LG Air Conditioner Technical Solution (LATS) Software
A properly designed and installed refrigerant piping system is critical to the optimal performance of LG air-conditioning systems. To assist
engineers, LG offers, free of charge, LG Air Conditioner Technical Solution (LATS) software—a total design solution for LG air conditioning
To reduce the risk of designing an improper applied system or one that will not operate correctly, LG requires that LATS software be used on all
LATS is available to LG customers in three user interfaces: LATS HVAC, LATS CAD2, and LATS REVIT. All three LATS formats are available
through www.myLGHVAC.com, or contact an LG Sales Representative.
LATS HVAC is a Windows®-based application that aids engineers in designing LG Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF), Multi F / Multi F MAX,
Single-Zone, and Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) systems.
*Windows® is a registered mark of Microsoft® Corporation.
LATS CAD2 combines the LG LATS program with AutoCAD®
software**. It permits engineers to layout and validate LG Multi V
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF), Multi F / Multi F MAX, Single-Zone,
and Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) systems directly into CAD
LATS Revit integrates the LG LATS program with Revit® software**.
It permits engineers to layout and validate Multi V VRF systems
directly into Revit drawings.
**AutoCAD® and Revit® are both registered marks of Autodesk, Inc.
Figure 1: Example of LATS CAD2.
All LG product design criteria have been loaded into the program,
making LATS simple to use: double click or drag and drop the
component choices. Build systems in Tree Mode where the
refrigerant system can be viewed. Switch to a Schematic diagram to see the electrical and communications wiring.
LATS software permits the user to input region data, indoor and outdoor design temperatures, modify humidity default values, zoning, specify
type and size of outdoor units and indoor units, and input air flow and external static pressure (ESP) for ducted indoor units.
The program can also:
• Import building loads from a separate Excel file.
• Present options for outdoor unit auto selection.
• Automatically calculate component capacity based on design
conditions for the chosen region.
• Verify if the height differences between the various system
components are within system limits.
• Provide the correct size of each refrigerant piping segment and LG
Y-Branches and Headers.
• Adjust overall piping system length when elbows are added.
• Check for component piping limitations and flag if any parameters
are broken.
• Factor operation and capacity for defrost operation.
• Calculate refrigerant charge, noting any additional trim charge.
• Suggest accessories for indoor units and outdoor units.
• Run system simulation.
Features depend on which LATS program is being used, and the type of system being designed.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
LATS software also generates a report containing project design parameters, cooling and heating design data, system component performance, and capacity data. The report includes system combination ratio and refrigerant charge calculations; and provides detailed bill of
material, including outdoor units, indoor units, control devices, accessories, refrigerant pipe sizes segregated by building, by system, by pipe
size, and by pipe segments. LATS can generate an Excel GERP report that can imported into the LG SOPS pricing and ordering system.
Proper Design to Install Procedure
LG encourages a two report design-to-install-procedure. After the
design engineer determines building / zone loads and other details,
the engineer opens the LATS program and inputs the project’s information. When the design is complete, the “Auto Piping” and “System
Check” functions must be used to verify piping sizes, limitations, and
if any design errors are present. If errors are found, engineers must
adjust the design, and run Auto Piping and System Check again.
When the design passes the checks, then the engineer prints out
a project “Shop Drawing” (LATS Tree Diagram) and provides it to
the installing contractor. The contractor must follow the LATS Tree
Diagram when building the piping system, but oftentimes the design
changes on the building site:
Figure 2: Example of a LATS Tree Diagram.
• Architect has changed location and/or purpose of room(s).
• Outdoor unit cannot be placed where originally intended.
• Structural elements prevent routing the piping as planned.
• Air conditioning system conflicts with other building systems
(plumbing, gas lines, etc.).
The contractor must mark any deviation from the design on the Shop Drawing, including as-built straight lines and elbows. This “Mark Up”
drawing must be returned to the design engineer or Rep, who must input contractor changes into the LATS file. (Copy the original LATS software file, save and rename as a separate file, and modify all piping lengths by double-clicking on each length and editing information.) Like
the shop drawing, the Auto Piping and System Check must also be run on this new “As Built” drawing. The design engineer or Rep must then
provide the final As Built file to the contractor. The Mark Up version must be compared to the As Built version for:
• Differences in pipe diameter(s). If incorrect diameters have been installed, the piping must be changed out. If pipe diameters have changed,
check to see if Y-Branches will also need to be changed.
