3. At the beginning of the .remotemap file, look for the line that starts with “Map
Mackie Control
Requirements/Setting up:
Reason supports the Mackie Control, or (typically) the Mackie Control Universal in "Mackie Control" mode. If you are using a Mackie Control Universal, you need to select the "Mackie Control" mode of operation: Hold down the SELECT buttons for Ch 1 and Ch 2 and turn on the device - you are then asked which mode of operation to use. Select "Mackie Ctrl" by pressing the corresponding V-Pot.
You must connect the Mackie Control using two-way MIDI (both MIDI In and Out should be connected).
Reason will automatically find the Mackie Control if you click the Auto-detect button on the Control Surfaces and Keyboards page in the Preferences.
About the default mapping:
Note: In the mapping descriptions below, the name labels refer to the default Logic overlay.
Global modifiers and modes
Pressing the Flip button swaps the functions of the faders and the rotaries. To return to the normal mapping, press Global View (next to the Flip button).
Normally, the display shows the name of the currently controlled Reason device. Pressing the Name/Value button will make the display show the names of the Reason parameters controlled by the faders instead. Press the button again to show the device name.
Selecting another target device automatically resets Flip state and display mode to default settings.
Transport, sequencer and other global functions
Transport buttons : The corresponding transport functions in Reason. Click button : Loop On/Off Solo Button : Click On/Off Read/Off Button : Reset Automation Override
Marker button : Go to left locator Nudge button : Go to right locator Left/Right Arrow buttons : Go to previous/next bar Up/Down Arrow button : Target previous/next track (moves master keyboard input up or down in the track list).
Jog Wheel : Moves the song position, or the position of the left or right locator. Drop Button : Jog wheel controls left locator position. Replace Button : Jog wheel controls right locator position. Cycle Button : Jog wheel controls song position (default). Zoom Button : Jog wheel moves position in coarse steps (default). Scrub Button : Jog wheel moves position in fine steps.
Cancel Button : Mute on/off for the current target track (the track with master keyboard input) Save Button : Mute off for all tracks (lights up when any track is muted) Enter Button : Solo on/off for the current target track Undo Button : Solo off for all tracks (lights up when any track is soloed)
Trim Button : Undo Group Button : Redo
For devices with patches, buttons F15 and F16 selects the previous or next patch.
Mixer 14:2
The Channel Left/Right buttons determine which channels should be controlled (1-8 or 9-14). You select what the rotary encoders should control by pressing the following Assignment buttons: Track button : Aux Send 1 Send button : Aux Send 2 Pan/Surround button : Pan Plug-in Button : Aux Returns EQ Button : Treble Instrument Button : Bass
Alternatively you can press the Select button for a channel - the rotaries will then control all sends, EQ and pan for the selected channel only. The assignment display shows the number of the selected channel. To return to normal mixer mode, press the Select button again.
Line Mixer 6:2
If you press the “Track” Assignment button, the rotaries control the sends. If you press the Pan/Surround button they control pans.
There are two variations, "Filter" and "Amp & Osc" - you select variation by pressing Assignment buttons “Track” and “Send”.
Use the Channel Left/Right buttons to select which drum channels should be controlled (1-8 or 9-10). You can audition the drum sounds with the Select buttons.
The rotaries can control a number of different settings for the drum sounds - you select which setting by pressing the following Assignment buttons: Track button : Pitch Send button : Length Pan button : Pan Plug-ins Button : Send 1 EQ Button : Tone/Sample Start/Pitch Bend Amount Dyn Button : Velocity Sensitivity
Buttons F1-F8 select pattern and buttons F9-F12 select bank.
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