Lexmark X422 MFP User Guide

User’s Reference
January 2004
Notices ............................................................................................................8
Edition notice ................................................................................................................... 9
Safety inform a t io n ............ ..................................................... .. .. ........................... .. .. ...... 12
Cautions and w a rn in g s ...... ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. ............ 12
Electronic emission notices ............................................................................................ 12
Noise emissi o n le v e ls ................................................................... .. .. ............. ... .. ............ 14
Energy Star ...................................................................................................................14
Laser notices ..................................................................................................................15
Statement of limited warranty ......................................................................................... 15
Chapter 1: Overview ...................................................................................19
Chapter 2: Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning ................................20
Tips on storing media ..................................................................................................... 20
Scanning inf o rm a t io n ........................................................ .. .. ........................... .. .. .......... 20
Avoiding jams when scanning .................... .. ............................. .. .............................20
Scanning to e-m a il or FTP ...... .. .......................... ... .. ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. ...... 21
Build a To: list .............................................................. .. .. ........................... .. .. .......... 21
Search for name ................................................................................................. 21
Manual e-mail addresses . .. ............................... ............................... .. ................ 22
Manual FTP address .................................................................. .. ......................22
View To: list ....................... ........................................ .. .. ........................... .. .. ...... 22
Specify original size ............................................................................................ 22
Specify orientation .............................................................................................. 22
Specify content ................................................................................................... 22
Specify format .................................................................................................... 23
Set darkness .......................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. ............. .. .. ...... 23
Set resolutio n ............................. .. ... ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. . 23
Enter a subject line ............................................................................................. 23
Scanning to PC ......... ... ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. . 23
Create a Scan Profile ............................................................................................... 23
Use ScanBack u tility .......... ........................... .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. . 23
Use the Web pages .......................................................................................... ..24
Copying information ....................................................................................................... 27
Quick copies ............................................................................................................. 27
Select numbe r of copies ....................................... .. .. ........................... .. .. .............. .. . 27
Specify copy from size ............................................................................................. 27
Set copy to size ........................................................................................................ 28
Set collatio n ......... ........................... .. .. ........................... .. .. ........................... .. .. ........ 28
Set scale ............. ... ....................................... ... .. ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. ...... 28
Set darkness .............................. .. .. ............. .. ... .......................... .. ... ............. .. .. ........ 28
Specify content ......................................................................................................... 28
Set the duplex feature .............................................................................................. 28
Set paper save r ............ ..................................................... .. ... .......................... .. ... ... 29
Set margin sh ift ...... .. ........................................ .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. .. ... ... 29
Set time stamp ....... .......................... .. ... ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. . 29
Set overlay ...... .. .................................................................. ... .. ............. .. ... .............. 29
Examples of typical jobs ........................................................................................... 29
Job 1: single page .............................................................................................. 30
Job 2: mixed con te n t ....... .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. . 30
Job 3: use paper sa v e r .................................................................... .. ... ............. . 30
Job 4: two-sided (duplex) copies from one-sided originals ................................ 31
Job 5: enlarge cop ie s ...... .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. . 31
Using Duplex with your scan original for a two-si ded copy ....................... ............... 31
Interrupting a job to make a copy ............................................................................. 32
Canceling a copy ...................................................................................................... 32
Faxing information ......................................................................................................... 32
Quick fax .................................................................................................................. 32
Sending faxes ..........................................................................................................33
Build a Fax To: list .................................................................................................... 33
Save a Fax To: list ................................................................................................... 33
Specify original size ................................................................................................. 33
Set resolutio n ...... ................................................................... .. .. ............. ... .. ............ 33
Specify content ......................................................................................................... 34
Set darkness .............................. .. .. ............. .. ... .......................... .. ... ............. .. .. ........ 34
Manual Fax .................................................................................... .......................... 34
Examples of typical fax jobs ..................................................................................... 34
Job 1: one page .................................................................................................. 34
Job 2: multiple pages ......................................................................................... 35
Job 3: text/graphics content ...............................................................................35
Job 4: photo ... ... ....................................... ... .. .......................... ... .. ............. .. .. ...... 35
Canceling fax jobs .................................................................................................... 35
Canceling a pen d i n g o r c ur re n t ly transmitting fa x jo b ................. ....................... 35
Canceling an incoming fax job ........................................................................... 36
Printing information .............. ... .................................................................. .. .. .............. .. . 36
Avoiding jams when printing .................... .. .............................................................. 36
Sending a job to print .............................................. ................................................. 37
Printing from a Windows environment ................................................................ 37
Printing from a Macintosh co m p u te r ............. .. .. ............. ... .................................. 3 8
Printing the m e nu s et tings page .................................. .. .......................... ... .............. 38
Printing a font sample list ......................................................................................... 39
Canceling a print job from the MFP control panel ....................................................39
Canceling a print job from your computer ................................................................ 39
Printing a directory list .............................................................................................. 39
Print Held Jobs—using the Print and Hold function ....................................................... 40
Selecting a us e r n a me .......... .. ... .......................... .. .. .............. .. .. ........................... .. . 40
Selecting the ty p e of He ld Jo b ......... .. ..................................................... ... .. ............ 40
Confidential jobs .................................................................................................40
Reserve Print ...................................................................................................... 42
Repeat Print ................................................................... ......................... ........... 42
Verify Print .......................................................................................................... 42
Sending a held print job ............................................................................ ............... 42
Printing and d e le ting held jobs ........................................ .. .. .............. .. ..................... 4 3
Chapter 3: Media specifications and guidelines ......................................44
Scan media spe c ifications and g u id e lin e s ..................................................................... 44
Scan media sou rce specifica tions .... .. ........................... .. .. .............. .. ....................... 44
Loading scan media ......................................................................... ........................44
Loading scan media in the ADF .........................................................................45
Loading scan media in the scanner flatbed ......................... ........................... .... 47
Print media specifications and guidelines .................................................... ..................50
Specifications for print media ................................................................................... 51
Storing print media ................................................................................................... 55