• Changes to outdoor unit and indoor unit capacities. Capacities changes may impact line length changes.
• Additional refrigerant charge quantity (“Trim Charge”). Trim charge will change if piping lengths and diameters change. The As Built version
must reflect installed piping lengths to ensure correct trim charge.
MULTI V Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Engineering Manual
All documents submitted by the contractor, as well as the Shop Drawing and the As Built Drawing files must be provided for commissioning
purposes. Model and serial numbers for all system components must also be submitted. If the steps previously detailed are not followed,
and all documents are not provided to the commissioning agent, the project runs the risk of not being commissioned and voiding any limited
warranty LG offers on the equipment.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Line #DescriptionChassis I.D.SizeQuantityCF (Ref.)
1Linear feet of 1/4" liquid line tubing
2Linear feet of 3/8" liquid line tubing
3Linear feet of 1/2" liquid line tubing
4Linear feet of 5/8" liquid line tubing
5Linear feet of 3/4" liquid line tubing
6Linear feet of 7/8" liquid line tubing
7Linear feet of 1" liquid line tubing
8Standard + Art Cool MirrorSJ, SK5k to 15k0.53
9Standard + Art Cool MirrorSJ, SK18k to 24k0.62
10StandardSV30k to 36k1.01
11Art Cool GallerySF9k to 12k0.22
121-Way CassetteTU7k to 12k0.44
131-Way CassetteTT18k to 24k0.64
142-Way CassetteTS18k to 24k0.75
154-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTR5k to 7k0.40
164-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTR9k to 12k0.55
174-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTQ15k to 18k0.71
184-Way 3' x 3' CassetteTN7k to 24k0.88
194-Way 3' x 3' CassetteTM28k to 36k1.08
204-Way 3’ x 3’ CassetteTM42k to 48k1.41
21High Static DuctedBH7k to 24k0.57
22High Static DuctedM27k to 24k0.77
23High Static DuctedM228k to 42k1.15
24High Static DuctedM328k to 54k1.35
25High Static DuctedB836k to 96k2.20
26Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL15k to 9k0.31
27Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL212k to 18k0.42
28Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL321k to 24k0.55
29Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNJ12k to 30k1.04
30Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNJ36k1.57
31Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNK42k to 54k2.00
32Floor StandingCE (U)7k to 15k0.37
Line #DescriptionChassis I.D.SizeQuantityCF (Ref.)
1Linear feet of 1/4" liquid line tubing
2Linear feet of 3/8" liquid line tubing
3Linear feet of 1/2" liquid line tubing
4Linear feet of 5/8" liquid line tubing
5Linear feet of 3/4" liquid line tubing
6Linear feet of 7/8" liquid line tubing
7Linear feet of 1" liquid line tubing
8Standard + Art Cool MirrorSJ, SK5k to 15k0.53
9Standard + Art Cool MirrorSJ, SK18k to 24k0.62
10StandardSV30k to 36k1.01
11Art Cool GallerySF9k to 12k0.22
121-Way CassetteTU7k to 12k0.44
131-Way CassetteTT18k to 24k0.64
142-Way CassetteTS18k to 24k0.75
154-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTR5k to 7k0.40
164-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTR9k to 12k0.55
174-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTQ15k to 18k0.71
184-Way 3' x 3' CassetteTN7k to 24k0.88
194-Way 3' x 3' CassetteTM28k to 36k1.08
204-Way 3’ x 3’ CassetteTM42k to 48k1.41
21High Static DuctedBH7k to 24k0.57
22High Static DuctedM27k to 24k0.77
23High Static DuctedM228k to 42k1.15
24High Static DuctedM328k to 54k1.35
25High Static DuctedB836k to 96k2.20
26Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL15k to 9k0.31
27Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL212k to 18k0.42
28Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL321k to 24k0.55
29Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNJ12k to 30k1.04
30Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNJ36k1.57
31Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNK42k to 54k2.00
32Floor StandingCE (U)7k to 15k0.37
33Floor StandingCF (U)18k to 24k0.82
34HRU: PRHR022A/023A, 032A/033A, 042A/043A, 063A, 083A——1.1
35ADDITIONAL Refrigerant Charge Required (Sum of lines 1 – 34)
MULTI V Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Engineering Manual
CF (Ref.) = Correction Factor for Refrigerant Charge. 2For refrigerant charge purposes, consider only the liquid line; ignore the vapor line(s).
