Linear eMerge 50P, eMerge 5000P User Manual


User Guide

Linear LLC
1950 Camino Vida Roble
Suite 150 Carlsbad, CA 92008
Document #233192
© Linear LLC. All rights reserved. This guide is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved by Linear LLC. It may not, in whole or in part, except insofar as herein directed, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior written consent of Linear LLC.
eMerge® is a registered trademark of Linear LLC.
233192 AX4 Linear LLC ii May 2014
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. 2
The Home Page ................................................................................................................................ 3
Using Help ........................................................................................................................................ 5
How do I get to Help? ................................................................................................................ 5
Help Conventions ...................................................................................................................... 5
Using Help ................................................................................................................................. 5
Additional Information ..................................................................................................................... 6
Monitoring the System ......................................................................................................................... 7
Accessing the eMerge Monitoring Functions ............................................................................ 7
Monitoring the Activity Log ............................................................................................................ 8
Filtering Activity Log Data ............................................................................................................ 10
Navigating to a Person Record from the Activity Log ............................................................ 11
About Activity Log Messages ................................................................................................. 12
The Auto-Monitor Widget .............................................................................................................. 13
Viewing Portal Status and Unlocking Portals ................................................................................ 15
Using the Monitoring Desktop ....................................................................................................... 19
Events Tab ............................................................................................................................... 20
Activity Log Tab ...................................................................................................................... 20
Cameras Tab ............................................................................................................................ 20
Camera Views Tab ................................................................................................................... 21
Camera Monitor Tab ................................................................................................................ 21
Portal Unlock Widget .............................................................................................................. 22
Cameras Widget ....................................................................................................................... 22
Using the Widget Desktop.............................................................................................................. 22
Summary of Available Widgets ............................................................................................... 25
The Clock Widget .................................................................................................................... 25
The Explorer Widget................................................................................................................ 26
The Intrusion Panel Widget ..................................................................................................... 26
The Portal Status and Portal Unlock Widgets .......................................................................... 28
The Statistics Block Widget ..................................................................................................... 29
The Status Widget .................................................................................................................... 30
About Widget Properties.......................................................................................................... 30
Moving, Sizing, Minimizing, and Closing Widgets ................................................................ 31
Changing a Widget's Unique Properties .................................................................................. 32
Changing a Widget's Filtering Properties ................................................................................ 33
Summary of Available Filtering Properties ............................................................................. 34
Monitor Menu Page ........................................................................................................................ 35
Monitoring Cameras ................................................................................................................ 35
Monitoring Multi-Camera Views ............................................................................................ 37
Administering the System .................................................................................................................. 39
Administration Menu Page ............................................................................................................. 39
Arming and Disarming Alarm Panels ............................................................................................ 40
Handling Lost Credentials .............................................................................................................. 41
Handling Missing Credentials ........................................................................................................ 42
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Adding People to the System ......................................................................................................... 43
Changing Personal Information ...................................................................................................... 45
The Personal Information Page ...................................................................................................... 47
Basic Information Section ........................................................................................................ 47
Personal Information Tabs ....................................................................................................... 48
Changing a Person's Access ........................................................................................................... 50
Configuration Reports .................................................................................................................... 54
As Built Report ........................................................................................................................ 54
Cameras Report ........................................................................................................................ 54
Camera Presets Report ............................................................................................................. 54
Holidays Report ....................................................................................................................... 54
Portals Report .......................................................................................................................... 54
Portal Groups Report ............................................................................................................... 54
Reader Groups Report.............................................................................................................. 54
Resources Report ..................................................................................................................... 55
Time Specs Report ................................................................................................................... 55
History Reports ............................................................................................................................... 55
Access History Reports ............................................................................................................ 55
General Event History Reports ................................................................................................ 56
Portal Access Count Reports ................................................................................................... 57
People Reports ................................................................................................................................ 58
Access Levels Report ............................................................................................................... 58
Current Users Report ............................................................................................................... 59
Photo ID Gallery Report .......................................................................................................... 59
Scheduling Actions for Inputs, Outputs, and Portals...................................................................... 60
Backing Up the System Data .......................................................................................................... 62
About Archive Files ....................................................................................................................... 64
Index ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
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This guide is intended for users of the eMerge50P & eMerge5000P security management systems. It provides a printable version of the information that is found in the online help, featuring instruction for common monitoring and administra tion ta sks.
eMerge is designed for non-security personnel to operate. The system is accessed through a web interface that supports common browsers (Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9, Mozilla Firefox versions 8 and 9, or Safari 5.0), and is even usable from mobile devices. eMerge integrates credential-based access control, intrusion detection, and video surveillance for a single facility, delivering a unified management and administration interface to your web browser.
The user-interface features a Home page that acts as a system dashboard . It includes User Tasks icons suitable for use with touch screens and mobile devices, so that everything you need to operate eMerge can start from that page.
Much of the system data is displayed in windows, referred to as widgets, which are in static formats on the Hom e page and Monitoring Desktop, and adjustable formats on the Widget Desktop.
There are three major user roles that can be assigned for eMerge users:
Monitor – Users with this role can use all available monitoring functions.
Administrator – Users with this role can use all available monitoring and
administration functions.
System Setup – Users with this role (typically your dealer or installer) can
use all available monitoring, administration, and setup functions.
This user guide is divided into an introductory section for getting started with the system operation, followed by sections focused on the monitoring and administra tion ta sks. The system setup tasks are covered in the eMerge online help.
If you view this guide as an online PDF file, you can click on a TOC entry, or a section reference (blue/underlined text) to go to the linked page. If you use this guide as a printed book, you can find the references by looking up the section titles, index entries, and page references.
This introductory section describes how to access information about using eMerge:
• Getting started
Getting to the Home page
Using the Help system
Locating additional information and technical documentation
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Getting Started