Print media guidelines .............................................................................................. 55
Paper ..................................................................................................................56
Letterhead .......................................................................................................... 56
Transparen c ie s ................................................................. .. .. ............. ... .. ............ 57
Envelopes .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. ....................... 57
Labels ................................................................................................................. 58
Card stock .................................................. .. ........................................ .. .. .......... 59
Using the duplex feature for printing ......................... ...............................................60
Duplex printing on letterhead ................................................................................... 60
Using Duplex Bind .................................................................................................... 60
Loading print media ..................... .............................................................................61
Loading the standard tray or the optional 250-sheet tray ................... ................62
Loading the optional 500-sheet tray ................................................................... 67
Using and loading the multipurpose feeder ................................................. .. ..... 72
Loading the multipurpose feeder .......................... .............................................. 75
Using the output bins ............................................................................................... 80
Using the standard output bin ....................................................................... ..... 80
Using the rear output bin .................................................................................... 81
Chapter 4: Clearing jams ............................................................................84
Identifying the media path ..................... .........................................................................84
Jams in the ADF ............................................................................................................ 86
Entering the ADF ...................................................................................................... 86
In the ADF ..... .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. ....................... 87
Opening top cover during scanning .................. .......................... .. ......................... ..88
Jammed due to missing scan media or poor positioning in the ADF .......................88
Jams under the print cartridge .......................................................................... ............. 88
Jams behind the upper front door and the rear output bin door ..................................... 90
Before reaching the standard output bin ............................ ......................................90
Exiting to the standard output bin .................................................................................. 94
Jams behind the rear output bin door .............. .. ........................... .. ........................... .. ..95
Jams in the multipurpose feeder .......................................................... .......................... 97
Jams in the tray 1 area .................................................................................................. 98
Jams in the tray 2 area .................................................................................................. 99
Jams inside a tr a y aft e r clearing the me ta l stop ........... ........................... .. .. ............. ... . 100
Jams under the MFP ................................. ................................................................... 101
Chapter 5: Maintenance ...........................................................................104
Conserving supplies ..................................................................................................... 104
Maintaining your MFP .................................................................................................. 104
Ordering supplies ................... ........................ ........................ ...................................... 104
Ordering a pick roller assembly ............................................................................. 104
Ordering a sep a r a to r p ic k roller .. .. ....................................... ... .. .......................... ... . 104
Ordering a print cartridge ....................... .. .......................... .. ......................... ......... 105
Storing the print cartridge ............... .............................................................................. 105
Replacing the print cartridge ........................................................................................106
Removing the used print cartridge .................... ..................................................... 106
Cleaning under the print cartridge .......................................................................... 107
Installing the ne w p rin t ca rt ridge ............................................................................ 1 0 8
Recycling Lexmark products ...................... .. ............................ .. .................................. 110
Cleaning the printhead lens .................................... .. ............................. ......................111
Replacing the pick roller assembly and the separat or pick roller ............... ..................112
Cleaning the ADF ......................................................................................................... 117
Cleaning the ADF window ............................................................................................118
Cleaning the scanner flatbed .................................... ........................... .. ......................120
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting .....................................................................121
Solving basic MFP problems ........................................................................................ 121
Solving printing problems ............................................................................................. 122
Solving print quality problems ...................................................................................... 126
Solving fax problems .................................................................................................... 132
Solving ADF problems ................................................................................................. 133
Solving scanner flatbed problems ................................................................................133
Solving option problems ............................................................................................... 133
Solving network printing problems ............................................................................... 134
Solving other problems ................................................................................................ 135
Chapter 7: Administration ........................................................................136
Disabling control panel menus ..................................................................................... 136
Enabling menus ........................................................................................................... 136
Restoring factory defaults ............................................................................................ 137
Linking trays ................................................................................................................. 137
Disabling tra y lin k in g .... .. ........................................................................................ 1 3 8
Removing the MFP from an optional drawer ................................................................138
Removing optional cards ..............................................................................................139
Understanding fonts .....................................................................................................145
Typefaces an d fo n ts ............ .. ............. ... .. ............. .. ........................... .. ................... 14 5
Weight and style ........................ ........................ ............................................. ..145
Pitch and poin t s iz e ........... ... ....................................... .. ... ............. .. .. ............... 146
Bitmapped and scalable fonts ............................................................ .. ..................147
Resident fonts ........................................................................................................148
Chapter 8: Using the MFP control panel and menus .............................154
Understanding the MFP control panel ............ .............................................................. 154
Home screen ............................................ ........................ ......................................155
Buttons ................................................................................................................... 155
Menus .......................................................................................................................... 158
Menu tree ................ .. ........................... ............................ .. .................................... 158
Administration ........................................................................................................ 164
Paper Menu ......................................................................................................164
Default Menus .................................................................................................. 168
Print Reports .................................................................................................... 201
Network/US B ............ ............ ............. ............. ........... ............. .............. ........... . 202
Copy ...... .. ........................... .. .. .............. .. .. .......................... ... .. ............. .. ... ............ 211
Fax ......................................................................................................................... 215
E-mail ..................................................................................................................... 219
Print/Profi les ............. .................. ................. .................. ............... .................. ........ 223
Profiles ............................................................................................................. 223
Managing shortcuts - creating, entering, deleting ...................................................... ..224
Creating a fax shortcut ........................................................................................... 224
Creating an e-mail or FTP shortcut ........................................................................ 224
Entering shortcuts .................................................................................................. 224
Deleting shortcuts .................................................................................................. 224
Chapter 9: Understanding the MFP control panel messages ...............225
MFP messages ............................................................................................................225
Index ............................................................ ................................................ 236