Water-Source Unit Factory
Refrigerant Charge
Total WSU FACTORY Refrigerant Charge (Sum of factory refrigerant charges for all WSUs in the system)
Sum of Additional Refrigerant Charge Required (line 35) and Total WSU Factory Refrigerant Charge (line 37)
Line #DescriptionChassis I.D.SizeQuantityCF (Ref.)
1Linear feet of 1/4" liquid line tubing
2Linear feet of 3/8" liquid line tubing
3Linear feet of 1/2" liquid line tubing
4Linear feet of 5/8" liquid line tubing
5Linear feet of 3/4" liquid line tubing
6Linear feet of 7/8" liquid line tubing
7Linear feet of 1" liquid line tubing
8Standard + Art Cool MirrorSJ, SK5k to 15k0.53
9Standard + Art Cool MirrorSJ, SK18k to 24k0.62
10StandardSV30k to 36k1.01
11Art Cool GallerySF9k to 12k0.22
121-Way CassetteTU7k to 12k0.44
131-Way CassetteTT18k to 24k0.64
142-Way CassetteTS18k to 24k0.75
154-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTR5k to 7k0.40
164-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTR9k to 12k0.55
174-Way 2' x 2' CassetteTQ15k to 18k0.71
184-Way 3' x 3' CassetteTN7k to 24k0.88
194-Way 3' x 3' CassetteTM28k to 36k1.08
204-Way 3’ x 3’ CassetteTM42k to 48k1.41
21High Static DuctedBH7k to 24k0.57
22High Static DuctedM27k to 24k0.77
23High Static DuctedM228k to 42k1.15
24High Static DuctedM328k to 54k1.35
25High Static DuctedB836k to 96k2.20
26Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL15k to 9k0.31
27Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL212k to 18k0.42
28Low Static Ducted, Low Static Ducted Bottom ReturnL321k to 24k0.55
29Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNJ12k to 30k1.04
30Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNJ36k1.57
31Vertical / Horizontal Air Handling UnitNK42k to 54k2.00
32Floor StandingCE (U)7k to 15k0.37
33Floor StandingCF (U)18k to 24k0.82
34HRU: PRHR022A/023A, 032A/ 033A, 042A/ 043A, 063A, 083A——1.1
35ADDITIONAL Refrigerant Charge Required (Sum of lines 1 – 34)
CF (Ref.) = Correction Factor for Refrigerant Charge. 2For refrigerant charge purposes, consider only the liquid line; ignore the vapor line(s).
Total ODU FACTORY Refrigerant Charge
(Choose One)
Sum of Additional Refrigerant Charge Required (line 35) and Total ODU Factory Refrigerant Charge (from lines 36A through 36G)
Air Velocity / Temperature Distribution on page 19
Capacity Tables on page 20
Mechanical Specications
Units are designed to mount on a vertical surface and come complete with an installation mounting guide and a separate hanging
bracket. The unit case is manufactured with coated metal. Cold
surfaces are covered with a coated polystyrene insulating material.
The unit case has a light gray / silver matte finish. The front surface
of the unit has a flat glass panel and frame that can accommodate a
20″ x 20″ photograph, picture or artwork.
Fan Assembly and Control
The indoor unit has a single, direct-drive, turbo fan. The fan wheel
is made of high strength ABS HT-700 polymeric resin. The fan motor
is a Brushless Digitally Controlled (BLDC) design with permanently
lubricated and sealed ball bearings. The fan motor includes thermal,
overcurrent and low RPM protection. The fan/motor assembly is
mounted on vibration attenuating rubber grommets. The fan impeller
is statically and dynamically balanced. The fan speed is controlled
using a microprocessor-based, direct digital control algorithm that
provides a high fan speed in cooling thermal ON and low fan speed
in cooling thermal OFF, high fan speed in heating thermal ON and
fan off in heating thermal OFF. The fan speeds can be field adjusted
between low, medium, and high speeds. The fan speed algorithm
provides a field selectable, fixed-speed or auto-speed setting that
adjusts the fan speed to simulate natural airflow.
Air Filter
Return air is filtered with a removable, washable filter with anti-fungal treatment. Filter access is from the front of the unit without the
use of tools.