The navigation bar that appears at the top of the application window is built dynamically for each user who logs in. It displays navigation buttons only for areas of the application you have permission to view or use. The buttons that are available if you have full System Setup access are:
Takes you to the Home page
Takes you to the Monitoring Desktop or Widget Desktop
-or- Takes you to the Administration menu page
Takes you to the Setup menu page
Note: The live monitoring icon in the navigation bar can be selected using
System Setup : Site Configuration Wizard.
The following icons appear in the navigation menu below the navigation buttons:
Back takes you to the previous page in the nav igation m enu hierarchy.
Tip: Clicking the link for any page in the path shown to the right of the
Back icon takes you back to that page.
Info takes you to the About page, where you can view backup and
system information.
Help displays the online help in a separate window.
Logout logs you out of eMerge.
Note: When you are on a menu page (or any page that is not running a
monitoring function), a period of inactivity (as defined by the Session
Timeout setting under Setup : Site Settings : Network Controller) will
cause your session to time out. You will need to log in again.
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The Home Page

The Home page is the first page you see after logging into eMerge. Click the Home page button in the navigation bar to return to this page from elsewhere in the application.
For users logged in with monitor level access, the Home page provides two navigation buttons in the navigation bar and one icon in the User Tasks widget.
For users logged in with administrator level access, the Home page provides three navigation buttons in the navigation bar and six icons in User Tasks widget.
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On the Home page you can:
Use the Activity Log widget to view up to 1,000 of the most recent entries in
the log of system activity. For more information, see Monitoring the Activity Log on page 8.
Use the Auto-Monitor widget to view issues that might require attention.
This widget displays notifications of all currently active events of the following types: Unacknowledged Events, Node Communication Loss, Door Forced Open, and Door Held Open. It also displays all Access Denied events that have occurred within the last hour. Pointing to a notification displays an informational tooltip showing more detail about each event.
Use the Video Stream widget to monitor a camera view.
The first camera in your system’s Camera Menu order will appear by default in this widget. If there are no camera definitions in the system, the Video Stream widget will not display a camera view.
Note: If the eMerge window is wide enough, the User Tasks widget moves
to the upper right, providing room for a larger Video Stream widget.
Use the User Tasks widget for direct access to common features (based on
your login permissions). Clicking the icon for a task takes you directly to the page for performing the
task. For example, if you have Administrator access, clicking People
Locator takes you to a page where you can run searches to find people in the
system. The User Tasks widget always includes either a Widget Desktop icon or
Monitoring Desktop icon.
Widget Desktop - or - Monitoring Desktop
Note: The desktop icon you see in the User Tasks widget depends on whether
the live monitor ing button on the navigation bar is configured to display the Monitoring Desktop or the Widget Desktop. The User Tasks widget displays the icon for the other live monitoring desktop. This way, you always have direct access to both desktops through a single click on the Home page. The navigation bar live monitoring icon is configured in
System Setup : Site Configuration Wizard.
See also: Using the Monitoring Desktop on page 19
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Using the Widget Desktop on page 22 The Auto-Monitor Widget on page 13