Edition not i c e
Licensing notice
Safety information
Cautions and warnings
Electronic emission notices
Noise emission levels
Energy Star
Laser notices
Statement of limited warranty

Edition notice

Edition: January 2004 The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are
AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED , INCLUDING, B UT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
This publication could incl ude technical inaccuracies or typograph ical errors. Changes are periodically made to the inf o rmation herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvement s o r changes i n the products or the programs described may be made at any time.
Comments about this publicati on may be addressed to Lexmark International, Inc., Department F95/ 032-2, 740 West New Circle Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40550, U. S.A. In the United Kingdom and Eire, send to Le xmark International Ltd. , Marketing and Services Department, Westhorpe House, Westhorpe, Marlow Bucks SL7 3RQ. Lexmark may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. You can purchase additional copies of publications related to this product by cal ling 1-800-553-9727. In the United Kingdom and Eire, call +44 (0)8704 440 044. In other countries, contact your point of purchase.
References in this publication to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to make these available in all countries in which it operates. Any reference to a product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, progr a m, or service that does not in fringe any existing intellectual property right may b e used inst ead. Ev aluation and verifi cation of oper ation in conjunction with other products, prog rams, or services, except those expressly designated by the manufacturer, are the user’s responsibility.
© 2004 Lexmark International, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software and any accomp anying document ation pro vided under this agreement are commerci al computer software and documentation developed exclusively at private expense.
Lexmark, Lexmark with diamond design, MarkVision, and MarkNet are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries.
PictureGrade and Scanback are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc.
is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. PCL is Hewlett-Packard
PCL Company’s designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in its printer products. This mul tifunction printer (MFP) is intended to be compatible with the PCL language. This means the MFP recognizes PCL commands used in various applicat ion progr ams , and that the MFP emulates the functions corresponding to the commands.
Edition notice
PostScript® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript 3 is Adobe Systems designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in its software products. This MFP is intended to be compatible with the PostScript 3 language. This means the MFP recognizes PostScript 3 commands used in various application programs, and that the MFP emulates the functions corresponding to the commands.
Details relating to compatibility are included in the Technical Reference. The followi ng terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of these companies:
Albertus The Monotype Corporation plc Antique Olive Monsieur Marcel OLIVE Apple-Chancery Apple Computer, Inc. Arial The Monotype Corporation plc Candid Agfa Corporation CG Omega Product of Agfa Corporation CG Times Based on Times New Roman under license from The Monotype
Corporation plc, is a product of Agfa Corporation Chicago Apple Computer, Inc. Clarendon Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Eurostile Nebiolo Geneva Apple Computer, Inc. GillSans The Monotype Corporation plc Helvetica Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Hoefler Jonathan Hoefler Type Foundry ITC Avant Garde Gothic International Typeface Corporation ITC Bookman International Typeface Corporation ITC Lubalin Graph International Typef ace Corporation ITC Mona Lisa International Typeface Corporation ITC Zapf Chancery International Typeface Corporation Joanna The Monotype Corporation plc Marigold Arthur Baker Monaco Apple Computer, Inc. New York Apple Computer, Inc. Oxford Arthur Baker Palatino Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
Edition notice
Stempel Garamond Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Taffy Agfa Corporation Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation plc TrueType Apple Computer, Inc. Univers Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Wingdings Microsoft Corporation
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owner s.