Airflow Guide Vanes
The indoor unit is provided with motorized sweeping guide vanes
that automatically change the direction of airflow from side-to-side
and up-and-down.
Microprocessor Control
The unit is provided with an integrated microprocessor controller capable of performing functions necessary to operate the system without the use of a wall-mounted controller. A temperature thermistor is
factory mounted in the return air stream. All unit operation param-
eters, excluding the operating schedule, are stored in non-volatile
memory resident on the unit microprocessor. Operating schedules
are stored in select models of the optional, wall-mounted, local or
central controllers. The field-supplied communication cable between
the indoor unit(s) and outdoor unit is to be a minimum of 18 AWG,
2 conductor, stranded, and shielded cable (RS-485), terminated via
screw terminals on the control boards. The microprocessor control
provides the following functions: auto addressing, self-diagnostics,
auto restart following power restoration, test run, and will operate the
indoor unit using one of five operation modes:
1. Auto Changeover (Heat Recovery only)
2. Heating
3. Cooling
4. Dry
5. Fan Only
For Heat Recovery systems the Auto Changeover setting automatically switches control of the indoor unit between Cooling and Heating
modes based on space temperature conditions. For Heat Pump
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
control will activate indoor unit operation when the indoor room temperature
falls below set-point temperature.
At which point, a signal is sent to
the outdoor unit to begin the heating
cycle. The indoor unit fan operation
is delayed until coil pipe temperature
reaches 76°F. Significant airflow is
generated when pipe temperature
reaches 80°F. A field-selectable option maintains fan operation for
30 minutes following cooling cycle operations. The unit is equipped
with an infrared receiver designed to communicate with an LG
wireless remote controller. In lieu of wireless remote or factory return
air thermistor, screw terminals on the microprocessor circuit board
accommodate various models of wall-mounted local controllers.
The unit microprocessor is capable of accepting space temperature
readings concurrently or individually from either:
1. Wall-mounted wired controller(s)
2. Factory-mounted return air thermistor
A single indoor unit has the capability of being controlled by up to
two local wired controllers. The microprocessor controls space temperature using the value provided by the temperature sensor sensing
a space temperature that is farthest away from the temperature
set-point. The microprocessor control provides a cooling or heating
mode test cycle that operates the unit for eighteen (18) minutes
without regard to the space temperature. If the system is provided
with an optional wall-mounted local or central controller, displayed diagnostic codes are specific, alpha-numeric, and provide the service
technician with a reason for the code displayed.
Handling Condensate
The unit is designed for gravity draining of condensate. LG provides
a factory insulated flexible drain hose. If condensate lift/pumps are
needed for the application, they are to be field provided.
Condensate Drain Pan
The condensate drain pan is constructed of expandable polystyrene
resin (EPS).
The indoor unit coil is constructed with grooved design copper tubes
with slit coil fins, two (2) rows, eighteen (18) fins per inch.
Controls Features
• Auto changeover (Heat
Recovery only)
• Auto operation
• Auto clean (coil dry; requires
wireless controller)
• External on/off control
• Dual thermistor control
• Dual setpoint control*
• Filter life and power consumption display*
• Group control
• Forced operation
• Hot start
• Self diagnostics
• Timer (on/off)
• Weekly schedule
• Auto direction/swing (up/down)
• Fan speed control
• Jet cool (fast cooling)
*To enable Generation 4 features,
outdoor unit DIP Switch No. 3
must be set to ON. Please refer
to the Multi V 5, Multi V IV, Multi
V Water IV, Multi V S Engineering
Manual for additional information.
Art Cool
General Data
Table 1: Art Cool Gallery (SF Frames) Indoor Unit General Data.
Cooling Mode Performance
Capacity (Btu/h)
Power Input1 (W)
H/M/L Power Input at Factory Default (W)
Heating Mode Performance
Capacity (Btu/h)
Power Input1 (W)
H/M/L Power Input at Factory Default (W)
Entering Mixed Air
Cooling Max (°F WB)
Heating Min (°F DB)
Unit Data
Refrigerant Type3
Refrigerant Control
Sound Pressure4 dB(A) (H/M/L)
Net Unit Weight (lbs.)
Shipping Weight (lbs.)
Communication Cable5 (No. x AWG)
Airflow Rate H/M/L (CFM)
Liquid Line (in., O.D.)
Vapor Line (in., O.D.)
