Product Name:S25A series BLE module
Document version:Rev03
Lierda Science & Technology Co., LTD
User Guide
Address: West Road, Hangzhou City, No. 1326 Leader Science Park
Chapter 1 Feature ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter2 layout and interface ................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter3 module control ............................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 UART communication ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 UART frame structure ....................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Dual UART coexistence rules ..................................................................................................... 5
3.3 other instructions ....................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter4 Notices ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter5 To user ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Address: West Road, Hangzhou City, No. 1326 Leader Science Park
Chapter 1 Feature
This module is based on the Bluetooth SIG Bluetooth Low Energy standard designed BLE
transparent module. The module control the BLE slave d evi ce as a m ast e r d evi ce . This product
allows you to quickly develop standard BLE products without the complexity of BLE protocol
research. After the connection is established, bi-directional data transfer between the master
and the slave can be achieved
Chapter2 layout and interface
figure 2-1 module pin dimension
name function remark
VCC Power
DIO_0 UART_RX1 UART 1 receive pin
DIO_1 UART_TX1 UART 1 transmit pin
DIO_2 UART_RX2 UART 2 receive pin
DIO_5 UART_TX2 UART 2 transmit pin
1.8-3.6V,typical is 3.3V
Power Ground
Sleep state indication
0:Active state,module can receive UART data
1:Sleep state,module can’t receive UART data
Data receive indication
0:The data is sent to the MCU soon or now
1:at this time there is no data sent to the MCU
advertise control pin
Low:turn on BLE and be able to be discover
High:Close BLE stop to be discover or disconnected
table 2-1 pin description
Address: West Road, Hangzhou City, No. 1326 Leader Science Park