Licensing notice

The MFP resident software contains:
Software de veloped and copyrighted by Lexmark
Lexmark modified softwar e licensed under the provi sions of the GNU General Pub lic License
version 2 and the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
Software licensed under the BSD license and w arranty statements
Software licensed under other agreements
Click the title of the document you want to re view:
BSD License and Warranty statements
GNU General Public License
Other legal statements
The Lexmark modified GNU li censed softwar e is free softw are; y ou can redistrib ute it and/ or modify it under the terms of the licenses refe renced above. These licenses do not provide you any rights to the Lexmark copyrighted software in this MFP.
Since the GNU licensed software that the Lexmark modifications are based upon is supplied explicitly wi thout warr anty, use of the Le xmark modified vers ion is similarly pro vided with out warr anty. See the warranty disclaimers in the referenced licenses for additional details.
To obtain source code fil es for the Lexmark modified GNU licensed software, launch the drivers CD that shipped with your MFP and click Contact Lexmark.
Licensing no tice

Safety information

If your product is not marked with this symbol , it must be connected to an electrical outlet that is properly grounded.
CAUTION: Do not use the fax feature during a lightning storm. Do not set up this product or
make any electrical or cabling connections, such as the power cord or telephone, during a lightning storm.
The power cord must be connected to an electrical outlet that is near the product and easily accessible.
Refer service or repairs, other than those described in the operating instructions, to a professio nal service person.
This product is designed, tested, and appro v ed to meet strict global safety standards with the use of specific Lexmark components. The safety features of some parts may not always be obvious. Lexmark is not responsible for the use of other replacement parts.
Your product uses a laser.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified herein ma y result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Your product uses a printing process that heats the print media, and the heat may cause the print media to release emissions. You must understand the section in your operating instructions that discusses the guideli nes for selecting print media to avoid the possibility of harmful emissions.
This product contains mercury in the lamp (<5mg Hg). Disposal of mercury may be regulated due to environmental cons ider at ions . For disposal or recycling i nformation, contact your local authorities or the Electronic Industries Alliance: www.eiae.org.

Cautions and warnings

CAUTION: A caution identifies something that might cause you harm.
Warning: A warning identifies something that might damage your MFP hardware or softwa re.

Electronic emission notices

Federal Commu nications Commission (FCC) compliance information statement
The Lexmark X422 MFP, Type 7001-001, has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital de vic e, pur suant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Oper ation is subject t o the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The FCC Class A limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial envir onment. This equipment gener ates , uses , and
Safety information
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the inst ructi on manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or television int erference caused by using other than recommended cables or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Note: To assure compliance with FCC regulations on electromagnetic interference for a
Class A computing device, use a properly shielded and grounded cable such as Lexmark part number 1329605 for parallel attach or 12A2405 f or USB att ach. Use of a substitute cable not properly shielded and grounded may result in a violation of FCC regulations.
Industry Canada compliance st atement
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference -Causi ng Equipment Regulations.
Avis de conformité aux normes de l’industrie du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
European Community (EC) directives conformity
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 89/336/ EEC, 73/23/EEC, and 1999/5/EC on the approximation and harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnet ic compatibility and safety of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits and on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment.A declaration of conformity with the requirements of the directiv es has been signed by the Director of Manufacturing and Technical Support, Lexmark International, S.A., Boigny, France.
This product satisfies the Class A limit s of EN 55022 and safety requirements of EN 60950.
Radio interference notice
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause rad io
interference, in which case, the user may be requi red to take adequate measures.
Electronic emission notices

Noise emission levels

The followi ng measurements wer e made in accordance wit h ISO 7779 and reported in conformance with ISO 9296.
1-meter average sound pressure, dBA
Printing (simplex) 51 Copying from the automatic document feeder 52 Scanning from the automatic document feeder 47 Idling 30

Energ y Star

The EPA ENERGY STAR Office Equipment program is a partnership effort with office equipment manufacturers to promote the introduction of energy-efficient products and to reduce air pollution caused by power generation.
Companies participating in this program introduce product s that power down when they are not being used. This featur e wil l cut the energy used by up to 50 percent. Lexmark is proud to be a participant in this program.
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Lexmark International, Inc. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
Noise emission levels

Laser notices

Laser advisory label
A laser notice label may be affixed to this MFP as shown:
Laser statement
The MFP is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class I (1) laser products, and elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the requirements of IEC 60825-1.
Class I laser products are not considered to be hazardous. The MFP contains internally a Class IIIb (3b) laser that is nominally a 5 milliwatt gallium arsenide laser operating in the wavelength region of 770-795 nanometers. The laser system and MFP are designed so there is never any human access to laser radiation abo ve a Class I level during normal operation, user maint enance, or prescribed service condition.