Using Help

How do I get to Help?

Click the Help icon in the upper right corner of the application window. The help system appears in a separate window.
The information displayed in the topic pane provides assistance with the task on which you are working.
Navigation Pane Topic Pane

Help Conventions

The help system is context-sensitive. When you click Help from any page in the application:
If a help topic is available for the current page, that topic appears in the help
If no help topic is available for the curren t page, “ Th e Home Page” topic
appears in the help window.
To assist you in finding specific fields, buttons, and other elements in the eMerge Security Application, their names are displayed in bold blue within help topics.

Using Help

The help navigation pane appears on the left side of the help window.
By clicking the Contents and Search buttons, you can switch between the
help table of contents and the search feature:
To hide the navigation pane, click the red close button . To show the pane
again, click the Contents or Search button.
In the table of contents, click a book to see its contents. Click an
individual top ic to d isp la y it in the topic pane.
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To use the search feature, enter the word or words you want to find, and then
press ENTER or click Go. To search for a phrase, enter it inside quotation marks.
If the Highlight search results check box is selected when you click a topic title in the search results, the words you entered will be highlighted in the topic pane.
You can also use the buttons displayed at the top of each help topic to navigate and print help topics:
Back: Brings you back to the previous topic.
Index: Displays the Index.
Print: Prints the current help topic.

Additional Information

The following technical information is available via links in the help topic Release Notes and Additional Information, located in the “Getting Started” section of help:

Release Notes (PDF):

Release Notes, all builds

Top Questions for:

Installers System Monitors and Administrators

Technical Guides and Notes (PDFs):

Installation, Setup, and Technical Documents

License Agreement:

End User License Agreement
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Monitoring the System
This section describes how to access and use these monitoring functions:
Using the Activity Log to monitor system activity
Using the Auto-Monitor widget to view issues that require attention
Viewing and managing portals
Viewing system information using the Monitoring Desktop
Viewing system information using the custom, real-time display on the
Widget Desktop
Viewing individual cameras and pre-defined groups of cameras

Accessing the eMerge Monitoring Functions

To open the Monitoring Desktop or the Widget Desktop from the Home page, click the icon in the User Tasks widget:
Widget Desktop - or - Monitoring Desktop To access the live monitoring desktop not shown in the User Tasks widget, click
the live monitoring button in the navigation bar:
Widget Desktop - or - Monitoring Desktop Note: The desktop icon you see in the User Tasks widget depends on whether
the live monitor ing button on the navigation bar is configured to display the Monitoring Desktop or the Widget Desk top. The User Task s widg et displays the icon for the other live monitoring desktop. This way, you always have direct access to both desktops through a single click on the Home page. The navigation bar live monitoring icon is configured in
System Setup : Site Configuration Wizard.
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Monitoring the System

Monitoring the Activity Log

There are four ways to view the Activity Log, described here.
To use the full page view:
From the Monitoring Desktop, click the words L iv e M o nitoring in the
navigation menu, and then click the Activity Log link. On this page you can monitor a full page view of the Activity Log, which
displays up to 1,000 of the most recent entries in the log of system activity.
To use the Monitoring Desktop:
On the Monitoring Desktop, click either of the Activity Log tabs.
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Monitoring the System
To use the Widget Desktop:
If the Activity Log widget is not already displayed, select it from the Desktop
menu in the lower left corner of the page.
To use the Home page:
You can also view the Activity Log on the Home page.
The messages in the Activity Log are color coded:
Red indicates a process failure or access control issue.
Green indicates a successful process.
The color currently selected for Trace person log color on the Network Controller page indicates valid or invalid access attempts in the current partition by individuals whose activity is being traced.
Black is used for all other messages.
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Monitoring the System