Condensate Line (in., I.D.)
MULTI V Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Engineering Manual
EEV: Electronic Expansion Valve
Power wiring is field supplied and must comply with the applicable local and national
This unit comes with a dry nitrogen charge.
All capacities are net with a combination ratio between 95-105%.
Rated capacity is certified under AHRI Standard 1230. Ratings are subject to change
without notice. Current certified ratings are available at www.ahridirectory.org.
Max. power input is rated at maximum setting value.
Low ambient performance with LGRED° heat technology is included in Multi V 5 Air
28 /16 / 1032 / 20 /12
28 /16 / 1032 / 20 /12
38 / 32 / 2744 / 38 / 32
2 x 182 x 18
Turbo FanTurbo Fan
Brushless Digitally Controlled / Direct
286 / 222 / 148328 / 272 / 212
1/4 Flare1/4 Flare
1/2 Flare1/2 Flare
Source Units produced after February 2019.
Take appropriate actions at the end of HVAC equipment life to recover, recycle, reclaim or
destroy R410A refrigerant according to applicable regulations (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F)
under section 608 of CAA.
Sound Pressure levels are tested in an anechoic chamber under ISO Standard 3745.
All communication cable to be minimum 18 AWG, 2-conductor, twisted, stranded, shielded
and must comply with applicable local and national codes. Ensure the communication
cable is properly grounded at the master outdoor unit only. Do not ground the ODU-IDU
communication cable at any other point.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Table 2: Art Cool Gallery Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Electrical Data.
Power SupplyPower Input (W)
353528 /16 / 10
H / M/ L at
Factory Default
Model Number
Amps (A)
SF Frames
ARNU123SFA40.4150.3353532 / 20 /12
MCA : Minimum Circuit Ampacity.
MOP : Maximum Overcurrent Protection.
Units are suitable for use on an electrical system where voltage supplied to unit terminals is within the listed range limits.
Select wire size based on the larger MCA value.
Instead of fuse, use the circuit breaker.
Max. power input is rated at maximum setting value.
Art Cool
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Figure 4: ARNU093SFA4 and ARNU123SFA4 Wiring Diagram.
Electrical Wiring Diagram
SF Frame
Art Cool
Table 3: SF Frame Wiring Diagram Legend.
PCB ConnectionPurposeFunction
CN-TH3Pipe out thermistorPipe out thermistor connection
CN-TH2Pipe in thermistorPipe in thermistor connection
CN-TH1Return air thermistorReturn air thermistor connection
CN-UDStep motorStep motor output
CN-LR1Step motorStep motor output
CN-LR2Step motorStep motor output
CN-485CommunicationConnection between indoor and outdoor units
*To enable Generation 4 features, outdoor unit DIP switch no. 3 must be set to ON. Please refer to the Multi V 5, Multi V IV, Multi V Water IV, Multi V
Engineering Manual for additional information.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
• Measurements are taken 3.3 ft away from the front of the unit.
• Sound pressure levels are measured in dB(A) with a tolerance of ±3.
• Sound pressure levels are tested in an anechoic chamber under ISO Standard 3745.
Operating Conditions:
• Power source: 220V/60 Hz
• Sound level will vary depending on a range of factors including the construction
(acoustic absorption coefficient) of a particular room in which the unit was installed.
Table 6: Art Cool Gallery Indoor Unit Sound Pressure Levels.
Sound Pressure Levels dB(A)
ModelHigh Fan SpeedMedium Fan SpeedLow Fan Speed
SF Frames
ARNU093SFA438.0 32.0 27.0
ARNU123SFA4 44.0 38.0 32.0
Art Cool
Figure 7: ARNU093SFA4 and ARNU123SFA4 Sound Pressure Level Diagrams.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Table 7: Art Cool Gallery Indoor Unit Sound Power Levels.
SF Frames
ARNU123SFA4 54.0
Figure 8: ARNU093SFA4 and ARNU123SFA4 Sound Power Level Diagrams.
Sound Power Levels dB(A)
High Fan Speed
• Data is valid under diffuse field conditions.
• Data is valid under nominal operating conditions.
• Sound power level is measured using rated conditions, and tested in a
reverberation room per ISO 3741 standards.
• Sound level will vary depending on a range of factors such as construction (acoustic absorption coefficient) of particular area in which
the equipment is installed.