Statement of limited warranty

Lexmark International, Inc., Lexington, KY This warranty applies to the United States and Canada. F or customers outside the U .S . and Canada,
refer to the country-specific warranty information that came with your MFP.
Laser notices
Lexmark X422
This Statement of Limited Warranty applies to this product i f it w as originally purc hased for your use, and not for resale, from Lexmark or a Lexmark remarketer, referred to in this statement as Remarketer.
Warranty Lexmark warrants that this product:
Is manufact ured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts, which perform like new parts
Is free from defects in material and workmanship
Conforms to Lexmarks official published specifications
Is in good working order
If this product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, contact a Remarketer or Lexmark for repair without charge.
If this product is a f eature or option, this statement applies only when that f eature or option is used with the product for which it was designed. To obtain warranty service, you may be required to present the feature or option with the product.
If you transfer this product to another user, warranty service under the terms of this statement is avail a ble to that user for the remainder of the warranty period. You should transfer proof of original purchase and this statement to that user.
Warranty service The warranty period is 12 months and starts on the date of original purchase as shown on the
purchase receipt. To obtain warranty service you may be required to present proof of original purchase. Warranty
service will be provided at a Lexmark designated location. When warranty service involves the exchange of a product or part, the item replaced becomes the
property of the Remarketer or Lexmark. The replacement may be a new or repaired item. The replacement item assumes the remaining war ranty period of the original product.
Replacement is not available to you if the product you present for exchange is defaced, altered, in need of a repair not incl uded in w arranty se rvice, or damaged be yond repair . Also , such pr oduct must be free of any legal obligation or restrictions that prevent its exchange.
Before y ou present this product for warranty service, remove all prog rams, data, and removable storage media.
For further explanation of your warranty alternatives and the nearest Lexmark authorized servicer in your area, please contact Lexmark at 1-859-232-3000, or on the World Wide Web at http://support.lexmark.com.
Remote technical support is provided for this product throughout its warranty period. Lexmark offers a variety of extended warranty prog rams that incl ude an extension of technical support. For pro ducts no longer covered by a Lexmark warranty, technical support may only be available for a fee.
Statement of limited warranty
Extent of warranty
We do not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a product. Warranty service does not include repair of failures caused b y:
Modification or attachments
Accidents or misuse
Unsuitable physical or operating envi ronment
Maintenance by anyone other than Lexmark or a Lexmark authorized servicer
Operation of a product beyond the limit of its duty cycle
Fai lure to have installed a maintenance ki t as specified (if applicable)
Use of printing media outside of Lexmark specifications
Use of other than Lexmark supplies (such as toner cartr idges, inkjet cartridges, and ribbons)
Use of other than Lexmark product or component
Limitation o f lia b i lity
Your sole remedy under this Statement of Limited Warranty is set forth in this section. For any claim concerning performance or nonperformance of Le xmark or a Remarketer for this product under this Statement of Limited Warranty, you may recover actual damages up to the limit set forth in the follow ing paragraph.
Lexmark's liability for actual damages from any cause whatsoever will be limited to the greater of 1) $5,000 or 2) the amount you paid for the product that caused the damages. This limitatio n of liability will not apply to claims by you for bodily injury or damage to real property or tangible personal property for which Lexmark is legally liable. In no event will Lexmark be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, incidental damage, or other economic consequential damages. This is true even if you advise Lexmark or a Remarketer of the possibility of such damages. Lexmark is not liable for any claim by you based on a third party claim.
This limitation of remedies also applies to any de v elop er of materials supplied to Lexmark. Le xmark’s and the developers limitations of remedies are not cumulative. Such developer is an intended beneficiary of this limitation.
Statement of limited warranty
Additional rights
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. If such laws apply, the limitations or exclusions con tai ned in this statement may not apply to you.
This warranty giv e s y ou speci fic legal rights . You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Statement of limited warranty


The following illustrations show the standard Lexmark X422 multifunction printer (MFP), the MFP configured with an optional 250-sheet dr awer, and the MFP configured with a 500-sheet drawer.
Standard MFP
Optional 250-sheet drawer
Note: You may only use one of the optional drawer s at a time.
Optional 500-sheet drawer

Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning

This chapter provides examples of typical jobs, as well as information on avoiding jams , printing certain types of jobs, and canceling a print job from the control panel.

Tips on storing media

There are two types of media scan media and print media. Scan media is what is placed in the automatic document feeder (ADF) or on the scanner flatbed. Some types of scan media cannot be run through the ADF, so it has to be placed on the scanner flatbed.
Print media, which is paper, card stock, transparencies, labels, and envel opes, is loaded into print media sources which are the trays and the multipurpose feeder. Card stock, transparencies, labels, and envelopes are sometimes referred to as specialty media.
Store your print media properly. For more information, see Storing print media in Media
specifications and guidelines.

Scanning information

Avoiding jams when scanning

Place scan media in the appropriate place either the automatic document feeder (ADF) or the scanner flatbed. If y ou are unsure if your document will cause a jam in the ADF, we recommend that you scan it using the scanner flat bed.
The ADF only accommodates paper in the fol lowing sizes: A4, A5, JIS B5, folio, letter, legal, executive, statement. The ADF can handle paper weights up to 60–120 g/m
You may place up to 50 sheets of 20 lb paper in the ADF. Some tips for scan media to a void jams in the ADF are:
Do not load wrinkled, creased, damp, or curled scan media.
Do not overload the ADF. The ADF can accommodate 50 sheets of 20 lb paper.
Do not force a stack of scan media under the stack height limiter.
(16–32 lb).
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
The followi ng cannot be fed by the ADF:
Paper with clip or staple attached
Paper with ink not totally dry
Paper with inconsistent thickness, such as envelopes
Paper with wrinkles, curls, folds, or tears
Paper that is too large or too small (use the scanner flatbed instead)
Paper with an odd (non-rectangular) shape
Paper with perforations on its side
Tracing paper, coated paper, carbonless paper
Items other than papers, such as cloth, metal, or overhead projector (OHP) film
Notched paper
Photographic paper
Very thin paper