Filtering Activity Log Data

When viewing the Activity Log on the Home page, Monitoring Desktop, or Widget Desktop, you can filter the current list of log entries to narrow the data displayed.
Depending on how your Monitoring Desktop or Widget Desktop was configured, a Filter box may or may not be available on that Activity Log widget.
Note: Text filtering is not available on the full page view of the Activity Log.
There are two types of filt e rs y ou can apply:
Text filters: In Activity Log tabs and widgets (displayed on the Monitoring
Desktop, Home page, and Widget Desktop), you can apply a text filter to view only entries from the original list that contain a specific text string.
Category filters: In Activity Log tabs and widgets, and also in the full page
view of the Activity Log, you can apply a category filter to view only entries from the original list that belong to a particular category.
You can also combine a text filter with a category filter. For example, suppose that after applying the text filter "Jean Gauthier," you apply the category filter
Access Denied to the results. The new results will show only denied access
requests for the cardholder Jean Gauthier. Note: Your filter results will include only entries currently defined for the view
of the Activity Log you are monitoring. For example, in an Activity Log widget that is configured to display only "Access denied" entries, applying the Access Granted category filter will return no results.

Applying Text Filters

To apply a text filte r, enter the text you want in the Filter box that appears at the top of the Activity Log, as shown in the following figure. Filtering is not case­sensitive; you can enter either uppercase or lowercase characters.
Filtering begins as you start to type. For the current monitoring session, the Activity Log will display only log entries containing the text you entered. For example, to see only entries containing the name “Jean Gauthier,” apply the filter shown below.
You can apply a different text filter by entering new text, and you can clear the text filter by clicking the Clear Filters icon, entering a different text filter, or ending the current monitoring session

Applying Category Filters

To apply a category filter, you select an entry from the Category drop-down list in the upper right corner of the Activity Log. The results will include only entries
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Monitoring the System
from the original list that belong to the selected category. The following categories are available:
All (default): Select when you want to remove the currently applied category
filter without applying a new one, and without removing the current text filter if one is applied. (Clicking the Clear F ilters icon clears all category and text filters.)
Access Control: Select to view only access control related entries, such as
Access Denied, Access Granted, Forced Open, Relocked, Timed Unlock Expired, and Unlock entries.
Alarms and Events: Select to view only alarm and event related entries,
such as Alarm Acknowledged, Alarm Actions Cleared, Alarm Adopted, Alarm Panel Armed, Event Actions Cleared, Event Triggered, and Tamper Alarm entries.
Threat Levels: Select to view only threat level related entries, such as Threat
Level Set, Threat Level Set (ALM), and Threat Level Set (API) entries.
System Administration: Select to view only system administration related
entries, such as FTP Backup Complete, FTP Backup Failed, Log Archive Failed, Logged In, Logged Out, and System Backup Successful entries.
Devices: Select to view only device related activity, such as Battery Failed,
Blade Not Responding, Intrusion Panel Alarm, NAS Backup Complete, and Secondary System Restored events.
Network Nodes: Select to view only Network Node related entries, such as
Coproc Not Responding, NN Connected, NN Startup, and NN Timeout, entries.
Access Granted: Select to view only entries for granted access requests.
Access Denied: Select to view only entries for denied access requests.
Once you have applied a category filter, the filtered data will be displayed in the Activity Log until you click the Clear Filte rs icon, select a different filter, or end the current monitoring session.