• Reference acoustic intensity: 0dB = 10E-6μW/m
MULTI V Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Engineering Manual
18 | ART CO OL
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Rated capacity is certified under AHRI Standard 1230. Ratings are subject to change
without notice.
Current certified ratings are available at www.ahridirectory.org.
For outdoor unit performance data, see the respective outdoor unit performance data
manuals on https://lghvac.com/commercial.
Low ambient performance with LGRED° heat technology is included in Multi V 5 Air Source Units produced after February 2019.
20 | ART COO L
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
TC: Total Capacity (MBh); SHC: Sensible Heat Capacity (MBh).
Cooling range with the Low Ambient Baffle Kit (sold separately) installed on the outdoor
unit(s) is -9.9°F to +122°F, and is achieved only when all indoor units are operating in
cooling mode. Does not impact heat recovery system synchronous operating range.
The System Combination Ratio must be between 50–130%.
Rated capacity is certified under AHRI Standard 1230. Ratings are subject to change
without notice.
Current certified ratings are available at www.ahridirectory.org.
For outdoor unit performance data, see the respective outdoor unit performance data
manuals on https://lghvac.com/commercial.
Low ambient performance with LGRED° heat technology is included in Multi V 5 Air Source Units produced after February 2019.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Air Velocity / Temperature Distribution on page 37
Capacity Tables on page 51
Units are designed to mount on a vertical surface and come complete with an installation mounting guide and a separate hanging
bracket. The unit case is manufactured with coated metal. Cold
surfaces are covered with a coated polystyrene insulating material.
Mechanical Specications
The unit case has a light gray / silver matte finish. The front surface
of the unit has an architectural flat panel smoked mirror finish.
Fan Assembly and Control
The unit has a single, direct-drive, crossflow tangential Sirocco fan
made of high strength ABS BSN-7530 polymeric resin. The fan motor
is a Brushless Digitally Controlled (BLDC) design with permanently
lubricated and sealed ball bearings. The fan motor includes thermal,
overcurrent and low RPM protection. The fan / motor assembly is
mounted on vibration attenuating rubber grommets. The fan impeller
is statically and dynamically balanced. The fan speed is controlled
using a microprocessor-based direct digital control algorithm that
provides a high fan speed in cooling thermal ON and low fan speed
in cooling thermal OFF, high fan speed in heating thermal ON and
fan off in heating thermal OFF. The fan speeds can be field adjusted
between low, medium, and high speeds. The fan speed algorithm
provides a field-selectable fixed-speed or auto-speed setting that
changes the fan speed to simulate natural airflow.
Air Filter
Return air is filtered with a removable, washable filter with anti-fungal treatment. Filter access is from the front of the unit without the
use of tools.
Airflow Guide Vanes
5–15 MBh
The indoor unit is provided with a motorized oscillating guide vane
that automatically changes the direction of up-and-down airflow.
The indoor unit includes factory installed, manually adjustable guide
vanes that control the side-to-side direction of supplied airflow.
operation parameters, excluding the operating schedule, are
stored in non-volatile memory resident on the unit microprocessor.
Operating schedules are stored in select models of the optional,
wall-mounted, local or central controllers. The field-supplied communication cable between the indoor unit(s) and outdoor unit is to be
a minimum of 18 AWG, 2 conductor, stranded, and shielded cable
(RS-485), terminated via screw terminals on the control boards.
The microprocessor control provides the following functions: auto
addressing, self-diagnostics, auto restart following power restoration,
test run, and will operate the indoor unit using one of five operation
1. Auto Changeover (Heat Recovery only)
2. Heating
3. Cooling
4. Dry
5. Fan Only
For Heat Recovery systems the Auto Changeover setting automatically switches control of the indoor unit between Cooling and Heating
modes based on space temperature conditions.
For Heat Pump systems, heated or cooled air delivery is dependent
upon outdoor unit operating mode. In Heating mode, the microprocessor control will activate indoor unit operation when the indoor
room temperature falls below set-point temperature. At which point,
a signal is sent to the outdoor unit to begin the heating cycle. The indoor unit fan operation is delayed until coil pipe temperature reaches
76°F. Significant airflow is generated when pipe temperature reaches
80°F. A field-selectable option maintains fan operation for 30 minutes
following cooling cycle operations. The unit is equipped with an infrared receiver designed to communicate with an LG wireless remote
controller. In lieu of wireless remote or factory return air thermistor,
screw terminals on the microprocessor circuit board accommodate
various models of wall-mounted local controllers. The unit microprocessor is capable of accepting space temperature readings concurrently or individually from either:
Art Cool
18-24 MBh
The indoor unit is provided with a motorized sweeping guide vane
that automatically changes the direction of airflow from side-to-side
and up-and-down.