Scanning to e-mail or FTP

Note: You must set up e-mail and FTP before you can use them. See E-mail/FTP
Settings for information about setting up e-mail and FTP.
You can scan a document directly to an e-mail address or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site. This section describes the settings and options available. Once you have built a To: list and chosen the settings you wa nt, press Start to begin scanning at any time.
Note: FTP is the protocol used across a network for exchanging files.

Build a To: list

You can add multiple e-mail recipients, or one FTP destination, to the To: list.
Search for name
Press E-mail, highli ght Search for name, and press the Select button . Use and the navigation arrow buttons to enter the name you are looking for. When you have entered the name or the first part of the name, highlight Find and then press . When the results are displayed, use the up and down arrows to highlight the name you want, and then press ✓.
Scanning to e-mail or FTP
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Manual e-mail addresses
Press E-mail, highlight Manual e-mail address, and then press . Use and the navigation arrow buttons to enter the recipient’s e-mail address. You can enter multiple e-mail addresses by separating each address with a comma. Highlight Done, and then press to return to the E-ma il menu.
Manual FTP address
Press E-mail, highlight Manual FTP address, and then press . Use and the navigation arrow buttons to enter the FTP address. You can only enter one FTP address. Highlight Done, and then press to return to the E-mail menu.
View To: list
Press E-mail, and then highlight View To: list to vi ew the li st y ou hav e bui lt to v erify you hav e the correct recipients. If you need to remove a recipient, use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight the recipient’s address, and then press to select that recipient. Use the navigati on arrow bu ttons to highlight Delete, and then press to delete the recipients name from the To: list.
Once you bui ld a To: list, you can sav e it for future use . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight Save List, and then press ✓. The To: list is saved as a shortcut, and the new shortcut number is displayed. You can change the name and number of the shortcut by browsing to the IP address or host name of the MFP. Save the change and continue with processing the e-mail.
Specify original size
To specify the original size of your scan, use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight Options fro m the E-mail menu, and then press . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight What will be scanned, and then press ✓. Press the left or right arrow until you see the size you need.
Specify orientation
To specify the orientation of your scan, use the navi gation arrow buttons to highlight Options from the E-mail menu, and then press . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight What will be scanned, and then press ✓. Press the down ar ro w until Orientation is highlighted, and then pres s the left or right arrow to select portrait or landscape orientati on.
Specify content
To specify the type of content on your original document, use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight Options from the E-mail menu, and then press . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight What will be scanned, and then press . Press the down arrow until Content is highlighted. Press the left or right arrow to choose the content type that matches your original document. Choose among Text/Graphics, Photo, and Text.
Scanning to e-mail or FTP
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Specify format
To specify the format in which your scans are sent, use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight
Options from the E-mail menu, and then press . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight What will be sent, and then press . Press the down arrow until Format is highlighted. Pr ess the
left or right arrow to choose the type of file t o be attached to your e-mail. Choose among PDF, PS, TIFF, and JPEG. For information on these types, see Format.
Set darkness
To adjust the resolution of your scanned documents, use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight
Options from the E-mail menu, and then press . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight What will be sent, and then press . Press the down arrow until Darkness is highlighted. Press
the right arrow to increase the darkness or the left arrow to decrease the darkness.
Set resolution
To adjust the resolution of your scanned documents, use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight
Options from the E-mail menu, and then press . Use the navigation arrow buttons to highlight What will be sent, and then press . Press the down arrow until Resolution is highlighted.
Press the right arrow to increase the resolution, or the left arrow to decrease the resolution. The higher the resolution you choose, the larger the file size is.
Note: Color impacts the resolution range. See Color in What will be scanned for more
Enter a subject line
To enter a unique subject line, use the navigation arro w butt ons to highli ght Options from the E-mail menu, and then press . Use and the navigation arrow bu ttons to type the subj ect. Highlight Done, and then press to return to the E-mail menu Options screen.