Navigating to a Person Record from the Activity Log

If you have the right to view a cardholder's person record, clicking that person's name within an Activity Log entry opens a window in which his or her person record is displayed. Any rights you have to view and edit information in a particular person record when accessed from the Administrator page will apply when you access the record from the Activity Log.
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Monitoring the System

About Activity Log Messages

Activity Log entries contain message text and a number of variables, as described below.
Each Activity Log message begins with the control ler tim e—the time when the event was communicated to the Network Controller. Depending on how your system is configured, the controller time might be followed (in square brackets) by the time when the event actually occurred on the node.
Specific names entered into the system during setup and configuration will be used in log entries in place of variables such as: <username>, <portalname>, <nodename>, <eventname>, and <alarmpanel>. This provides a strong reason for assigning names that are descriptive. The log will be much easier to understand.
Specific numbers will be used in log entri es in place of v ariables such as <ipaddress>, <slotnumber>, and <rev>.
Reset Types
Specific <reset_type> messages for the Network Node Ident log entry include:
Power on reset - The node reset on power up.
Watchdog timer reset – This occurs when the system takes too long to
process an operation involving a node. It should restart and continue processing. If the problem persists, contact your dealer or installer.
Normal reset - Physical reset by pushing the node reset button on the
controller/node blade.
Network loss - No reset has occurred. The node lost network connectivity
but has now reconnected.
Reason Codes
Specific [<reasoncode>] messages for “Access denied” and “Access granted” log entries are listed below.
Note: In addition to “Access denied” and “Access granted” log entries, “Access
not completed” entries will appear for access requests that are initiated but not completed. For example, if a user presents his or her credentials at a door but never opens the door, an “Access not completed” entry will appear in the Activity Log.
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Monitoring the System
[BIT MISMATCH] - The data format of this credential does not match any
data format configured in the system. Clicking this message code opens the Card Decoder window.
[DISABLED] - This credential has been disabled.
[EXPIRED] - This credential has expired.
[HOLIDAY] - A defined holiday does not allow access for this person at this
[LOCATION] - This person's access level or the current threat level does not
allow the use of this reader.
[NO PIN] - No PIN was entered within the PIN entry timeout period set on
the Network Controller page.
[NOT IN NODE] - The node has no record of this credential and was unable
to load it in time. The name of the person who owns the credential is displayed.
[PIN] - The PIN entered is incorrect.
[PASSBACK VIOLATION] - This credential was presented to enter a region
where the cardholder is already known to be. (This is a subset of tailgate violations.)
[TIME] - Time specs do not allow access for this person at this time.
[UNKNOWN] - The data format of this credential is valid, but there is no
record of the credential anywhere in the system. Clicking this message opens the Card Decoder window.
[WRONG DAY] - Time specs or holiday definitions do not allow access for
this person on this day.
Specific [<reasoncode>] messages for Access granted log entries include:
[DURESS] – A cardholder presented his or her card and then entered a
duress PIN (his or her assigned PIN, with the last digit incremented by 1) into the keypad. This resulted in an apparently normal access that was actually a duress access.

The Auto-Monitor Widget

The Auto-Monitor widget is displayed on the right side of the Home page. It may be displayed on the Widget Desktop, depending on how your current layout was configured. This widget provides a quick view of issues that might require attention, such as process failures or access control issues.
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Monitoring the System
For each type of event that has occurred, the Auto-Monitor displays a notification indicating the number of such events that are currently active—or in the case of Recent Access Denied Activity notifications, the number that have occurred within a specific time period. Once an active event is resolved, the notification disappears.
You can point to a notification to display an informational tooltip. As shown in the example below, the tooltip shows details about each event, such as the date and time it occurred and the name of the affected device.
If the creator of the Widget Desktop layout has allowed the Auto-Monitor widget to be configured, you can click this icon in the widget's upper left corner to
change its unique properties. You can then specify whether the tooltip is displayed to the left, right, above, or below the alert. The icon and font color displayed for a notification indica tes the ev ent type, as described in the following table.
Notification Color Meaning
Unacknowledged Events
Node Communication Loss
Door Forced Open
Door Held Open
Red One or more events requiring
acknowledgement have not yet been acknowledged.
Red One or more Network Nodes or MicroNodes
have lost communication.
Red One or more portals are in the forced open
Yellow One or more portals are in the held open
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Monitoring the System
Notification Color Meaning
Recent Access Denied Activity
Yellow One or more Access Denied events have
occurred. When the Auto-Monitor is viewed from the
Home page, it displays all Access Denied activities that have occurred within the last hour.
When the Auto-Monitor is viewed from the Widget Desktop, it displays all Invalid Access types configured for the Auto­Monitor widget that have occurred within the Invalid Access History time period configured for the widget.