Microprocessor Control
The unit is provided with an integrated microprocessor controller
capable of performing functions necessary to operate the system
without the use of a wall-mounted controller. A temperature
thermistor is factory mounted in the return air stream. All unit
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
A single indoor unit has the capability of being controlled by up to
two local wired controllers. The microprocessor controls space temperature using the value provided by the temperature sensor sensing
a space temperature that is farthest away from the temperature
set-point. The microprocessor control provides a cooling or heating
mode test cycle that operates the unit for 18 minutes without regard
to the space temperature. If the system is provided with an optional
Mechanical Specications
wall-mounted local or central controller, displayed diagnostic codes
are specific, alpha-numeric, and provide the service technician with a
reason for the code displayed.
Indoor units have built-in Wi-Fi and can be controlled by LG’s Smart
ThinQ™ app on a smart device. A field-supplied Wi-Fi network and
smart device are required. The Smart ThinQ app is free, and is available for Android™ and iOS. (Android is a trademark of Google LLC.)
Handling Condensate
The unit is designed for gravity draining of condensate. LG provides
a factory insulated flexible drain hose. If condensate lift / pumps are
needed for the application, they are to be field provided.
Condensate Drain Pan
The condensate drain pan is constructed of expandable polystyrene
resin (EPS).
The indoor unit coil is constructed with grooved design copper tubes
with slit coil fins, two (2) rows, eighteen (18) fins per inch.
Controls Features
• Auto changeover (Heat Recovery only)
• Auto operation
• Auto clean (coil dry; requires wireless controller)
• External on/off control
• Dual thermistor control
• Dual setpoint control
• Filter life display
• Group control
• Forced operation
• Hot start
• Self diagnostics
• Timer (on/off)
• Weekly schedule
• Auto direction/swing (up/down)
• Wi-Fi
• Auto Fan
• Leak detection
*To enable Generation 4 features, outdoor unit DIP Switch No. 3 must be
set to ON. Please refer to the Multi V 5, Multi V IV, Multi V Water IV, Multi
V S Engineering Manual for additional information.
MULTI V Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Engineering Manual
26 | ART COO L
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
EEV: Electronic Expansion Valve
Power wiring is field supplied and must comply with the applicable local and national
This unit comes with a dry nitrogen charge.
All capacities are net with a combination ratio between 95-105%.
Rated capacity is certified under AHRI Standard 1230. Ratings are subject to change
without notice. Current certified ratings are available at www.ahridirectory.org.
Max. power input is rated at maximum setting value.
Low ambient performance with LGRED° heat technology is included in Multi V 5 Air
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
Take appropriate actions at the end of HVAC equipment life to recover, recycle, reclaim or
destroy R410A refrigerant according to applicable regulations (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F)
under section 608 of CAA.
Sound Pressure levels are tested in an anechoic chamber under ISO Standard 3745.
All communication cable to be minimum 18 AWG, 2-conductor, twisted, stranded, shielded
and must comply with applicable local and national codes. Ensure the communication
cable is properly grounded at the master outdoor unit only. Do not ground the ODU-IDU
communication cable at any other point.
Electrical Data
Table 13: Art Cool Mirror Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Electrical Data.
Power SupplyPower Input (W)
H / M/ L at
Factory Default
Model Number
Amps (A)
SJ Frames
ARNU073SJR40.310.25303012 / 11 / 9
ARNU093SJR40.310.25303013 / 12 / 9
ARNU123SJR40.310.25303015 / 13 / 11
11 / 10 / 9
23 / 18 / 11
SK Frames
ARNU243SKR40.650.52535339 / 26 / 16
MCA : Minimum Circuit Ampacity.
MOP : Maximum Overcurrent Protection.
Units are suitable for use on an electrical system where voltage supplied to unit terminals is within the listed range limits.
Select wire size based on the larger MCA value.
Instead of fuse, use the circuit breaker.
Max. power input is rated at maximum setting value.
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MULTI V Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Engineering Manual
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.