Scanning to PC

Create a Scan Profile

A scan profile includes important information about your original document and presets the MFP control panel to those settin gs. The ScanBack Utility is an easy way to create Scan Profiles. You can also browse to the IP address or host name of the MFP to create Scan Profiles.
Use ScanBack utility
The ScanBack Utility is shipped on the drivers CD.
Scanning to PC
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Step 1: Set up your Scan Profile
1 Launch the ScanBack Utility. If you installed the software using the default directories , click
à Programs à Lexmark à ScanBack à ScanBack Utility.
2 Select the MFP you w ant to use. I f none are l isted, see your support person to obtain a li st, or
click the Setup button to manually search for an IP address or hostname. You must select an MFP to continue creating a profile.
3 Follow the instructions on the screens to def ine the type of document being sca nned and the
kind of output you want to create. Available settings are determined by the capabilities of the MFP you select.
4 Make sure to check:
Show MFP Instructionsif you want to view or print the final directions
Create Shortcutif you want to save this group of settings to use again
5 Click Finish. A dialog box displays your scan profile information and the status of the
received images.
Step 2: Scan your original documents
1 Locate the MFP you specified in the scan profile. 2 Load all pages face up in the ADF or face down in the scanner flatbed. See Loading scan
media in the ADF and Loading scan media in the scanner flatbed for more information
and illustrations for orientation.
3 On the control panel, press Print/Profiles. 4 Press the down arrow until Profiles is highlighted, and then press ✓. 5 Press the down arrow until your profile name is highlighted, and then press to start
Note: If you are using the scanner flatbed, observe the co ntrol panel to see mess ages. If
prompted to choose Scan Next Page, Done, or Cancel, place the next page on the scanner flatbed, highlight Scan Next Page, and then press to continue scanning. Highlight Done and press when all the pages have been scanned.
6 Return to your computer . Your output file is sav ed in the speci fied dir ectory or launched in the
application you specified.
Use the Web pages
The Web pages are stored in your MFP.
Note: If the pages you browse to are blank, see page 135.
Scanning to PC
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Step 1: Set up your Scan Profile
1 Type the IP address or host name of the MFP in the URL f ield of y our browser, and then press
2 Click Scan to Profile. 3 Click Create Scan Profile. 4 Select your scan settings. For more explanation about the settings, see Custom Scan
Profile settings on page 26.
5 Click Next.
Note: Some versions of Windows operat ing systems have f irewalls enab led. Contact your
support person for assistance with the fir ewall.
Step 2: Select a storage location
1 Specify a path and file name for saving the scan output file to your computer. For example,
browse to your desktop, find the appropriate directory, and type in a file name.
2 Assign a Profile Name. This is the name that appears in the profile list on the MFP control
3 Click Submit. A Scan Profile window appears on your desktop indicating that your computer
is waiting to receive the scan output file.
Step 3: Scan your original documents
1 Locate the MFP you specified in the scan profile. 2 Load all pages face up in the ADF or face down in the scanner flatbed. See Loading scan
media in the ADF and Loading scan media in the scanner flatbed for more information
and illustrations for orientation.
3 On the control panel, press Print/Profiles. 4 Highlight Profiles, and then press ✓. 5 Press the down arrow until your Profile Name is highlighted, and then press Select to start
Note: If you are using the scanner flatbed, observe the co ntrol panel to see mess ages. If
prompted to choose Scan Next Page, Done, or Cancel, place the next page on the scanner flatbed, highlight Scan Next Page, and then press to continue scanning. Highlight Done and press when all the pages have been scanned.
Scanning to PC
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
6 Return to your computer when the job is finished. The job status window changes to Image
Received. Once your scan output file appears in the list, you can select it and launch an application to open the file.
Note: Scan Profiles are not stored. Once the window is closed, the associated profile is
removed from the control panel list.
Custom Scan Profile settings
Menu Settings Description
Quick Setup Custom Lets you customize the scan job settings.
TextBW - PDF TextBW - TIFF Text/GraphicsBW - PDF Text/GraphicsColor - PDF PhotoColor - JPEG PhotoColor - TIFF
Format Type JPEG, PDF, TIFF and PS Determines the final output format of the scanned
Content Text, Text/Graphics, Photo Describes the content of the original documents being
Color Color (24 bit), Gray (8 bit),
BW (1 bit)
Resolution -- ————————— ++
A range is provided.
Original Size A4, A5, JIS B5, Letter, Legal,
Executive, Folio, Statement, (3 x 5 in.) Photo, (4 x 6 in.) Photo, Business Card
Lists preset formats.
Lets you customize the brightness, set the size of
your original documents, and the orientation of your scan file output.
scanned. Describes the color scale of the original documents
being scanned. BW is Black and White. Sets the resolution of the scanned document output
file. Use the left and right arrow buttons to move through
the range. Tells the scanner the scan media size of the original
documents being scanned.
Orientation Portrait, Landscape Determines the orientation of your scanned document
output file.
Compression JPEG, Zlib, Packbits,
CCITT G4, None
Darkness A scale of 1 to 9 with 1 being
the lightest setting and 9 being the darkest.
JPEG Quality A scale of 5 to 90 with 5 being
the least amount of quality and 90 being the best.
There are different compression types for each format.
To lighten or darken text and images on the printed page.
As the JPEG Quality increases, the size of the output file increases also.
Scanning to PC
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Custom Scan Profile fields within the menus
Field Settings Description
Save to Type in the path or browse to the
Profile Name Type in a unique name Name that appears in the MFP control panel.
Path where scanned file is to be located.
Select this name in the MFP control panel to activate the scan profile.

Copying information

Making copies

Load pages to be copied either face up in the automatic document feeder (ADF) or fac e down on t he scanner flatbed. (See Loading scan media in t he ADF and Loading scan media in the scanner
flatbed for more information.) This section describes the different settings available for copy jobs.
Once you have chosen the settings you want, press Start to begin copying.
Note: If the MFP is processing a job, y ou may interrupt t o make a cop y. See Interrupting
a job to make a copy for more info rmation .