Viewing Portal Status and Unlocking Portals

eMerge provides multiple ways to manage portals. You can use the Portal
Unlock widget on the Monitoring Desktop, the Portal Unlock and/or Portal Status widgets on the Widget Desktop, or the Schedule Access link on the
Administration menu page, to do the following:
View the current status and unlock schedule of any portal.
Perform a momentary or scheduled (or extended) unlock of any portal.
Edit the unlock schedule of any portal.
Secure a portal by switching it to a locked state, temporarily removing it
from the automatic control of a portal group.
Figure 1. The Portal Unlock widget on the Monitoring Desktop
Figure 2. The Portal Unlock widget on the Widget Desktop
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Monitoring the System
Figure 3. The Portal Status widget on the Widget Desktop
To momentarily unlock a portal:
1. Locate a portal: o In the Portal Unlock widget, select one from the drop-down list.
Note: To make it easier to find portals, you can temporarily limit the number
of portals that appear on the list by changing the All Portals setting to Favorites or Recent. For information on customizing the Portal Unlock widget, see page 28
The Portal Status and Portal Unlock Widgets on
o In the Portal Status widget or the table in Schedule Access, locate one
in the Portal column.
2. Click the Unlock icon or select Unlock from the drop-down. The portal will unlock for the duration configured for this portal.
To schedule an extended unlock of a portal:
1. Locate a portal: o In the Portal Unlock widget, select one from the drop-down list.
Note: To make it easier to find portals, you can temporarily limit the
number of portals that appear on the list by changing the All Portals setting to Favorites or Recent. For information on customizing the Portal Unlock widget, see
Widgets on page 28.
The Portal Status and Portal Unlock
o In the Portal Status widget or the table in Schedule Access, locate one
in the Portal column.
2. Click the Schedule icon to open the Schedule dialog box.
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Monitoring the System
Note: You can also view scheduled events in the Portal Status widget.
3. To add a scheduled event, click the add button to open the Scheduled
Events dialog box.
4. Select Lock or Unlock from the Action drop-down list.
5. For the Uses Time setting: o Select System Time for the time specifications to be based on the
Network Controller time zone.
o Select Local Site Time for the time specifications to be based on local
Network Node time zone.
6. To schedule the Start Time, select one of the following: o Now: The action will start at the current date and time (filled in by
o At: (selected by default) The action will start at the date and time you
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Monitoring the System
o In: The action will start once the number of specified hours and minutes
have elapsed.
7. To schedule the End Time, select one of the following: o At: The action will end at the date and time you enter. Use the format
shown for the Start Time.
o After: The action will end once the number of specified hours and
minutes past the action’s start time have elapsed.
Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are req ui red.
8. In the Comment box, enter information you want to appear in the Scheduled Events table.
9. When you are finished, click OK to close the Scheduled Events dialog box.
For Example: Select Unlock and set the Start Time to Now. Set the End
Time to After 1:30 (one hour and thirty minutes). Click OK. The portal will
unlock immediately and stay unlocked for one hour and thirty minutes.
Note: You can use the delete button to remove an event or the edit button
to make changes.
To switch a portal to a locked or unlocked state:
1. Locate the portal: o In the Portal Unlock widget, select one from the drop-down list.
Note: To make it easier to find portals, you can temporarily limit the
number of portals that appear on the list by changing the All Portals setting to Favorites or Recent. For information on customizing the Portal Unlock widget, see
Widgets on page 28.
o In the Portal Status widget, locate one in the table.
2. To switch the portal to a locked state, click Lock Portal . The portal locks immediately.
It will remain in a locked state until it is unlocked again – either manually via the Unlock Portal button or a double card read, or automatically when any new scheduled action for this portal becomes active or any portal group time spec change involving this portal occurs. Once the portal has been returned to automatic control by a time spec change, any suspended event action defined for the portal is resumed.
3. To switch the portal to an unlocked state, click Unlock Portal . The portal unlocks immediately.
The Portal Status and Portal Unlock
It will remain in an unlocked state until it is locked again – either manually via the Lock Portal button or a double card read, or automatically when any new scheduled action for this portal becomes active or any portal group time
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+ 51 hidden pages