LG HBM710 User Manual

LG Electronics
Bluetooth®Mono Headset HBM-710
User Manual
AAllll rriigg hhttss rreesseerrvvee dd.. LLGG EElleecctt rroonn ii ccss IInncc.. ,, 22 000066
NNoottee :: FFoorr tthhee bb eesstt ppeerrff oorrmmaann ccee
aa nndd tt oo pprreevv eenntt aannyy dd aammaa ggee ttoo,, oo rr mmii ssuuss ee
oo ff tthh ee HHBBMM--771100,, pplleeaassee rreeaadd aallll ooff tthh ee
ii nnffoorrmmaattiioonn ccaarreeffuullll yy pp rriioorr ttoo uussiinngg tthhee HHBBMM--7711 00
AAnnyy mmoo dd ii ffii ccaa tt iioonnss oorr cchh aa nnggee ss ttoo tthhiiss mmaa nnuu aall dd uuee tt oo
tt yyppoo gg rraa pp hhiicc aa ll eerr rroorr ss oorr iinnaacccc uurr aacc ii eess ooff ss tt aa tteedd iinnffoorr mmaa ttiioo nn
ss hhaallll oonn ll yy bbee mm aaddee bbyy LLGG EElleeccttrr oo nniicc ss IInncc..
Included in package
Bluetooth® Headset User manual
The LG Bluetooth® Headset HBM-710 is a light weight wireless Headset utilizing Bluetooth
® technology. This product can be used as an audio accessory for devices
supporting either the Headset or Handsfree Bluetooth
® Profiles.
Table of contents
Introduction ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō3 Parts description ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō4 How to use ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō5
- Change direction ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō5
- Chargingōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō6
- Low battery ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō6
- Power on ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō6
- Power off ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō6
- Pairing ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō6
- Connectingōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō7
- Volume control ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō7
- Calling ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8
Answering a call ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8Making a call ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8Voice dialing ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8Last number redial ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8Ending a call ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8Transferring a call ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8Call waiting ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō8
Summary of button function ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō9 LED Indication ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō9 Troubleshooting ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō10 Specification ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō10 Precautions ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō11 Declaration of confirmation ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō13 WEEE ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō13 Additional information ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō15 Limited warranty ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōō16
How to use
Change Direction
On the left
On the right
Parts Description
PWR/END Button
Charging Port
LED Indicator
Volume Up/Down Button
Volume Up/Down Button
+ 6 hidden pages