Lippert Components Schwintek Bunk Lift User Manual

Table of Contents
Introduction, Required Components, and Important Notes 3
Mounting the Motor Bearing Block 4
Mounting the Controller Module 4
Inserting the Gear Racks 5
Installing the Stop Blocks 5
Programming 6
Rev: 08.15.2013
This manual is a guide for the installation of the Schwintek Bunk Lift System. Exact installation procedure depends on RV manufacturer's design of bunk bed attachment brackets and surrounding structures. At RV manufacturer's discretion, the motor mounting blocks can be attached to either the seat back structure (Fig. 1A) or the wall structure (Fig. 1B). Mounting to the seat back structure will not conceal the gear teeth, however mounting to the wall structure will conceal the gear teeth. Either mounting surface must contain sufficient backing material to support the assembly.
Fig. 1
NOTE: Seat cushions not shown.
Components Required for Installation
# Req. Description LCI Part Number
2 Gear Rack Assembly Varies by length
2 Motor 236575
2 Motor Bearing Block 327495
2 Wire Harness Varies by length
1 Controller 333397
NOTE: Periodic light lubrication (CRC PowerLube or equivalent) of the gear racks may be necessary if gear chatter sounds occur due to normal wear.
NOTE: Consumer labels for the following are the responsibility of the RV manufacturer: Bed is not to be occupied, loaded or used for cargo storage in any way while being raised or lowered. The dinette/bed setting is not to be occupied during raising or lowering the bunk bed.
NOTE: Development of a travel latch when bed is in raised position is responsibility of RV manufacturer.
Rev: 08.15.2013
+ 5 hidden pages