Quick copies

To make one copy of a document, load your original document s into the ADF, or place your first original on the scanner flatbed, and press Start. The device automatically enters Copy mode and begins copying.

Select number of copies

To select the number of copies f or y our jo b, from the Home screen, type the n umber of copi es on the keypad. The device automatically enters Copy mode. From any other screen, press Copy, and then type the number of copies using the numeric keypad. You can also highlight Copies on the control panel, and then press the left or right arrows to increase or decrease the number of copies.

Specify copy from size

To specify the original size scan media you ar e cop ying fr om, press Cop y, press the down arrow until Copy From is highlighted, and then press the right or left arrow until y ou see the si ze you need.
Copying information
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning

Set copy to size

To choose the size print media your copies will be made on, press Copy, press the down arrow until Copy To is highlighted, and then press the right or left arrow until you see the size you need. Your original document is automatically scaled up or down to fi t the Copy To print media size.

Set collation

To enable or disable collation f or mul tiple page jobs, press Copy, press the down arro w un til Collate is highlighted, and then press the right or left arr ow to turn collate on or off. Collation orders your multiple page job as 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 rather t han 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3.

Set scale

To set the scale of your copies in terms of a percentage of your original document, press Copy, press the down arrow until Scale is highlighted, and then press the right arrow to increase the output scale, or the left arro w button to decrease the output scale.

Set darkness

To adjust the darkness of your copies, press Copy, press the down arrow until Darkness is highlighted, and then press the right arr ow t o increase the darkness, or the l eft arro w to dec rease the darkness.

Specify conte n t

To specify the type of content contain ed in y our original document, press Copy, press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press . Use the left and right arrow buttons to choose the content type that matches your origina l document. Choose among Text/Graphics, Photo, and Text.

Set the duplex feature

To turn duplex copying on or off , press Cop y, press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press . Press the down arrow button until Duplex is highlighted. Use the left and right arrow buttons to set duplexing to off, long edge, or short edge.
Note: To copy double-sided original documents, you must use the scanner flatbed, and
scan each side.
Making copies
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning

Set paper saver

You can choose to save paper by arranging more than one copied page per output sheet. To access this feature , press Cop y, press the down arro w until Options is highlighted , and then press . Press the down arrow until Paper Saver is highlighted, and then press the left or right arrow until you see the paper saver format you want.

Set margin shift

You can adjust the margin on your copies to provi de extra margin width for binding. Press Copy, press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press . Press the down arrow until Margin Shift is highlighted, and then press the left or right arrow until you see the extra width you want for the margin, from 0.25 to 2 inches.

Set time stamp

To enable or disable the time and date stamp on y our copi es, pres s Copy, press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press ✓. Press the down arrow until Time Stamp is highlighted, and then press the left or right arro w to turn Time Stamp on or off. Time stamp prints the current time and date in the upper left corner of your copies, i f the device has previously been set to the current time.

Set overlay

Choose a text to be displayed in gray background lettering on your copies. Press Copy, press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press . Press the down arrow until Overlay is highlighted, and then press the left or right arrow until you see the overlay message you want. Standard selections are Urgent, Confidenti al, Copy, Draft, and Custom.
You can also create a custom overlay through the Web page which appears on the control panel once youve created it. Custom is the word on the control panel for you to select, but the overlay message prints the text you created. See Overlay for mo re information.

Examples of typical jobs

The following examples show how to change the settings to perform specific copying jobs. If you are using the scanner flat bed, follow the control panel messages. If prompted to Scan Next
Page, place the next page on the scanner flatbed and then press Start or to continue scanning. Highlight Done and press when all pages are scanned.
Making copies
Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning
Job 1: single page
1 Place the document face down on the scanner flatbed or face up in the ADF. See Loading
scan media in the ADF and Loading scan media in the scanner flatbed for more
information and illustrations for proper orientation.
2 Press Start.
Job 2: mixed content
Make eight copies of a two page, letter size document containing one illustrati on.
1 Load all pages face up in the ADF. See Loading scan media in the ADF for more
information and illustrations for proper orientation.
2 Press Copy. 3 Press 8 on the keypad. 4 Press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press ✓. 5 Press the left or right arrow button until Text/Graphics appears. Content is highlighted. 6 Press Start.
Job 3: use paper saver
Make three copies of a four page document which contains only photographs, but minimize paper usage.
1 Load all pages face up in the ADF. See Loading scan media in the ADF for more
information and illustrations for proper orientation.
2 Press Copy. 3 Press 3 on the keypad. 4 Press the down arrow until Collate is highlighted, and then press the left or right arrow until
you see On.
5 Press the down arrow until Options is highlighted, and then press ✓. 6 Press the left or right arrow until you see Photo. Content is highlighted. 7 Press the down arrow until Paper Saver is highlighted, and then press t he left or right arro w
until you see 4 on 1 port.
8 Press Start.
Making copies
+ 220 hidden pages